


F4 Career Workshop

On the 27th June 2017, the Careers and Further Studies Team organised a half-day Career Workshop for all Form 4 students in the School Hall using the Career Mapping booklet as a guide to help students to explore and choose careers that best suit their personality, abilities and passion.
A variety of interactive activities ranging from an auction game, poster design activity to team tower building tasks, as well as self-reflective exercises were organised to help students to recognise the significance of their personal development, goal setting and to identify the most effective ways to achieve them. Students learnt more about their personality and interests from the Holland Code assessment, a useful tool in identifying one's strongest traits and corresponding them to suitable careers. The assessment results aided the students in knowing themselves better and in making more informed choices in future.
The workshop drew to a close with an informative talk regarding the process of university admissions, as well as what local and overseas universities will be looking for in a potential applicant. At the end of the workshop, students have gained a better understanding of how to plan their senior secondary years and how to make suitable career choices and planning for their further studies.


Cleft Lip Mission 2017

On 6th May 2017, four F.5 students (Miffy Young 5S, Summer Cheng 5S, Charlotte Kong 5P and Holy Chan 5A) accompanied by Mrs. L. Lam joined Dr. Candy Chan in attending the Medical Mission For Children (MMFC) Forum on Cleft Lip and Palate in the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital, China. Under the guidance of Dr. Joe Fan, the students visited various facilities in the hospital, including simulation centers and the paediatric ward, where they interacted with children before and after receiving the cleft lip treatment. They also observed intricate cleft lip surgeries in the operation theatre, where they had the opportunity to enquire renowned surgeons about surgical procedures and cleft lip and palate syndromes. The MMFC team comprising of volunteer ENT surgeons, anesthetist, dentists and nurses from the US and HK collaborated with doctors from the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital to provide free consultation, surgical and post-operative treatment to underprivileged children from various regions in China suffering from cleft lip and cleft palate.


Information Seminar on US College Admissions

On April 25, 2017, an information seminar on US college admissions was conducted by The Princeton Review for SPCS students and parents. The Princeton Review is a company engaged in providing students with college admission advising and test preparation services. Mr. Adam Cowling, Center Director at the company, gave a very informative presentation on US college admission requirements and the explained the differences between the two US standardized college admissions tests, the ACTs and SATs. The students found the information session to be useful as this helped to demystify the US univerity admission requirements and process.


JA Success Skills Workshop

On 6th May, sixteen Form 5 students attended the JA Success Skills Workshop, organized by Junior Achievement Hong Kong (JA HK). JA HK, a not-for-profit charity, is a leading provider of Other Learning Experiences in Hong Kong. At the workshop, students learnt valuable skills of writing resumes and application letters. A highlight of the program was the chance to experience mock interviews with business professionals who shared their own personal experiences and answered questions raised by the students. This exposure was indeed very constructive as it not only helped students gain insight into today’s employment market but also helped them to understand the importance of developing their own personal brand through suitable resume-writing and interview skills.


Careers Talk on 21/3/2017

On 21st March 2017, our Form five Biology students, along with students from Queen’s College and Belilios Public School, attended a talk by Prof. Yuen Kwok-yung at Queen’s College. Prof. Yuen, a microbiologist, physician and surgeon, who has been working in the field of microbiology since 1987, gained global prominence in 2003 when he identified the SARS virus. Describing his life journey, from being a student at Queen’s College to becoming a microbiologist, Prof. Yuen shared with the audience his reasons for pursuing medicine and becoming a doctor. During the Q&A session, he answered student queries about making the right career choices, the qualities needed to become a doctor and the future he envisages in the medical field. Prof. Yuen’s rousing talk was quite motivational for the students who see him as a role model for the aspiring young doctors of tomorrow.


Summary of the Visit to the Coca-Cola Factory

On Friday, March 10, 36 Form 2 and Form 3 students had the opportunity to visit the Coca-Cola Factory in Sha Tin.

During the visit, students were shown around the bottling plant where various stages of production of Coca Cola and Bonaqua were seen. A Coca Cola staff member led the tour and gave the students a detailed, step-by-step description of how production processes in the factory work. Being an environmentally conscious company, students were also shown how the aluminium cans for the soft drinks and the PET bottles for water and juices were recycled and, in some cases, even turned into furniture!

After the tour of the factory, students were shown a movie on the history of Coca Cola and its launch. Students were able to sit back and enjoy a bottle of freshly made Coke to mark the end of their visit to the Coca-Cola factory.

At the end of the day, students found the visit to be not only educational but also memorable.


University of Birmingham College of Medical & Dental Sciences Admissions Talk

On 3rd March, 2017, we were delighted to have Professor Kate Thomas, Vice-Dean and Program Director MBChB, as well as Dr. Austen Spruce, College Lead Undergraduate Admissions and Medicine Admissions Tutor from the University of Birmingham, and representatives from Aston Education at our school. Professor Thomas and Dr. Spruce gave an informative talk on the admission requirements, the various undergraduate programs of the College of Medical & Dental Sciences, and college facilities, etc. The programs offered to undergraduate international students include: Medicine and Surgery (MBChB), Biomedical Sciences (BSc), Biomedical Materials Science (BMedSc) and Pharmacy. Upon the conclusion of the talk, a Q&A session ensued followed by an extended session of informal discussion between the visitors and students over tea. The participants who wished to study Medicine or Biomedical Sciences in future found the session to be very useful in planning for their further studies.


London School of Economics and Political Science Admissions Talk

On 27th February, 2017, Mr. Yohei Guy, Student Recruitment Officer at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), as well as three of our alumni, Kelly Lam, Aileen Mok and Ingrid Lai came to visit SPCS. Mr.Guy shared with us on the learning environment, location, application and admission requirements at this world-class university, which is a popular choice among SPCS university applicants. His informative talk was followed by the sharing of our alumni, who all graduated from LSE LLB in 2016. They offered valuable insights into the events, courses and other learning experiences they most enjoyed in LSE. Around 30 senior form students and parents attended the talk and they participated actively in the Q&A session. It was definitely a great opportunity for Paulinians to learn more about the lifestyle and learning culture at the LSE!


SPCS Oxbridge Preparation Programme - Ideas Inspire Project Presentation 2016

On 2nd December, 2016, the Ideas Inspire Presentation 2016 was successfully held as part of our school’s Oxbridge Preparation Programme. In the form of a Three Minute Thesis (3MT), nine Form 6 students from the Oxbridge programme delivered their 3-minute presentations on their independently researched topics. Their topics of interest ranged from biomedical sciences to law, psychology, management and engineering. In the presentations below, students were required to push their academic boundaries and gain deeper insights into their chosen disciplines for university.


Biomedical Science

How Does Epigenetics Contribute to the Development of Colorectal Cancers in Hong Kong?
6T Qianna Chung

Actions of Antibiotics on Bacterial Cells
6S Nelly Mak

Bio-Printing - Science Fiction or Reality?
6S Joyce Ho


How Does Sensory Marketing Influence Consumer Behaviour?
6T Karen Li & 6P Rachelle Yeung 


A Study on the Legalisation of Prostitution Based on John Rawls’ “A Theory of Justice”
6L Colette Wong


Can Leadership and Management Steer NHS out of Financial Crisis?
6T Haylie Tong


Building of a Trash-Collecting Robot
6S Olivia Ku & 6P Kelly Yip

Honourable guests, Dr. Alan Wong (Medical Practitioner at Southside Family Health Centre), Dr. Doris Chan (a specialist in Psychiatry), Ms. Rendy Ng (Legal Counsel and Director of Bee's International Group) and Ms. Catherine Kwan (Senior Regional Development Manager of Pearson) were invited as panelists to challenge the presenters and give students valuable feedback. The medical specialists also gave students inspiring mock interviews on biomedical science at the end of the session.

Overall, the Ideas Inspire Presentation was a very successful initiative that encouraged students to look into the topics they are interested in, and enabled them to develop presentation, academic and research communication skills; thereby equipping them for their future academic and career pursuits. Congratulations and thanks to all the students, teachers and guests who made this a success!


Career Talk on Testing and Certification Industry

On 23rd November, 2016, the Careers team invited Ms. Rebecca Wong, Dr. Lotto Lai and Dr. Ann Lee to give talks to F.6 students. Ms. Wong, who is an accreditation officer from the Hong Kong Accreditation Service, provided a comprehensive overview of the testing and certification industry. Dr. Lai, from the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, spoke about career opportunities in the industry and also shared with us his own career progression. He also reminded us about the value of continuous education in order to keep pace with the ever changing and dynamic workplace requirements. Lastly, Dr. Lee, a PhD in Chemistry from HKU and an alumna of SPCS, shared with us her career path and her work experience in the industry. The talks were followed by a Q&A session and ended with all students feeling inspired by the success stories of the impressive speakers.


Report on 2016-17 Careers Week (24 Oct – 28 Oct 2016)

This year’s Careers Week was held successfully from October 24th to 28th by the Careers and Further Studies Team.
Many exciting activities and talks were organised to help students across all forms to learn more about different career prospects and higher education.

2016-17 Careers Week Poster


Oct 24 - Form 2 Careers Poster Design Competition

With the aim of increasing the students’ understanding of different careers, the Careers Team held the Careers Poster Design Competition for all the Form 2 classes during Careers Week. Students were asked to design a poster to introduce a job chosen from Jobtionary, which should include a brief introduction of the job and the academic qualifications and skills required. Each class was required to hand in three poster entries, one of which should be from the class careers prefect. Six shortlisted posters were posted up during the Careers week for the whole school to vote on. The 2nd Runner-Up goes to Cecilia Leung from 2L, 1st Runner-Up goes to Casey Yau from 2L and the Champion goes to Samantha Wong from 2P. Moreover, a Lucky Draw was held for the students who voted and 5 students received their prizes. They are Michelle Chung from 5P, Sharon Lee from 2L, Rene Lam from 5T, Natalie Chow from 2A and Amber Chan from 2A.

Champion                                     1st runner-up                                2nd runner-up


Oct 25 - Forms 3 to 5 Careers Video Competition

The Careers Team organized a careers video competition on the topic, "Go For Your Dream" for Forms 3 to 5 students from September 19th to October 12th. Each class produced a 3-5 minute video to introduce an occupation of their preference from Job-tionary. The videos were judged by their presentation and the relevant information shown. Three videos were shortlisted by Careers Team teachers and voting was held in Forms 1 and 3 to 5 classes on October 25th. The 2nd Runner-Up for the competition is 5U, with a total of 116 votes. The 1st Runner-Up is 3S, which gained a total of 269 votes. Finally, the Champion goes to 4T, which received a total of 301 votes. Congratulations to all winning classes and thanks to everyone who voted!


Oct 25 Careers Talk – "From Student to a World of Possibilities"

On October 25th, Ms Rendy Ng, our alumna, came back to SPCS and gave students an inspiring careers talk -- 'From Student to a World of Possibilities'. Ms Ng shared her life experiences as a student, a lawyer, an entrepreneur and a mother. Through her sharing, students gained insight into how she made each important career decision, which shaped her into a unique individual. She also shared with students the challenges she faced at each juncture and that achieving success requires perseverance in striving for your goals, courage to take risks and the ability to stand back up after failures. During the Q and A session, Ms Ng also gave useful suggestions on how students should make their subject choices and inspired students on how to pursue a positive working attitude. At the end of this careers talk, students gained a fresh perspective on how to pursue their passion and also gained insights into life as a lawyer and businesswoman.


Oct 27 – Form 1 Careers Quiz

The Form 1 Careers Quiz was held during form period on October 27th. The quiz consisted of 9 questions, with the first 8 questions consisting of careers related topics such as universities, occupations and the school's Careers Team. The last question of the quiz required Form 1 students to elaborate on their dream career, stating the reasons behind choosing that particular career and actions they would take to achieve their goals. The 2nd Runner-Up for the Careers Quiz is Chili Lau from 1P, 1st Runner-Up is Joanna Chong from 1S and the Champion goes to Kassie Kuek from 1P. Well done to all winners for their efforts!


Oct 27 Project Presentation – "From Robot Building to Engineering"

On October 27th, two groups of Form 6 students demonstrated their self-built robots – a life-size BB8 droid and a line-following robot. Both groups showed us how their robots are operated, and then explained their building process, the materials used, the challenges they faced and the knowledge and practical skills they gained from the experience, which gave them more insight into engineering. Both robots used 3D printing, coding, electronics and mechanical skills in their design and construction. Mr. Leong then shared with students about the different branches of engineering at university. Over 40 senior form students attended the sharing and the overall feedback was very positive!


Oct 28 – JUPAS / NON-JUPAS Sharing Sessions

A total of four sharing sessions were conducted on October 17th, 28thand 31st and November 3rd after school. SPCS graduates, who are currently Year 1 / 2 students at various local universities, were invited to share their experiences of making JUPAS / NON-JUPAS choices with our Form 5 and Form 6 students. They also talked about their individual study programmes and life at university in general. All participants found the sharing sessions very useful.


HKU-Sciences Po Dual Degree Programme Admissions Talk

On 20th September, 2016, we had the pleasure of having Mr. Alessandro Mariani, the International Affairs Manager for China and South-East Asia from Sciences Po at SPCS to give Form 5 students an admissions talk on the HKU-Sciences Po Dual Degree Programme. Miss Vicky Chan from the Admissions and Academic Liaison Section, Registry of the University of Hong Kong also gave students a talk on non-JUPAS admissions.

Through the admissions talks, students learnt more about the course structure of the four-year dual degree programme offered by Sciences Po and HKU. Students will spend their first two years in France and the third and fourth year in Hong Kong and will obtain two Bachelor's degrees from Sciences Po and HKU respectively upon completion of the programme. Students were also introduced to how interviews and application processes for international students would be carried out. Paulinians, especially our French speaking students found the admissions talks very enlightening as they gained insights into the career prospects and multi-disciplinary study at Sciences Po as international students.

University of Cambridge Admissions Talk at SPCS

On 15th September 2016, Dr. Andrew Murray, Admissions Tutor for Sciences at Trinity Hall and Director of Studies in Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge, as well as Miss Yanyan Yip, CEO of WYNG Foundation came to visit SPCS as Jane Wong of 5S was one of the winners of the WYNG Philomathia Student Essay Contest, which was organised by Trinity Hall and WYNG Foundation. Dr. Murray shared with our F5 and F6 students his insights on the learning environment, interviews, supervisions and admission requirements at this world-class institute and encouraged our students to apply to Cambridge. Dr. Murray was then taken on a school tour by our students and teachers where he was impressed by the distinctive features of our school. Paulinians found the talk very informative and meaningful as they gained more insights into the admissions process of and lifestyle at the University of Cambridge.

WYNG Philomathia Student Essay Contest Certificate Presentation Ceremony

In May this year, Jane Wong and Miffy Young of Form 5S and Edith Lee of Form 4T joined the WYNG Philomathia Student Essay Contest, which was co-organized by WYNG Foundation, Philomathia Foundation and Trinity Hall, Cambridge University. Both Miffy Young and Edith Lee were one of 11 finalists of the contest while Jane Wong was selected as one of the 5 winners. She was awarded a one-week exploration trip to Cambridge University and London in July. The students attended the WYNG Philomathia Student Essay Contest certificate presentation ceremony, which was held at the Education Bureau on 15th September, 2016. Dr. Jeremy Morris, Master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge University presented certificates to the winners while Mr. Leslie Chung from Philomathia Foundation presented certificates to finalists of the contest. Congratulations to all winners and finalists!

Jane Wong was recently interviewed by The Standard and the newspaper article can be found here.