+++ Aims & Objectives +++ Priorities +++ Highlights +++ e-Learning +++ Students’ Projects +++ Team Members +++

Students’ Projects

Students’ Projects

Abenomics by Michelle Loo (6T)

Ageing Population by Stephanie Chung (6T)

Do the negative impacts of Brexit outweigh the positive economic impacts? by Claire Kwok (5T)

The Furry Killer by Chrysanne Chow (3S), Michelle Lai (3S), Priscilla Ng (3S) and Giselle Ngan (3S)

Whether Budget Airline can Survive in Hong Kong by Charis Hui (6P), Christy Chung (6P), Christie Leung (6P) and Phoebe Lo (6P)

Income Inequality by Michelle Ho (6L)

Competitive Market by Joey Yip (4S), Haylie Tong (4T) and Nezjma So (4T)

Growth of Firms by Rita Li (4U), Tiffany Law (4U) and Emily Choi (4U)

Externalities by Queenie Cheung (4U) and Suzanne Wong (4U)

Basics of Economics by Nicole Tse (5P) and Michelle Lui (5A)

Demand by Nicole Tse (5P) and Michelle Lui (5A)

Globalization by Angel Chan (5A) and Charlene Lee (5L)

Market by Angel Chan (5A) and Charlene Lee (5L)