Aims and Objectives

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The Accounting curriculum in St. Paul’s Convent School aims to
ĦE give students an understanding and purpose of accounting in business and non-profit making organizations, and the principles on which accounting is based.
ĦE give students an understanding of the use of accounting as an aid in business decision-making
ĦE give students an understanding of accounting as a tool for assessing the financial position of an organization
ĦE To help students develop the abilities to quantify, to judge relevance, and to write clear and concise explanations.
2. Develop thinking across the Curriculum
Students are always taught that there are links among various topics in the syllabus. They are encouraged to think:
- how double entry principles are applied in each topic
- how are the final accounts vary among sole traders, partnerships and companies
- why the final accounts of profit-making organizations and non-profit making organizations are different
- why there is a difference between the balance in the bank statement and the balance in the cash book
- the reasons behind the calculations behind various accounting ratios.
By guiding the students to think in the above ways, they will understand why final accounts of various organizations are different even though the same set of double entry principles are applied. This will trigger off their interest in learning the subject.



‘Smart CITIES’ (Cradle for Integrating Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability)

Implementation of the Four Key Tasks in daily teaching and learning:
i) Civic and Moral Education
To promote civic and moral education in school, current issues will be used as a ‘sharing tool’, ‘issue analysis’ or ‘self-reflective thinking practice’ in class.
e.g. investors on Lehman derivatives should not have been misled by the banks
ii) Project Learning
Teachers know the values in the use of project learning. Project learning helps to encourage students to work collaboratively and to carry out deeper research and development on current issues and affairs.
iii) Reading to learn
Students are encouraged to read financial newspapers and magazines like The Financial Times to catch up with current issues and affairs.
iv) IT in interactive learning
Our school has been promoting e-learning so as to integrate IT into our learning and teaching. Accounting, BAFS and Business Studies department has been using the school intranet and the WebBoard to help improving the effectiveness of learning and teaching.