Smart Events of the Future 2024

Four of our F.6 students participated in the Smart Events of the Future 2024 on 8 October 2024, organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The event aims to integrate cutting-edge smart solutions to enhance the attendee experience at public events in Hong Kong. The team achieved the 2nd Runner-up position and received a cash prize of $15,000. The team members are Hayley Sze, Alice Shum, and Cali Lai from F.6T, along with Yannie Chan from F.6L.

Congratulations to the winners!

WAC Annual Challenge 2024

The WAC Annual Challenge 2024, organized by the Watsons Athletic Club, was held at Wan Chai Sports Ground on 28-29 September and 5-6 October 2024.

Nicole Yau of F.6T was the Champion of the U20 200m race and broke the competition record of the event. Nicole was also the 1st Runner-up of the U20 100m race. Moreover, Tiffany Lin of F.3A was the 2nd Runner-up of the U16 Javelin throw event.

Congratulations to all winners!



Good People Good Deeds English Writing Competition 2023-2024

Good People Good Deeds is an annual English Writing Competition organized by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals. Its objectives are to provide students with the opportunity to pay tribute to those who put into practice universal moral values and promote students’ interest in writing.

Athena Leung from 3S participated in the captioned competition. We are delighted to announce that she was shortlisted as a Top Ten Candidate in the Middle Level and was awarded a Certificate of Merit.

Congratulations to Athena!

The TCAA Athletics Championships 2024 - Round 4

The TCAA Athletics Championships 2024 - Round 4, organised by The Citizen Athletic Association, was held at Wan Chai Sports Ground on the 18th September, 2024. Jasmine Yeung (F.4A) was the 1st Runner-up of the Women Youth Category C High Jump event. Coey Ho (F.2A) was the Champion of the Women Youth Category C 800M race, while Audrey Li (F.1A) was the 2nd Runner-up of the Women Youth Category D 800M race.

Congratulations to all winners!

The 4th Hong Kong Secondary School Cosmetic Formulation Competition

The 4th Hong Kong Secondary School Cosmetic Formulation Competition Final-Round cum Award Presentation Ceremony, organized by the City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Society of Cosmetic Chemists (HKSCC) and the Cosmetic & Perfumery Association of Hong Kong Ltd (CPAHK), was held on 14 September 2024 at the City University of Hong Kong. Czarina Luk (F.5S), Kristy Lee (F.5S), Kaylie Lam (F.5S) and Celina Ho (F.5P) won the 1st-Runner up in the Hair Styling Product category. They received plaques and certificates.


Southern District Age Group Tennis Competition 2024

The Southern District Age Group Tennis Competition 2024 for Girls' Under 18, organized by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, took place at the Aberdeen Tennis & Squash Centre on 8 September 2024. Jasmine Yeung from F.4U and Roselle Yeung from F.1P won the Championship. Congratulations!

Hong Kong Smart Campus X InnoTech Taster Program 2024

Two of our teams have participated in the Hong Kong Smart Campus X InnoTech Taster Program 2024, organized by Hong Kong Technology Advancement Group (HKtag). The competition provides an opportunity for students to promote more innovative ideas in education to cultivate innovative thinking in local students, which can be applied to their living environment.

The F.4 team, consisting of Kay Yung, Annabelle Yeung, Esmee Wong, and Natalie Yiu of F.4T, was awarded the Second Prize; while the F.6 team, consisting of Hayley Sze and Alice Shum of F.6T, was awarded the Third Prize. Our school also received the Most Active Participation Award.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Hong Kong Creative PR Competition 2024

Three of our F.5 students participated in the Hong Kong Creative PR Competition 2024, organized by the Hong Kong Creative Public Relations Association.

Natalie Cheuk, Clare Zhang, and Rebecca Zhou of F.5L won the Brand Award (品牌大獎) and the Overall Championship - Content Creation in Gold Award (內容創作金獎). Rebecca Zhou of F.5L also received The Outstanding Tomorrow's Public Relations Award (傑出明日公關人才大獎), while Natalie Cheuk and Clare Zhang of F.5L received the Tomorrow's Public Relations Award (明日公關人才大獎).

Congratulations to the winners!

2024 Ethos Hong Kong Secondary Schools Essay Competition

The “Dialogues with Ethos” event, organised by the Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit (MEHU) at HKUMed, was held on the 26 August 2024. We are pleased to announce that Callie Kwok (F.5T) has been awarded Second Place in the Medical Humanities Essay Prize at the Ethos 2024 Hong Kong Secondary Schools Essay Competition. This prestigious competition encouraged students to engage with thought-provoking questions and aimed to foster independent thinking, deep understanding, clear reasoning, and effective argumentation skills. In her insightful essay, titled "How should healthcare narratives address the tension between hope and realism?", Callie explored the critical balance between optimism and realism in healthcare storytelling. Congratulations, Callie!



是次比賽的頒獎典禮已於2024年8月下旬假耀中國際學校 (中學部) 禮堂舉行,得獎同學獲頒發證書及書券。恭喜得獎同學!

Hong Kong Young Ambassador Scheme 2024/25

In this summer, 270 appointed Young Ambassadors have undergone a series of intensive training. During the new term of service, those studying locally will station at popular tourist spots to greet visitors, take part in tourism promotional events and organize activities to spread the message of hospitality and service excellence. Those studying abroad will organize activities to promote Hong Kong for their hosts.

Our awardees of the scheme are: Li Sze Tung of F.6L received Gold Medal; Chan Hiu Yan, Lai Cheuk Kwan and Yuen Pak Yan Andrea of F.6L received Silver Medal; Chan Tsz Yan and Leung Chong Ming of F.6L received Bronze Medal. 7 students are also appointed the Hong Kong Young Ambassadors and they are Cheung Hiu Tung , Kei Chiu Yee, Lai Cheuk Yin, Ng Sze Ying, Ren Wing Kiu, Wong Charmain Nicole and Woo Hoi Yan of F.5L.

Congratulations to all winners!

Hong Kong Economics Essay Competition 2024

Four of our students achieved excellent results in the Hong Kong Economics Essay Competition 2024, organized by the Hong Kong Association for Economics Education.

Liv Zhu from F.5L was awarded 2nd Runner-up.

Shirin Ip from F.5S, along with Annabel Leung and Andrea Yuen from F.6L, received a Merit Award.

Congratulations to all the winners!

SciPOP Science Demonstration Contest Winners' Showcase

The public performance of the winning teams from the SciPOP Science Demonstration Contest 2024, organized by the Hong Kong Science Museum, took place on 21 August, 2024. The theme of this year's contest was "Palaeontology." Stephanie Chow, Hazel Fung, and Winnie Ho from F.4S, delivered a 10-minute scientific presentation on the evolution of whales in the theatre of the Hong Kong Science Museum. The public responded positively to their presentation, providing them with encouraging feedback.


第三屆「粵港澳大灣區AI技能競技賽及科技創新挑戰賽」旨在促進粵港澳大灣區青少年在人工智慧領域的交流與合作,並吸引900多位來自粵港兩地的青少年參加。 以「星際探索」為主題的AI技能競技賽中,157支中小學參賽隊伍運用程式設計技能,控制載有AI設備的模型車運輸小球完成「星際探索」任務。 比賽及頒獎典禮已於二零二四年八月二十日於科學園舉行,本校共有兩隊同學參賽並榮獲銅獎︰

- 中二甲班梁思齊同學、 李心妍同學、 謝心翹同學、 王優優同學及中二保班的相懷恩同學

- 中二保班戴綽樂同學、 郭詠翹同學、 李珮琳同學及張曉齊同學


Nomad Award Tech Competition 2024

One F.4 student has participated in the Nomad Award Tech Competition 2024, organized by Preface. The participants have joined the Nomad 100 Challenge, including training and workshops, corporate visits, mentorships, leadership seminars, and community seminars throughout the program. Over 5,000 students have participated this year, and 32 finalists were selected across three different divisions.

The final grand pitch was held on August 25, 2024, with four major themes - Health & Wellness, Retail, Arts & Culture, and Travel & Hospitality. Hazel Choi of F.4U, has been awarded the First Runner-Up in the Secondary School (D2) & University Division. Hazel's innovative business idea proposal, showcasing her dedication to promoting our local heritage, has earned her this remarkable achievement.


Project M2 Leadership Program 2024

Three of our F.5 students have participated in the leadership program this summer, organized by a social enterprise founded by Mr. Antony Leung, former Financial Secretary of Hong Kong, and Ms. Alison Chan. The students participated in different workshops and seminars from August 21st to 23rd, 2024.

Cadi Lai of F.5T won the overall Championship in the grand pitch, while Alice Shum of F.5T won the Most Valuable Player (MVP) Award and Hayley Sze of F.5T won the Most Active Participation Award and Most Likeable Award. Additionally, our school was honored to receive the Financial Education Empowerment Award, which aims to encourage Paulinians to develop good financial habits and mindsets to achieve financial well-being.

Congratulations to the winners!


大灣區「智」為未來科技體驗營2024旨在讓參加者親身體驗AI科技,訓練參加者自學、解難及邏輯能力,並促進香港與大灣區其他城市中學師生交流。 本校共有6名學生參與體驗營,並參加AI智能車任務挑戰賽。在挑戰賽中,同學們需與來自不同學校的組員互相合作,運用訓練好的 AI模型來操作智能小車,並完成一連串的任務,以訓練團隊合作和策略構思。


- 中三保班蔣嘉宜同學榮獲掌舵之星獎(三年級組)
- 中一雅班何寶嵐同學榮獲掌舵之星獎 (一年級組)


From Player to Page English Writing Competition 2024

Organized by Cicero Group Limited in conjunction with Lancaster University, the "From Player to Page" English Writing Competition aims to cultivate students' interests in creative expression. Participants are encouraged to explore their imagination through writing about their beloved games. This year, the Award Ceremony was held on 18 August 2024 in Cyberport 3. Among the five finalists, Eva Chow of F.3T became the winner of Category A: Review Writing.

In her piece, she provided an insightful commentary on the storytelling and combat system of the mobile game "Three Kingdoms: Strategy Edition". Not only was she invited to a live writing workshop hosted by the Lancaster University, but she also won the Switch Raffle for all participants of the day.

Congratulations to Eva!




由香港中華文化發展聯合會(文聯會)主辦,語文教育及研究常務委員會(語常會)支持及 語文基金撥款的「周有光盃——普通話說講朗誦及拼音比賽」(2023/24學年)頒獎典禮近日於香港耀中國際學校禮堂舉行。我校三施班程凱業同學斬獲漢語拼音比賽中學組金獎,獲頒獎狀及書券500元;四璐班徐靖婷同學榮獲普通話朗誦中學組優異獎,獲頒獎狀及書券800元。祝賀她們!

Social Business Leadership Program 2024

Three of our F.4 students have participated in the Social Business Leadership Program 2024, organized by Enactus Hong Kong, aiming to prototype a startup idea tackling mental health challenges and it was a 3-day experiential program for secondary students and explore the exciting world of social entrepreneurship.

Angel Lam of F.4U won the 2nd runner up in the grand pitch; while Shirin Ip of F.4S and Christine Wong of F.4A won the Popularity Contest Award.

Congratulations to the winners!

「青年有SAY 社企有WAY」比賽 2024

One F.4 team has participated in the business and marketing proposal competition - 「青年有SAY 社企有WAY」, organized by JCI Harbour Hong Kong. The competition this year focused on two key elements: "Sustainable Operation of Social Enterprises" and "Promotion of Social Enterprises". The team, consisting of Shirin Ip and Catherine Lo of F.4S, received the championship with a $3,000 cash award and trophy.

Congratulations to the winners!

The Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition (HKSSPC) 2024

The Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition (HKSSPC) 2024 was jointly organized by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Science Museum, and sponsored by the Innovation and Technology Commission. The Initial Judging cum Project Exhibition occurred on 27th July at the HKFYG Jockey Club M21, while the Final Judging cum Awards Presentation Ceremony was held on 4th August at the Hong Kong Design Institute. 8 SPCS teams joined this competition. They have obtained outstanding results in both junior and senior sections. The awardees were:

Senior Investigation Division – Second Runner-up and the Sustainable Development Award
Natasha Ip (F.5A), Jocelyn Lee (F.5P), Fiona Lee (F.5A) and Audrey Li (F.5A)
Winning Project: From Waste to Wonder – Exploring Fermentation for Eco-friendly Upcycling

Junior Invention Division — First Runner-up

Helen Chou (F.3S), Madelyn Keung (F.3S) and Yanna Wong (F.3S)
Winning Project: RenewaBrew

Scientific Wallchart Division
First Prize

Monica Pei (F.5S)

Second Prize

Michelle Yeung (F.5S)

All the above winners were awarded medals, certificates and book coupons.

Congratulations to all winners!

Youth College (International) Innovation x Technology Competition 2024

The Youth College (International) Innovation x Technology Competition 2024 aimed to foster students' observation skills, problem-solving abilities, and creative thinking. Participants were encouraged to utilize their STEM knowledge and skills to identify environmental issues or areas for improvement within their daily campus life. The theme of this year's competition was Green Campus, challenging students to design an eco-friendly product that promotes a sustainable and environmentally conscious campus.

We are delighted to announce that Rachel Chung (F.3T), Ella Wong (F.3T), and Angkor Wong (F.3P) have been awarded the Merit Award in this competition. Their creative ideas and innovative solutions have been recognized for their contribution towards a greener and more sustainable campus environment.

Congratulations to all the winners!




Hong Kong Financial Literacy Championship 2024

Hong Kong Financial Literacy Championship 2024 concluded with the Grand Pitch and Award Presentation Ceremony on 13 July 2024. The championship is jointly organised by Hong Kong Economic Journal (HKEJ), the Education Bureau (EDB) and Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA). The competition is divided into two parts: "Online Quiz Competition" and "Young Financial Talent Program".

The Championship targets to help secondary school students keep abreast of the development of innovation, fintech and artificial intelligence, equip them with crucial financial skills and values, and develop entrepreneur and innovation spirit, so as to unlock their potential of being future talents for the financial industry. Ten shortlisted school teams will be invited to give analysis for the cases provided by the organiser and present their idea to the panel of judges to compete for various awards at the Grand Pitch.

The Paulinian achieved outstanding results in the competition.

Hong Kong Financial Literacy Championship: Young Financial Talent Runway

Student Name


Angel Tung (F.5T), Cadi Lai (F.5T), Alice Shum (F.5T), Charmaine Chan (F.5L)

Merit Award (Top 5)

Hong Kong Financial Literacy Championship: Online Quiz Competition

Student Name


Mimi Leung (F.3T)

Merit Award

Congratulations to all the winners!

第一屆智醒消費學堂 (Smart Consumption Academy)

The first “Smart Consumption Academy” (SCA) concluded with the Award Presentation Ceremony on 12 July 2024 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The SCA is a new educational programme for secondary school students, jointly organised by the Consumer Council and the Education Bureau (EDB) with full support from 27 co-organisers and supporting organisations.

Over 141 secondary schools with more than 25,000 students have participated in the competition this year. The ceremony was officiated by The Hon Alice Mak Mei-kuen, SBS, JP, Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs.

The SCA included three competitions - “My Unique Project Study”, “My Witty Online Quiz” and “My Fun IG Post Creation”. Both our junior and senior teams have awarded an outstanding result this year.

My Unique Project Study Competition

Student Name


St. Paul’s Convent School (Secondary Section)

Most Active School Participation Award

Jasmine Sin (F.4S), Stephanie Chow (F.4S), Hazel Choi  (F.4U), Rachel Dong  (F.4L)

Championship (Senior Group)

Jasmine Sin (F.4S), Stephanie Chow (F.4S), Hazel Choi  (F.4U), Rachel Dong  (F.4L)

Most Sustainable Consumption Innovative Design Award (Senior Group)

Audrey Wong (F.3L), Marcela Luk (F.3L), Kasey Leung (F.3L),  Kody Leung (F.3L)

2nd Runner Up (Junior Group)

Audrey Wong (F.3L), Marcela Luk (F.3L), Kasey Leung (F.3L),  Kody Leung (F.3L)

Most Sustainable Consumption Innovative Design Award (Junior Group)

Rita Luk (F.4A), Hayley Mok (F.4U),  Toni Ngan (F.4U)

Merit Award (Senior Group)

Annabelle Yeung (F.3T), Annabel Yeung (F.3T), Kay Yung (F.3T), Natalie Yiu (F.3T)

Merit Award (Junior Group)

Ella Au Young (F.3T), Sherman Chan (F.3T)

Merit Award (Junior Group)

My Fun IG Post Creation Competition

Student Name


Audrey Wong (F.3L)

Overall 2nd Runner Up

Audrey Wong (F.3L)

Best Design Award (Junior Group) - Gold Award

Audrey Wong (F.3L)

Most Likeable Award (Junior Group) - Bronze Award

Charlene Chan (F.4P)

Most Likeable Award (Senior Group) - Gold Award

My Witty Online Quiz Competition

Student Name


Audrey Ko (F.3T)

Best Consumer Award

Congratulations to the winners!

"The 2024 'Train' for Life's Journeys 2.0"

As a prize for winning 1st runner-up in the gender equity track of the 'Train' for Life's Journeys 2.0 competition held by MTR and Project M2, F.5T Natalie Cheung, F.5T Jamie Lo, F.5T Hayley Sze, and F.5A Olive Kuong joined a 4-day trip to Beijing from July 8-11. During the trip, they toured around the capital and visited many significant cultural attractions, engaged in company visits, and even had the opportunity to take a closer look at the operation of the Beijing MTR Corporation Centre Limited

During the visit to Beijing MTR Corporation Centre Limited, the students were able to take a guided tour of the building, which included the central control room, where staff monitor and manage the operations of the metro network. They also visited the factory where trains and railways are repaired. It was a fascinating glimpse into the planning, operations, and technology that keeps this crucial public transit network running smoothly.

Moreover, they went to the National Stadium and the Beijing National Aquatics Center. The students appreciated the enormous efforts needed to construct the symbolic and innovative 'water bubbles' design at the Water Cube and were overwhelmed by the large capacity of the Bird's Nest. It was an impactful experience as the students sensed the pride of holding competitions in such iconic locations, as well as the energy and thrill of Olympic events.


香港浸會大學與 香港遊樂場協會合辦的「跨學科·Co-Explore」全港中學生創作大賽 桌遊設計比賽(2023/24學年)提供了一個寶貴機會讓學生發揮創意、探討未來職業的可能性,並且於學科融合。比賽及頒獎典禮已於二零二四年七月六日於香港浸會大學舉行,中三保蘇妍正和劉佳源、以及中三德梁心澄和王晨萱 於跨學科桌上遊戲創作比賽中,創作了命名為「夢?」的桌上遊戲,躋身入圍全港十六強,並獲得了 「最具跨學科元素獎」 。全港入圍作品將於十月五日至十月六 旺角The Forest展示給公眾。恭賀得獎的同學 !

The 43rd SCMP Student of the Year Awards (2023/24)

At the 43rd Student of the Year Awards, jointly organized by the South China Morning Post and the Hong Kong Jockey Club, Megan Kwok of F. 6S, who has shown a high standard of success in her biological research project over the past years, was awarded the winner in the Scientist and Mathematician category. In addition, Dorothy Chan of F. 5S was one of the eight shortlisted students in the Linguist (English) category and was presented with a certificate. Being the winner, Megan was presented a scholarship of HK$10,000, an award plaque and a certificate for her achievements. The Student of the Year Awards presentation ceremony took place on 6th July, 2024, at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre.

Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Ceremony 2024

Our school is recognised by the Equal Opportunities Commission as “Racially Friendly Campus Champion” of the Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme 2023/24.

The theme of the scheme this year is "Interrupt Bias. All Races As One." To encourage schools to promote racial harmony and diversity on campuses, student activities and publicity campaigns were conducted.

The Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Ceremony was held at Hong Kong Palace Museum on 5 July 2024. McKeon Jessica Yvonne (F.5U) represented our school to receive the award in the ceremony.

Digital Financial Literacy Programme for Youth 2024

Digital Financial Literacy Programme for Youth 2024, co-organized by Investor and Financial Education Council and HKEDB, aims to increase the awareness of digital financial services and cyber risks among secondary school students, helping them to nurture skills required for the safe use of digital personal financial services and protect themselves from financial scams.

Bethany Wong of F.3T won the Most Liked (Four-Cell Story) Award with a $300 cash voucher, and a merit award with a $500 cash voucher. Our school also received the Most Enthusiastic Participation School Award with a trophy.


Hong Kong Vocational Training Council (HKVTC) Keep On Live Competition 2024

The HKVTC Keep On Live Competition 2024, organized by HKTVC and IVE, aims to enhance the knowledge and practical skills of secondary school students on e-commerce and live streaming. Over 100 teams have participated in the competition this year.

Two of our F.3 teams have successfully entered the finals in both the Cantonese and Mandarin division respectively. Kasey Leung and Kody Leung of F.3L won the first runner up in the Cantonese Division with $3,000 cash voucher and trophy. Benedicte Wong and Daisy Tse of F.3U won the second runner up in the Mandarin Division with $2,000 cash voucher and trophy.


Personal Finance Literacy Competition 2024 for Secondary School

Personal Finance Literacy Competition 2024 for Secondary School, organised by The School of Business Department of Economics and Finance The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. With the rapid development of fintech and investment platforms amid an ever-evolving landscape, it is crucial for us to keep abreast of trending investment topics, opportunities and risks, in order to make informed and prudent investment decisions.

Through participating in the competition, the students are able to alert peers about money/financial traps/scams and stay financially healthy. Our F.4 team - Rita Luk of F.4A, Hazel Choi, Toni Ngan and Hayley Mok of F.4U won the 3rd runner up position.


Purple Comet! Math Meet 2024

Purple Comet! Math Meet is an international team mathematics competition designed for middle and high school students. This year, there are over 4000 teams from 68 countries or cities participating in the contest. Our students formed teams and successfully competed in this event. I am thrilled to announce that four SPCS teams have won Honorable Mentions and received the certificate of merit. Congratulations!




Honorable Mentions
(High School, Hong Kong)

Hannah Kwok
Maggie Ng
Annie Qin
Anne Sia
Michelle Yeung
Donata Yip


Honorable Mentions
(High School, Hong Kong)

Renee Cheung
Mavis Chung
Tiffany Kwan
Fiona Lee


Honorable Mentions
(High School, Hong Kong)

Chloe Lau
Dorothy Ren
Amy Wen
Flora Wong
Ruifu Zhu


Honorable Mentions
(High School, Hong Kong)

Adeline Ip
Leah Lee
Bella Leung
Eva Chow
Hailey Kwok
Annabelle Lin


YDC Dare to Change - InnoMindR Competition 2024

YDC Dare to Change - InnoMindR Competition, organized by The Young Entrepreneurs Development Council Limited and co-supported by the Venture Investors Alliance of Hong Kong and HKSTP, aims to encourage all local secondary students in Hong Kong to research, develop, and present their entrepreneurial ideas properly.

Over 150 teams have participated in the competition this year. Our F.5 team has successfully entered the finals to present their business idea and received the HKSTPC Techno-Idea Award, including a $5,000 cash prize and a trophy. The team members are Hayley Sze, Jamie Ng, and Jamie Lo of F.5T.

Congratulations on this impressive achievement!

The Mathematics Book Report Competition for Secondary Schools 2023-2024

The Mathematics Book Report Competition for Secondary Schools, organized by the Education Bureau since 2007, aims to promote students' interest in learning Mathematics and develop their generic skills through reading.

Kwan Cheuk Lam Tiffany of F.5A has obtained the Appreciation Award Prize in the competition.

Mathematics Project Competition for Secondary Schools 2023-2024

The Mathematics Project Competition for Secondary Schools has been organized by the Education Bureau since 2001 with the goal of fostering students' interest in learning Mathematics and enhancing their generic skills through project-based learning.

The prize-giving ceremony for this year's competition took place on 4 July 2024.

Our Paulinians achieved outstanding results in the competition.

3S Leung Hoi Ting Bella

Good Performance Award

3S Leah Lee

Good Performance Award

3T Chow Yi Whua Eva

Good Performance Award

Creative Infographic Design Competition on the Application of Mathematics for Primary and Secondary Schools 2023-2024

The Creative Infographic Design Competition, organized by the Education Bureau, aims to promote students' interest in learning mathematics and increase their awareness of the practical applications of mathematics in various aspects of real life.

The prize-giving ceremony for this competition was held on 2 July 2024.

Our Paulinians have achieved outstanding awards in the competition.

4S Cheng Sze Wing

Bronze Award

3S Leah Lee

Honorable Mention

1P Yung Nok Wai Chloe

Honorable Mention

2024 STEM + AI Challenger Games

2024 STEM + AI Challenger Games由大教育平台主辦,香港電腦教育學會合辦。參加者需要於限時內,學習Tello無人機飛行、人工智能及Swift編程知識,參與飛行障礙賽及解難挑戰賽,並與來自不同學校的隊伍同場競技。比賽及頒獎典禮已於二零二四年六月二十九日,於救世軍田家炳學校舉行。本校中三施班關韻希及吳佩頤同學榮獲金獎。恭賀得獎的同學﹗

國民身份認同應用程式設計比賽 2024


Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad for Secondary Schools (2023-24)

The final round of Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad for Secondary Schools 2023-24, organized by the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education, Hong Kong Chemical Society, Royal Society of Chemistry and the Education Bureau, was held on 29 Jun 2024. Natasha Ip (F.5A), Jocelyn Lee (F.5P), Fiona Lee (F.5A), Audrey Li (F.5A) and Cecilia Yip (F.5A) won the Champion with their project titled “From Waste to Wonder – Exploring Fermentation for Eco-friendly Upcycling”. They were awarded a trophy, gold medals, $1000 book coupons and certificates. Fiona Lee also got the “Best presenter Award” and received a trophy and a certificate. Congratulatins!

“Digi-science” Video Production Competition for Hong Kong Secondary Schools 2023-24

The prize presentation ceremony of the “Digi-science” Video Production Competition for Hong Kong Secondary Schools 2023-24, organized by the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education and the Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification, was held on 29 Jun 2024. In the junior division, Michelle Chan (F.3S), Jocelyn Ho (F.3S) and Madelyn Keung (F.3S) won the Champion with their video titled ‘HydroPreserve+’. They received a trophy, $1000 book coupons and certificates. They also obtained the Most Popular Video Award. In the senior division, Jocelyn Lee (F.5P), Fiona Lee (F.5A) and Cecilia Yip (F.5A) won the 2nd runner-up with their video titled ‘From Discards to Diamonds: Fueling Sustainability with Food Waste and Water Treatment’. They received a trophy, $600 book coupons and certificates. Congratulations!


本校中四璐卓雅晴同學參加了由香港郵政主辦、教育局協辦的萬國郵政聯盟第53屆國際少年書信寫作比賽,在一眾參加者中脫穎而出,奪得香港區優異獎。 是次比賽題目要求學生給子孫後代寫一封信,暢想她們希望後代繼承一個甚麼樣的世界,旨在培養學生的想像力。恭喜獲獎同學!

Secondary School FinTech Innovation Competition 2024

The Secondary School FinTech Innovation Competition 2024 is organised by the Department of Economics and Finance of Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK). Ten finalist teams were invited to pitch their ideas based on FinTech innovation, feasibility, sustainability, presentation, and teamwork. The finals was successfully held on 26 June 2024

We are delighted to announce that our F.4 team, consisting of Jasmine Sin from F.4S, Tianna Liu from F.4A and Hayley Mok from F.4U, won the Championship. Another F.5 team, consisting of Charmaine Chan, Agnes Au and Annabel Leung from F.5L, won the 1st Runner- up.

Congratulations to all our winners!

Vending Machine Business Proposal Competition 2024

In 2024, the school organized an inter-house Vending Machine Business Proposal Competition, inviting students to form teams and participate. To prepare the students, the school held 2-day training sessions conducted by teachers from the Accounting, Business, Economics, and BTEC departments. Additionally, Ms. Jennifer Lam, the PTA Chairperson, was invited to provide insights into the accounting and operational aspects of running vending machines.

On June 22, 2024, the student teams showcased their proposals for managing the school's vending machines in the upcoming academic year. Each team had 5 minutes to present their plans and then answered questions from the judges.

The school was pleased to have an esteemed panel of adjudicators for the competition. Professor Godwin Wong, the Resident Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, served as the lead adjudicator. Ms. Jennifer Lam, the PTA Chairperson, and Ms. Annette Lau, the PTA Vice Chairperson, also participated as adjudicators. All three have extensive experience in business and entrepreneurship.

The student presentations were outstanding, and their responses to the adjudicators' questions were apt. The adjudicators were impressed by the students' efforts and commitment, as expressed in the feedback session.

In the end, the winning team was from Kenny House. The team comprised Sin Hong Yu (F.4S), Fung Wan Hei Scarlet (F.4T), Liu Yan Kiu Tianna (F.4A), Au Yan Yuet (F.4A), and Choi Hai Tung Hazel (F4U). The winning team was awarded certificates and scholarships, and the prize ceremony is scheduled for the upcoming Speech Day.

European Astro Pi Challenge (ASTRON) 2024

The European Astro Pi Challenge (ASTRON) 2024, organized by the European Space Agency (ESA), provided students with the exciting opportunity to conduct scientific investigations in space through computer programming. Accepted projects, achieving "Flight Status," had their programs run on Raspberry Pi computers aboard the International Space Station (ISS). A total of 26,400 young people from 22 countries in Europe and ESA member states participated in ASTRON this year.

ASTRON 2024 took place from November 2023 to June 2024, featuring a new format called Mission Space Lab. Teams were tasked with calculating the speed of the ISS as it orbits the Earth, a scientific challenge set by ESA astronauts. Participating programs underwent rigorous testing before earning flight status and being sent into space.

It is our pleasure to announce that two teams of SPCS students participated in ASTRON 2024 and achieved "Flight Status", joining a total of 236 teams and 889 young people in this distinguished accomplishment.

Team SPCS1 -
Olina Au (F.3P), Priya Bala (F.3A), Chione Ip (F.3A), and Charlotte Fung (F.3U)

Team SPCS2 -
Annabelle Yeung (F.3T), Charisse Wong (F.3A), and Zoe Ng (F.3U)

Congratulations to the teams!

The A.S. Watson Group HK Student Sports Awards (2023-2024)

The A.S. Watson Group HK Student Sports Awards aims to encourage young students to continue their active participation in sports activities and strive for excellence.

We are pleased to announce that Nicole Yau of F.5T has been awarded the A.S. Watson Group HK Student Sports Awards 2023-2024 for her remarkable achievements in athletics.

Congratulations to Nicole Yau on this well-deserved recognition!

HSU Marketing Hackathon 2024

The HSU Marketing Hackathon 2024, organized by the marketing department of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK), required students to develop a business proposal and support it with a 5-minute PPT presentation.

We are delighted to announce that one F.4 team has been awarded the Championship. The team members are Rita Luk from F.4A, along with Hazel Choi, Toni Ngan, and Hayley Mok from F.4U. Additionally, another F.4 team has achieved the remarkable title of 1st Runner-up, with team members Annika Yeung, Chloe Szeto, and Kristin Leung from F.4U.


Hong Kong Science Fair 2023-2024

The Hong Kong Science Fair, organized by the Hong Kong Innovation Foundation (HKIF), provided an outstanding platform for our students to demonstrate their creativity and problem-solving abilities. This competition encouraged students to develop innovative and human-centric solutions to real-life challenges, allowing them to enhance and express their ideas by applying their knowledge of science, technology, and design.

We are proud to celebrate our school's exceptional performance, as 12 teams were recognized with the Merit Award, receiving certificates, trophies, and a prize of $5000. Additionally, one of our teams won the Most Popular Award in the Senior Secondary Division. At the Fair, held on 8th and 9th June at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, our projects captivated the interest of visitors. Participating in this event has provided our students with invaluable experiences, undoubtedly igniting their passion for innovative thinking and motivating them to continue their pursuit of knowledge.

The awardees are:

Senior Secondary Section:

Most Popular Award and Merit Award:
Kristy Chan (F.5S), Christy Law (F.5S), Cadi Lai (F.5T), Helena Chan (F.5U)
Winning Project: Tide

Merit Award:
Megan Kwok (F.6S), Ellie Chiu (F.5S), Monica Pei (F.5S)
Winning Project: OkraHeal

Merit Award:
Sophie Tam (F.5S), Tiffany Lau (F.5L), Rachel Wong (F.5L)
Winning Project: Peels to Paper

Merit Award:
Nicole Ling (F.4P), Mieyan Ling (F.4P), Anissa Loo (F.4P), Sandra Chung (F.4U)
Winning Project: Study Buddy

Merit Award:
Annie Qin (F.5S), Fiona Lee (F.5A), Heibe Young (F.4T)
Winning Project: Affordable Acne Solutions: Facial Cream Made By Chinese Skullcap’s Stem Parts

Merit Award:
Stephanie Chow (F.4S), Hazel Fung (F.4S), Winnie Ho (F.4S)
Winning Project: Zero waste

Merit Award:
Maggie Ng (F.5S), Hazel Wong (F.5S), Janelle Wong (F.5S)
Winning Project: Shellistic

Merit Award:
Alice Lai (F.5S), Sonia Ng (F.5P), Kelly Ng (F.4S), Renee Chung (F.4P)
Winning Project: CuttlePaste

Merit Award:
Janice Tse (F.5S), Michelle Yeung (F.5S), Sophie Tse (F.5T), Serena Lo (F.5P)
Winning Project: Soothecz

Merit Award:
Ines Owyang (F.4S), Czarina Luk (F.4P)
Winning Project: Pink healer on a sunny day

Merit Award:
Cherene Ngai (F.5T), Athena Yu (F.5T)
Winning Project: RePlastique

Junior Secondary Section:
Merit Award:
Annabel Yeung (F.3T), Abigail Yip (F.3T), Grace Ng (F.3P)
Winning Project: Mist-ical Harvest

Congratulations to all winners!

The Prize Presentation of the Inter-School Volleyball Competition 2023-2024

The annual Prize Presentation of the Inter-School Volleyball Competition 2023-2024 was successfully held on 3 June 2024, at Scientia Secondary School. This event was organized by the Schools Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China, with the Division II (Hong Kong) Girls Competition Finals taking place on 24 March 2024, at Siu Sai Wan Sports Centre.

Accompanied by our volleyball coach, Ms. M. Lam, Hilary Ho (F.4U), Chloe Lau (F.4U), Rachel Chung (F.3T), Ella Wong (F.3T), Sophie Lee (F.3U), Ada Pat (F.3U), Jasmine Yeung (F.3U), and Christy Lo (F.2A) proudly received the trophy for the Grade B Championship.

Congratulations to our remarkable volleyball team for exemplifying the true spirit of sportsmanship and representing our school with excellence. We wish them continued success and look forward to witnessing their future accomplishments!

"XR Travel across Major Fields of National Security" Design Competition 2024

Four students from Form 3, Adeline Ip 3S, Hailey Kwok 3P, Hayley Yeung 3A and Aglaia Ma 3L, participated in the "XR Travel across Major Fields of National Security" Design Competition, co-organised by HKSSSC and HKDSSC. They received Merit Award for their project titled “Weald”. The students had designed a virtual reality game that allows players to personally experience the consequences of ecological destruction and the importance of ecological conservation. Through this game, the students hoped to convey the message that ecological security, one of the major fields of national security, cannot be ignored and that impulsive actions driven by temporary convenience should be avoided, as they can have severe long-term effects on the environment and humanity. Congratulations!

Taiwan Athletics Open 2024

The Taiwan Athletics Open 2024 - World Athletics Continental Tour Bronze, organized by the Chinese Taipei Athletics Association, was held on 1-2 June 2024 in Taipei. Nicole Yau of F.5T secured a spot on the podium by winning a silver medal in the Women’s 200m Race.

Congratulations to Nicole!

Dress Casual Day 2024 Award Presentation Ceremony

We are thrilled to share the news of our school's outstanding success at the Dress Casual Day 2024 Award Presentation Ceremony, held on 28 May 2024 at the prestigious Hang Seng Bank Penthouse. It is with great pride and excitement that we announce our school's achievements as the 3rd Top Fundraiser in the Educational Institution category and the remarkable 8th Top Fundraiser overall. Congratulations!

Inter-School Badminton Competition 2023-2024 Division One (Hong Kong)

The Inter-School Badminton Competition 2023-2024 Division One (Hong Kong), organized by the Schools Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China, concluded with a prize presentation ceremony held at the United Christian College on 28 May 2024.

We are delighted to announce that our school's badminton team achieved the impressive feat of being the 1st Runner-up Overall in the competition. Congratulations to all members of the badminton team!

The MTR ‘Train’ for Life’s Journeys 2.0 (2023-2024)

The MTR Corporation's 'Train' for Life's Journeys 2.0 programme has garnered immense participation, engaging over 1,000 students from 35 secondary schools. The Social Innovation Challenge Final of the programme was successfully held on 24 May 2024. The team gave a presentation on using VR games to achieve gender equality, and interacted with the adjudicators in a question-and-answer session.

We are delighted to announce that our F.5 team, consisting of Jamie Lo, Natalie Cheung, Hayley Sze from F.5T, and Olive Kuong from F.5A, won the 1st Runner-up prize in the gender equality strand. They were awarded a complimentary trip to Beijing in July. Congratulations to our winners!

The 6th Greater Bay Area STEAM Excellence Award 2024 (HKSAR)

The 6th Greater Bay Area STEAM Excellence Award 2024 (HKSAR)is organized by HKNETEA and supported by the Education Bureau (EDB), Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC), and Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO). The award aims to enhance students' creativity and innovation while recognizing young STEM talents for their efforts.

The final presentation was held online on 22 May 2024, and the award presentation ceremony is scheduled for 26 August 2024.

We are pleased to announce that Cheryl Chan (F.3T), Evia Tai (F.3P), and Ingrid Fung (F.3A) were awarded the Bronze Award for their project "SeniorSpeak," while Jannis Chou (F.3A) and Alice Wang (F.3L) also obtained the Bronze Award for their project "TuneAlert."

Congratulations to all the winners!

We Write We Sing Lyrics Writing Competition 2023-2024

The "We Write We Sing Lyrics Writing Competition," organized by the Education Bureau, aimed to nurture creativity and literary talents among students. The results were announced at the end of May.

We are pleased to announce that Chloe Cho from F.3U and Athena Au from F.4U received the Commendable Award for their outstanding work titled "希萌." Additionally, Haruna Kajimoto, Corina Lam, and Lorraine Wu from F.6S achieved the Commendable Award for their captivating masterpiece titled "Let the Fire Spark."

To commemorate their achievements, a Student Performances and Awards Ceremony will be held on 6th July 2024. This event will provide an opportunity for these talented individuals to perform their winning compositions and celebrate their success on a grand stage.

Congratulations to all our winners!

2024年調解徵文比賽 (調解: 促進校園-家庭-社區合作)

律政司舉辦了「2024年調解徵文比賽」(調解: 促進校園-家庭-社區合作),旨在鼓勵學生建立正面且具建設性的排解爭議價值觀,並促進校園、家庭和社區的合作。比賽結果已於三月份公布。 本校中五施陳泳茵同學,在一眾參加者中脫穎而出,出色表現獲得肯定,在高中組獲得優異獎。 祝賀得獎同學!

Time to Talk Public Speaking Competition 2024

Time to Talk Public Speaking Competition 2024 Organised by the NET Section of the Education Bureau, the Time to Talk Public Speaking Competition allows students to learn public speaking techniques, promote creative use of language, experiment with the use of English and develop research, collaboration and IT skills to improve their communication.

We are pleased to announce that Elizabeth Chan of F.4L and Antares Ho of F.4L have earned the 3rd Prize in the competition. Congratulations!

The 35th Book Report Competition for Secondary Student

With the objective to promote English reading, cultivate reading habits and enhance language proficiency of Hong Kong students, Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company Ltd., The Commercial Press (HK) Ltd. and United Prime Educational Publishing (HK) Ltd., jointly host The 35th Annual Book Report Competition for Secondary School Students. We are pleased to announce that Antares Ho of F.4L has earned the Merit Award in the Senior Secondary English Extensive Reading category. Congratulations!

The Canadian English Writing Competition 2023 (Arch Cup)

The Canadian English Writing Competition 2023 (Arch Cup) aims to enhance the English proficiency of Hong Kong students and foster a global perspective. We appreciate your continued support for this academic activity.

We are delighted to announce that Jodie Rocha of F.4A has won the Gold Award in the Canadian English Writing Competition (ARCH Cup) 2023–24 Finals. Congratulations!


本校學生參加了由中國青少年語言文化學會舉辦的全國青少年語文知識大賽「菁英盃」(香港賽區) 現場作文初賽、決賽及總決賽,比賽結果已於二零二四年六月公佈。以下是初賽、決賽及總決賽的得獎同學名單,恭喜所有獲獎同學!



中四璐 鄧語涵


中二施 廖筱媛

中二施 朱伽懿


中二德 林語施



中四璐 鄧語涵


中二施 廖筱媛


中三雅 麥靖宜

中二施 朱伽懿

中二德 林語施

中二保 羅尹言

中一施 何梓童



中三雅 麥靖宜


中四璐 鄧語涵

中二保 羅尹言

中一施 何梓童


中二施 廖筱媛

中二施 朱伽懿

中二德 林語施

中一施 施禧悠

中一德 鄭知婷

中一雅 林熙茵

中國中學生作文大賽 2023-2024

我校中三安譚鴻盈同學參加了由香港中華文化促進中心舉辦的2023-2024中國中學生作文大賽 (香港賽區),經歷了超過半年的評審過程,她在眾多參加者中脫穎而出,榮獲初中組銅獎。


2024 第十八屆「孝情」徵文比賽

我校中二保徐子惠同學、中二安陳卓藍同學及中四璐周思睿同學參加了由弘揚孝道文化聯合會舉辦的2024 第十八屆「孝情」徵文比賽,她們分別獲得初中組及高中組真情流露獎。

是次徵文比賽主題為「詮釋孝道:我的故事」,主辦機構希望參加者透過說故事的力量,可以超越文化、世代和社會障礙,弘揚孝道的重要性。 恭喜得獎同學!

















The 2023 Meritorious Websites Contest and Healthy Mobile Phone/ Tablet Apps Contest

The 2023 Meritorious Websites Contest and Healthy Mobile Phone/ Tablet Apps Contest was organized by the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration. The contests were conducted under the slogan “Say no to objectionable materials. Browse healthy websites” to encourage young people to develop good surfing habits.

It is our pleasure to announce that Anna Mak (F.1P), Tierra Wong (F.1A), Sophia Lam (F.2P), Joey Lau (F.2P), Zoie Leung (F.2P) and Alison Yuen (F.2A) obtained the “Healthy Information for a Healthy Mind” Online Game Awards.

Congratulations to all winners!

Hong Kong Junior Age Group Athletics Competition 2024 – 3

The Hong Kong Junior Age Group Athletics Competition 2024 – 3, organized by the Concord Athletic Club, was held on 25 May and 1 June in Wan Chai Sports Ground.

Stephanie Lee of F.5P was the 1st Runner-up of U20 Shot Put. Samantha Leung from F.2L was the 1st Runner-up of the U16 Javelin Throw. Last but not least, Bertha Ackber of F.1A was the Champion of the U16 3000m Race.

Congratulations to all of our winners!

Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair 2024

Vanessa Chan (F.6P), Hilary Law (F.6A), and Katie So (F.6P) took part in the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair, organized by the Society for Science, in Los Angeles, United States, from 11 May to 17 May, 2024. This prestigious competition featured nearly 2,000 young scientists representing 49 U.S. states and nearly 70 countries, regions, and territories across the world. The team presented their project, titled “Heavy Metal Ions Adsorption and Biofilm Production by Nanocellulose Synthesized from Sugarcane Bagasse”, to the international judges during the interview process. In addition to engaging with exceptional students from various parts of the world, they also had the opportunity to visit notable places such as The Last Bookstore, Universal Studios theme park, UCLA, and the Museum of Contemporary Art.

全港學界國家安全常識挑戰賽 2023-2024


我校有幸晉身隊際賽半準決賽,派出中四璐班張玥盈同學、 徐靖婷同學、吳羽彤同學、朱睿芙同學、周思睿同學參賽,獲發參與證書和紀念品。


Caritas - Hong Kong 2023 Fund Raising Campaign Closing Ceremony

The Caritas Hong Kong 2023 Fund Raising Campaign Closing Ceremony was held on 31 May, 2024. Our school earned the highest sales award in the secondary section, with a total amount of $220,000 in the Caritas raffle tickets selling event. The generosity and active participation of our Principal, staff members and Paulinians contributed to the success of this event. May we continue to uphold the virtue of charity, and offer help to the needy.

The 9th Hong Kong Games Tennis Women Doubles (Group C - Aged 15 or Below)

The 9th HKG is organised by the Sports Commission and co-ordinated by its Community Sports Committee, with the Home Affairs Department, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, took place at Victoria Park on 26 May 2024. Jasmine Yeung of 3U won the 1st Runner-up award in the tournament. Congratulations!

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow 2023

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow aims to encourage the youth to leverage their STREAM (Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) skills and creativity to address pressing social issues and provide them with unique learning opportunities.

Our students Karina Ching of F.3S, Cherry To of F.3T, and Bernice Chan of F.3A were awarded 2nd Runner-up with their AI productivity improvement and management tool – FOKUS.

They are rewarded with a fifteen thousand dollars cash prize and ten thousand dollars’ worth of Samsung products!

Congratulations to the FOKUS team!

職安健WhatsApp Sticker設計比賽2023

為鼓勵公眾及學生對職安健的關注,職安局舉辦「職安健WhatsApp Sticker設計比賽2023」,希望透過WhatsApp Sticker將職安健訊息傳遞予身邊的人,對家人、朋友表達關懷,及溫馨提示他們時刻注意工作安全。

我校中二施王芯悠同學榮獲「5S辦公室整理有辦法」職安健WhatsApp Sticker設計比賽2023 中學組亞軍。


The Poetry Remake Competition 2023-2024

The Poetry Remake Competition aims to enhance students' awareness of and interest in English poetry by poets in Hong Kong, encourage artistic and creative expression and provide opportunities for cross-curricular collaboration in the promotion of reading. We are pleased to share that Rachel Yu of F.5T, Alina Kwok of F.2A and Athena Leung of F.2A have been awarded the Commendable Prize. Congratulations!

The Hong Kong Young Writers’ Awards 2023

In the Hong Kong Young Writers' Awards 2023, we are pleased to announce that Antares Ho of F.4L, Hannah Kwok of F.5S, and Cecilia Yip of F.5A have had their works shortlisted by the judging panel, with Antares Ho of F.4L emerging as the winner. Congratulations!

The Rule of Law Essay Competition 2023

The Rule of Law Essay Competition 2023 aims to encourage secondary school students to learn actively, think creatively, and to share their thoughts and opinions on the principles of the rule of law and its significance in society.

We are pleased to announce Dorothy Chan of F.5S and Daisy Lee of F.6T have been selected as the Merit Runners-up. Congratulations!

Avernus Education International Essay Competition

In the Avernus Education International Essay Competition, Dorothy Chan of F.5S has her entry shortlisted as one of the outstanding Shortlisted Entries in the Medicine Category.

She will receive a partial scholarships to an Oxford University programme. Congratulations!

The Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award 2023/24

The Hong Kong Budding Poets was organised by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education and supported by the Gifted Education Section of the Education Bureau.

In the captioned competition, we are pleased to announce our students have won the following :

Yoyo Ngai (F.5S) - Gold Award and Poet of the School
Tiffany Cheung (F.5S) - Silver Award
Jodie Rocha (F.4A) - Silver Award
Michelle Yeung (F.5S) - Honourable Mention
Karen Chan (F.5U) - Honourable Mention

The Canadian English Writing Competition 2024

The Canadian English Writing Competition (Arch Cup) Finals, organised by the English Association of Asia, was held on 28 April 2024 at the Scientia Secondary School. The association aims to provide a platform to promote English culture and activities to the greater public. Charlotte Cheong (F.4P) was awarded the Champion prize in the Form 1-3 category. She received a trophy and certificates from previous rounds. Congratulations to Charlotte for her incredible achievement!

Hong Kong VPET Competition for Secondary Schools 2023/24 and VPET Project Exhibition

The Hong Kong VPET Competition for Secondary Schools 2023/24 is organized by the Corporate Tech Academy Network (CTAN), supported by the HKEDB and EMSD. The theme is "Solving daily life problems with Artificial Intelligence, communication network and other smart technology" this year. 16 teams were entered into the finals, and the students were required to present their proposal with a prototype creation on April 27, 2024. The prize ceremony and project exhibition were successfully concluded on May 25, 2024.

A F.5 team has been awarded the Merit Award with $1,000 cash prize and trophy. The team members are Sophie Tam of F.5S, Annie Qin of F.5S, Kailey Chan of F.5S, Angel Tung of F.5T, and Cynthia Wan of F.5L.

Special thanks go to Mr. Kell Ho and Mr. Adrian Chen for their exceptional guidance and supervision of the teams since early October.

Congratulations to the team for their outstanding accomplishment!

2023/24學年 全港初中中國歷史文化問答比賽

我校參加了由香港特別行政區政府教育局主辦、嶺南大學香港與華南歷史研究部協辦,「2023/24學年 全港初中中國歷史文化問答比賽」。是次比賽超過120間中學參與,而我校於比賽脫穎而出,榮獲「積極參與獎」,獲頒獎座及證書。



Hong Kong Outstanding Student Service Ambassadors Award 2023-2024

The competition is organised by Rotary District 3450. Student teams must design and implement a service project addressing one of the following service areas with innovative ideas and the application of knowledge in STEM.

A team of 10 Paulinians launched a project called “Teenage Trials” to address the service area of Youth Services. They have designed a board game, inspired by the Game of Life, to help pre-teens understand the problems they may face and provide resources for them to face challenges encountered. The members include Monica Pei from 5S, Cadi Lai from 5T, Kelly Ye from 5P, Helena Chan from 5U, Cherry Chan from 3P, Audrey Yeung and Serene Yeung from 2L, Leah Lau from 1P, Michelle Lee and Ada Tam from 1L.

We are thrilled to announce that our team came First in the “Youth Services” category. Team representatives, Cherry Chan and Serene Yeung attended the Award Ceremony held on 13 May 2024 at the Hong Kong Productivity Council. They were awarded a cash prize of HK$3000, a trophy and a certificate of recognition.

Congratulations to the team!

Hong Kong Impact Makers 100 (2023-2024)

The Impact Makers 100 is an entrepreneurship programme organized by Po Leung Kuk. Two Teams of students from our school named “Trouble Makers” and “光宗耀組” joined the program: The former one worked on a project that focuses on sustainable development and environmental protection; the latter one, on health and welfare of elderly. The team 光宗耀組 won the Gold Award of Excellent Innovation Proposal Award. The team members were Chrissie Chiu, Cadi Lai, Raine Leung, Alice Shum, and Angel Tung of F.5T. Congratulations!



垃圾收費標語創作比賽 2024






































說好香港故事大行動中文寫作挑戰賽 2024

信報教育獲語常會支持及語文基金撥款,於2023/24 及2024/25 學年舉辦推廣中文計劃「說好香港故事」大行動,招募全港中一至中四學生參加。

賽事分為「中文寫作挑戰賽」(初賽) 及 「說好香港故事」大行動(決賽) 兩個階段。一保班王馨悅同學在「中文寫作挑戰賽」獲得初級組優異獎。獲獎同學得到獎狀及獎學金二佰元,以資鼓勵。



HSBC Young Financial Planners Programme -「匯財師大比拼」2024

The competition is organized by the HSBC Young Financial Planner Program, co-organized by the "Business-School Cooperation Program" of the Education Bureau, and fully supported by The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. Contestants must play the role of financial management experts, analyze the financial status and goals of the micro-film characters created by the association, and shoot short videos to provide feasible financial management plan suggestions. Our school has achieved outstanding results this year, including the following achievements:



Outstanding School Award

St. Paul’s Convent School (Secondary Section)

Outstanding Teacher Award

Mr. Adrian Chen

Outstanding Teacher Award

Ms. Virginia Mau

Outstanding Innovative Award

Ines Baud (F.3T), Simrit Kaur (F.3A), Ayanna Rai (F.3A)

Merit Award

Helena Chan (F.5U), Jasmine Kwok (F.5U), Beata Lai (F.5L), Annabel Leung (F.5L), Andrea Yuen (F.5L)

Merit Award

Cheryl Chan (F.3T), Latisha Ho (F.3T), Megan Liu (F.3T), Charisse Wong (F.3A)

Merit Award

Rachel Chung (F.3T), Audrey Ko (F.3T), Chloe Kwok (F.3T), Kristy Leung (F.3T)

Merit Award

Chelsea Lau (F.3T), Nessa Leung (F.3T), Bianca Wong (F.3A)

Merit Award

Kary Lam (F.3T), Samantha Tong (F.3T), Jova Hung (F.3A)

Merit Award

Mimi Leung (F.3T), Eunice Tang (F.3T), Ella Wong (F.3T), Bethany Wong (F.3T), Rachel Yuen (F.3A)

Merit Award

Bernice Wong (F.3A), Chloe Kung (F.3A), Annabelle Lin (F.3U), Marcela Luk (F.3L)

Congratulations to all the winners for their outstanding accomplishments!

Hong Kong Economics Olympiad 2024

The Hong Kong Economics Olympiad (HKEO) is organized by the Gifted Education Council, authorized by the International Economics Olympiad (IEO). One F.5 team has been awarded the Outstanding Business Case Award, and one F.4 team has been awarded the Excellent Business Case Award with their comprehensive business plan for China Construction Bank.

Additionally, six paulinians were awarded overall medals in the competition. Angel Tung of F.5T received the Gold Medal, Cadi Lai of F.5T and Christine Wong of F.4A received the Silver Medal, and Alice Shum of F.5T, Catherine Lo, and Shirin Ip of F.4S received the Bronze Medal.


SciPOP Science Demonstration Contest 2024

The Final of the “SciPOP Science Demonstration Contest 2024”, organised by the Hong Kong Science Museum, was held on 12 May 2024. The theme of this year’s contest was "Palaeontology". The participating students delivered a 10-minute scientific presentation on a paleontological topic and engaged in a question-and-answer session with the adjudicators in the Lecture Hall of the Hong Kong Science Museum.

We are delighted to announce that two teams of Form 4 students received the 1st Runner-up and a Merit Award. Both teams were honored during the prize presentation ceremony held on the same day, receiving trophies and certificates to commemorate their exceptional performance.

First-runner up
Title: “Shingeki of Big Whale: The Evolution of Marine Titans” (進擊的巨鯨:由奇行種狗仔變成海中巨人)
Team Leader: Winnie Ho (F.4S)
Team Members:
Stephanie Chow (F.4S)
Hazel Fung (F.4S)

Merit Award
Title: “Marine Microfossils: The Tiny Time Travellers” (來自海洋的時空探險家)
Team Leader: Jodie Rocha (F.4A)
Team Members:
Scarlet Fung (F.4T)
Leanne Lau (F.4T)
Alice Liang (F.4A)

Moreover, we are excited to share that the 1st Runner-up team and selected Merit Award winners will have the incredible opportunity to participate in the Young Scientist Study Tour 2024. This summer, they will embark on an educational journey to the National History Museum of China and explore various paleontological sites in Inner Mongolia. This experience promises to be an enriching source of learning and inspiration for these young scientists. Congratulations to all the winners!

JPC Innovation and Technology Competition 2023-24

Our students have achieved remarkable success in the JPC Innovation and Technology Competition 2023-24, organized by the Junior Police Call. The award presentation ceremony took place at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on May 11, 2024. In addition, our school has been honoured with the Most Active JPC School Club Participation Award in both the senior and junior secondary school categories. Furthermore, our students showcased their exceptional projects at the Innovation and Technology Carnival held at HKCEC on May 11 and 12, 2024, receiving positive feedback from the public.

The awardees were:

Senior Secondary Section:
1) Second Runner-up
Jocelyn Lee (5P), Natasha Ip (5A), Fiona Lee (5A), Audrey Li (5A), Cecilia Yip (5A)
Winning Project: From waste to wonder – exploring fermentation for eco-friendly upcycling

2) Commendation Award
Megan Kwok (6S), Monica Pei (5S), Ellie Chiu (5S)
Winning Project: OkraHeal

3) Commendation Award
Melody Cheung (4S), Catherine Lo (4S), Kaylie Lam (4P)
Winning Project: ProtectMe

Junior Secondary Section:
4) Best Presentation Award
Michelle Chan (3S), Candice Cheung (3S), Jacqueline Kie (3T), Flora Chan (3T)
Winning Project: Shell-Adsorbia

5) Best Presentation Award
Rachel Chung (3T), Ella Wong (3T), Angkor Wong (3P)
Winning Project: Compost Sensor

6) Commendation Award
Jannis Chou (3A), Alice Wang (3L)
Winning Project: TuneAlert

7) Commendation Award
Cheryl Chan (3T), Evia Tai (3P), Ingrid Fung (3A)
Winning Project: SeniorSpeak

8) Commendation Award
Helen Chou (3S), Madelyn Keung (3S), Yanna Wong (3S)
Winning Project: Ecoplastify

9) Commendation Award
Louise Wong (3S), Charlotte Yuen (3S), Daisy Li (3P)
Winning Project: Message Reader

School Award:
Most Active JPC School Club Participation Award (Senior Secondary School Category)
Most Active JPC School Club Participation Award (Junior Secondary School Category)

Congratulations to all winners!

The Inter-School Badminton Competition 2023-2024 Division One (Hong Kong)

The Inter-School Badminton Competition 2023-2024 Division One (Hong Kong), organized by the Schools Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China, was held at Chai Wan Sports Centre on 4th May 2024.

Our school’s badminton team was the champion in the C Grade. The team members were Claudia Man of 2S, Cate Liu of 2T, Selena Chen of 2P, Tiffany Lin of 2U, Joey Cheung and Samantha Leung of 2L, Aurora Lau of 1S, Katie Leung and Karlye Wong of 1P, Kate Ma of 1A and Vanessa Ip of 1U.

Congratulations to the winners!

Hong Kong Mathematical High Achievers Selection Contest 2023-2024

Hong Kong Mathematical High Achievers Selection Contest (HKMHASC) is co-organized by Po Leung Kuk and Hong Kong Association of Science and Mathematics Education.

The prize-giving ceremony was held on 4 May 2024.

Our Paulinians have achieved the following awards in the competition.

3S Leung Hoi Ting Bella

Second Class Award

2S Chen Siyi Stephanie

Second Class Award

2T Lai Wing Yan Vivian

Third Class Award

2P Wong Nga Nok

Third Class Award

IdeaPOP! Startup Pitch Competition 2024

IdeaPOP! is a startup pitch competition for all secondary school students in Hong Kong who are creative and eager to build innovation and entrepreneurship spirits and gain startup pre-incubation experience beyond the classroom.

80 teams were shortlisted for the semi-final pitch, which was held on April 13, 2024, while 10 finalists competed for the championship on May 4, 2024.

A team consisting of F.4 students, Jasmine Sin from F.4S, Tianna Liu from F.4A, and Rachel Dong and Alina Tam from F.4L, participated in the final competition and received the Excellence in Presentation Award.

Congratulations to the team!

創見未來 青年創業體驗(MEET 2gether) 市集 2024

「創見未來 青年創業體驗市集 2023-2024」was organized by Po Leung Kuk and supported by Citi. Over 160 students have participated in the program this year. The students will have to learn business theories and practical entrepreneurial skills through workshops, allowing them to truly immerse themselves in the market, apply what they have learned, and demonstrate their skills while experiencing the challenges and joys of entrepreneurship. A senior team, consisting of both F.4 and F.5 students (Arale Lo and Claudia Ng of F.5P, Nicole Hou of F.5U, Rita Luk and Yannis Woo of F.4A, Toni Ngan of F.4U, and Carlie Cheung and Dorothy Ren of F.4L), has been awarded the Championship - Best Company (最佳公司), The Most Likeable Award (我最喜愛品牌), and The Best CEO Award (最佳領導). Congratulations to the winning team!

Immerse Education Essay Competition 2024

Immerse Education has provided exceptional summer courses in Oxford, Cambridge, and other prestigious university settings since 2012. The Immerse Education Essay Writing Competition provides students aged 13-18 an opportunity to write an essay based on a pre-set topic of their choosing. Katrina Leung’s (F.3L) essay on Genetic Engineering within the field of Medicine has been selected to receive a partial scholarship. Congratulations to Katrina Leung!

Joint School Music Association Competition 2024 (Woodwind Ensemble) – Gold and Silver Awards

The Joint School Music Association (JSMA) Competition, organized by JSMA, is an annual inter-school event striving for music exchange among the school orchestras, string orchestras, and musical ensembles. On 29 April 2024, two woodwind ensembles participated in the JSMA Competition 2024 at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, CR2. Our school’s flute quartet and clarinet trio achieved gold and silver awards respectively.

The flute quartet, Kristy Lee of F.1A, Valerie Hung of F.2T, Stephanie Kwok of F.2P and Skye Chan of F.3P, performed Motet “Jesu, Meine Freude” BWV227 by Bach and received a gold award of 91 marks. The performance received positive comments from other schools and the adjudicator Dr. Au Kam Yuen, describing the quartet with nice tone production, secure intonation and nice balance and ensembleship.

The clarinet trio, Faustina Chan of F.1S, Charlotte Sze of F.1S and Gemmy Wong of F.2T, performed Serenades No.5 for Clarinet Trio by Mozart. The performance received a silver award of 87 marks, described by Dr. Au Kam Yuen was a pleasure to listen to and lively energetic tempo with a strong rhythmic drive.

All in all, the competition is a remarkable journey for ensemble players and all of them enjoyed the competition. Congratulations to our woodwind ensembles!

2024 Asian U20 Athletics Championships

The 2024 Asian U20 Athletics Championships was held at Dubai Police Club Stadium on the 24th to 27th of April, 2024. Nicole Yau of F.5T was the 3rd runner up of the Women’s 200m Race and tied the Hong Kong Junior 200m Record and has also qualified for competing in the 2024 World U20 Athletics Championships with her outstanding results. Congratulations to Nicole!

HKUST Underwater Robot Competition 2024

The HKUST Underwater Robot Competition 2024, held from 20 to 21 April 2024, was an inter-school competition aimed at promoting inclusion and STEAM education for primary and secondary schools. Participants were tasked with building an underwater robot capable of performing various underwater tasks, along with presenting their design rationale.

Out of the 32 school teams that participated in the competition, our Paulinians Bernice Chan (F.3A), Flora Chan (F.3T), Eva Chow (F.3T), and Cherry To (F.3T) achieved remarkable results. They were awarded the "Gold Award" and "1st Runner-up". Congratulations to all the winners!

The 1st Hong Kong Inter-School EcoTech Challenge

The 1st Hong Kong Inter-School EcoTech Challenge Final round organized by the EcoTech Professional Association of Hong Kong was held on 20th April 2024. Maggie Ng (F.5S), Janelle Wong (F.5S) and Hazel Wong (F.5S) won the bronze award. They were awarded with a trophy and dining vouchers. Congratulations!


The ASTRON Space Lab provides an opportunity for students under 19 years old in Hong Kong to face international challenges in space technology and programming, allowing them to compete with students from 23 countries. This year's theme was to calculate the operational speed of the International Space Station, aiming to encourage students to unleash their creativity, use different methods, and write different programs.

The award presentation ceremony was successfully held on 22 April 2024. The international winning team of ASTRON 2023, Celina Au (F.4S) and Renee Chung (F.4P), shared their journey and experience with the audience.

We are pleased to announce that the team of Annabelle Yeung (F.3T), Charisse Wong (F.3A) and Zoe Ng (F.3U) had obtained the 2nd Runner-Up; the team of Olina Au (F.3P), Priya Bala (F.3A), Chione Ip (F.3A) and Charlotte Fung (F.3U) had obtained the Award of Experiment Idea.

Congratulations to all winners!

Junior Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch Challenge (EPiC) 2024

The Junior Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch Challenge 2024 was co-organized by Project Morals & Money and Soloman Learning Group, supported by HKSTP. The students were required to deliver a 1-minute elevator pitch to present their business idea concisely. Over 100 students participated in the event, starting with 30 semi-finalists and narrowing down to top 6 finalists.

The final took place at Sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck in the International Commerce Centre. The finalists had to pitch their 1-minute business idea in a real-life elevator. Mr. Paul Chan, the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong, was invited as the honorable guest of the event. There was one final award in both the primary and secondary divisions.

Tianna Liu from F.4A won in the secondary division. She successfully passed the preliminary round, semi-final round and emerged as the winner among the six finalists throughout the competition. Mr. Antony Leung, the former Financial Secretary of Hong Kong, presented the trophy to Tianna Liu.

Congratulations to Tianna!

The 24th Millennium Entrepreneurship Programme (MEP24)

The 24th Millennium Entrepreneurship Programme (MEP24) was co-organized by the Rotary Club and Wofoo Social Enterprises and supported by HKEDB. The theme of this year's programme was "Promoting ESG - Pathways to Sustainability through Green Corporate Culture", and over 100 teams participated in the competition. These teams were required to conduct a 5-minute presentation, followed by a 10-minute Q&A session.

Our F.4 team was awarded the 3rd Runner-Up, along with a $3,000 cash award and a trophy. The team members are Annika Yeung, Chloe Szeto, Angel Lam, and Kristin Leung from F.4U. Additionally, Annika Yeung was awarded the Best Presenter Award with a trophy. Congratulations!

Outstanding Pearson Learner Award 2023

We are proud to announce the exceptionally high achievement of our Paulinians in the Edexcel (Pearson) 2023 examinations. The students below achieved the highest marks in the World, in Asia or in Hong Kong in their specific subjects listed. Congratulations!

The 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva

The 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva, held from April 17 to 21 in Geneva, Switzerland, stood as one of the most significant annual global events focused on inventions. Notably, the Hong Kong delegation made a remarkable presence, with nearly 700 representatives from 40 different organizations. These included universities, research and development centers, laboratories, technology companies, government departments, and even primary and secondary schools.

This exceptional exhibition provided a platform for inventors, researchers, and entrepreneurs from all over the world to showcase their innovative creations to potential investors, manufacturers, and licensing partners. It was a unique opportunity for the participants to gain recognition and appreciation for their inventive solutions, discoveries, and advanced technologies. The event also featured several awards and acknowledgments highlighting outstanding inventions in various categories.

In this esteemed gathering, we are delighted to announce that Megan Kwok from F.6S stood out and achieved the Gold Medal, which is a remarkable accomplishment. Megan's invention, the “Wound Infection Indicator Dressing”, is a groundbreaking solution that directly addresses a critical issue in healthcare. Her innovative dressing offers real-time monitoring and detection of wound infections, providing a proactive approach to patient care and significantly reducing the risk of complications. Megan's dedication to improving healthcare outcomes is truly commendable, and her victory at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva exemplifies the substantial impact her invention will have on the medical field.

We wholeheartedly congratulate Megan on her exceptional achievement and wish her continued success in further advancing healthcare innovation.

1. 東方日報 (oncc): 國際發明展香港學生創佳績 中六生憑傷口感染檢測敷料奪金獎

2. 文匯報: 傷口敷料評估感染風險 港生日內瓦發明展奪金

3. HK01: 中六生研檢測敷料快速顯示傷口感染風險 日內瓦國際發明展奪金獎

4. 中國評論通訊社 (crntt): 第49屆日內瓦國際發明展香港學生創佳績

Joint School Music Association Competition 2024 (String Ensemble) – Gold Award

The Joint School Music Association (JSMA) Competition, organized by JSMA, is an annual inter-school event striving for music exchange among the school orchestras, string orchestras, and musical ensembles. On 19 April 2024, the SPCS String Ensembles participated in the JSMA Competition 2024 at the Y Studio. Our school attained two remarkable Gold Awards with a score of 91 and 90 marks respectively.

Cherish Chiu of F.2P, Joey Cheung of F.2L and Alexis Fu of F.1T performed Bach Concerto in D minor for two violins and piano. The performance received positive comments from other schools and the adjudicator Mr. Joseph Wu, describing them with well delivered intonation and balance.

Kaziah Chan of F.5T, Eunice Kuang of F.4P and Jinny Lee of F.3P performed Moszkowski Suite for two violins and piano in G minor, receiving positive comments from Dr. Samuel Huang with 91 marks.

All in all, the competition was a remarkable journey for ensemble players and all of them enjoyed the competition. Special thanks go to Ms. Harty Tam and Mr. Michael Au for their exceptional guidance and supervision of the teams since early February.

Congratulations to our school string ensembles!

The Hong Kong Junior Table Tennis Open 2024

The Hong Kong Junior Table Tennis Open 2024 The prize presentation for the Hong Kong Junior Table Tennis Open 2024, organized by the Hong Kong, China Table Tennis Association, was successfully held on 7 April 2024 at Lai Chi Kok Park Sports Centre. We would like to congratulate our Paulinian, Clarissa Pong of F.2U, for her outstanding performances throughout the tournament. Clarissa achieved remarkable results, including being the Champion in Girls' Doubles Under 15, the 1st Runner-up in Mixed Doubles Under 15, as well as the 2nd Runner-up in Girls' Singles Under 15. Congratulations!

「關愛 關愛者」獅子會姊妹學校計劃 - 繪扇比賽 2024

The competition held on 6 April 2024, was a resounding success. Students from both our school and Jockey Club Hong Chi School collaborated to create vibrant and heartfelt paper fans. Among them, Kelly Ye from F.5P was awarded the 'Most Colourful Award', while Natalie Pang fom F.3L secured the 2nd Runner-up position. Congratulations to both of them on their impressive achievements.

Hong Kong Young Writers Award 2024 (中文新詩組)

我校三德班黃麒瑋及四璐班張玥盈、朱睿芙、周思睿參加了由Youth Literature Foundation 主辦的 Hong Kong Young Writers Award 2024 新增的中文新詩組別,她們的作品均入圍決賽,並獲得高度推薦獎。 是次比賽主題為「New Tales of China’s Invention」,旨在提供機會及平台予年輕作家發揮創意。恭喜得獎同學!

Smart Logistics Datathon 2024 (Secondary School League)

The Smart Logistics Datathon 2024 was organized by Asian Institute of Supply Chains & Logistics (AISCL), and supported by the Transport and Logistics Bureau HKSAR, Cyberport, Amazon, Hong Kong Airport Authority, Aviation Academy, and Hactl.

The government, in its 'Action Plan on Modern Logistics Development' announced in October 2023, has identified promoting smart logistics as one of the key development directions for Hong Kong's modern logistics industry. The Smart Logistics Datathon 2024 not only simulates the data crunch that makes daily online order delivery seem so effortless but also provides early exposure to talented secondary students interested in modern logistics-related entrepreneurship and innovation.

10 final teams were selected for the competition in the secondary school league. The students were required to develop a smart logistics business solution using the provided dataset and deliver a 10-minute presentation. The students had to integrate AI elements into their solution and stayed at Cyberport for two nights, engaging in a 35-hour non-stop preparation.

Our F.5 team has awarded the championship with $30,000 cash award and certificates. The team members are Charmine Chan, Annabel Leung, and Agnes Au from F.5L.

Congratulations to the team!

Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes 2024

The Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Awards Presentation Ceremony was held on 24th March 2024. Cheryl Chan of F.6T and Haruna Kajimoto of F.6S received the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes as well as HK$1000 each for their outstanding academic achievements, leadership, active participation in extra-curricular activities, and devotion to community service. Congratulations!

Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme 2023/24 Cohort

Based on the academic achievements and non-academic attributes such as leadership qualities, our 2022/23 F.6 graduates Sophie Chung, Savina Hui, Audrey Kiang, Hazel Liu, Veronique Liu, and Felicia Ng were selected as one of the 100 awardees of the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme (HKSES) 2023/24 Cohort out of 723 applicants. The scholarship would allow them to pursue world-class education in top-notch universities outside Hong Kong. Congratulations to our remarkable Paulinians!

The 26th Hong Kong Youth Science & Technology Innovation Competition

The Final Judging and Public Exhibition of the "26th Hong Kong Youth Science & Technology Innovation Competition (HKYSTIC)", organized by the Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association (HKNGCA), took place on 23 March 2024. We are delighted to announce that our students have achieved outstanding results in this competition, receiving multiple awards. Moreover, our school was recognized as one of the Outstanding Organizations. The prize presentation ceremony took place on 24 March 2024. The awardees were:

Junior Secondary Section

Scientific Fiction Drawing
Second Prize — Katie Leung (F.1P)
Third Prize — Viktoria Law (F.1A)
Merit Award — Ines Ng (F.1A)

Research and Invention (Chemistry and Material)
Second Prize — Michelle Chan (F.3S), Candice Cheung (F.3S) and Flora Chan (F.3T)
Winning Project: "Shell-Adsorbia"

Research and invention (Energy and Environmental Science)
Merit Award — Rebecca Ho (F.3T), Ella Wong (F.3T) and Bethany Wong (F.3T)
Winning Project: "Liquid Tree"

Senior Secondary Section

HKCTC Special Award for Outstanding Project in Testing 2023-2024
Second Place Grand Award — Megan Kwok (F.6S), Monica Pei (F.5S) and Ellie Chiu (F.5S)
Winning Project: "OkraHeal"

Research and Invention (Biology and Health)
Second Prize — Megan Kwok (F.6S), Monica Pei (F.5S) and Ellie Chiu (F.5S)
Winning Project: "OkraHeal"

Research and Invention (Chemistry and Material)
Merit Award — Natasha Ip (F.5A), Fiona Lee (F.5A) and Audrey Li (F.5A)
Winning Project: "From Waste to Wonder-Exploring Fermentation for Eco-friendly Upcycling"

Research and invention (Energy and Environmental Science)
Merit Award — Sophie Tam (F.5S), Tiffany Lau (F.5L) and Rachael Wong (F.5L)
Winning Project: "Peels to Paper"

Science Fiction
Merit Award — Ellen Wong (F.5L)
Winning Article: "Goodbye"

Outstanding Organization
St. Paul’s Convent School

Congratulations to all winners!

SCMP Young Post (published on 20 May 2024)

Sing Tao Daily (published on 23 May 2024)

The Inter-School Volleyball Competition Division II (Hong Kong) 2023-2024

The Inter-School Volleyball Competition Division II (Hong Kong) Finals, organized by the Schools Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China, took place on 24 March 2024 at the Siu Sai Wan Sports Center. We are delighted to announce that our team won the Championship in the B Grade competition.

Team Members:
Hilary Ho (F.4U)
Kylie Ho (F.4U)
Chloe Lau (F.4L)
Gigi Yip (F.4L)
Rachel Chung (F.3T)
Ella Wong (F.3T)
Annabelle Yeung (F.3T)
Ophelia Chan (F.3U)
Sophie Lee (F.3U)
Ada Pat (F.3U)
Jasmine Yeung (F.3U)
Christy Lo (F.2A)

Congratulations to our volleyball team on their remarkable achievements!

The 18th Infrastructure Building Competition for Secondary Schools 2024

The 18th Infrastructure Building Competition for Secondary Schools 2024, held from 23 March to 13 April, was organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Hong Kong Construction Association, and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Participants were tasked with constructing a structural model using wooden sticks that could withstand both static and earthquake loading.

Out of the 90 school teams that took part in the competition, our Paulinians, Ella Au Young (F.3T), Sherman Chan (F.3T), Flora Chan (F.3T), and Eva Chow (F.3T), achieved remarkable results in the final. They were awarded the "Best Popularity Award - 2nd Runner-up" and "Best Structural Design Award – 2nd Runner-up". Congratulations to all!

Joint School Music Association Competition 2024 (Symphony Orchestra) – Gold Award

The Joint School Music Association (JSMA) Competition, organized by JSMA, is an annual inter-school event striving for music exchange among the school orchestras, string orchestras, and musical ensembles. On 22 March 2024, the SPCS Symphony Orchestra participated in the JSMA Competition 2024 at the Y Theatre. Our school’s orchestra attained a remarkable Gold Award with a score of 92 marks.

The orchestra performed Barber of Seville Overture by Rossini. The performance received positive comments from other schools and the adjudicator Mr. Ho Chi Chung, described the orchestra with decent tone colour, energy, and impressive performance.

All in all, the competition was a remarkable journey for orchestra members and all of them enjoyed the competition.

Congratulations to our school orchestra!

The Women's Junior Excellent Athlete Award 2023 and Hong Kong Record-Breaking Award

The Hong Kong, China Association of Athletics Affiliates successfully held the 2023 Athlete of the Year Selection. The winners were announced during the 73rd Inauguration of Office Bearers cum Annual Prize Presentation on 21 March 2024. We are delighted to announce that Nicole Yau of F.5T was awarded the Women's Junior Excellent Athlete Award 2023 and the Record-Breaking Award.

Congratulations to Nicole on her outstanding achievements!

The Sino Junior Reporter Programme 2023-2024

The Sino Junior Reporter Programme, organized by Sino Group and supported by SCMP Young Post, offers students a valuable opportunity to participate in a journalism workshop where they can enhance their skills in news writing and interviewing. Following the workshop, students are challenged to produce an article, which is then evaluated by a panel of judges.

We are pleased to announce Dorothy Chan of F.5S has won the 2nd Runner-up. Congratulations!



The Global Marty Challenge 2023

The Global Marty Challenge, organized by Robotical, was designed to foster students' creativity and imagination. Working in teams, students choreographed dances to their favorite music using Marty the robot. Performances were evaluated based on programming logic, creativity, aesthetics, and presentation skills.

We are pleased to announce that the following teams have received Merit Awards: Cheung Felicie Marie Yolande (F.2A) and Chandiramani Nidhi Mahsh (F2A), as well as Colette Lam (F.2A), Megan Ko (F.2A), and Osanna Kuong (F.2A). Certificates of recognition have been awarded to both teams.

Furthermore, our school has been honored with the Best Participation School Award in the Secondary School Section.

Congratulations to all the winners on their outstanding achievements in the Global Marty Challenge!

Joint School Music Association Competition 2024 (String Orchestra) - Gold Award

The Joint School Music Association (JSMA) Competition, organized by JSMA, is an annual inter-school event striving for music exchange among the school orchestras, string orchestras, and musical ensembles. On 18 March 2024, the SPCS String Orchestra participated in the JSMA Competition 2024 at the Y Theatre. Our school’s string orchestra achieved a gold award with 94 marks.

The orchestra performed Bartok Romanian Folk Dances. The performance received positive comments from other schools and adjudicator Mr. John Ma, describing the orchestra with beautiful sound and excellent intonation.

All in all, the competition is a remarkable journey for string orchestra members and all of them enjoyed the competition.

The 60th Hong Kong Schools Dance Festival

The Chinese, modern and western dance teams participated in the captioned event which was held in January, February and March 2024. There were a total of twelve entries this year. Through the combined efforts of all dancers, they overcame obstacles and developed a strong sense of unity and team spirit. They were tremendously pleased to achieve brilliant results.

Chinese Dance Section

There were four entries this year, including two group dances, one trio and one duet. They obtained Honours Awards for all the group dances and the trio whereas the duet obtained the Highly Commended award.

越(當代) - Honours Award

春天的話語 (朝鮮族) - Honours Award

春天的步伐(朝鮮族)(三人舞) - Honours Award
Received by Katie Wong F.5T,
Debbie Wat F.3S and Hebe Lee F.4T

墨汐(當代)(雙人舞) - Highly Commended Award
Received by Katie Wong F.4S and Chloe Kung F.3A

Modern Dance Section

The team entered two group dances and two trios this year. They were overwhelmed to receive Honours Awards and Choreography Awards for all of them! The team attained an overall Champion award in this section

Halo - Honours & Choreography Award

Parallel Existence - Honours & Choreography Award

紅綠燈(Trio) - Honours & Choreography Award
Received by Kathy Mak F.5T,
Chloe Kung F.3A and Kristie Wong F.5A

告別禮(Trio) - Honours & Choreography Award
Received by Cherene Ngai F.5T,
Chloe Leung F.6S and Jasmine Ho F.6S



Western Dance Section

There were four entries this year, including two group dances, one trio and one duet. They obtained Honours and choreography Awards for both group dances and the trio and a Highly Commended Award for the duet. The team attained an overall 1st runner-up award in this section.

Hungarian Folk Dance -
Honours & Choreography Award

Turkish Horon Dance -
Honours and choreography Award

Tartar Dance (Russia)(trio) -
Honours and choreography Award
Received by Ashley Sia F.5T,
Elizabeth Chan F.3P and Amabel Tin F. 3A

Russian Dance (duet) - Highly Commended Award
Received by Jennis Hu F.4T and Yanna Wong F.3S


The 76th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival Champion (Woodwind Ensemble - Junior)

We are delighted to announce that our Flute Quartet has been awarded Champion with 95 marks in the 76th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival (Woodwind Ensemble - Junior) on 13 March 2024. The flute quartet performed Coloratura by Satoshi Yagisawa and received comments from Dr. Patricia Shands and Dr. Lisa Kozenko, describing the quartet as having good professional stage presence, good characters, and great energy.

We extend our congratulations to our Flute Quartet members, Mavis Chung of F.5A, Jaden Chan of F.3T, Valerie Hung of F.2T, and Stephanie Kwok of F.2P for their dedication in inspiring and bringing joy to audiences throughout the competition. Special thanks to the teachers for guiding and coaching the students since January 2024.

The 76th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival (Secondary School Choir Section)

We are delighted to announce that our Junior Choir showcased their exceptional talent and unwavering dedication to secure the 3rd position in the most competitive N61 - Secondary School Choir - Foreign Language - Girls - Second Division - Senior category of the 76th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival on 11 March 2024. The Choir showcased their extraordinary skill with stellar performances of "A Bright New Sunny Day" by Dr. Chan Wing Wah and "And I Can Sing" by JD Frizzell.

We extend our warmest congratulations to each and every member of the Junior Choir for their success. May the Choir continue to inspire and bring joy to audiences far and wide, and may this well-deserved accomplishment serve as a forerunner to further accomplishments to come as they continue to soar to new heights of musical brilliance.

Hong Kong Mathematics Creative Problem Solving Competition for Secondary Schools 2023-2024

The Hong Kong Mathematics Creative Problem Solving Competition for Secondary Schools is jointly organized by the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers. This esteemed competition aims to identify mathematically gifted students and provide them with platforms to develop their problem-solving and collaboration skills in mathematics.

The competition was held on 2 March 2024.

Our Paulinians have achieved the following awards in the competition.

1S Sun Yat Huen

Bronze Award

1T Lui Hei Tung

Bronze Award

2S Chen Siyi Stephanie

Bronze Award

2P Wong Nga Nok

Bronze Award

Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award (2023/2024) (HKBLA)

The Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award (HKBLA) is organized by the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education (HKASME) in collaboration with the Hong Kong Society of Biology, The Education University of Hong Kong, and The University of Hong Kong. Its aim is to foster ethical learning practices among secondary school Biology students. We are proud to announce the participation of our Paulinians in this competition, who have achieved outstanding results. Natasha Yip of F.5A has been awarded First Class Honours, Eunis Chan of F.5T has been awarded Second Class Honours, and Alice Lai of F.5S has received a Merit Award. Congratulations to all the winners!

全港中學小小企業家大賽2024 - 我要做生意

The STEM x Entrepreneurship Competition 2024 was organized by STEMUnicorn and 26 secondary schools have entered into the final round of the competition. The teams have to deliver a 4-minute oral presentation with a 3-minute Q&A session.

Our F.5 team - Angel Tung, Alice Shum and Emily Tang of F.5T have showcased their visionary entrepreneurial solution and infused with cutting-edge AI technology. With their outstanding presentation, they won the Championship in the competition.

Congratulations to the team!

Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad 2023-2024

The Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad is a collaborative effort between the Mathematics Education Section of the Education Bureau and the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology of The Education University of Hong Kong. This prestigious competition aims to enhance students' mathematical abilities and cultivate their interest in the subject. The competition took place on 3 February 2024. We are delighted to announce that our Paulinians have achieved remarkable awards in the competition.

2P Wong Nga Nok Amber

Third Class Award

3S Leung Hoi Ting Bella

Honorable Mention

2S Chen Siyi Stephanie

Honorable Mention

Inter-School Athletics Competition 2023-2024 (Division One)

The Inter-School Athletics Competition 2023-2024 (Division One), organized by the Schools Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China, was held at Wan Chai Sports Ground on the 29th February, 5th March, and 8th March 2024.

In Grade A, Athena Mok of F.6S was the 3rd Runner-up of the 100m Hurdles race, and Nicole Yau of F.5T was the 1st Runner-up of the 200m race. In Grade B, Kianna Lee of F.3S was the 1st Runner-up of the Long Jump event. In Grade C, Samantha Leung of F.2L was the Champion of the Discus throw.

Congratulations to all of our winners!

Hong Kong Inter-School Choral Festival (HKICF) 2024

We are delighted to announce the success of our Junior Choir in the highly acclaimed Hong Kong Inter-School Choral Festival (HKICF) 2024.

Under the expert guidance of our esteemed music instructor, Ms. Athene Mok, our Junior Choir members passionately showcased their musical talents at the Secondary School Junior Division singing competition on 21 February 2024. With a soul-stirring rendition of the song 'And I Can Sing,' composed by J.D. Frizzell with lyrics by James Weldon Johnson, they captivated the audience and secured the prestigious Gold Award in the competition.

The HKICF serves as a comprehensive platform for primary and secondary school choirs throughout Hong Kong to develop their musical abilities and foster a love for choral singing. We take immense pride in our Junior Choir's unwavering dedication, hard work, and exemplary performance, which have brought them this well-deserved recognition.

We extend our warmest congratulations to the talented members of our Junior Choir for their exceptional achievement in the HKICF 2024. Their success is a true testament to their passion, teamwork, and the guidance provided by Ms. Athene Mok and the choir team.

We are confident that this milestone will continue to inspire and motivate our aspiring young singers to reach new heights in their musical journeys. May their accomplishments serve as a shining example to all, encouraging the exploration and appreciation of choral music.

Once again, congratulations to our Junior Choir on their remarkable success at the Hong Kong Inter-School Choral Festival 2024!

The Hong Kong Poomsae Competition 2023 (Black Belt Division)

The 2023 Hong Kong Poomsae Competition, organized by the Hong Kong Taekwondo Association, took place at Islamic Kasim Tuet Memorial College on 18 February 2024. We are delighted to announce that Feronia Cheung of F.6P secured the 1st Runner-up position in the Black Belt Division U30 Mixed Pair category. Congratulations!

The HKICPA/HKABE Joint Scholarship for BAFS 2023/24

The HKICPA/HKABE Joint Scholarships for BAFS is an annual scholarship aiming to recognize secondary students who have achieved an excellent result in the subject of BAFS at schools. Janice Pang of F.5L received the Joint Scholarships and was awarded with a cash prize of HK$300. Congratulations to Janice!




Hong Kong Athletics Series 2024 – Series 1

The Hong Kong Athletics Series 2024 – Series 1, organized by the Hong Kong, China Association of Athletics Affiliates, was held at Tseung Kwan O Sports Ground on 17-18 February 2024. Nicole Yau of F.5T was the 1st Runner-up of the Women’s Open 200m Race. Congratulations to Nicole!

Open Data Hackathon Business Pitch Challenge 2023/24

The Open Data Hackathon Challenge was organized by the Hong Kong Technology Advancement Group (HKtag) and funded by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. Over 120 teams participated in the event this year.

Seven teams, consisting of our F3 to F5 students, successfully entered the final round of the competition. They delivered an 8-minute oral presentation with a 5-minute Q&A session on their business data-driven solution, and all teams achieved outstanding results.


Team Members

Best School Participation Award

St Paul’s Convent School (Secondary Section)

Best Community Impact Award

Karina Cheong (F.5T), Elyse Lee (F.4U), Jodis Tang (F.4U) & Liv Zhu (F.4L)

Second Prize

Harmony Cheng (F.4S), Serena Lai (F.4U), Christine Pang (F.4U) & Charmain Nicole Wong (F.4L)

Karina Chow (F.4S), Annabel Li (F.4S), Mavis Sei (F.4S) & Louise Wong (F.4S)

Third Prize 

Phoebe Lau (F.4A),  Italia Rahi Alpeshkumar (F.4A), Valarie Choi (F.4L) & Hayley Sum (F.3P)

Jasmine Sin (F.4S), Tianna Liu (F.4A), Rachel Dong (F.4L) & Hayley Mok (F.4U)

Merit Award

Karina Cheong (F.5T), Elyse Lee (F.4U), Jodis Tang (F.4U) & Liv Zhu (F.4L)

Alice Lai (F.5S),  Sonia Ng (F.5P), Kelly Ng (F.4S) & Renee Chung (F.4P)

Special Award in “E-Tourism” Stream

Harmony Cheng (F.4S), Serena Lai (F.4U), Christine Pang (F.4U) & Charmain Nicole Wong (F.4L)

Alice Lai (F.5S),  Sonia Ng (F.5P), Kelly Ng (F.4S) & Renee Chung (F.4P)

Natalie Yiu (F.3T), Kay Yung (F.3T), Annabel Yeung (F.3T) &Annabelle Yeung (F.3T)  

Congratulations to all the winners!

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Positive Energy Music Competition (Hong Kong Division)

We are excited to share that our talented students participated in The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Positive Energy Music Competition (Hong Kong Division). The competition, organized by Global Innovation Alliance and sponsored by Asia Education Alliance and HKED, aimed to promote optimism through singing or playing songs with positive energy.

Our students showcased their musical talents by submitting a total of 14 entries, recorded either at school or in the comfort of their own homes. They performed individually or in groups, with performances ranging from singing to playing musical instruments. The competition required a maximum 5-minute video submission via a YouTube link.

We are delighted to announce that the results of the competition were announced on 1st December 2023. Our students' dedication and hard work were recognized, and our Principal, Sister Margaret Wong, presented them with certificates during the Chinese New Year Celebration Day on 6th February 2024.

We are incredibly proud of our students' achievements and their commitment to spreading positive energy through their music.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Instrumental Section


Hilary So


Violin (Secondary)



Jessie Lui


Piano (Secondary)



Hilary So


Piano (Open)

1st Runner-up


Hilary So


Organ (Open)             

2nd Runner-up


Leanne Hui


Flute (Secondary)

2nd Runner-up


Singing Section



F.1S & F.1T

Group Singing (Secondary)



Charmaine Yung


Singing (Secondary)

1st Runner-up


Jasmine Wong


Singing (Secondary)

2nd Runner-up


Cecilia Yip


Singing (Secondary)              

2nd Runner-up


Charlotte Wong


Singing (Secondary)

2nd Runner-up


Sharene So
Jasmine Tsui
Agnes Wong
Gemmy Wong


Group Singing (Secondary)

2nd Runner-up


Hera Choi


Singing (Secondary)




F.2S & F.1P

Group Singing (Secondary)





Group Singing (Secondary)


The Community Youth Club Annual Service Project Competition 2023-24

The Annual Service Project Competition organised by the Community Youth Club of the Education Bureau aims to encourage students to plan and participate in diverse service projects to promote caring for the community and foster a sense of social responsibility. A group of 16 CYC members from F.2 to F.5 won the Silver Award in the competition with their elderly home visit project.

The team prepared various games and singing performances, as well as handmade ornaments from red packets to celebrate Lunar New Year with the elderly. On 3rd February, 2024, the team visited the Sai Ying Pun Home for the Elderly cum Day Care Centre for the Elderly. Through engaging in interactive games and singing festive songs, the team expressed warm wishes and care for the elderly. The visit was a heartwarming experience that brought joy and festivity to all.

The success of this project was a great encouragement for our students, and inspired them to continue serving the community with enthusiasm and creativity in the future.

“Sustainability & Elements” of HKASME-60 for 60th Anniversary of HKASME Competition (2024)

Our school obtained good results in the “Sustainability & Elements” of HKASME-60 for 60th Anniversary of HKASME competition. The result was released in late January 2024. Yanna Wong (F.3S) won the Outstanding Award, receiving $200 book coupons and a certificate. Besides, Kelly Cheung (F.3S), Cherry To (F.3T), Aimey Leung (F.3A) and Jamie Fung (F.3U) obtained Merit awards. They obtained 3-D Periodic Tables and certificates. Congratulations!

The 75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival

We are delighted to announce the exceptional achievements of our Paulinians in the 75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival. The eagerly awaited results were released in late January 2024, and our students have surpassed expectations, securing an impressive total of 27 First Places, 20 Second Places, and 20 Third Places across the English and Chinese sections of the festival.

We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the winners for their remarkable accomplishments. The dedication, talent, and hard work they have displayed throughout the festival are truly commendable. This success is a testament to their commitment to excellence and the unwavering support provided by our dedicated teachers.

Please see the list of winners below:





Harmonic speaking



Harmonic speaking



Harmonic speaking



Harmonic speaking




Solo Verse Speaking – Non-Open


Kwok Yan Wing Hannah


Solo Verse Speaking – Non-Open


Ng Sum Yu


Solo Verse Speaking – Non-Open


Chung Yan Chi


Solo Verse Speaking – Non-Open


Tam Bernice Yeung Gi


Solo Verse Speaking – Non-Open


Rocha Jodie Roberta


Solo Verse Speaking – Non-Open


Liu Kai Yin


Solo Verse Speaking – Non-Open


Hung Ka Lo


Dramatic Duologue


Lau Cheuk Yu Leah
Tang Nga Hang Natalie




Harmonic speaking



Harmonic speaking



Choral speaking



Choral speaking



Harmonic speaking




Public Speaking Solo


Chan Wing Yan Dorothy


Solo Verse Speaking – Non-Open


Chan Wing Yan Dorothy


Shakespeare Monologue-Non-Open


Kwok Yan Wing Hannah


Solo Prose Reading – Non-Open


Chan Ka Yi Elizabeth


Solo Verse Speaking – Non-Open


Chan Sze Ching


Dramatic Duologue


Suen Emma
Chan Sze Ching


Improvised Dramatic Scenes


Suen Emma
Au Yeung Lok Ki Dodo
Chan Hau Chi Aylie


Public Speaking Solo


Wong Wei Ching Lauren


Public Speaking Solo


Chow Zin Hang Annika




Harmonic speaking



Harmonic speaking



Choral speaking



Choral speaking




Public Speaking Solo


Ngai Yiu


Solo Verse Speaking – Non-Open


Yip Sum Yue


Solo Prose Reading – Non-Open 


Wong Yi Ting


Solo Prose Reading – Non-Open


Law Lok Sum Sophia


Solo Verse Speaking – Non-Open


Luk Wing Nam


Solo Verse Speaking – Non-Open


Xu Ruoxi


Solo Verse Speaking – Non-Open


Chan Sze Ching


Solo Verse Speaking – Non-Open


Chandiramani Vidhi Mahesh


Solo Verse Speaking – Non-Open


Mak On Kiu Lucia


Solo Verse Speaking – Non-Open


Lee Tsz Yau Michelle





































































































Once again, congratulations to all the winners on their remarkable achievements!


由職業安全健康局、勞工處、教育局及消防處主辦,香港教育城合合辦之《「化學品安全資料庫」應用程式圖示及社交媒體宣傳圖設計比賽》旨在鼓勵學生設計圖示及宣傳圖,以推廣職安局「化學品安全資料庫應用程式。頒獎典禮已於二零二四年一月十五日舉行。 本校中三甲班白欣巧同學 榮獲中學組優異獎,獲頒證書及書券。恭賀得獎的同學!

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad 2023-2024

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad 2023-2024, organized by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad Committee, was successfully held on 7 December 2023 (Hong Kong Region) and 28 January 2024 (Greater Bay Area).

We are delighted to announce the remarkable achievements of our Paulinians in these competitions. Stephanie Chen from F.2S was awarded the 榜眼獎 (Overall 1st Runner-up of the F.2 Division). Congratulations to Stephanie!

Below are the awardees of the competitions:

粵港澳大灣區數學競賽選拔賽 (大灣賽區)

Stephanie Chen


Gold Award

Leah Lee


Silver Award

Amber Wong


Silver Award

Suwin Liang


Bronze Award

Aylie Chan


Bronze Award

Apple Chan


Bronze Award

Angela Ho


Bronze Award

Jessie Lui


Bronze Award

Leanne Hui


Bronze Award







粵港澳大灣區數學競賽預選賽 (香港賽區)

Leah Lee


Gold Award

Stephanie Chen


Gold Award

Amber Wong


Gold Award

Crystal Yeung


Gold Award

Leanne Hui


Gold Award

Suri Lam


Silver Award

Eunice Li


Silver Award

Eryn Kwan


Silver Award

Wan Hui Ching


Silver Award

Hailey Kwok


Silver Award

Suwin Liang


Silver Award

Vivian Lai


Silver Award

Aylie Chan


Silver Award

Leah Wan


Silver Award

Audrey Yeung


Silver Award

Apple Chan


Silver Award

Cheuk Yau


Silver Award

Jessie Lui


Silver Award

Angie Tam


Silver Award

Grace Tang


Silver Award

Catherine Tin


Silver Award

Sara Ng


Bronze Award

Charlene Tse


Bronze Award

Ella Au Young


Bronze Award

Sherman Chan


Bronze Award

Megan Li


Bronze Award

Jessica Leung


Bronze Award

Yolanda Ren


Bronze Award

Angela Ho


Bronze Award

Sophia Lam


Bronze Award

Kimi Sun


Bronze Award

Gemma Wong


Bronze Award

Congratulations to all participants!

BIM x STEAM Construction Model Creative Design Competition 2023

The BIM x STEAM Construction Model Creative Design Competition 2023 is organised by Hong Kong Institute of Construction, Design for Future Construction Build for Life Hong Kong and STEAM Alliance with the theme of the environmentally friendly building design.

Clemence Wong of F.4A and Nicole Ling of F.4P joined all the face-to-face workshops before the final round on the usage of a professional 3D architecture software, Revit. Their project is also 3D printed and presented on the final presentation day. With their outstanding presentation and detailed building model, they won the 2nd runner-up in the competition and were invited to a newspaper interview afterwards.



是次比賽的頒獎典禮已於2023年12 月30日假香港中文大學邵逸夫禮堂舉行,得獎同學獲頒發證書及官方航天紀念模型。恭喜得獎同學!

Formula Edge Inter-School AI Racing 2023

Formula Edge Inter-School AI Racing 2023 is hosted by the Smart City Consortium with the aim of motivating students to learn the latest AI Technology using "Edge Computing." During the competition, students are required to develop their own AI model to drive their car and complete the track.

In addition, there are multiple courses that challenge the AI to overcome various difficulties, including speedruns, obstacle avoidance, sharp turns, cross junctions, and even 1-on-1 team racing.

Furthermore, the organizer invited a few guest teams from Macao, increasing the difficulties and competitiveness of the tournament.

This year, our school sent 5 teams to join the competition and achieved the following results.

JetBot Pro Category –  Champion – KENRIE
JetBot Pro Category – 3rd Runner-up – Snoopers
JetBot Best Design – Snoopers
JetBot Elite Award - QuickQuack
Outstanding Team Logo – QuickQuack

JetRacer Pro Category – Champion – JETDINO 恐龍車車
JetRacer Elite Award – THE CAR
JetRacer Fastest Lap – THE CAR
Outstanding Social Media – THE CAR
JetRacer Best Design – JETDINO 恐龍車車

Congratulations to all teams!

The National Taekwondo Club League Championship 2023

The National Taekwondo Club League Championship 2023, organized by the Chinese Taekwondo Association, was successfully held in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, on 30 December 2023. We are honored to share the incredible achievement of Feronia Cheung from F.6P. Feronia emerged as the CHAMPION in the Mixed Poomsae Doubles category, Youth Division.

Once again, congratulations to Feronia for her outstanding achievement!

Bestie’s Speech Cup - Inter-School Speech Competition 2023

The Competition is organised by Bestie Speak, a speech and performing arts training institution. It aims to provide a stage for students to exhibit their speaking skills and challenge themselves.

We are delighted to announce that Hayley Lam from F.2T won the Gold Award in the Solo Verse Speaking category (Secondary Group). She was awarded a certificate and a crystal trophy. Congratulations to Hayley!

百思盃 2023全港校際朗誦比賽

我校二德班林靖晞參加了由百思培訓主辦的百思盃 2023全港校際朗誦比賽,榮獲粵語獨誦金獎,獲頒發獎座及證書。恭喜得獎同學!

The Central and Western District Age Group Tennis Competition 2023

The Central and Western District Age Group Tennis Competition 2023 Girls' Youth Singles (13-14), organized by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, took place at Victoria Park on 25 December 2023.

Jasmine Yeung of F.3U won the 1st Runner-Up award in the tournament.


2023 Wan Chai District Outstanding Youth Award

Feronia Cheung of F.6P and Tianna Liu of F.4A were selected by the Wan Chai District Youth Programme & Civic Education Committee as the winners of the 2023 Wan Chai Outstanding Youth Award (Secondary School Section). They were judged on their personal achievements in sports, academics or voluntary services as well their leadership potential and contributions to the community development. The prize presentation ceremony took place on 22 December, 2023. Congratulations!

International Biology Olympiad – Hong Kong Contest 2023

The International Biology Olympiad (IBO) is an international competition for secondary school students. The purpose of the IBO is to enable students to apply analytical skills and creativity through tackling challenging problems in biology and conducting experiments.

Eight Paulinians participated in this competition and achieved outstanding results.

Our school has obtained the Best School Award and the following prizes:

Silver Award

Bronze Award

Honorable Mention

Megan Kwok (F.6S)

Alvina Lee (F.6S)

Cindy Chow (F.6P)

Winkie Lim (F.6T)

Aimee Poon (F.6S)

Charmayne Kam (F.6P)


Rebecca Wahab (F.6S)

Katie So (F.6P)

Congratulations to the winners!

Smart Community Hackathon 2023

Smart Community Hackathon 2023 is a STEM competition for all talented secondary students in Hong Kong organized by Voltra Hong Kong. This competition, part of the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme and supported by The Hongkong Bank Foundation, empowers young minds to become the leaders of tomorrow by focusing on future skills, green skills and gerontech. The award presentation ceremony was held on 17 December 2023. Vanessa Chan (F.6P), Cindy Chow (F.6P), Katie So (F.6P), Anneliese Chu (F.6A) and Hilary Law (F.6A) won the Pioneering Technology Award with their project “Fan‘trash’tic Bagasse”. They were awarded $5,000 seed funding, $5,000 “Apple Store & iTunes” Gift Card, a trophy, and the “Certificate of Excellence”. Congratulations!

全港中學5G校園應用創作比賽 2023

為進一步推廣5G的普及應用,通訊事務管理局辦公室(「通訊辦」)舉辦以「5G校園 智慧生活」為主題的全港中學5G校園應用創作比賽,並委任了香港生產力促進局(「生產力局」)為是次比賽的協辦機構,邀請全港中學生參與。

中四保的凌悅凐,盧芷蔚和凌楚翹及中四安的莊穎曈 參加了這個比賽,以她們出色的彙報技巧,仔細的計劃書脫穎而出,進入了決賽。在十一月三日前往生產力局左決賽作品展示和彙報。在十二月九日的頒獎典禮上,榮獲優異漿,獲得獎狀及共五千元禮券。恭喜得獎同學!

「我手繪我心 慈善旗紙設計大賽」2023

我校中三施班蔡欣穎同學參加了由西貢區社區中心舉辦的「我手繪我心 慈善旗紙設計大賽」,榮獲初中組冠軍 。 蔡同學的得獎作品已製作成旗紙以及於2023年12月9日新界區賣旗日送到各位善長仁翁手上!恭喜得獎同學!

2023 Hong Kong Island Outstanding Students Award

Congratulations to Cheryl Chan of 6T on being selected as one of the top ten Hong Kong Island Outstanding Students 2023 in the Senior Section. We are also pleased to announce that Gabby Tong of 3P was among the 20 finalists in the Junior Section. This notable competition was organized by the Hong Kong Island School Heads Association attracted participation from over a hundred candidates representing sixty-nine secondary schools across Hong Kong Island.

The selection process was based on various criteria, including academic performance, leadership qualities, special talents, and involvement in community service. The prize presentation ceremony took place on 9 December, 2023. Cheryl was honored with a trophy, certificate, and a $800 book coupon, while Gabby received a certificate and a $500 book coupon.

Once again, congratulations to Cheryl and Gabby on their remarkable achievements!

Eastern District Age Group Athletics Meet 2023

The Eastern District Age Group Athletics Meet 2023, organized by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, was held at Siu Sai Wan Sports Ground on 26 November 2023.

Stephanie Lee of F.5P was the Champion of the C Grade Discus Throw and Shot Put events.

Congratulations to Stephanie!

The Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad Semi-Final Round 2023-2024

The Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad Semi-Final Round 2023 - 2024, organized by the Thailand Mathematics Society and Olympiad Champion Education Group, was held on 26 November 2023. We are delighted to announce that 5 students have received awards in the Semi-Final Round. Amber Wong from F.2P has achieved the outstanding accomplishment of being the 1st Runner-up in the F.2 Division. Congratulations to all winners!

Amber Wong


1st Runner-up of the F.2 Division

Stephanie Chen


Gold Award

Amber Wong


Gold Award

Vivian Lai


Silver Award

Kimi Sun


Bronze Award

Gemma Wong


Bronze Award

Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows 2023 – Symphony Orchestra

The Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows, organized by the Music Office, is an annual inter-school event striving for music exchange among school Chinese orchestras, string orchestras, symphony orchestras, and symphonic bands. On 21st November 2023, SPCS Symphony Orchestra, led by Ms. Harty Tam, participated in the Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows 2023 at Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Our school's orchestra won the Silver Award.

The Symphony Orchestra performed Saint-Saens Danse Macabre. The performance received positive comments from other schools and the adjudicating panels. Mavis Chung of F.5A and Hannah Cheng of F.3P represented the orchestra to receive the Silver Award from Mr. Choi Ho-man.

All in all, the Interflows is a remarkable journey for string orchestra members, and all of them enjoyed the competition.

Congratulations to our school orchestra!

The Greater Bay Area Science Project Competition 2023

The Greater Bay Area Science Project Competition 2023 is hosted by The Gifted Education Council (GEC), aims to enhance the interest and passion of secondary school students in science and technology to address global challenges and to connect talented young scientists in the Greater Bay Area to exchange their knowledge and showcase their innovative ideas.

The competition final and award ceremony was held on the 18th of November 2023. We are honored to announce that Katie Tsui (F.4S), Kara Tsui (F.2P) received the Champion award.

Congratulations to Katie and Kara!

Hong Kong Junior Age Group Athletics Meet (IV) 2023

The Hong Kong Junior Age Group Athletics Meet (IV) 2023, co-organized by the Yuen Long District Sports Association and the Tai Po Athletics Association, was held at Ma On Shan Sports Ground on 16-17 December 2023.

Kianna Lee of F.3S was the Champion of the U16 Long Jump event. Samantha Leung of F.2L was the Champion of the U14 Discus Throw and 1st Runner-up of the U14 Javelin Throw, whereas Tiffany Lin of F.2U was the Champion of the U14 Javelin Throw. Last but not least, Ackber Bertha of F.1A was the Champion of the U14 1500m Race.

Congratulations to all of our winners!

The Inter-School Badminton Competition 2023-2024 Division One (Hong Kong)

The Inter-School Badminton Competition 2023-2024 Division One (Hong Kong), organized by the Schools Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China, was held at Chai Wan Sports Centre on 18 November 2023.

Our school’s badminton team was the 1st Runner Up in the B Grade. The team members were Charlotte Cheung of F.4S, Kristy Lee and Effie Yu of F.4P, Hayley Mok of F.4U, Eunice Li of F.3S, Cherry To of F.3T, Yvette Wong of F.3A and Hebe Chong of F.3U.

Congratulations to the winners!

Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows 2023

The Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows, organized by the Music Office, is an annual inter-school event aimed at fostering music exchange among school Chinese orchestras, string orchestras, symphony orchestras, and symphonic bands.

On 16 November 2023, the SPCS String Orchestra, led by Ms. Harty Tam, participated in the Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows 2023 at the Yuen Long Theatre. Our school's orchestra won the Gold Award for the second consecutive year.

The String Orchestra performed Bartok's Romanian Folk Dances, receiving positive comments from other schools and the adjudicating panels. Angel Tung from F.5T and Agnes Hui from F.5U represented the string orchestra to receive the Gold Award from Mr. Choi Ho-man.

Overall, the Interflows was a remarkable journey for the members of our string orchestra, and they all enjoyed the competition.

Congratulations to our school's string orchestra!

Junior Secondary History e-Reading Award Scheme 2023

The Junior Secondary History e-Reading Award Scheme 2023 prize presentation ceremony was held at Lok Yew Hall of the University of Hong Kong on 13 November 2023. Haydi Ip and Stephanie Kwok of F.2P won the Academic Award for their inspiring essay on Leonardo da Vinci. Besides, 42 students attained the Appreciation Award for their hard work. The school was also presented the School Participation Award for our students' high completion rate. Congratulations to all!

Kwun Tong District Athletics Meet 2023

The Kwun Tong District Athletics Meet 2023, organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, was held at Kowloon Bay Sports Ground on 5 November 2023. Beverly Lin of F.5T was the Champion of the Aged 16 to 18 Discus Throw and Javelin Throw.

Congratulations to Beverly on her outstanding performance!

Student Innovation Award 學生創新獎

The Hong Kong ICT Awards was established in 2006 with the collaborative efforts of the industry, academia and the Government. Student Innovation Award category aims at encouraging ICT innovation by students, with a view to promoting students’ interest and creativity in ICT innovation. Secondary School Stream specially aims to encourage the students in using their creative ideas and imagination on how to use technologies to build a better world for the next generation.

The award presentation ceremony were held on 3 November 2023. We are pleased to announce that Tierra Wong of F.1A and Annika Chow of F.1L obtained Merit Award.


The 1st Student Youth Games of the People’s Republic of China (Open Category)

The 1st Student Youth Games of the People’s Republic of China (Open Category), jointly organised by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, the General Administration of Sport of China and the Communist Youth League of China, was held in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on 2-6 November 2023.

Nicole Yau of F.5T won a silver medal in the 4x200m Relay along with three other Hong Kong Team members and broke the Hong Kong Record.

Congratulations to Nicole!

中國文化協會「文協盃」徵文比賽 2023



The CityU Science Video Competition 2023

The CityU Science Video Competition 2023 was organized by the City University of Hong Kong. The aim of the competition is to develop public interest in science and inspire creative thinking about science. Our students were encouraged to create short and innovative videos that explain a scientific principle.

It is our pleasure to announce that Tammy Li (F.6S), Aimee Poon (F.6S) and Mickie Yu (F.6S) achieved silver award with their video “The Glowing Message”. In addition, Agnes Au (F.4L), Yohan Leung (F.4L), Cynthia Wan (F.4L) and Janice Wan (F.4L) achieved bronze award with their video “燒肉記 Yakiniku Adventure”.

Congratulations to all winners!

The 1st Fund For Powering Youthletics Athletics Championships

The 1st Fund For Powering Youthletics Athletics Championships, co-organised by the Fund For Powering Youthletics and the Pacers Athletics Club, was held at Wan Chai Sports Ground on 23 October 2023. Cornell Tsang of F.1S was the 2nd Runner up of the U13-14 800m Race.

Congratulations to Cornell!

The Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round (Hong Kong Region) 2023 – 2024

The Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2023 - 2024 (Hong Kong Region), organized by the Thailand Mathematics Society and Olympiad Champion Education Group, was held on 15 October 2023. We are delighted to announce that 3 students have received Gold awards, 7 students have received Silver awards, and 10 students have been awarded Bronze. Congratulations to all winners!

Stephanie Chen

F. 2S

Gold Award

Vivian Lai


Gold Award

Amber Wong


Gold Award

Winnie Ho


Silver Award

Ashley Chan


Silver Award

Hailey Kwok


Silver Award

Kimi Sun


Silver Award

Alicia Yiu


Silver Award

Gemma Wong

F. 1S

Silver Award

Angie Tam

F. 1T

Silver Award

Jennis Hu


Bronze Award

Charlotte Lee


Bronze Award

Ella Au Young


Bronze Award

Eva Chow


Bronze Award

Sherman Chan


Bronze Award

Flora Chan


Bronze Award

Leah Wan


Bronze Award

Audrey Yeung


Bronze Award

Charmy Ho


Bronze Award

Angela Ho


Bronze Award

Hong Kong Secondary School Health Exhibition Presentation Competition 2023

The Hong Kong Secondary School Health Exhibition Presentation Competition is organised by the Medical Society of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The central theme of the exhibition this year was “Recent Development in Gastrointestinal Research” to enhance citizens’ awareness and knowledge in various developments in gastrointestinal research. The Grand Final Round of this competition was held on 22 October 2023 at Tai Po Mega Mall. We are pleased to announce that Megan Kwok (F.6S), Heidi Ng (F.6S), Tanya Cheng (F.6T), Jovy Che (F.6T) and Nicole Ip (F.6T) were awarded the Gold Award and High Distinction with their project “The Relationship Between Gut Microbiome and Eczema”. They submitted a written report and presented their project to the judges and the public. Congratulations!

Young Professional Exhibition & Competition 2023

On 15 October 2023, two of our outstanding teams participated in the Young Professional Exhibition & Competition Final, where they achieved remarkable results. One team was crowned the Champion, while the other earned the title of 2nd Runner-up and received the "My Favourite Pitching Award."

Our Champion team, consisting of Athena Yu and Cherene Ngai of F.5T, developed a prototype called "Plast-Eater." This innovative creation combines AI and miniature plastic production technology to raise awareness among the public and students about the environmental impact of plastic waste.

The 2nd Runner-up and My Favourite Pitching team, comprised of Karina Ching of F.3S, Cherry To of F.3T and Bernice Chan of F.3A, designed "FOKUS," a prototype that utilizes AI technology to assist students and parents in gauging their focus levels. The aim of this invention is to reduce stress in studying and improve the parent-child relationship.

Congratulations to both teams on their exceptional performance in the competition!

Hong Kong Junior Age Group Athletics Championships 2023

The Hong Kong Junior Age Group Athletics Championships 2023, organized by the Hong Kong, China Association of Athletics Affiliates, was held at Wan Chai Sports Ground on 7-8 October and Tseung Kwan O Sports Ground on 14-15 October 2023. Beverly Lin of F.5T was the 1st Runner-up of the U18 Discus Throw and Charlotte Cheung of F.4S was the 1st Runner-up of the U16 Javelin Throw. Charlotte Leung of F.2U was the 2nd Runner-up of the U14 800m Race. Congratulations to all prize winners!


由職業安全健康局及新城電台合辦之《職安35周年郵票設計比賽》旨在鼓勵大眾將職安健訊息傳遞給社會不同階層人士,共同推動職安健文化。頒獎典禮已於二零二三年十月十九日舉行。 本校榮獲最踴躍參與學校獎,獲頒獎座、證書及$500禮券。


The Southern District Age Group Tennis Competition 2023

The Southern District Age Group Tennis Competition Girl's Youth Singles (13-14) and Girl's Youth Singles Doubles (18 or below), both organized by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, took place at Victoria Park on 1 and 2 October 2023.

Jasmine Yeung of F.3U won the Championship in both tournaments.



我校中五施黎雅思同學以及中三璐王俏童同學參加了由香港中華文化促進中心舉辦的2022-2023中國中學生作文大賽 (香港賽區),經歷了超過半年的評審過程,她們在眾多參加者中脫穎而出,榮獲高中組旭日文學之星及初中組銅獎。




另外,我校中二施孫卓知也在香港教育城中文狀元挑戰計劃 2022/23成為中級組中文狀元,獲頒發證書及港幣一百五十元書券。此計劃鼓勵學生藉著有趣多元的語文練習及遊戲,持續增進基礎中文能力及知識。


2023 Youth Innovation and Technology Future Community Planning Competition

Six Paulinians participated in the 2023 Youth Innovation and Technology Future Community Planning Competition organized by the VQ Foundation. They engaged in various lectures and hands-on workshops, acquiring knowledge about the pivotal role of technology and innovation in future community planning. Their project proposal, titled "Mindscapes," earned Adeline Yip (F.3S), Flora Chan (F.3T), Jacqueline Kie (F.3T), Hailey Kwok (F.3P), Jace Pang (F.3A), and Megan Li (F.3U) the "Caring and Inclusion Award" as well as the "Most Popular Innovation Award." Their project focused on utilising virtual reality and online resources to enhance awareness and understanding of mental health issues among young people. Congratulations!

Outstanding e-Learning Awards (2022/23)

The e-Learning Development Laboratory of the University of Hong Kong organized the Outstanding e-Learning Awards (2022/23) to encourage the adoption of e-learning and innovative learning. The aim is to create a powerful and advanced learning environment for students and share the best practices of pedagogical designs and applications for educators.

We are delighted to announce that the team of Mrs. C. Cheng, Mrs. Pr. Lam, and Mrs. I. Wong has received the Silver Award and Emerging Technology Award in the category of Citizenship and Social Development. Their project, "Understanding 16 domains of National Security using Mastery Learning," was recognized for its exceptional contributions. The results were announced in late September 2023.

Congratulations to the team for this outstanding achievement!

The Week of Positivity 2023

The Week of Positivity is a cross-curricular English week in which our school organized various activities that echo the theme of “Leading a Positive Life” and four sub-themes: “Cherishing Life”, “Diligence”, “Empathy” and “Respect for Diversity” to create a learning environment conducive to English learning and the promotion of values education.

We are pleased to announce that our school has been awarded the Commendable Award for our extent in promoting positive values and attitudes through English Language activities. Congratulations!

Hong Kong Athletics Series 2023 – Series 4

The Hong Kong Athletics Series 2023 – Series 4, organized by the Hong Kong Association of Athletics Affiliates, was held at Tseung Kwan O Sports Ground on 10 September 2023. Nicole Yau of F.5T was the Champion of the Women’s Open 200m Race.

Congratulations to Nicole!

37th China Adolescents Science and Technology Innovation Contest

Four Paulinians participated in the 37th China Adolescents Science and Technology Innovation Contest held in Wuhan from 20 to 25 August, 2023. Around 700 students from 31 provinces and 50 representatives from 13 countries competed in the contest. In the category of Life Science, Megan Kwok (F.5S), Ellie Chiu (F.4P) and Monica Pei (F.4P) obtained the 1st Class Award with their project titled “Wound Infection Indicator Dressing”, receiving gold medals and certificates. They also obtained Huazhong Agricultural University Special Award for Adolescents Science and Technology Innovation with a cash prize of RMB 5000. In the category of Chemistry, Hilary Law (F.5A) obtained the 1st Class Award with her project titled “Fan‘trash’tic Bagasse”, receiving a gold medal and a certificate. Additionally, she received three special awards: the Wuhan Textile University Special Award for Adolescents Science and Technology Innovation, the Qualification in the I-FEST2 Competition Special Award, and the BUCA IMSE2F Participation Special Award. She received a Huawei MatePad, certificates and sponsorship to join The International Festival of Science and Technology in Tunisia in March 2024, as well as the BUCA International Music Science Energy Engineering Fair 2024 in Turkey. Congratulations!

TVNews Award Scheme 2022-23 (Phase 3)

The Phase 3 results for the TVNews Award Scheme 2022-23 were announced on September 1st, 2023. The scheme is organised by HKEdCity. It provides students with the opportunity to complete online exercises to enhance students’ knowledge of various topics and English language proficiency. Through this, students’ self-directed learning is also promoted. Emma Suen of F.2S was awarded the "Best Performance Award" for Senior level (generally reserved for F. 4-6 students) and Leah Wan of F.2T was awarded the "Best Performance Award" for Intermediate level (generally reserved for F.1-3 students) for obtaining outstanding marks in their categories. For their achievements, they each received HK$150 book vouchers and accompanying certificates.

Congratulations to Emma and Leah!

The European Astro Pi Challenge (ASTRON) 2023

The European Astro Pi Challenge (ASTRON) 2023, organized by the European Space Agency (ESA), presented an incredible opportunity for students to conduct scientific investigations in space by developing computer programs. The accepted projects, achieving "Flight Status," had their programs executed on Raspberry Pi computers aboard the International Space Station (ISS). This year, 771 teams from 23 countries participated in ASTRON.

ASTRON 2023 spanned from September 2022 to June 2023 and consisted of four phases: Design, Create, Deploy, and Analysis. Three teams from SPCS had the privilege to participate in ASTRON 2023, and all of them achieved "Flight Status."

We are delighted to announce that the team ESCAPERS was selected as one of the top 10 winners of ASTRON 2023! Their experiment aimed to cultivate green microalgae in the ISS, generating oxygen for the astronauts.

Celina Au (F.3S)
Karina Chow (F.3S)
Katie Chu (F.3T)
Charlene Chan (F.3P)
Renee Chung (F.3P)

Team SCCAM –
Callie Kwok (F.3S)
Mavis Sei (F.3S)
Vincy Yeung (F.3T)
Celina Ho (F.3P)
Angkor Wong (F.3L)

Teresa Cheung (F.3P)
Czarina Luk (F.3P)
Bernice Leung (F.3A)
Clare Zhang (F.3A)
Charlotte Kung (F.3L)


2023 East Asian Games

The 2023 East Asian Youth Games, organized by the East Asian Olympic Committee, took place in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from 16 to 23 August, 2023.

We are proud to announce that Nicole Yau of F.4T was selected as part of the Hong Kong, China Delegation to compete in the Women's 200m race. Nicole's exceptional performance earned her the impressive achievement of being the 2nd Runner-up.

Congratulations to Nicole Yau on this well-deserved success at the East Asian Youth Games!

Innovate for Future 2023

The Innovate for Future (IFF) competition is an open platform that encourages innovation and technology among young individuals in Hong Kong. It seeks to inspire participants to create solutions for real-life problems, from generating ideas to developing prototypes. IFF receives support from various industrial partners, including Nvidia, Axi, local universities, and more.

We are proud to announce that our students, Nicole Wong (F.5T) and Agnes Au (F.5L), achieved the remarkable feat of securing the 1st Runner-up position in the competition. Their innovative creation, "Miss Pauline 2.0”, an emotion support robot, exemplifies their creativity and technical skills.

Congratulations to the "Miss Pauline 2.0" team on their outstanding achievement!

The Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2023

The Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2023 (Hong Kong) is organized by HKNETEA, supported by the Education Bureau (EDB), Innovation and Technology Bureau (ITB) and Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO). The award aims to enhance students’ creativity and innovation, and recognize young STEM talents for their efforts.

We were pleased to announce that:

Charlotte Lau (5P) and Jasmine Wong (5P) obtained the Bronze Award in the ICT Stream, Senior Secondary Section with their project AI Stick

Antonya Ng (5A) and Clarissa Lam (5L) obtained the Merit Award in the ICT Stream, Senior Secondary Section with their project Caredian

Congratulations to all winners!

The 2023 National Taekwondo Club League (Guangxi Station)

The 2023 National Taekwondo Club League, held in Guangxi, China on August 19, 2023, brought together talented taekwondo athletes from across the country. Feronia Cheung, a dedicated representative of HKSAR, participated in the Mixed Pair Poomsae category, Junior Division, and emerged as the Champion.

Congratulations to Feronia for her outstanding performance and applaud her dedication to taekwondo!

The 3rd Hong Kong Secondary School Cosmetic Formulation Competition

The 3rd Hong Kong Secondary School Cosmetic Formulation Competition Final-Round cum Award Ceremony organized by City University of Hong Kong (Department of Chemistry) and Hong Kong Society of Cosmetic Chemists (HKSCC) was held on 12 August, 2023. Alvina Lee (F.5S), Janice Lee (F.5S), Tammy Li (F.5S) and Sofia Chu (F.5T) won the Champion in the Cleansing Gel Section, as well as the Best Presentation Award. They were awarded with trophies and cash prize. Congratulations!

World Science, Environment and Engineering Competition 2023

World Science, Environment and Engineering Competition (WSEEC) 2023 organized by Indonesian Young Scientist Association was held online on 1 August, 2023

Being one of the Hong Kong teams, Charmayne Kam (F.5P), Charlotte Lau (F. 5P) and Jasmine Wong (F. 5P) presented their project “MagNano” in the competition and obtained the Gold Award in the Technology Category. They were awarded with digital certificates.

The Phoenix Cup National Dance Championships 2023

The Phoenix Cup National Dance Championships, jointly organized by the Chinese Culture and Arts Association and the Hong Kong Youth Dancers Association, is an esteemed annual competition that attracts dancers from across China, Hong Kong, and Macau. Participants showcase their skills in various genres of dance, including Contemporary, Chinese, Oriental, and more.

This year's competition took place on 2nd August 2023, at Y Theatre, Youth Square. Among the 120 talented dancers from the mentioned regions, Jasmine Ho from F.5S participated with her contemporary solo performance. Her exceptional talent and hard work were recognized as she was awarded the Gold Prize in the competition.

Congratulations to Jasmine for this remarkable achievement!

Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition 2022

The Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition 2022, organized by the Hong Kong Society of Biology, aimed to cultivate students' interest in biological drawing and instill a respect for the wonders of life and living things.

Fourteen Paulinians participated in this competition and attained very good results.

Senior Secondary Category

Outstanding Award

Highly Commended Award


Cynthia Wan (4L)

Kaziah Chan (4T)

Emily Wong (4S)

Phoebe Yu (4S)

Charis Liu (4T)



Claudia Ng (4T)



Catherine Fan (4T)



Charlotte Li (4T)



Joyce Li (5S)



Odelia Wong (5S)


Junior Secondary Category

Highly Commended Award


Jace Pang (2S)

Kasey Tang (1L)


Annabelle Yeung (2L)


Ines Owyang (3S)

Congratulations to the winners!

全港即興創意寫作比賽 2022-2023

由語文教育及研究常務委員會 (語常會) 支持及語文基金撥款,香港青年協會主辦的「校園作家大招募計劃2022-2023」以及「全港即興創意寫作比賽2022-2023」已圓滿結束,我校中四璐班萬蕊嘉、中四雅班童話、中三雅班張玥盈以及中三安班周思睿同學組成的隊伍在一眾隊伍中脫穎而出,榮獲中學組冠軍及最受公眾歡迎獎。



SCMP Student of the Year Awards

Joyce Li of F.5S has obtained the Merit Award in the Visual Artist category of the South China Morning Post Student of the Year Awards. The prize presentation ceremony was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 15 July under a “Take action to drive positive change” theme. Joyce believes she can use her art to provoke reflection and raise attention to social problems. When she exhibited her painting about the subdivided flats in the exhibition of Wharf Hong Kong Secondary School Art Competition, Joyce received feedback from her schoolmates and gained exposure to the general public when she noticed her painting had been shared on their Instagram. Through this experience, she realized her potential as a student to make an impact and contribute to driving positive change by raising awareness about important issues in our city. It is hoped that the ceremony will broaden students' horizons, and all the awardees, including Joyce, can strive to become future leaders of our city. Congratulations to all the awardees!


本校學生參加了由中國青少年語言文化學會舉辦的全國青少年語文知識大賽「菁英盃」(香港賽區) 現場作文初賽、決賽及總決賽,比賽結果已於二零二三年七月公佈。




中四璐 萬蕊嘉


中二璐 唐懿澄

中二德 王愉俙


中二德 麥靖宜



中二德 麥靖宜


中二璐 唐懿澄


中四璐 萬蕊嘉

中二德 王愉俙

中二璐 何家昕



中四璐 萬蕊嘉

中二璐 唐懿澄

中二璐 何家昕


中二德 王愉俙

中二德 麥靖宜

中三雅 梁思睿

中一施 廖筱媛

Vending Machine Business Proposal Competition 2023

On July 10th, the school invited students from all houses to form teams for the competition.

In preparation for the competition, students attended training sessions on July 19th and 24th, which were led by Mr. A. Chen and Mr. T.K. Yam.

On July 29th, the teams showcased their proposals for running the vending machines in the upcoming academic year. Following their 5-minute presentations, they answered questions from the judges.

For this competition, the school was pleased to invite Ms. Gisa Chan, Project Director at Solomon Learning Group, to serve as the lead judge. Additionally, Mrs. May Hau, the PTA chairperson, and Dr. Tony Cheong, a PTA executive member, who both possess extensive experience in business and entrepreneurship, also served as judges.

It was gratifying to witness the students' outstanding presentations and their apt responses to the questions posed by the adjudicators. During the feedback session, all judges expressed their impression of the high quality of the students' work.

Ultimately, Cavell House emerged as the winner of the competition and was granted the responsibility of operating the vending machines. The winning team, comprised of Athena Yu from F.4A, Serena Lo from F.4P, and Cherene Ngai from F.4A, received certificates and scholarships. The prize ceremony is scheduled to take place on the upcoming Speech Day.

Congratulations to the winning team!






The Engineering Project Competition 2023

The Engineering Project Competition 2023, organised by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, was held on the 11th to 13th of July. Kaziah Chan (F.4T), Renee Cheung (F.4T), Alannah Yip (F.4T), and Sophie Tam (F.4A) teamed up to participate in it. Over the span of three days, the group designed a VR game named "Shark Saviours: Vision Rescue", with an aim to alleviate myopia amongst children. They were awarded the champion. Congratulations!

The 2023 Technology for the Future: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Summer Camp

The 2023 Technology for the Future: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Summer Camp organized by the Education Innovation Research Institute in the Greater Bay Area and Cities Connected took place from July to August 2023.

We are delighted to announce the winners of the AI and Robotics Quiz 1 held on 12 July 2023: Cecilia Yip (F.4P), Ines Owyang (F.3S), Teresa Cheung (F.3P), Czarina Luk (F.3P), Nicole Ling (F.3P), Celina Ho (F.3P), and Clemence Wong (F.3L). They were awarded STEM kit sets for their outstanding performance.

Additionally, Cherish Chiu (F.1P), Celina Ho (F.3P), Clare Zhang (F.3A), and Elyse Lee (F.3U) emerged as the winners of the AI and Robotics Quiz 2 on 19 July 2023 and were presented with certificates.

The graduation ceremony for the summer camp was held on 30 August 2023.

We are also proud to announce that the team consisting of Cherish Chiu (F1P), Elyse Lee (F3U), Nicole Ling (F3P), Clemence Wong (F3L), and Cecilia Yip (F4P) won the Gold Award in the AI Presentation Competition. Another team composed of Ines Owyang (F3S), Teresa Cheung (F3P), Celina Ho (F3P), Czarina Luk (F3P), Bernice Leung (F3A), and Clare Zhang (F3A) attained the Silver Award in the same competition. Both teams were presented with certificates.

Furthermore, our school achieved the Gold Award in the Best School category of the camp.

Congratulations to all the winners on their remarkable achievements!

The First ESG AI Vertical Farming Award 2022-2023 (Hong Kong)

The finals of the First ESG AI Vertical Farming Award 2022-2023, organized by Consilium Education, took place on July 9th, 2023. In the secondary school section, Jenny Ng (5P), Cindy Chow (5P), Anneliese Chu (5A) and Elaine Wang (5A) has been crowned as the Champion, for their innovative approach and outstanding performance in this competition. They have also won the EBZ Consilium Global Sustainable Development High-Tech Grand Prize. The team has received $9000 cash prize, trophies and certificates.

Furthermore, Mr. Kell Ho, Mrs. Feanca See, and Mr. Adrian Chen have won the Outstanding Teacher Award in this competition.

Congratulations once again to our prize winners.

「童擁AI」CODING 科技比賽暨作品展2023

為了協助政府推動編程教育普及化,並讓下一代能夠早日學習並與科技共同成長,百仁基金主辦了「童擁AI」CODING 科技比賽暨作品展2023。該比賽暨作品展已於2023年7月8日在九龍灣國際展貿中心成功舉行。本校的中五璐班林皓蔚同學和中五雅班伍稀瞳同學榮獲入圍獎,並獲頒發獎狀及港幣二千元獎金。恭喜得獎的同學!

Inter-School STEM x Innovation Competition 2023

The Inter-School STEM x Innovation Competition 2023 was organized by STEM Unicorn. It aimed to challenge students' critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity. The competition took place on 8 July 2023, and we are delighted to announce that Bernice Leung (F.3A) and Teresa Cheung (F.3P) won the 2nd Runner-up. Congratulations to all the winners!

The Meritorious Websites Contest and Healthy Mobile Phone/Tablet Apps Contest 2022

The Meritorious Websites Contest and Healthy Mobile Phone/Tablet Apps Contest 2022 was organized by the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration. The contests were conducted under the slogan “Surf smartly. Spend our time wisely” to encourage young people to develop good surfing habit.

It is our pleasure to announce that Grace Chung (F.1S), Gensis Leung (F.1S), Eunice Or (F.1S), Emma Suen (F.1S) and Clarissa Pong (F.1U) obtained the “Healthy Information for a Healthy Mind” Online Game Awards.

Our school has also obtained Merit in the School with the Highest Number of Voters Award.

Congratulations to all winners!

International Trade Challenge by Junior Achievement Hong Kong

International Trade Challenge was co-organized by JA Hong Kong and FedEx. Over 300 students have participated in the competition this year. Two teams of our students have passed the first-round written business proposal successfully to enter the Hong Kong Final - 7-minute business oral presentation.

A team of F.4 students, Jasmine Kwok and Tosca Cheung (F.4U) and a team of F.5 students, Lucy Jiang (F.5U) and Roxy Yang (F.5T) had won the Top 10 in the Hong Kong Finals. The F.4 team, Jasmine Kwok and Tosca Leung from F.4U had been awarded as one of the top 3 winning teams in the Hong Kong Finals. The team is eligible to enter the Asia Pacific Final by competing with other delegates in the Asia Pacific region in late August this year.

Special thanks to Ms Carmen Fung and Mr Adrian Chen for their continuous support and guidance in the competition.

Congratulations and wish them to have outstanding results in the Asia Pacific Final!

Hong Kong Financial Literacy Championship 2023 - Young Financial Talent Runway

Hong Kong Financial Literacy Championship 2023 - Young Financial Talent Runway was co-organized by HKEJ, HKEDB and Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Over 270 schools with 20,000 students have participated in the competition this year. Two teams of our F.5 students have passed the CV screening and interviews successfully to enter the final round of the competition - 3-minute business oral presentation.

One F.5 team, Destiny Lin, Lucy Jiang, Zita Ng and Kelly Wong from F.5U and Cara Leung from F.5A won the Championship with $5,000 cash scholarship, trophy and certificates; while another F.5 team, Cattleya Lai from F.5T; Hilary Law from F.5A; Heidi Kwan, Megan Lam from F.5U and Nicole Lum from F.5L won the Outstanding Excellent Award (Top 5) with $500 cash scholarship, trophy and certificates.

Special thanks to Mr A. Chen for leading the teams for this endeavor. Congratulations to all the winners!

The International Young Dancers Competition 2023

The International Young Dancers Competition 2023, organized by the Universal Academy of Performing Arts and First Education Group, took place on July 2, 8, and 9, 2023, at the Black Box Theatre in Tai Po Arts Centre. In the age 16-18 contemporary category, Jasmine Ho from F. 5S participated and achieved an outstanding accomplishment, winning the 1st Prize with her solo piece.

As a result of her remarkable performance, Jasmine has been extended invitations to attend masterclasses and showcase her talents in Germany and the United Kingdom.

Congratulations to Jasmine for this impressive achievement!

Joint School Sustainability and ESG Competition 2022-23

Two F4 students participated in the Joint School Sustainability and ESG Competition organized by the Hong Kong Independent Non-Executive Director Association (HKiNEDA).

This was the first ESG competition held by the Organizer in Hong Kong. Participants need to formulate a sustainable development strategy for the business of REIT, and film a report video on the proposal.

Out of 100 competitors, Charmaine Chan of 4L was awarded with the Best Speaker Award. Annabel Leung and Charmaine Chan of 4L were awarded with the Most Popular Award.

Special thanks to Mr M. Au for supervising the project. Congratulations to the students.

Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Ceremony

Our school is recognised by the Equal Opportunities Commission as “Racially Friendly Campus Champion” of the Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Scheme 2022/23. The aim of the scheme was to encourage schools to promote racial inclusion and diversity on campuses through student activities and publicity campaigns. The Racially Friendly Campus Recognition Ceremony was held at Eaton Hotel on 7 July 2023. Our student representative, Sursharan Kaur (F.5L) received a trophy for us from Mr Ricky Chu Man Kin (EOC Chairperson) and Mr Simon Lam Ken Chung (EOC member).

English Builder Outstanding Student Awards

Online learning is an integral part of English language learning at St. Paul’s Convent School. English Builder, an online platform powered by Wiseman, a STEAM company, is designed to enhance the language proficiency of students through authentic contexts. Students are to complete a series of exercises throughout the year to hone their speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills.

The English Builder Outstanding Students Awards were announced on July 3rd, 2023. This year, we have 50 students who have achieved the “Outstanding Students (Series Rankings)” and 12 students who have achieved the “Outstanding Students (School Rankings)”, which are awards that recognize high achieving students. Certificates and trophies/medals were awarded for their achievements.

We are proud to announce the awardees, which are listed below.

Outstanding Students (Series Rankings)







Wong Tsz Ni Amber



Level 3


Chan On Yi



Level 3


Chung Wing Ying



Level 3


Ho Yee Nok



Level 3


Mak Tsz Yau



Level 3


Choi Tsz Yau Eunis


High Distinction

Level 3


Hung Ka Lo



Level 3


Lai Wing Yan


High Distinction

Level 3


Lam Ching Hei Hayley


High Distinction

Level 3


Wan Ka Hei


Second Runner-Up

Level 3


Tai Cheuk Wing Evia



Level 4


Tse Nga Yin Kathryn



Level 4


Ng Tsz Yan Leona



Level 4


Chow Yi Whua Eva


First Runner-Up

Level 4


Leung King Tung



Level 4


Wong Sze Lam



Level 4


Au Yuen Yan Olina



Level 5


Kimura Hitomi



Level 5


Lai Hoi Ying Serena



Level 5


Tsui Ching Ting Helen



Level 5


Ho Chi Yan Yanny



Level 5


Cheng Tin Yan Harmony



Level 5


Ip Sze Wing Shirin



Level 5


Lo Cheuk Wing Catherine



Level 5


Ng Wing Tsz Vincy



Level 5


Wong Louise


First Runner-Up

Level 5


Lau Fook Wing Leanne



Level 5


Chong Wing Tung Sandra



Level 5


Lam Angel



Level 5


Chiu Yuet Vian


High Distinction

Level 5


Leung Yuen Kiu Ankie



Level 5


Tam Yiu Sum Sophie



Level 5


Chan Wing Yan Dorothy



Level 5


Chiu Wing Lam Anneliese



Level 6


Ho Ka Yan Jessica



Level 6


Kwan Ka Hay Hayley


High Distinction

Level 6


Leung Cheuk Kei Cara



Level 6


Shek Ching Tung Catherine



Level 6


Kaur Sursharan



Level 6


Cheung Hiu Man Feronia



Level 6


Ng Cheuk Wing Annie



Level 6


So Yuen Ching Katie


High Distinction

Level 6


Wong Hoi Luen Jasmine



Level 6


Wong Sze Yung Candy



Level 6


Lu Ying Yu Belle



Level 6


Poon Chi Yung Aimee


High Distinction

Level 6


Fung Pak Wai Nicole



Level 6


Kwan Tsz Ching Heidi


High Distinction

Level 6


Wong Sze Yui Constance



Level 6


Sarkar Manjori



Level 6

Outstanding Students (School Rankings)






Hung Ka Lo


Level 3


Lai Wing Yan


Level 3


Wan Ka Hei


Level 3


Ng Tsz Yan Leona


Level 4


Chow Yi Whua Eva


Level 4


Wong Sze Lam


Level 4


Wong Louise


Level 5


Chiu Yuet Vian


Level 5


Tam Yiu Sum Sophie


Level 5


So Yuen Ching Katie


Level 6


Lu Ying Yu Belle


Level 6


Poon Chi Yung Aimee


Level 6

Congratulations to all students for their hard work and perseverance over the term!

Science Assessment Test 2023

Our students received excellent results in the Science Assessment Test 2023 organised by the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education. The results were released on 28 June 2023. Seven students obtained Diamond awards: Callie Kwok (F.3S), Therese Luk (F.3S), Amanda Shi (F.3T), Kristy Lee (F.3P), Czarina Luk (F.3P), Margaret Ho (F.3A), and Clare Zhang (F.3A). In addition, thirteen students received Gold awards, nine received Silver awards, and eight received Bronze awards. Congratulations!

Hong Kong Inter-City Athletics Championships 2023

The Hong Kong Inter-City Athletics Championships 2023, organized by the Hong Kong, China Association of Athletics Affiliates, was held at Tseung Kwan O Sports Ground on 24-25 June 2023.

Nicole Yau of F.4T was the Champion of the U18 200m Race and the 1st Runner-up of the U18 100m Race.

Congratulations to Nicole!

The 14th Dancing Star Competition

The 14th Dancing Star Competition was held on 22 June 2023 at Youth Square. Jasmine Ho of F.5S competed with her contemporary solo entry and won the 1st Prize in the age 16-18 solo category. Her remarkable performance also achieved the overall highest score in the entire competition.

Congratulations to Jasmine!



Chloe Cho of F2S has achieved outstanding success in two prestigious music competitions. She won the First Prize (Vocal) in the Junior Artist section of The Beethoven Young Musician Competition, based on her video submission from 15 June 2023. This international online classical music competition aims to foster the performance and growth of young musicians worldwide.

Additionally, Chloe received the Silver Award (Vocal) in the North American Virtuoso International Competition held on 19 June 2023. This competition provides a platform for performers of all instruments, ages, and genres to showcase their virtuosity and artistic excellence.

Congratulations to Chloe!

The Hong Kong Science Fair

The Hong Kong Science Fair, organized by the Hong Kong Innovation Foundation (HKIF), provided an excellent platform for students to showcase their creativity and problem-solving skills. In this competition, students were encouraged to develop innovative and human-centric solutions to real-life challenges, and learned how to improve and express their own ideas by applying their knowledge of science, technology, and design to create functional solutions.

Our school's exceptional performance is worth celebrating, with 11 teams receiving the Merit Award, along with $5000, certificates, and trophies. The projects were showcased at the Fair held on 18th and 19th June at the prestigious Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, where they drew considerable interest from visitors. Participating in this event has given our students invaluable experience and will undoubtedly inspire them to continue pursuing their passion in innovative thinking.

The awardees are:

Senior Secondary Section:
4P Ellie Chiu, 4P Monica Pei, 5S Megan Kwok, 5S Andressa Mak
Winning Project: Natural infection-indicator dressing

5S Chloe Leung, 5S Heidi Ng, 5S Nicole Chin
Winning Project: Krabbecare

5P Charmayne Kam, 5P Charlotte Lau, 5P Jasmine Wong
Winning Project: MagNano

3P Kristy Yeung, 4P Hayley Sze, 4A Joby Ling
Winning Project: A new generation of 24 tastes herbal tea to prevent Covid-19

5S Angela Tam, 5S Jasmine Ho, 5T Liyan Lam
Winning Project: Boba Gum

5P Vanessa Chan, 5P Cindy Chow, 5P Katie So, 5A Anneliese Chu
Winning Project: Fan'trash'tic treasure

4S Annie Qin, 4S Hazel Wong, 4S Maggie Ng, 4S Janelle Wong
Winning Project: A New Life of Shells

3P Beryl Chu, 4S Dorothy Chan, 4S Kelly Chu, 4S Audrey Seng
Winning Project: Harmonie, natural, smoothing face cleanser specialized for sensitive skin with fragrance

5A Antonya Ng, 5L Clarissa Lam
Winning Project: 護耆守

4T Nicole Wong, 4L Agnes Au
Winning Project: Miss Pauline 2.0

Junior Secondary Section:
3S Kelly Ng, 3S Mavis Sei, 3S Elly Wong
Winning Project: Removal of Formaldehyde and Total Volatile Organic Compound (TVOC) with a tank of Micro-Algae

Congratulations to all winners!

The 15th English Radio Drama Competition

On June 10th, 2023, the final round of the 15th English Radio Drama Competition, which was arranged by the Smart Education Charitable Foundation, took place at the Chiang Chen Studio Theatre located within The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Participants were tasked with delivering captivating radio drama performances in front of a panel of judges and an audience. The competition aims to stimulate students’ personal development, cultivate their language skills and creativity, and spark their interest in learning and teach them the importance of teamwork. We are proud to announce that Chan Wing Yan Dorothy (F.4S), Lau Lea Adrienne (F.4S), Seng Si Laam Audrey (F.4S), and Kwok Yan Wing Hannah (F.4A) earned the Best Script Award and Merit Award. Congratulations to the winners!

International Science Project Olympiad (INSPO) 2023

International Science Project Olympiad (INSPO) 2023 organized by Okyanus College was held online from 9 to 12 June 2023. Being one of the Hong Kong teams, Charmayne Kam (F.5P), Charlotte Lau (F. 5P) and Jasmine Wong (F. 5P) presented their project “MagNano” in the competition and obtained the Gold Award in the Environmental Category. They were awarded with digital certificates.

第二屆香港青少年航天創新大賽 - 「火星種植」機器人挑戰賽



The Wharf Hong Kong Secondary School Art Competition 2023

The Wharf Hong Kong Secondary School Art Competition is an annual event organised by the Wharf since 2011. The panel of adjudicators compromises renowned art professionals in Hong Kong. Winning entries are selected according to their originality, creativity, skill, and artistic merit and are usually of very high standards.

Special awards are given to those adhere to the theme “Harbour • Love”. Joyce Li of F.5S and Karan Kwok of F.6U achieved Merit Award among the 1500 entries from around 250 secondary schools. Joyce’s work was granted the “Harbour • Love” Special Award.

Belle Hui of F.6U won the Champion of the Digital Graphics Category. She obtained a trophy and a certificate during the prize presentation ceremony held on 1 June 2023. The winning pieces and a selection of entries will be exhibited at three locations in September: The Harbour City, Times Square and Plaza Hollywood.

Further details will be announced on their website:

Congratulations to all the winners!

The Inter-school Volleyball Competition 2022-2023 Division Two (Hong Kong)

The Inter-School Volleyball Competition 2022-2023 Division Two (Hong Kong) Finals, organized by the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation, was held at Island East Sports Centre on 30th May 2023.

Our school’s volleyball team won Second Place in the C Grade. The team members were Ada Pat and Jasmine Yeung of F.2S, Ella Wong, Rachel Chung, Rebecca Ho and Charlotte Cheung of F.2T, Jessie Chan of F.1S, Peony Tse and Louise Lee of 1P, and Christy Lo of F.1A..

Congratulations to the winners!

'Embrace love' Art and Design Competition (2022-2023)

In the 'Embrace love' Art and Design Competition organized by the Sister School Scheme of Lions Club International District 303 – Hong Kong & Macao, China, Carlie Cheung of F.3S and Toni Ngan of F.3L have won the Third Prize and a $400 book coupon, while Regina Chu of F.5L and Katie Tsui of F.3S have won the Highly Commended Award and a $100 book coupon. Congratulations to the winners!


中四璐班蔡宛諺同學獲國際獅子總會中港澳三O三區主辦第三屆兒童及青少年粵劇折子戲大賽青少年組亞軍。 恭喜得獎同學!

「一找知道科普知識大比拼」問答比賽 2023


是次比賽於2023年5月1日至10日舉行,而比賽結果已於2023年5月22日公佈。本校一施班劉泇呈同學、一德班朱迪同學、一德班林靖晞同學、一德班溫珈希同學及二保班陳海悠同學榮獲個人賽優異獎。同時,本校亦 榮獲校際賽(中學組)冠軍。


HKICPA Accounting and Business Management Competition 2022-2023

The Accounting and Business Management Competition was organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. There were 516 teams with over 1,800 students from 125 schools participating in the competition. Competitors conducted financial, operational and sustainability analysis of Kerry Logistics Network Limited, and presented innovative ideas for plans of improvement. After several rounds of evaluation, six finalist teams were selected to enter the Final Round of the Competition - Oral Presentation which was held on 20 May 2023. The final competition included a 15-minute presentation and 5-minute Q&A.

Our F.4 team, Ellie Chiu, Monica Pei, Cadi Lai from F.4P, Hillary Ho from F.4A and Cynthia Wan from F.4L, was selected as one of the finalists. They performed remarkably and got the Outstanding Performance Award.

Two SPCS teams got Certificate of Merit. They are:

4P Kristy Chan

4P Hayley Sze

4P Michelle Yeun

4P Kelly Wan


4U Alvina Chan

4U Tosca Cheung

4U Chrissie Chiu

4U Jasmine Kwok

4U Scarlett Wong

Another two SPCS teams got Certificate of Proficiency. They are:

5A Hilary Law

5U Heidi Kwan

5U Megan Lam


4T Kaziah Chan

4T Bernice Fong

4T Alannah Yip

4L Janice Pang

Special thanks to Ms Tammy Law and Mr Michael Au for guiding and coaching the students since January 2023. Congratulations!

The A.S. Watson Group HK Student Sports Awards (2022-2023)

The A.S. Watson Group HK Student Sports Awards aims to encourage young students to continue to participate fully in sports activities and strive for further excellence.

Feronia Cheung of F.5P received the A.S. Watson Group HK Student Sports Awards 2022-2023 for her remarkable performance in taekwondo.


Caritas - Hong Kong 2022 Fund Raising Campaign Closing Ceremony

The Caritas Hong Kong 2022 Fund Raising Campaign Closing Ceremony was held on 19 May, 2023. Our school was crowned as the highest fundraising school in the Caritas Bazaar in Hong Kong Island, with $235,015.8. In addition, in the Caritas raffle tickets selling event, we also earned the highest sales award in the secondary section, with a total amount of $220,000. The generosity and active participation of our Principal, staff members and Paulinians contributed to the success of this event. May we continue to uphold the virtue of charity, and offer help to the needy.

Hong Kong Junior Age Group Athletics Meet 2023 - 2

The Hong Kong Junior Age Group Athletics Meet 2023 – 2, organized by the HK Distance Runners Club, was held at Tseung Kwan O Sports Ground on 13-14 May 2023.

Kianna Lee of F.2T was the 2nd Runner-up of the U16 60m Race.

Samantha Leung of F.1L was the Champion of the U14 Javelin Event and the 1st Runner-up of the U14 Discus Event.

Congratulations to all winners!

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Project Study Competition 2023

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Project Study Competition was organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. After several rounds of evaluation, eight finalist teams in Junior and Senior Group were selected to enter the Final Round of the competition – Oral Presentation which was held on 13 May 2023. The final competition included a 10-minute presentation and 10-minute Q&A.

Our Senior F.5 team, Nicole Chin from F.5S, Roxy Yang from F.5T, Destiny Lin and Lucy Jiang from F.5U won the Champion and the Best Presentation Award with $6,500 prize, trophy and certificates. The Junior F.3 team, Amanda Shi, Harmony Shum, Bibiana Shek from F.3T and Effie Yu from F.3P won the Merit Award with $1,000 prize, trophy and certificates.

Special thanks to Mr. A Chen for supervising and guiding the teams.

Congratulations to all the winners!

“Digi-science” Video Production Competition for Hong Kong Secondary Schools 2022-23

The prize presentation ceremony of the “Digi-science” Video Production Competition for Hong Kong Secondary Schools 2022-23, organized by the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education and the Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification, was held on 13 May 2023. In the senior division, Cindy Chow (F.5P), Anneliese Chu (F.5A) and Hilary Law (F.5A) won the Merit Award with their video titled ‘Sulphur-ise in Chinese Yams?’. They received $300 book coupons and certificates. Congratulations!

Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad for Secondary Schools (2022-23)

The final round of Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad for Secondary Schools 2022-23, organized by the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education, Hong Kong Chemical Society, Royal Society of Chemistry and the Education Bureau, was held on 13 May 2023. Vanessa Chan (F.5P), Cindy Chow (F.5P), Katie So (F.5P), Anneliese Chu (F.5A) and Hilary Law (F.5A) won the Honours Award with their project “Fan‘trash’tic Bagasse”. They were awarded a plaque and certificates. Congratulations!

All Hong Kong Schools Jing Ying Athletics (Team) Tournament 2022-2023

The All Hong Kong Schools Jing Ying Athletics (Team) Tournament 2022-2023, organized by the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation, was held at Tseung Kwan O Sports Ground on 5-6 May 2023. Nicole Yau of F.4T was the 1st Runner-up of the Girls 200m Race. Congratulations to Nicole!

The Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award (HKBPA) 2022/23

The captioned competition was organized by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) and supported by the Education Bureau (EDB) and the Department of English of The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (HSUHK).

It serves as a platform for students to express creatively through writing poetry in English and it aims to provide schools with a channel to identify gifted learners in English for extended training in creative writing.

We are pleased to announce that Haruna Kajimoto of F.5S has secured the Silver Prize and the title of the Poet of the School. Meanwhile, Li Wing Yin Rain and Lai Hing Yu Cattleya of F.5T have captured the Bronze Prize.

Congratulations to them! It is hoped that they will continue nurturing their creative spark.

The 75th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival (2023)

We're thrilled to announce that the highly anticipated results for the 75th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, organized by the Hong Kong Schools Music And Speech Association, were released on May 8, 2023. After months of preparation and hard work, we're proud to congratulate all participants for their remarkable achievements.

Here below are the winners in their respective categories:





Gold Award

Nicole Chin


N401 Woodwind Ensemble (Flute Quartet)

Mickie Yu


Christy Chiu


Mavis Chung


Silver Award

Nicole Yuen


N242 String Orchestra

Haruna Kajimoto


Serene Hau


Snowy Yeung


Regina Chu


Kaziah Chan


Agnes Hui


Angel Tung


Audrey Li


Ellie Au


Anissa Loo


Sebie Chan


Quiteria Chan


Hannah Cheng


Adeline Ip


Jacqueline Kie


Katherine Chu


Jinny Lee


Hazel Peng


Hilary So


Eunis Choi


Sonja Chong


Ellie Chu


Vivian Lai


Gianna Chan


Cobe Li


Yolanda Ren


Joey Cheung


Silver Award

Fiona Chan


N400 Woodwind Ensemble  (Wind Quartet)

Ava Au


Jaden Chan


Gemmy Wong


Bronze Award

Nicole Yuen


N236 String Ensemble (String Quartet)

Haruna Kajimoto


Kaziah Chan


Hannah Cheng



Emily Tang


U3 Vocal Solo Age 16 


Fiona Lee


N502 Zhang Solo

Chloe Cho


E26 Female Voice Duet Age 14 or under

Flora Chan


Debbie Wat


E120 Graded Piano Solo Grade 6


Stephanie Kwok


N410 Flute Solo

Dorothy Au


N412 Flute Solo

Congratulations to all participants and winners, and thank you to everyone who supported and contributed to this wonderful event!

JA National FinCap Challenge 2022-2023

Our F.3 students formed teams to participate in the JA National FinCap Challenge 2022-2023, which was organized by Junior Achievement Hong Kong, on 6 May 2023.

The theme for the JA National FinCap Challenge this year is to create a campaign promoting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8, which focuses on promoting sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.

Congratulations to the team of Quiteria Chan, Hayley Mok, Fiona To, Chloe Szeto, Kylie Ho, Cecilia Kei, Hazen Cheung of F.3U and Tianna Liu of F.3L for their outstanding achievement in winning the 2nd Runner-up in the JA National FinCap Challenge 2022-2023. Special thanks were given to Ms C. Fung and Mr A. Chen who supervised the team. Keep up the excellent work!

深港澳青少年創意設計大賽 ─ 金獎

深港澳青少年創意設計大賽是為深港澳三地19歲以下的青少年舉辦的活動,由深圳創新創意設計發展辦公室、深圳市文化創意與設計聯合會、深圳青年聯合會、香港 星島新聞集團及澳門文化推廣協會聯合主辦。


此外,舉辦此比賽也是貫徹落實《綱要》提出的「增強大灣區文化軟實力,共同塑造和豐富大灣區人文精神內涵,完善大灣區內文化創意產業體系,培育文化人才」 要求的重要舉措。

在是次比賽中,一共有5293件參賽作品, 我校中四德班黃寶瑤同學及中四璐班區卓蕎同學以作品「Miss Pauline 2.0 ─ 情緒支援機械人」 獲得新銳組金獎。「Miss Pauline 2.0」 是結合情緒支援機械及人工智能的校園機械人,主要為同學提供情緒抒發的渠道,並使用人工智能 ChatGPT 來解答學生疑難。此外,本校的何冠亮老師更獲得香港區最佳指導老師獎。



Link of the news:
首屆深港澳青少年創意設計大賽落幕 港生斬獲金獎

The Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition (HKSSPC) 2023

The Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition (HKSSPC) 2023 was jointly organized by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the Education Bureau, and the Hong Kong Science Museum. The Initial Judging cum Project Exhibition was held on 22nd April at the Hong Kong Design Institute, and the Final Judging cum Awards Presentation Ceremony was held on 23rd of April at the same venue. 7 SPCS teams joined this competition. They have obtained outstanding results in both junior and senior sections. The awardees were:

Invention Category (Senior Section) – Second Runner-up
Charmayne Kam (F.5P), Charlotte Lau (F.5P), Jasmine Wong (F.5P)
Winning Project: MagNano

Social Innovation Award (Senior Section)
Megan Kwok (F.5S), Andressa Mak (F.5S), Ellie Chiu (F.4P), Monica Pei (F.4P)
Winning Project: Smart Infection-Indicator Dressing

Investigation Category (Junior Section) — Merit Award and Social Innovation Award
Kelly Ng (F.3S), Mavis Sei (F.3S), Elly Wong (F.3S)
Winning Project: Removal of Formaldehyde and Total Volatile Organic Compound (TVOC) with a tank of Micro-Algae

Scientific Wallchart Division
First Prize
Heidi Ng (F.5S), Cheryl Chan (F.5T)

Second Prize
Amiee Poon (F.5S), Belle Chung (F.5T)

Congratulations to all winners!

Joint School Music Association Competition 2023 (Flute Quartet) - Gold Award

The Joint School Music Association (JSMA) Competition, organized by JSMA, is an annual inter-school event striving for music exchange among the school orchestras, string orchestras, and musical ensembles. On 21 April 2023, the SPCS Flute Quartet (Nicole Chin of 5S, Mickie Yu of 5S, Christy Chiu of 5T and Mavis Chung of 4U) participated in the JSMA Competition 2023 at Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Our school’s flute quartet achieved gold award with 95 marks.

The quartet performed Arcadie by Marc Berthomieu. The performance received positive comments from other schools and adjudicator Mr. Victor Tam, describing the quartet with excellent ensembleship with good articulations, dynamic control and contrast.

All in all, the competition is a remarkable journey for the members and all of them enjoyed the competition.

Congratulations to our school flute quartet!

The Inter-School Badminton Competition 2022-2023 Division One (Hong Kong)

The Inter-School Badminton Competition 2022-2023 Division One (Hong Kong), organized by the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation, was held at Chai Wan Sports Centre on 22nd Apr 2023.

Our school’s badminton team was the Champion in the C Grade. The team members were Eunice Li of F.2S, Cherry To of F.2P, Hebe Chong of F.2A, Claudia Man of F.1S, Cate Liu of F.1T, Selena Chen of F.1P, Tiffany Lin of F.1U, Joey Cheung and Samantha Leung of F.1L.

Congratulations to the winners!

Hong Kong Junior Age Group Athletics Meet 2023 - I

The Hong Kong Junior Age Group Athletics Meet 2023 - I, co-organized by the Pacers Athletics Club and Concord Athletic Club, was held at Wan Chai Sports Ground on 15-16 April 2023.

Nicole Yau of F.4T was the Champion of the U18 100m and 200m Races.

Nicole was also the Overall Individual Champion.

Kianna Lee of F.2T was the 1st Runner-up of the U16 Long Jump event.

Congratulations to all the winners!

25th Hong Kong Youth Science & Technology Innovation Competition

The Final Judging and Public Exhibition of the “25th Hong Kong Youth Science & Technology Innovation Competition (HKYSTIC)”, organized by the Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association (HKNGCA), was held on 1 April 2023. Our students have won multiple awards in this competition. Our school was also awarded as one of the Outstanding Organizations. The prize presentation ceremony was held on 2 April 2023.

The awardees are:

Senior Secondary Section

Research and Invention (Biology and Health)
First Prize—
Megan Kwok (F.5S), Monica Pei (F.4P), Ellie Chiu (F.4P)
Winning Project: Wound Infection Indicator Dressing

Merit Award—
Winkie Lam (F.5T), Charmaine Hui (F.5T), Candy Wong (F.5P)
Winning Project: Anti-oxidant Face Cream: Elixir of Life

Merit Award—
Antonya Ng (F.5A), Clarissa Lam (F.5L)
Winning Project: Caredian

Research and Invention (Chemistry and Material)
Second Prize—
Hilary Law (F.5A), Katie So (F.5P), Vanessa Chan (F.5P)
Winning Project: Fan 'trash' tic Bagasse

Merit Award—
Charlotte Lau, Jasmine Wong, Charmayne Kam (F.5P)
Winning Project: MagNano

Research and Invention (Energy and Environmental Science)
Merit Award—
Ginger Jiang, Eunis Chan (F.4T)
Winning Project: World of Mycelium

Science Fiction
國際教育發展研究中心 生命衛士獎專項獎
Rachel Lam (F.5A)

Junior Secondary Section

Research and Invention (Energy and Environmental Science)
Second Prize—
Mavis Sei, Kelly Ng, Elly Wong (F.3S)
Winning Project: Eco-adsorption of Air Pollutants by Micro-algae-wrap

Science Fiction Drawing
Second Prize—
Athena Leung (F.1A)

Outstanding Organization
St. Paul’s Convent School

Congratulations to all winners!

The 27th Asian Cities Taekwondo Championships

The 27th Asian Cities Taekwondo Championships took place on March 4, 2023. Hosted by the Hong Kong, China Taekwondo Association (formerly known as the Hong Kong Taekwondo Association), this prestigious competition attracted participants from various cities in Asia. Feronia Cheung of F.5P, a proud representative of HKSAR, showcased her exceptional skills and determination in the Female Junior Poomsae Group Division. She impressively secured the 2nd Runner-up position in the Individual event and emerged as the Champion in the Team event.

Congratulations to Feronia for this well-deserved success.

The Rotary Hong Kong Outstanding Student Service Ambassadors Award Program (February – April 2023)

A team of 24 Paulinians from F1 to F5 participated in The Rotary Hong Kong Outstanding Student Service Ambassadors Award Program.

Upon the official launch of “The Community and I” Project on 10 February 2023, the participants were divided into 5 groups to conduct research and preparation work on five selected sites in the school neighbourhood, namely, Lee Theatre, Hong Kong Stadium, Victoria Park, Christ of the King Chapel and Tin Hau Temple. Some participants also attended a 3-day intensive training course on learning to use CoSpaces to create and edit VR videos.

Service Day was held on 11 March 2023. They visited the sites and took 360-degree photos and videos which were then edited into a seamless 360-degree virtual tour. This tour was presented to parents and guests on Final Presentation Day on 8 April 2023.

Overall, the project allowed participants to apply their STEAM knowledge and skills to revive the collective memories and stories of Hong Kong’s cultural heritage, and to share this uniqueness with the community.

French Speech Competition (2022-2023)

Our girls participated in the French Speech Competition in late 2022, and the results were recently released. We won two Championships and three 1st Runners-up. The winners are:

Nidhi Chandiramani (F.1A) - she won the Championship in S1 Poetry speaking text A.

Sabrina Dhillon (F.1A) - she won the Championship in S1 Prose reading for boys and girls.


Vidhi Chandiramani (F.1A) - obtained 1st Runner-up in S1 Poetry speaking text B.

Tanisha Vijayakumar (F.2A) - obtained 1st Runner-up in both S2 Poetry speaking text B and Prose reading for boys and girls.

Mes felicitations, girls and keep it up!

The French Dictation Competition (2022-2023)

The French Dictation Competition took place on 1st April 2023. It was quite an event as it was suspended during the 3 years of Covid. This year we were finally able to have this educational activity again.

Our students took part in 4 different levels, namely A2a, A2b, B1a and B1b – and obtained Championship for all of them!

They are:

A2a – Emma Suen (F.1S)

A2b – Felicie Cheung (F.1A)

B1a – Puneet Kaur (F.5T)

B1b – Aleena Kiani (F.5T)

The prize presentation ceremony took place in the Residence de France and the winners were awarded with medals, certificates and books as prizes.

Bravo girls!

The JPC x BOC STEM-Up Innovation and Technology Competition 2022

The JPC x BOC STEM-Up Innovation and Technology Competition 2022, organized by the Junior Police Call (JPC) of the Hong Kong Police Force, aimed to encourage students to apply their STEM knowledge and skills to develop innovative and feasible solutions in the four areas of “Mobility”, “Living”, “Environment” and “Economy”, so as to construct a “Smart City”. It also hoped to inspire students’ creative thinking and enhance their skills in problem solving and logical reasoning. Our students have obtained outstanding results in this competition. The award presentation ceremony was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 1 April 2023. Our students also showcased their projects at the Innovation and Technology Carnival at HKCEC on 1 and 2 April 2023. 55 tickets were distributed to students to join this Carnival to experience the fun of technology.

The awardees are:

Senior Secondary Section

Megan Kwok (F.5S), Andressa Mak (F.5S), Monica Pei (F.4P), Ellie Chiu (F.4P)
Winning Project: Wound Infection Indicator Dressing

Second Runner-up
Ginger Jiang, Eunis Chan (F.4T)
Winning Project: World of Mycelium

Outstanding Presentation Award
Hillary Law (F.5A), Anneliese Chu (F.5A), Katie So (F.5P), Vanessa Chan (F.5P), Cindy Chow (F.5P)
Winning Project: Fan 'trash' tic Bagasse

Outstanding Presentation Award and Safe City Award (Crime Prevention)
Annie Qin (F.4S)
Winning Project: PoliShield

Merit Award
Antonya Ng (F.5A), Clarissa Lam (F.5L)
Wining Project: Caredian

Merit Award
Annie Qin, Hazel Wong, Maggie Ng, Janelle Wong (F.4S)
Wining Project: A New Life of Shells

Best Coaching Teacher Award
Mrs Cl Wong
Ms F Chu

Active Participating School Award
St. Paul’s Convent School

Congratulations to all winners!

Immerse Education Blog Competition 2023

Immerse Education has provided exceptional summer courses in Oxford, Cambridge and other prestigious university settings since 2012. The Immerse Education Blog Competition provides the opportunity for students aged 13-18 to write a blog about a pre-set topic. Dorothy Chan’s (F.4S) essay has been selected to receive a partial scholarship towards an Online Programme with Immerse Education. Congratulations to Dorothy Chan!

The 59th Hong Kong Schools Dance Festival

The Chinese, modern and western dance teams participated in the captioned event which was held in February and March 2023. There were a total of twelve entries this year. Through the combined efforts of all dancers, they overcame obstacles and developed a strong sense of unity. They were tremendously pleased to achieve fantastic results in addition to finally stepping on the competition stages again after the pandemic.

Chinese Dance Section

There were four entries this year, including two group dances and two trios. They obtained Honours Awards for all the group dances and one of the trios.

待到山花瀾漫時 (當代) - Honours Award

棒槌聲聲洗衣樂 (朝鮮族) - Honours Award

躍動的節拍(朝鮮族) - Honours Award
Received by Natalie Tam F.6S,
Meagan Yu F.6S and Chrysilla Chan F.6T

月下(壯族) - Highly Commended Award
Received by Katie Wong F.4S,
Evana Or F.4U and Tanya Cheng F.5T

Contemporary Dance Section

Overall 1st Runner-up

The team entered two group dances, two trios and a solo this year. They were overwhelmed to receive Honours Awards and Choreography Awards for both group dances and one of the trios! The team attained an overall 1st runner-up award in this section too.

White Night - Honours & Choreography Award

逆光 - Honours & Choreography Award

伴絆 - Honours & Choreography Award
Received by Cherene Ngai F.4A,
Jasmine Ho F.5S and Chloe Leung F.5S

I.知 - Honours Award
Received by Chloe Kung F.2T,
Belle Chung F.5T and Heidi Kwan F.5U

Drifter - Highly Commended Award
Received by Jasmine Ho F.5S

Western Dance Section

There were three entries from this team this year. They obtained Honours Awards for both group dances and a Choreography Award for the Serbian Dance.

Serbian Dance - Honours & Choreography Award

Bulgarian Dance- Honours Award

Scottish Country Dance - Highly Commended Award


Joint School Music Association Music Competition 2023 (String Orchestra) - Gold Award

The Joint School Music Association (JSMA) Music Competition was held on 29 March 2023. Our school’s string orchestra performed Mendelssohn Symphony No.10 and received the Gold Award for 9 consecutive years. The performance received positive comments from the adjudicator, Mr. Ray Tsoi, who commended us on our excellent ensembleship and musicality. Congratulations to our String Orchestra!

Joint School Music Association Competition 2023

The Joint School Music Association (JSMA) Competition, organized by JSMA, is an annual inter-school event striving for music exchange among the school orchestras, string orchestras, and musical ensembles. On 27 March 2023, the SPCS String Quartet (Nicole Yuen of F.6T, Regina Chu of F.5L, Sebie Chan of F.3A and Hannah Cheng of F.2S) participated in the JSMA Competition 2023 at the Y Studio. Our school’s ensemble achieved an excellent score of 89 marks and won the Silver Award.

The ensemble performed Haydn ‘Rider’ String Quartet in G minor, featuring galloping licks on the melodic line of the first violin. The performance received positive comments from adjudicator Mr. HO Chi Chung, praising the quartet for having excellent ensembleship, decent musicianship and musicality, and impressive tone and articulation.

All in all, the competition was a remarkable journey for quartet members and everyone enjoyed the competition.

Congratulations to our school string quartet!

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow 2022

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow aims to encourage the youth to leverage their STREAM (Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) skills and creativity to address pressing social issues and provide them with unique learning opportunities. Students who participate in this program will learn how to develop and implement innovative solutions to solve challenges faced by their communities. Throughout this journey, students will be provided with comprehensive guidance on technical skills and creative thinking, communication, and collaboration skills that are crucial for our future leaders.

Samsung Solve for Tomorrow comprises three levels of problem-solving: restatement, ideation, and actualization. In the problem-solving phase, students will define and solve issues based on their in-depth understanding of target users. First launched in the U.S. in 2010, Solve for Tomorrow now has footprints in 23 countries across the globe.

Katie Tsui (F.3S) and Kara Tsui (F.1P) received a merit award and a certificate.


Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes 2022/23

The Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fund Awards Presentation Ceremony was held on 19th March 2023. Horae Ngan of F.6S and Audrey Kiang of F.6T received the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes as well as HK$1000 each for their outstanding academic achievements, leadership, active participation in extra-curricular activities and devotion to community services. Congratulations!


我校學生一向積極參與學習平台i-Learner 提供的智愛閱讀中文計劃以及智愛文言文計劃。在二零二二年至二零二三年度的智愛閱讀中文計劃,我校二施班Martins Amelia Zoe 以及四雅班蘇羨文榮獲全港中文網上學習金獎,一施班何忻儀則獲得全港中文網上學習優秀學員獎。另外,在二零二二年至二零二三年度的智愛文言文計劃,一施班麥杍鍒榮獲全港中文網上學習特等獎,而三雅班羅欣童以及一安班吳蔚盈則獲得全港中文網上學習金獎。所有得獎同學均獲頒發證書及港幣五十元書券。




另外,我校中一施孫卓知也在香港教育城中文狀元挑戰計劃 2022/23成為中級組中文狀元,獲頒發證書及港幣一百五十元書券。此計劃鼓勵學生藉著有趣多元的語文練習及遊戲,持續增進基礎中文能力及知識。



我校三保班陸熙玥、三璐班朱睿芙、 五德班楊婷嵐以及六安班劉可沁作為香港賽區代表參加由中國僑聯、全國台聯、人民日報海外版、《快樂作文》雜誌共同主辦,並由集友陳嘉庚教育基金、香港文匯管理學院、粵港澳青年創業孵化器及香港教育工作者聯會承辦的「第二十三屆世界華人學生作文大賽」。四位同學成功獲評選入圍初審,每人獲發由集友陳嘉庚教育基金贊助價值港幣三佰元書券。


Business Excellence Contest 2022-2023

Our F5 students formed teams to participate in the Business Excellence Contest 2022-2023 organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

The theme for this year's contest is “Technology Innovation for Achieving Social Sustainability Campaign”. Participants are required to select a real corporation in Hong Kong, conduct a business and market analysis, explain the objectives of a Technology Innovation for Achieving Social Sustainability Campaign, and develop a new product (package) /service or launch a special event or activity to achieve specific business objective(s).

Since October 2022, the teams have engaged in idea formulation and proposal writing. On 18 March 2023, two of our F.5 teams were selected as the top 5 teams who could present their proposals in the Final Competition on 15 April 2023.

Due to innovative ideas and outstanding presentation, our teams got remarkable achievements. The team of Megan Lam, Heidi Kwan and Destiny Lin from F.5U got the First Runner-Up. The team of Cheryl Chan, Roxy Yang, Nicole Ip, Tanya Cheng from F.5T and Nicole Chin from F.5S got the Second Runner-Up. The team of Sofia Chu from F.5T, Hayley Kwan from F.5A, Samantha Lam from F.5U and Natalie Wong from F.5S got the Judge Commendation Award.

Special thanks to Mr. A. Chen who supervised the teams and to Professor Wong who offered advices to students. Congratulations to the winning teams.

Outstanding Pearson Learner Award Ceremony

The Outstanding Pearson Learner Award Ceremony was held at the Christian Family Service Center on 18 March 2023. We are proud to announce the exceptionally high achievement of our Paulinians in the Edexcel (Pearson) June 2022 examinations. The Paulinians below achieved the highest marks in the World or in Hong Kong in their specific subjects listed. Congratulations!




Phoebe Chan (6T 2021-22)

IAL Business

Highest mark in Hong Kong

Rachel Lin (6S 2021-22)

GCE AL Chinese

Highest mark in Hong Kong

Cheri Cheng (4S 2021-22)

IGCSE Accounting
IGCSE Economics

Highest mark in Hong Kong
Highest mark in Hong Kong

Zoe Lui (4P 2021-22)

IGCSE Business

Highest mark in Hong Kong

Christy Chiu (5T)

IGCSE English Literature

Highest mark in the World

Ella Kwong (5S)

IGCSE English As A Second Language

Highest mark in Hong Kong

Belle Lu (5S)

IGCSE Computer Science

Highest mark in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Young Writers Award 2023

Hong Kong Young Writers Award 2023 ("HKYWA") is an English writing competition organised by the Youth Literature Foundation to provide students with the opportunity to develop their expressive talents and expand their horizons. This year, their theme was "New Tales of Judge Pao," where students had to research on the legend of Judge Pao and produce a creative work inspired by him.

We are thrilled to announce that Hayley Mok of F.3U participated in Group 3: Poetry Writing. Not only was her work shortlisted to be published in the annual HKYWA anthology, but she was also announced as the winner within the category. We are also pleased to announce that Audrie Lok of F.2A received an Honorary Mention in Group 3: Fiction. Her work is described to show clear signs of research and storytelling skills, and it is hoped that Audrie will continue to showcase her talent for writing.

Congratulations to them for their wonderful achievement!

The 21st CILTHK Student Essay Competition

Our students achieved excellent results in the 21st Student Essay Competition organized by the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong. The competition aims to arouse the interests of the secondary school students in the logistics and transport industry and to enhance their analytical skill and creativity. The topic for the Senior Group is “After opening the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge, will the existing high-speed ferry service be expelled from the market?"

Kaziah Chan (F.4T) and Renee Cheung (F.4T) worked together and won Champion in the English Senior Group. The team was invited to speak at the Award Presentation Ceremony held at the University of Hong Kong on 11 Mar 2023 and was also interviewed by Ming Pao about their writing process. The collaborated work of Rachel Yu (F.4A) and Yoyo Ngai (F.4U) attained the Merit Award. Congratulations!

74th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival

The results of the 74th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival have been released in March 2023. The video submission mode was again used instead of face-to-face competitions. This year, we are pleased to announce that Paulinians have won a total of 26 First Places, 19 Second Places and 30 Third Places in both the English and Chinese sections. The list of winners for this year are shown below. Congratulations to the winners!










Solo Verse Speaking, Sonnet, Open


Sarkar Manjori


Solo Prose Reading, Non-Open


Kaur Puneet


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Lau Lea Adrienne


Public Speaking Solo


Chan Wing Yan Dorothy


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Chan Wing Yan Dorothy


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Chu Shun Yan


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Ng Sum Yu


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Kwok Yan Wing Hannah


Public Speaking Solo


Ngai Ching


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Li Jun Kiu Annabel


Solo Prose Reading, Non-Open


Shek Wai Yuet


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Shek Wai Yuet


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Szeto Cheuk Yan


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Kwan Nga Yiu Natalie


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Liu Yan Kiu Tianna


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Wat Tze Yue


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Rai Ayanna


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Xu Ruoxi


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Yu Tsz Ki


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Xu Rouxi


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Kong Tsoi Ting


Solo Prose Reading, Non-Open


Dai Cheuk Lok






Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Ngan On Ting Sonia


Dramatic Duologue


Sabeer Nafha
Wong Hing Wai Stella


News Feature Presentation


Kwok Yan Wing Hannah


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Choi Uen Yin


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Ng Lok Yiu Natalie


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Choi Yee Lok Audrey


Solo Prose Reading, Non-Open


Chu Zing Zi Madeleine


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Chan Yin Yu


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Ip Ching Chione


Solo Prose Speaking, Open


Chong Sonja


Dramatic Duologue


Chong Wing Hei Renee
Chong Sonja


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Angel Hon


Solo Prose Reading, Non-Open


Shum Eleanor Pak Yiu






Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Chow Sze Ching


Dramatic Duologue


Ngan On Ting Sonia
Lee Man Ching


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Jiang Ruyi


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Fung Ching Man


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Tam Bernice Yeung Gi


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Rocha Jodie Roberta


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Fung Yuet Ching


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Kung Yin Ching


Dramatic Duologue


Alicia Lau
Yuen Charlotte Hui Ching


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Fung Ho Ting Jamie


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Chan Kalista


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Chuen Sum Yee


Solo Prose Reading, Non-Open


Ip Hei Yi Haydi


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Fan Yui Charlotte


Solo Prose Reading, Non-Open


Cheng Tsz Hei


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Mak On Kiu Lucia


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Leung Sze Chai


Solo Verse Speaking, Non-Open


Yan Hui Karena



































































































Hong Kong Open (Individual Events) 2023

The Hong Kong Open (Individual Events) 2023 organized by the Hong Kong Table Tennis Association was held from late December 2022 to late February 2023. The Girls’ B Grade Table Tennis Individual Final was held on 28 January 2023 at Smithfield Sports Centre. Clarissa Pong of F.1U was the 2nd Runner-up!

Congratulations to Clarissa!

Bestie’s Speech Cup 2022 – Inter-school Speech Competition 2022

The Competition was organised by Bestie Speak, a speech and performing arts training institution. It aims to provide a stage for students to exhibit their speaking skills and challenge themselves.

We are delighted to announce that Hayley Lam from F.1T won the Gold Medal in the Solo Verse Speaking category (Secondary Group), scoring 90 marks. She was awarded a certificate and a crystal trophy.

Congratulations to Hayley!

45th Yuen Long District Athletic Meet

The 45th Yuen Long District Athletic Meet, co-organized by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and Yuen Long District Sports Association, was held at Tin Shui Wai Sports Ground on 26 February 2023.

Kianna Lee of F.2T was the Champion of the Aged 13-15 Long Jump and 100m race.

Congratulations to Kianna!

Li Po Chun United World College Model United Nations 1

Li Po Chun United World College Model United Nations 1 was successfully held in person from 25-26 February 2023. The theme of the conference was ‘For a More Peaceful Tomorrow’. After numerous interviews, Yoyo Ngai of F.4U had been selected as the chair of the World Health Organisation and successfully facilitated the debate throughout the weekend. Aleena Kiani of F.5T participated as the delegate of the United Kingdom in the Human Rights Council and obtained the Best Delegate Award. Congratulations!

International Christian College Model United Nations 1

International Christian College Model United Nations 1 was successfully held in person from 18-19 February 2023.

Cattleya Lai of F.5T participated as the delegate of the UAE in the Crisis Committee, which aimed to raise awareness on the Middle Eastern Cold War. Much understanding of the region’s power dynamics was obtained over the course of the two days.

She has also received the Outstanding Delegate Award for her performance. Congratulations!

TVNews Award Scheme 2022-23 (Phase 1)

The Phase 1 results for the TVNews Award Scheme 2022-23 was announced on February 17th, 2023. The scheme is organised by HKEdCity. It provides students with the opportunity to complete online exercises to facilitate self-directed learning, educate students on social issues, and catalyse English Language learning. Emma Suen of F.1S was awarded the "Best Performance Award" for Senior level for obtaining outstanding marks in her category. Despite only being F.1, she achieved outstanding results in a category that is generally reserved for F. 4-6 students. For her achievement, she received HK$150 book vouchers and an accompanying certificate.


網絡攻防菁英遊戲設計大賽 2023

為了進一步提高青少年對網絡安全的認識,香港警務處網絡安全及科技罪案調查科 (CSTCB) 及資訊科技教育領袖協會(AiTLE) 合辦「網絡攻防菁英遊戲設計大賽」。 參賽者利用MAKECODE ARCADE平台製作一款與網絡安全相關的遊戲。 比賽結果已於二零二三年二月十八日公佈,本校中六璐班林傲瞳同學榮獲銀獎。 恭賀得獎的同學!


我校中文辯論隊參加了由香港基本法推介聯席會議主辦的「第二十一屆《基本法》多面體 ─ 全港中學生辯論賽(基本法盃) 」。普通話組總決賽已於二月十一日順利舉行,我校辯論隊力壓對手,榮膺全港冠軍。經歷兩個多月的賽程,準決賽正值於考試期間進行,但是辯論隊員們齊心協力做好準備,最終勇奪冠軍。


Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition Term 1 Finals

The Junior English Debate Team was awarded 1st Runner-up in the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition (HKSSDC) Term 1 Finals match against Hong Kong International School on 8th February 2023.

The junior team members through the three rounds include Ava Au of F.3A, Hazen Cheung of F.3U, Tianna Liu of F.3L, Charlotte Lee of F.3A, Bernice Leung of F.3A and Rochelle Kwan of F.3A.

Congratulations to the Junior Debate Team for their great performance!

American Mathematics Competition 8

Tina Gan of F.1T participated in the American Mathematics Competition 8 organized by Mathematical Association of America on 18 January 2023. Tina competed with more than 100,000 students worldwide, and she has obtained the Honor Roll in the competition. Congratulations to Tina!

Purple Comet! Math Meet 2023

Purple Comet! Math Meet is an international team mathematics competition designed for middle and high school students. There are over 4000 teams from 67 countries or cities joining the contest this year. Our students formed teams and participated in this contest.

Two SPCS teams won the Honorable Mentions and the First Place in Hong Kong. They are:

Vanessa Chan (F.5P)

Charmayne Kam (F.5P)

Charlotte Lau (F.5P)

Jasmine Wong (F.5P)

Bernice Chan (F.2P)

Joy Chan (F.2P)

Karina Ching (F.2P)

Sophia Law (F.2P)

Vinky Won (F.2P)

Another two SPCS teams won the Second Place in Hong Kong. They are:

Agnes Cheng (F.3S)

Stephanie Chow (F.3S)

Annabel Li (F.3S)

Vincy Ng (F.3S)

Dorothy Ren (F.3S)

Hazel Fung (F.3S)

Winnie Ho (F.3S)

Ashley Chan (F.3T)

Jennis Hu (F.3T)

Charlotte Lee (F.3A)

They were awarded the certificate of merit. Congratulations!

HKAAA Hong Kong Pre-season Athletics Trial 2023

The Hong Kong Pre-season Athletics Trial 2023, organized by the Hong Kong Association of Athletics Affiliates, was held at Wan Chai Sports Ground on 15 January 2023. Nicole Yau of F.4T was the 1st Runner-up of the Open 200m race. Congratulations to Nicole!

The Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award 2022-2023

The Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award 2022-2023 organized by the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education was held on 14 January 2023. Agatha Tsang (F.6T) has obtained First Class Honours, while Cindy Chow (F.5P) has received Second Class Honours. They were presented with certificates. Congratulations!




2022 Outstanding Pearson Learner Awards

We are proud to announce the exceptionally great achievements of our Paulinians in the Edexcel (Pearson) May/June 2022 examinations. The Paulinians below achieved the highest marks in the world and in Hong Kong respectively for the subjects listed. Congratulations!

Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition 2022

The Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition, organized by the Royal Commonwealth Society, is the world's oldest international writing competition for schools, established in 1883. With thousands of young people taking part each year, it aims to recognise achievement, elevate youth voices and develop key skills through creative writing. We are pleased to announce that Dorothy Chan (F.4S) has won a Silver award for the Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition in the Senior category. Congratulations Dorothy!

STEAM Education Fair 2022

The STEAM Education Fair 2022, organized by the Education Bureau, included online exhibitions from more than 70 local primary and secondary schools, which showcased students' application of scientific and technological knowledge through creative thinking to construct innovative solutions to problems. Our school has won the Gold Award with our exhibition video in the Secondary School Category and was awarded $3000 in book coupons and a certificate. Congratulations!

ICU Global Youth Essay Competition 2022

The ICU Global Youth Essay Competition 2022, organized by International Christian University (ICU), invited youths from around the world to share their views on how to make society better. We are pleased to announce that the following students have received Third Prize in the ICU Global Youth Essay competition:

Yoyo Ngai (F.4U)
Annika Suen (F.4U)

Congratulations Yoyo and Annika!

Yuen Long District Schools Dance Contest 2022

Ten students from the SPCS western dance team joined the captioned dance event which was jointly organized by the Yuen Long District Arts Committee and the Yuen Long Town Hall on 19 December 2022. Their dance named ‘Serbian Dance’ featured a group of Serbian girls dancing happily with their red handkerchiefs and attained the Gold Award (more than 85 marks) in the contest. Thanks to their tutors Ms. Lilian Choy and Ms. Avina Kong for their continuous guidance and support.

TCAA Open Athletics Championships 2022 (Round 2)

The Open Athletics Championships 2022 (Round 2), organized by The Citizen Athletic Association (TCAA), was held at Wan Chai Sports Ground on 17 December 2022.

Athena Mok of F.5S was the 1st Runner-up of the U18 100m Hurdles race.

Angela Tam of F.5S was the 2nd Runner-up of the U18 100m Hurdles race.

Nicole Yau of F.4T was the Champion of the U16 100m and 200m races, setting a new meet record for the U16 200m race.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Formula Edge Inter-School A.I. Racing Competition 2022

Formula Edge Inter-School A.I. Racing Competition is organized by the Smart City Consortium and operated by STEM PLUS Limited. The aim is to enable competitors to apply Technology and A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) knowledge and compete with their unique racing car without touching or using a remote control. Participating teams are required to train their own A.I. model and race against others. The team with the shortest completion time wins the race.

This year, our teams won the following awards.

1. 3rd Runner-up Award – Overall JetBot category
· Team: “Krisky”

2. 3rd Runner-up Award - Obstacle Avoidance Challenge category
· Team: “Krisky”

3. Best AI Training Award
· Team: “Krisky”

4. Outstanding Team Logo Award
· Team: “Krisky”
Mandy Fung (F.4S)
Kristy Chan (F.4P)
Kailey Chan (F.4A)

· Team: “Cheetah Jet”
Katie Tsui (F.3S)
Ashley Lok (F.3S)
Kara Tsui (F.1P)
Janice Law (F.1P)

Congratulations to all prize winners!

Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows 2022

The Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows, organized by the Music Office, is an annual inter-school event which encourages music exchange among school Chinese orchestras, string orchestras, symphony orchestras and symphonic bands.

On 14 December 2022, the SPCS String Orchestra, led by Ms. Harty Tam, participated in the Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows 2022 at the Yuen Long Theatre. Our school's orchestra won the Gold Award.

The String Orchestra performed the Mendelssohn String Symphony No. 10 in B minor. The performance received a lot of praise from other schools and the adjudicating panels. Nicole Yuen of F.6T and Noelle Sien of F.4S represented the string orchestra to receive the Gold Award from Ms. Kiann Chow, violinist from Hong Kong Sinfonietta.

All in all, the Interflows experience has been a remarkable journey for string orchestra members and all of them enjoyed the competition.

Special thanks to Mr. Michael Au who has been guiding and supervising the team since early September 2022.

Congratulations to our school orchestra!

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad Preliminary Round 2023 (Hong Kong Region)

18 students participated in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad Preliminary Round 2023 (Hong Kong Region) organized by Olympiad Champion Education Group on 11 December 2022. We are pleased to announce our students have received the following awards. Congratulations to all the winners!

First Class Award

Second Class Award

Third Class Award

Charmayne Kam (5P)
Jasmine Wong (5P)
Celina Au (3S)
Hazel Fung (3S)
Ashley Chan (3T)
Renee Chung (3P)
Yanny Ho (3P)
Bella Leung (2S)

Winnie Ho (3S)
Jennis Hu (3T)
Charlotte Lee (3A)
Eva Chow (2S)
Kary Lam(2S)
Nessa Leung (2T)

Chloe Tsue (5T)
Charlotte Lau (5P)
Alexa Lam (2S)
Kylie Tsang (2T)




Mediation Essay Competition 2022

Mediation Essay Competition 2022 (“Competition”) is co-organised by the Department of Justice, the Education Bureau, Rotary International District 3450 and Asia Conflict Resolution Institute Limited. The Competition aims to raise awareness on the use of mediation in daily lives to resolve conflicts, whether in school, at home, in business context or in genera.

We are delighted to announce that Agatha Tsang of F.6T has won the Champion in the Senior Division in the Mediation Essay Competition 2022. At the Prize Presentation Ceremony, she has also shared how she has used mediation in daily lives to resolve conflicts in various situations.





2022 Hong Kong Island Outstanding Students Award

Natalie Sze of F.6A and Tianna Liu of F.3L were among the ten Hong Kong Island Outstanding Students 2022 in the Senior Section and the Junior Section respectively. After a selection from over a hundred candidates by the Hong Kong Island School Heads Association and two rounds of interviews, they won based on their academic performance, leadership, special talents and involvement in community service. The prize presentation ceremony took place on 3 December 2022 and both winners were awarded a trophy, certificate and book coupon. Congratulations!

「國情盃」-「低碳時空U & Mi」短視頻創作比賽

本校中三施班陸蔚津同學及中四雅班何婥妍同學於中國國情研習促進會(香港)舉辦的「國情盃」-「低碳時空U & Mi」短視頻創作比賽中獲得中學組季軍。恭喜!

“Costume through Chinese Arts’’ Design Competition

Karan Kwok of 5U designed her piece “Descent of the Azure Dragon” taking reference from <<春夜宴桃李園>>, <<高山流水>> and <<龍騰虎躍>> in the "Costume through Chinese Arts" Design Competition organized by the EDB and has obtained Commendable Award. In her artist statement, she wrote:

The order of the Chinese zodiac came from animals’ ranking in a race. As a symbol of supreme power, everyone thought the dragon would place first, but he was placed fifth as he stopped to make rain for a village plagued by drought. Self-sacrifice has always been an emphasis of Chinese culture, placing family, community, and the nation above the individual. The Spring Festival encapsulates the Chinese spirit of unity. Marking the start of spring and New Year, all rush home for family reunion, returning to one’s roots. Taking the theme of the lively dragon and peaceful rain from the two musical pieces, I was further reminded of our roots as an agricultural nation, and of the Dragon Dance during the Spring Festival. I juxtaposed the rapid movement of the Dragon Dance with the gentleness of a spring shower by using vibrant swirling patterns with the soft silhouette of traditional Hanfu, the flowing lines on the skirt referencing the rice paddy terraces of China. “When you drink water, think of the source’ – the spirit of spring reminds us to reconnect with out culture. When QingLong, the Azure Dragon of spring brings rain to nourish the land, let’s remember our roots.

Her work successfully delivers a positive meaning and serves as a symbol of our cultural virtue. Karan has obtained a certificate on the 30 November at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre and her work was exhibited on 29 and 30 November on the 4/F of Cultural Centre. Congratulations Karan!

Outstanding Performance in French in the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education)

Highest mark in CIE IGCSE French – AGAIN!

For the second consecutive year, our school got the highest mark in French in the CIE IGCSE!

Puneet Kaur of 5T scored the highest mark in French in the whole of Hong Kong. The prize was a certificate and a medal. She sat for the June series (21-22) of the CIE IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) last year when she was in Form 4 and obtained 99% in the overall marks of her French paper.

There are four papers for the French language, namely Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing.

Puneet worked very hard to achieve such excellent results. She had a lot of practices in her French Oral. Her improvement was remarkable, and her diligence and effort were well rewarded.

Congratulations, Puneet! Well done! We are so proud of you!

Hong Kong Secondary Business Proposal Competition 2022

Two of our F5 teams joined the Business Proposal Competition 2022 co-organised by Hong Kong Shue Yan University and Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council Youth Chapters. The main theme of the competition is to create a new and marketable health product.

The teams submitted their business plans and were selected as the finalists. On 26 November 2022, they presented their proposals and attended the Q&A session. With innovative ideas and outstanding presentations, they won remarkable recognition.

Natalie Wong of F.5S, Sofia Chu of F.5T, Hayley Kwan of F.5A and Samantha Lam of F.5U won the Championship and the Best Presentation Award. In addition, Samantha Lam was also awarded the Best Presenter Prize. The team’s proposed product is an innovative and user-friendly Chinese medicine machine that efficiently prepares medical capsules, controlled by an app. The creative product design was highly commended by the adjudicators.

Another team with Mickie Yu of F.5S, Toby Law of F.5T, Hilary Law of F.5A and Nicole Lum of F.5L won the Most Online Liked Product Award after winning a total of 1,344 likes from Facebook and Instagram. The product was designed to incorporate an app into a mechanical device that can prepare medical pills coated with jelly. This health product was intended to make swallowing pills easier and safer for the elderly.

Special thanks to Miss Tammy Law, Mr. Adrian Chen and Mr. Michael Au who have been guiding and supervising the teams since early September 2022.

Congratulations to the winners!

香港成立二十五周年 <<未來的香港>> 繪畫比賽

Katrina Leung of 2U has participated in the captioned drawing competition co-organised by the Wanchai District Council, the Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau, the centre stage Squarer and the Hong Kong International Youth Artists Society and has obtained merit award. She was awarded $100 Book Coupon and a certificate. Congratulations Katrina!

Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows 2022

The Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows, organized by the Music Office, is an annual inter-school event striving for music exchange among the school Chinese orchestras, string orchestras, symphony orchestras and symphonic bands. On 22 November 2022, the SPCS Symphony Orchestra, led by Ms. Harty Tam, participated in the Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows 2022 at the Hong Kong Cultural Center. Our school’s orchestra won the Silver Award.

The Symphony Orchestra performed Bach Orchestral Suite No. 2 in B minor, featuring a flute solo and a string orchestra. The performance received positive comments from other schools and the adjudicating panels. Nicole Yuen of F.6T and Christy Chiu of F.5T represented the orchestra to receive the Silver Award from Mr. Eric Yip, cellist of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta.

All in all, the Interflow is a remarkable journey for orchestra members and all of them enjoyed the competition.

Congratulations to our school orchestra!

The Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022

The Hong Kong ICT Awards aims at recognising and promoting outstanding information and communications technology (ICT) inventions and applications, thereby encouraging innovation and excellence among Hong Kong’s ICT talent and enterprises in their constant pursuit of creative and better solutions to meet business and social needs. It was established in 2006 with the collaborative efforts of the industry, academia and the Government. Steered by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, and organised by Hong Kong ICT industry associations and professional bodies, the Awards aims at building a locally espoused and internationally acclaimed brand of ICT awards.

Katie Tsui (F.3S) and Kayley Kwok (F.2P) were awarded second runner-up in the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022: Student Innovation Award category with her project ACE 360. The award ceremony was held on the 16 November 2022. Congratulations!

International Biology Olympiad – Hong Kong Contest 2022

The International Biology Olympiad – Hong Kong Contest 2022, organized by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education, was held on 12 November,2022. Giann Wong of F.6P won the Silver Award and was presented with a certificate. Congratulations!


我校三安班區曉琳及劉卓靈同學參加了美荷樓香港精神學習計劃「兩代情」徵文比賽, 喜獲優異獎。是次比賽由香港青年旅舍協會舉辦,為香港賽馬會社區資助計劃的其中一部份,旨在鼓勵學生訪問長輩昔日的屋歲月或其他居所生活情況,聆聽他們的故事,並寫成文章,描述家人之間的愛或左鄰右里守望相助之情,並重溫當年一代人拼搏奮進的香港精神。



我校一保班郭詠翹及謝煦諾參加了由力行劇社舉辦的打油詩獎勵計劃 2021-2022,榮獲年度大獎。此活動旨在讓學生認識及學習創作打油詩,發揮創意。本校參加是次比賽的學生多達87人,除了年度大獎,獲取一等獎的同學也有8人。


Junior Secondary History e-Reading Award Scheme 2022

The Prize-presentation Ceremony of the Junior Secondary History e-Reading Award Scheme 2022, jointly organised by the EDB and the University of Hong Kong, was held on the 14th November 2022 at Loke Yew Hall, HKU. Chrissie Chiu and Audrey Li of F.4U as well as Shirin Ip of F.3S received the Merit Award. Moreover, 39 students attained the Appreciation Award. Congratulations to all the winners!

International Chemistry Quiz 2022

Our F.5 and F.6 students attained good results in the International Chemistry Quiz 2022 organized by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education. The result was released on 10 November 2022. Priscilla Chow (F.6S), Savina Hui (F.6T), Karis Ng (F.6A) and Natalie Sze (F.6A) obtained full marks in the quiz. They received the high distinction excellence awards. 12 students also received High distinction awards, 14 students received Distinction awards and 13 others received Credit awards. Congratulations!


由香港中華文化發展聯合會主辦,語常會支持及語文基金撥款的全港中小學生「小嘴巴. 說大道理——普通話電台經典名句廣播劇比賽」(2021/2022),歷時半年多,經過了初賽、決賽、電台播出、專家評審等的多輪角逐,結果於近日揭曉。我校兩組參賽同學表現不俗,再獲佳績,其中:中三保班裴悅同、馨揚和中三雅班萬蕊嘉以及中三璐班童話四人組合演繹的作品《見善則遷,有過則改》榮獲亞軍,獲頒獎盃、獎狀及面值港幣2000元書券;中二德班的張玥盈、周思睿同學繼去年斬獲亞軍後,今年又與同班的朱睿芙同學一起憑藉作品《輔車相依,唇亡齒寒》喜獲優異獎,獲頒獎狀及面值港幣800元書券。祝賀她們!因參賽選手成績優異,我校也以最高積分榮獲最積極參與大獎!







HVAA Junior Age Group Athletics Championships 2022

The Junior Age Group Athletics Championships 2022, organised by Happy Valley Athletic Association (HVAA), was held at Wan Chai Sports Ground on 29-30 October 2022.

Athena Mok of F.5S was the 2nd Runner-up of the U18 100m Hurdle race. Nicole Yau of F.4T was the Champion of the U16 100m and 200m races. Beverly Lin of F.4T was the 1st Runner-up of the U16 Discus event and 3rd Runner-up of the U16 Javelin event.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Jockey Club ‘Multicultural Leaders of the World’ Programme

Diana Gamboa of F.6T participated in the Jockey Club ‘Multicultural Leaders of the World’ Programme from September 2020 - September 2022. During the programme, she participated in monthly design-thinking workshops, hosted a diversity potluck, and participated in a free 5-day exchange to Singapore. She was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation, $200 book coupons for being the “Winner of the Photo Competition on the Theme Sustainability during the Singapore Learning Exchange” and “Outstanding Performance during the follow-up activity” for her performance in the three stages of the programme.

Congratulations to Diana!

HSBC Smart Community Hackathon 2022

HSBC Smart Community Hackathon is a STEM competition for all talented secondary students in Hong Kong organized by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS). This year, the key themes are “Future Skills”, “Green Living” and "Health”.

The results were announced on 25 October 2022. Charlotte Lau (F.5P), Jasmine Wong (F.5P) and Daphne Li (F.4L) received the Certification of Merit Award with their project “AI Stick”; and Katie Wong (F.4S) and Kailey Chan (F.4A) received the Certification of Merit Award with their project “YOURdietitian”.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Hong Kong Secondary School Health Exhibition Presentation Competition 2022

The Hong Kong Secondary School Health Exhibition Presentation Competition organised by the Medical Society of the Chinese University of Hong Kong aims to enhance citizen’s awareness in various diseases. The central theme of this year is eye diseases. The Grand Final Round of this competition was held on 23 October 2022 in Laguna Plaza. We are pleased to announce that Agatha Tsang, Asta Lau, Aki Mo, Isabelle Chan, Isabelle Leung and Sonia Ngan of F.6T received the Gold Award with their project “Grappling Glaucoma— Common causes and Prevention”. They submitted a written report and presented their project to the judges and the public. Congratulations!

Immerse Education Essay Competition 2023

Immerse Education was founded in 2012 with the aim of providing students with unparalleled educational experiences. This competition, organized by Immerse Education, provides an opportunity for students aged 13-18 to submit essay responses to a pre-set question relating to their chosen subject. Dorothy Chan’s (F.4S) essay has been selected to receive a partial scholarship towards a Medicine programme with Immerse Education. Well done Dorothy!

2022 Qianhai Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao-Taiwan Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Secondary School Section)

On 20 October 2022, we were pleased to receive the announcement that Natalie Choy of F.6S, Isabel Chan, Sophie Chung, Caesaria Lee and Sonia Ngan of F.6T, who participated in the 2022 Qianhai Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao-Taiwan Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Secondary School Section) have won the HKUST GBA Youth Innovation Grand Prize.

Competition was keen as there were a high number of participating schools and participants were of high calibre. In the early stage where participants submitted their business plans to the judges, our team was selected as one of the finalists.

On 27 August 2022, the team presented their work and attended informative Q&A sessions. With their creative ideas, smooth presentation skills and outstanding responses to questions posed by the judge panel, our team totally deserved the HKUST GBA Youth Innovation Grand Prize.

Special thanks to Professor Godwin Wong, our Professor in Residence in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, for advising throughout the process of formulating and drafting the business plans. We would also like to express our gratitude to Ms T. Law, Ms C. Fung, Mr A. Chen and Mr T. K. Yam for guiding students in the competition.

Congratulations to the winners!

The Inter-School Fencing Competition (2022 -2023)

The Inter-School Fencing Competition (2022-2023) organized by the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation was successfully held on 15 and 16 October 2022 at the Hong Kong Park Sports Centre. Anika Chu of F.4T was the Champion of Grade B Girls’ Foil event. Sherie Cheng of F.1P was the 2nd Runner-up of the Grade C Girls’ Foil event. Congratulations to the winners!

Smart Community Hackathon 2022

“Smart Community Hackathon”, a STEM competition for talented secondary students in Hong Kong, was launched in 2019 under the HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme sponsored by HSBC, featuring “ Future Skills” and “Health” as the key themes. The competition encourages all secondary school students to integrate their creative ideas and innovative technology to enhance employment related skills or improve the public’s mental health, establishing a caring and harmonious social network. Shortlisted teams will be awarded funding to improve their workpiece and exhibit the upgraded workpieces at the Award Presentation Ceremony.

The final competition of the HSBC Community Hackathon was held on the 15 October 2022. Katie Tsui (F.3S) and Kara Tsui (F.1P) achieved a merit award. Congratulations!

Indonesia International Invention Expo 2022

Indonesia International Invention Expo 2022, organised by the Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA), was successfully held online and offline from 14-17 October 2022. The fair brought together 145 science team projects from 20 countries. Jasmine Lam (F.6P), Crispina Chan (F.6A), Karis Ng (F.6A), Natalie Sze (F.6A) and Chloe Wong (F.6A) obtained Gold Award in the category of Environment with their project “The production of biodegradable plastics using starch-based material”.

Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme 2022/23 Cohort

Based on the academic achievements and non-academic attributes such as leadership qualities, Andrea Chan, Janice Chan, Sunnie Chan, Jenny Jiang, Rachel Lin, Valerie Lui and Jasmine Wan of 6S (2021/22), Nicole Cheung of 6T (2021/22), Jennifer Tsim of 6S (2020/21) and Cherie Cheung of 6T (2020/21) were selected as one of the 100 awardees of the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme (HKSES) 2022/23 Cohort out of 650 applicants. The scholarship would allow them to pursue world-class education in top-notch universities outside Hong Kong. Congratulations!


我校三雅班張玥盈同學、三安班周思睿同學以及四璐班萬蕊嘉同學參加了由香港潮州商會主辦,香港大公文匯傳媒集團及藝術香港聯合主辦,香港教育工作者聯會協辦的「我愛我的祖國」— 金紫荊盃香港校際作文暨普通話朗誦大賽,於一眾隊伍中脫穎而出,喜獲三等獎。



Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2022 - 2023

7 students participated in the Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad Heat Round 2022 - 2023 (Hong Kong Region) organized by Thailand Mathematics Society and Olympiad Champion Education Group on 9 October 2022.

We are pleased to announce our students have received the following awards.

Gold Award

Silver Award

Bronze Award

Winnie Ho (F.3S)

Ashley Chan (F.3T)
Jennis Hu (F.3T)
Charlotte Lee (F.3A)

Charmayne Kam (F.5P)
Charlotte Lau (F.5P)
Jasmine Wong (F.5P)

Congratulations to the winners!

Watsons Athletic Club Annual Challenge 2022

The Annual Challenge 2022, organized by Watsons Athletic Club, was held at Wan Chai Sports Ground on 24-25 September and 1-2 October 2022.

Nicole Yau of F.4T was the Champion of the U16 100m and 200m races. Beverly Lin of F.4T was the 1st Runner-up of the U16 Discus event. Samantha Leung of F.1L was the 2nd Runner-up of the U14 Discus event. Congratulations to all the winners!

World Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) 2022

World Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) 2022, organised by the Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) and SEGi College Subang Jaya (SEGi University and Colleges Malaysia), was successfully held online and offline from 26-30 September 2022. The fair brought together 344 science team projects from 25 countries.

Jasmine Lam (F.6P), Crispina Chan (F.6A), Karis Ng (F.6A), Natalie Sze (F.6A) and Chloe Wong (F.6A) obtained Gold Award in the category of Environmental Sciences with their project “The production of biodegradable plastics using starch-based material”. They also obtained the IYSA Semi Grand Award.

Congratulations to all the winners!

「資訊勿亂放真偽要認清」 文件夾設計比賽

「資訊勿亂放真偽要認清」 文件夾設計比賽 由政府電腦保安事故協調中心、香港電腦保安事故協調中心和香港警務處主辦及香港金融管理局協辦。參賽者可在比賽中設計一個具創意的A4文件夾,以喚起公眾對網絡安全的意識,提醒他們要遵守網絡禮儀和法例,在接收訊息時要核實真偽, 在發放訊息時要謹慎;亦要妥善保護個人資料,以免資料被不法分子濫用。


Shaping the Future / Nansha Innovation Challenge

In June 2022, four F.6 students: Lydia Lam (F.6A), Heidi Chan (F.6U), Cherry Lam (F.6U) and Cherris Yeung (F.6U) formed a team and participated in the Shaping the Future | Nansha Innovation Challenge organized by the University China Study Society. They drafted and submitted a business proposal in July 2022.

On 16 August 2022, the team was selected as one of the 10 finalists. In early September, the team submitted a detailed business proposal which was about how they could apply green technology to help protect the environment in the Greater Bay Area.

On 25 September 2022, they presented their proposal and won the Championship for their creative idea and outstanding innovation. Congratulations to the winners!

Oakley Hong Kong Junior Age Group Athletics Championships 2022

The Oakley Hong Kong Junior Age Group Athletics Championships 2022, organized by the Hong Kong Association of Athletics Affiliates, were held at Tseung Kwan O Sports Ground on 10 - 11 and 17 - 18 September 2022.

Nicole Yau of F.4T was Champion of the U16 200m race and 1st Runner-up of the U16 100m race. Beverly Lin of F.4T was 1st Runner-up of the U16 Discus event and 2nd Runner-up of the U16 Javelin event. Samantha Leung from F.1L was 1st Runner-up of the U14 Discus event.

Congratulations to all the winners!

International Youth Tech Olympics 2022

International Youth Tech Olympics 2022 is one of the largest STEAM competitions in Hong Kong. It aims to raise youth's interest and encourage the exchange of ideas in STEAM learning and innovation and enhance the atmosphere of innovation in Hong Kong.

The award ceremony was held on the 9th of September 2022 at Hong Kong Productivity Council at Kowloon Tong.

Janise Tse of Form 4P won the 1st Runner-up award in the International Youth Tech Olympic 2022's Game Coding section.

Our school also won the 1st Runner-up school award in-game coding.

Congratulations to Janice Tse and SPCS!

The PCPD’s “Student Ambassador for Privacy Protection Programme – Partnering Schools Recognition Scheme” cum “Mobile Game Apps Design Competition for Secondary School Students”

The results of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data’s (PCPD) “Student Ambassador for Privacy Protection Programme – Partnering Schools Recognition Scheme” cum “Mobile Game Apps Design Competition for Secondary School Students” were announced on 24 August 2022. Our Paulinians achieved outstanding results.

Dorothy Chan, Annie Qin and Audrey Seng of F.4S won the Championship and ‘The Most Creative Award’ with their App 安全之「波」,「智」命一擊.

Mandy Fung of F.4S and Kailey Chan of F.4A won the 1st Runner-up.

Yannis Woo and Sapling Yao of F.3L and Wilhelmina Yiu of F.3T won the Merit Award.

Katie Wong of F.4S, Bernice Fong and Catherine Fan of F.4T also won the Merit Award.

Last but not least, our school won ‘The Best School Partner Award’.

Congratulations to SPCS and all the winners!



HKAEE Economics Essay Competition 2022

In July 2022, Form 4 Economics students, under the supervision of Mr. A. Chen and Mr. T.K. Yam, participated in the “HKAEE Economics Essay Competition 2022” organized by the Hong Kong Association for Economics Education. Competitors were assessed on application of economic concepts, creativity, and communication quality.

On 31 August 2022, the result was released and our students achieved outstanding results. Tina Ho of F.4L won the Champion. Yoyo Chan of F.4T, Nicole Lum of F.4T, Tanya Cheng of F.4L, Joyce Li of F.4L, Constance Wong of F.4L and Kelly Wong of F.4L received Merit Awards.

Congratulations to all winners!

Hong Kong Secondary School Fencing Championships 2022-2023

Anika Chu of F.4T participated in the Hong Kong Secondary School Fencing Championships 2022-2023 organized by the Hong Kong Fencing Association, sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club, which was held on 20 – 21 August 2022 at the AsiaWorld-Expo. Anika won the 2nd Runner-up prize in the Hong Kong District Group B Women’s Foil event. Congratulations to the winners!

MY STAGE – Inter-School Fashion Design Competition

Belle Hui and Karan Kwok of F.5U have participated in MY STAGE – Inter-School Fashion Design Competition organised by the China-Hong Kong New Generation Association. They designed two garments for the FALL WINTER 2022 COLLECTIONS under the theme MY ERA. The design concept of their collection came from the Bauhinia. They wish to remind Hong Kongers of the Solidarity symbolised by the Bauhinia. The collection also emphasises the sustainability of the fabrics used. Their design won the Merit Award.

Congratulations to Belle and Karan!

Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad for Secondary Schools (2021-22)

The final round of Hong Kong Chemistry Olympiad for Secondary Schools 2021-22, organized by the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education, Hong Kong Chemical Society, Royal Society of Chemistry and the Education Bureau, was held on 13 Aug 2022. Jasmine Lam (F.5P), Crispina Chan (F.5A), Karis Ng (F.5A), Natalie Sze (F.5A) and Chloe Wong (F.5A) won the 2nd runner-up with their project “The production of biodegradable plastics using starch-based material”. They were awarded a plaque, bronze medals, $600 book coupons and certificates.

“Digi-science” Video Production Competition for Hong Kong Secondary Schools 2021-22

The Prize-giving Ceremony of the “Digi-science” Video Production Competition for Hong Kong Secondary Schools 2021-22, organized by the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education and the Hong Kong Council for Testing and Certification, was held on 13 Aug 2022. In the senior division, Jasmine Lam (F.5P), Crispina Chan (F.5A) and Chloe Wong (F.5A) won the Champion with their video titled ‘Burn and Pollute? No! We have BioPlastics!’. They received a trophy, $1000 book coupons and certificates.

Link of the news:
明報 - 香港中學「數碼科學」短片製作比賽2021-2022

Asia International Math Olympiad (AIMO) Open Contest (Final)

Bella Leung of F.2S and Charmayne Kam of F.5P participated in the Asia International Math Olympiad (AIMO) Open Contest (Final) organized by Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad Association on 7 August 2022. After qualifying in the Heat event, Bella and Charmayne competed with elites from other schools in the Open Contest and won the Silver Honor. Congratulations!

The China Adolescents Science Video Festival – Hong Kong Regional Final

The China Adolescents Science Video Festival – Hong Kong Regional Final was organized by HKNETEA. Participants are required to prepare a 3-minute video on the topic of Scientific Documentary, Scientific Microfilm or STEM Animation.

We are pleased to announce that Bertha Sheung of F.3S has won the Gold Award, Dorothy Chan of F.3S has won the Silver Award, Joanna Lau of F.3S has won the Bronze Award and Janelle Wong of F.3S has won the Merit Award.

Congratulations to the winners!

The Information Literacy “Netuber” Short Video Competition

The Information Literacy “Netuber” Short Video Competition aims to provide a platform for students to become Internet ambassadors who will promote the healthy use of the Internet and information literacy by producing creative videos.

Students were required to prepare a 3-minute video on one of the three topics:
‘Say no to Internet addiction’;
‘Say no to Cyberbullying’; and
‘Making online friends wisely’.

We are pleased to announce that Jane Wong of 1U has won the Merit Award and our school has won the Best Participation School Award.

Congratulations to SPCS and Jane!

The Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition (HKSSPC) 2022

The Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition (HKSSPC) 2022 was jointly organized by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, the Education Bureau, the Hong Kong Science Museum and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation. The Final Judging cum Awards Presentation Ceremony was held successfully on 6th and 7th of August, 2022 at the Hong Kong Science Park. Our students have obtained outstanding results in both junior and senior sections. The awardees were:

Senior Section

Invention Category

1st Runner-up
Charlotte Lau (F.4P), Angela Tam (F.4P), Jasmine Wong (F.4P) and
Antonya Ng (F.4A)

Investigation Category

Honourable Mention and Sustainable Development Award
Jasmine Lam (F.5P), Chrispina Chan (F.5A), Karis Ng (F.5A),
Natalie Sze (F.5A) and Chloe Wong (F.5A)

Junior Section

Invention Category

Champion and Sustainable Development Award
Hosanna Lee (F.3S), Eunis Chan (F.3T), Ginger Jiang (F.3T) and
Nicole Kwan (F.3A)

Scientific Wallchart Division

Second Prize
Natalie Choy (F.5S) and Charlotte Datwani (F.5S)


Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2022

The Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2022 is organized by Hong Kong New Emerging Technology Education Association. This year, The Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2022 is supported by the Education Bureau, Innovation and Technology Bureau and Office of the Government Chief Information Officer.

Our school has obtained the Grand Prize in the Top 10 STEM Schools Category of The Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2022 (HKSAR), which was organized by Hong Kong New Emerging Technology Education Association (HKNETEA).

Bertha Sheung of F.3S Noelle Sien of F.3S and Fiona Chan of F.3U have won the Merit Award in the Junior Secondary Section with their elderly care system – “BeNoFi”.

“BeNoFi” is a home navigation system made for the elderly. The prototype is mixed with motion detection sensors, LED lights, Internet of Things, voice recognition, and Bluetooth technology. It aims to protect the elderly from falling at night and save energy.

Congratulations to the “BeNoFi” team!

The 2nd Hong Kong Secondary School Cosmetic Formulation Competition

The 2nd Hong Kong Secondary School Cosmetic Formulation Competition Final-Round cum Award Ceremony organized by City University of Hong Kong (Department of Chemistry), Hong Kong Society of Cosmetic Chemists and The Cosmetic & Perfumery Association of Hong Kong Ltd. was held on 6 August, 2022. Marissa Chan (F.5S), Violet Lau (F.5S), Janice Tsang (F.5S) and Justina Yip (F.5S) won the 1st Runner-up in the Face Cream Section. Dorothy Chan (F.3S), Kelly Chu (F.3S), Audrey Seng (F.3S) and Beryl Chu (F.3P) won the 2nd Runner-up in the Face Cleanser Section as well as the Best Presentation Award. They were awarded with trophies. Congratulations!

"Science World: Exploring Space to Benefit Mankind" Science Experiment Competition

The "Science World: Exploring Space to Benefit Mankind" Education Programme held by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University aimed to stimulate students' interest in STEM and to help students understand the benefits of space explorations. The media briefing of the Science Experiment Competition took place on 4 August 2022. We are glad to announce that Maggie Ng (F.3S), Sonia Ng (F.3A), Emily Wong (F.3S) and Phoebe Yu (F.3S) got the 2nd Runner-up with the proposal of designing an Eco Oxygen Ball which will provide fresh oxygen supply for astronauts in the space station.

Link of the news:
星島網 - 理大太空實驗設計賽

Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition 2021

Six Paulinians participated in the Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition 2021 organized by Royal Society of Biology (Hong Kong Branch) and attained very good results.

In the Senior Secondary Category, Manjori Sarkar (5P) and Joyce Li (4L) won the Outstanding Award, while Claire Wong (5U) and Louisa Fung (4P) won the Highly Commended Award. In the Junior Secondary Category, Claudia Ng (3T) won the Highly Commended Award while Chelsea Chan (3U) won the Merit Award.

Congratulations to the winners!

The A.S. Watson Group HK Student Sports Award

The A.S. Watson Group HK Student Sports Award aims to encourage young students to continue to participate fully in sports activities and strive for further excellence. Gladys Cheung of F.6P received the A.S. Watson Group HK Student Sports Award 2021-2022 for her remarkable performance in athletics.

The 58th Hong Kong Schools Dance Festival (2021-2022)

The 58th Hong Kong Schools Dance Festival (2021-2022), jointly organized by the Hong Kong Schools Dance Association Limited and the Hong Kong Education Bureau, is an annual inter-school competition that aims to promote dance activities in Hong Kong. Due to COVID, our school’s dance teams, comprising dance teams in Chinese dance, Modern dance and Western dance respectively, were only able to join the solo/duet/trio sections this year. Against all odds, the dedicated dancers finally achieved brilliant results in this year’s competition, with a total of 6 Honours awards and 3 Highly Commended awards. One of the modern trio dances was also awarded a choreography award as well. Congratulations to their choreographer, Ms. Eileen Lee.

Python Application Challenge

Charlotte Lau (F. 4P) and Jasmine Wong (F. 4P) joined the Python Application Challenge, organized by the Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yeong College and Winstars Enterprise HK Limited with the Hong Kong Association for Computer Education in July 2022. After attending two online training workshops held by the organizers, our students have constructed a robotic car which is able to perform multiple self-driving patterns. The competition was held on 31 July 2022 at the Y.W.C.A. Hioe Tjo Yeong College, and our team has won the First Class Award and 1st Runner-up. Congratulations!

Innovate for Future 2021

Innovate for Future is an open competition of innovation & technology to inspire our young people in Hong Kong to create products for solving real life problems, from idea generation to prototype development. This competition is supported by San Jose State University and Silicon Valley Center for Global Studies. Kayley Kwok, Sharon Tong and Katie Tsui of F.2P have won the 2nd Runner-up prize with their “ACE360” app. Congratulations!






Poetry Remake Competition Awards Ceremony 2021/22

The Poetry Remake Competition is a cross-curricular activity jointly organised by the English Language Education Section and Arts Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute. It aims to enhance students' awareness of and interest in English poetry by poets in Hong Kong, encourage artistic and creative expression and provide opportunities for cross-curricular collaboration in the promotion of reading.

The competition integrates literary appreciation and art creation. Students create a two-dimensional artwork in response to one of the selected poems, and then write an artist statement in English to explain the ideas in their work.

We are delighted to announce the following students have received awards in the Poetry Remake Competition!

Outstanding Awards

Commendable Awards

Chu Ka Wai Katie (F.3T)

Fung Wan Hei Scarlet (F.3T)

Lau Kak Yan Megan (F.3T)

Yu Joy See Phoebe (F.4S)

Sia Anne (F.4P)


Sherman Wong (F.4U)


Ellie Tsang (F.5U)



Harvard GlobalWE Essay Competition 2021–22

The GlobalWE Essay Contest was established to invite students to think critically about the status and rights of women. Winners receive recognition on our website, the GlobalWE Book Award, and the opportunity to have their essays published online. Our students participated in the captioned competition, and we are delighted to announce that:

Diana Gamboa from F.6T has won the Essay Contest.

Hillary Yue from F.6T has also received Honourable Mention.

All winning essays can be accessed from


The Inter-School Badminton Competition 2021-2022 Division One (Hong Kong)

The Inter-School Badminton Competition 2021-2022 Division One (Hong Kong), organized by the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation, was held at Kowloon City Sports Center on 24th July 2022.

Our school’s badminton team was the Champion in the Junior Grade category. The team members were Hayley Yuen of F.3A, Katinka Zhu of F.3U, Effie Yu of F.2T, Charlotte Cheung of F.2P, Cherry To of F.1P, Hebe Chong of F.1A, Yvette Wong of F.1U, Visanna Wu of F.1U and Evelyn Zhu of F.1U.

Congratulations to the winners!

Inter-school Swimming Competition 2021-2022 (Division One)

The Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Secondary Schools Inter-School Swimming Competition, organized by the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation, was held at Kowloon Park Swimming Pool on 22 July 2022. Our school’s swimming team has brought home the prize for Fourth Place in Grade B Girls Overall Position.

In Grade B, Milly Tung of F.2L was Champion in the 200m Individual Medley event, while Jasmine Lam of F.3L was 3rd Runner-up in the 50m Breaststroke event. A team formed by Stephanie Shing of F.3T, Ariel Hung of F.3U, Jasmine Lam of F.3L and Milly Tung of F.2L won the 2nd Runner-up prize in the 40x50m Medley Relay event.

Congratulations to all the winners!

香港品質保證局理想家園: 第十五屆徵文、攝影、微電影、繪畫及海報設計創作比賽

香港品質保證局理想家園 第十五屆徵文、攝影、微電影、繪畫及海報設計 創作比賽,旨在教育下一代從小認識企業社會責任的概念,鼓勵他們 關心社會,同時發揮藝術和創意天分,描繪對理想家園的憧憬。



The 14th English Radio Drama Competition

The 14th English Radio Drama Competition, organized by the Smart Education Charitable Foundation, held the final round competition at the Chiang Chen Studio Theatre inside The Hong Kong Polytechnic University on July 16th, 2022. The competition required students to deliver their riveting radio drama performances live in front of a panel of judges and audience members. We are proud to announce that Ariel Chan (F.4S), Christine Lam (F.4S), Cheryl Chan (F.4T), and Valerie Chan (F.4T) earned the Silver Award and Valerie Chan (F.4T) earned the Best Performer Award. Congratulations!

Hong Kong Secondary School Debating Competition

On June 17th and July 15th, the Junior and Senior Debate teams held their HKSSDC Term 2 Grand Finals match against Renaissance College and Victoria Shanghai Academy respectively. The Senior Team was awarded Champion and the Junior Team was awarded 1st Runner Up.

The senior team members through all three rounds include Bernice Kwan of F.5T, Veronique Liu of F.5T, Diana Gamboa of F.5T, Kate Lee of F.4A, Cheryl Chan of F.4T, Valerie Chan of F.4T, and Yashica Vijayakumar of F.4A. The junior team members through all three rounds include Tianna Lim of F.2T, Jamie Ng of F.3S, Stella Wong of F.3A, Evana Or of F.3U, and Nafha Sabeer of F.3P. Congratulations to both English Debating Teams for their brilliant performances and results!

Prosecution Week 2022: Logo Design Competition

We are pleased to announce that Candy Ho (F.1L) and Ashley Lui (F.1A) have won the 1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up prizes respectively in the Prosecution Week 2022 Logo Design Competition organized by the Department of Justice, HKSAR. They were each awarded a certificate for the recognition of their outstanding artwork. Congratulations to the winners!

2021 Meritorious Websites Contest and Healthy Mobile Phone/Tablet Apps Contest

The “Meritorious Websites Contest” and “Healthy Mobile Phone/Tablet Apps Contest” are public education activities organized by the Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration (OFNAA) for promoting the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance.

We are pleased to announce that our school won the Merit award in the School with the Highest Number of Voters category. We were awarded HKD500 cash coupons and a Certificate of Appreciation.

Congratulations to SPCS!


由長者學苑聯網主辦的第三屆「長幼有情」攝影比賽,旨在宣揚長幼之間關愛共融的訊息,培養學生「敬老、愛老、護老」的精神。 本校中五璐張愷晴同學榮獲中學組優異獎,獲頒證書及書券。恭賀得獎同學﹗









2021-2022 第三十三屆中學生閱讀報告比賽




Grand Finals of The Hong Kong Bar Association Debating Competition 2022 (English Division)

We are pleased to announce that our school was the First Runner Up in the Grand Finals of The Hong Kong Bar Association Debating Competition 2022 (English Division), which was held at The Hong Kong University on 9 July 2022.

The competition is organized by the Standing Committee on Young Barristers of The Hong Kong Bar Association. All motions focused on controversial socio-economic issues, including the right to be forgotten, corporate manslaughter, selling cryptocurrencies to retail investors, and suspending IP protection for Covid-19 vaccines. This year, a total of 14 schools participated in the competition. We were up against Maryknoll Convent School in the Quarter-Finals, Diocesan Girls’ School in the Semi-Finals, and Diocesan Boys' School in the Grand Finals.

Students who made it possible for our school to be in the Grand Finals included 5T Lauren Cooke, 5T Diana Gamboa (Best Debater in both Grand Finals and Semi-Finals), 5T Audrey Kiang, 5T Hillary Yue, 4T Cheryl Chan, 4T Valerie Chan (Best Debater in the Quarter-Finals), and 4A Kate Lee.

Asia International Math Olympiad (AIMO) Open Contest (Semi-final)

Bella Leung (F.1S), Jennis Hu (F.2T) and Charmayne Kam (F.4P) participated in the Asia International Math Olympiad (AIMO) Open Contest (Semi-final) organized by Hong Kong Mathematics Olympiad Association. Our students first passed in the Heat event, then competed with math elites from other schools in this Open Contest. Bella and Charmayne won the Silver Award and Jennis won the Bronze Award. Congratulations to all winners!

Hong Kong Territory-wide Youth Online Painting Competition 2022

Bibiana Shek of 2S has won a merit prize in the Hong Kong Territory-wide Youth Online Painting Competition 2022 of Jockey Club Young Artist Development Programme. The theme of the competition is "香港 • 邁向未來".

Bibiana has shown how Hong Kong went from history to the future focusing on the development of Stone Slabs Street. She has captured the human activities and the street view in a dynamic way, showing both the old and the new scenes. A certificate of Merit is awarded to her. Congratulations to Bibiana!

Prize-giving Ceremony on St. Paul’s Day

The Prize-giving Ceremony was successfully held in the School Hall on St. Paul’s Day (30th June 2022).

To foster creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship amongst Paulinians, with the integration of the school theme SMART CITIES, all F.3 to F.5 students were invited to take part in the Start-up Business Plan Competition. On 21st May 2022, 9 teams pitched their business proposals to a panel of adjudicators and attended the Q&A session. The Champion prize was finally awarded to Kenny House, which will have the privilege to manage and operate the two vending machines sponsored by the SPCS PTA in the 2022-2023 academic year. Our Professor-in-Residence in Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Professor Godwin Wong, presented the certificates to the winners on this joyous occasion.

This Prize-giving Ceremony was also a recognition of the achievements of our F.6 Paulinians. We were happy to have Fr. Alan Wong to present international as well as regional competition awards to our F.6 students, and Dr. Albert Cheung, our Scientist-in-Residence on Environmental and Scientific Inquiry, to present the Hong Kong inter-school prizes and awards to the F.6 prize winners. We believe that more success will come with their continued passion, dedication, and enthusiasm. Their efforts and contribution will surely inspire people they come into contact with and demonstrate the school motto ‘Being all things to all people’. May we congratulate all our F.6 prize winners again and wish them continuous success and further achievements in the future.

The Prize-giving Ceremony was followed by a brilliant performance prepared by our F.6 students for the celebration of St. Paul’s Day.

The Hong Kong Science Fair

The Hong Kong Science Fair was organized by the Hong Kong Innovation Foundation (HKIF). In this competition, students were encouraged to develop innovative and human-centric solutions to real-life challenges, and learned how to improve and express their own ideas by applying their knowledge of science, technology and design to building hardware prototypes.

10 teams from our school have obtained the Merit Award. Each team was awarded $5000, medals and trophy. They showcased their projects at the Fair, which was held on 25 and 26 June, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Many visitors showed great interest in their projects and all the students gained invaluable experience participating in this event.

The awardees are:

Senior Secondary Section:
5A Crispina Chan, 5A Karis Ng, 5A Natalie Sze, 5A Chloe Wong
Winning Project: Production of biodegradable mask from food waste

4S Chloe Leung, 4S Destiny Lin
Winning Project: PaPlastic

4P Charlotte Lau, 4P Angela Tam, 4P Jasmine Wong
Winning Project: Playtics

4P Belle Lu, 4A Antonya Ng, 4A Aimee Poon, 4A Karina Yu
Winning Project: Future environmentally friendly tableware

4U Natalie Chan, 4S Ariel Chan, 4S Cheri Cheng
Winning Project: Stellaream

4T Quinn Wong, 4L Iris Wong
Winning Project: Mycelium-a new substitute for plastic?

Junior Secondary Section:
3S Agnes Au, 3S Audrey Seng
Winning Project: Miss Pauline

3S Dorothy Chan.3S Mandy Fung, 3S Jamie Ng
Winning Project: TECAS 2.0

3S Bertha Sheung, 3S Noelle Sien, 3U Fiona Chan
Winning Project: Benofi

3P Ellie Chiu, 3P Monica Pei
Winning Project: AGAB: The Future

Congratulations to all winners!


本校學生參加了由中國青少年語言文化學會舉辦的全國青少年語文知識大賽「菁英盃」(香港賽區) 現場作文初賽及決賽,比賽結果已於二零二二年六月下旬公佈。


AIM Cup Public Speaking Competition

On 19 June 2022, Sonia Ngan (F.5T) attended the Finals for the Aim Cup Public Speaking Competition. She was the Champion in the Best Speaker Award Category in the Age Group 16–18.

This competition strives to cultivate creativity, confidence and persuasive speeches in order to build harmony. It also aims to provide a platform for children to present their ideas in ways that are Authentic, Impactful and Meaningful.

Congratulations to Sonia!

Hong Kong Budding Poets (English) Award 2021/22

Organised by the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education, the captioned competition aims at developing students’ ability to express themselves using poetry.

We are pleased to announce our students have received the following awards in recognition of their talent. Congratulations to the winners!

Gold Prize
Marissa Chan (5S)
Agatha Tsang (5T)

Silver Prize
Charlotte Lee (2S)
Hayley Mok (2S)
Charlotte Datwani (5S)
Ellie Tsang (5S)
Joyce Yuen (5S)

Bronze Prize
Natalie Choy (5S)
Chloe Chu (5S)

Honourable Mention
Ng Jamie (3S) Yu Chi Ki (4A)

The Genius Olympiad 2022

The Genius Olympiad is an international high school project competition organized by Terra Science and Education and hosted by the Rochester Institute of Technology. The Genius Olympiad 2022 was successfully held in May 2022.

The competition aims to promote a global understanding of environmental issues and to equip young generations with environmental consciousness.

Being one of the Hong Kong teams, Jasmine Tang (F.6S) and Zita Zhang (F.6P) presented their project “Synthesis of Nanoparticles by Chemical Method for Antibacterial Bioplastic” in the competition and obtained the Gold Award in the Science Category.




74th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival

The results of the 74th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, in which competitors submitted their entries on video, have been announced as follows:






Celina Liu


N501 Zheng Solo - Senior


Emily Tang


U14 Vocal solo under 16 - Chinese


Chloe Cho


W4 Vocal Solo under 14


Elizabeth Chwu


N412 Flute Solo - Secondary School - Junior


Rebecca Ho


U116 Graded Piano Solo - Grade Five


Abby Cheung


N543 Di Solo - Junior


Mickie Yu


N412 Flute Solo - Secondary School - Junior


Sonia Ng


U26 Female Voice Duet - Age 14 or under


Fiona Lee


N502 Zheng Solo - Intermediate


Chloe Cho


Vocal Solo Chinese Female Voice Age 14 or under


Sophia Tong


W117 Graded Piano Solo - Grade Five


 Haylie Mui


U116 Grade 5 Piano Solo






五德 譚伊倫
五安 蔡沛諺
五璐 李楚臻


五雅 李卓彤
五安 黃恩艿
五璐 林皓蔚

五德 胡志盈
五璐 張愷晴


四保 陳熙悠
四保 林伶叡

三施 劉莉
三璐 何綽妍
三璐 梁芷恩
二保 陸蔚津




本校中六安班朱珈瑩同學及馮頌程同學於嗇色園一百周年紀慶 「用心看!」攝影及短片創作比賽中獲得地理景觀短片中學組冠軍。恭喜!

Quebec Music Competition 2022

Another piece of great news comes from Form 1S. Chloe Cho obtained the Silver Award in the Quebec Music Competition 2022 in Voice. The competition has drawn competitors from all over the world online. Congratulations to all the winners!

ICT Learn-a-thon 2022

ICT Learn-a-thon 2022 was organized by the CISCO Networking Academy and AiTLE. The program aimed to enable students to receive quality IT learning and teaching materials during the special vacation on the modules of Programming in Python and CyberSecurity.

The results were announced on 13 June 2022:

Programming Essentials in Python

Certificate of Excellence

Certificate of Merit

Dorothy Chan (F.3S)

Agnes Au (F.3S)

Jamie Ng (F.3S)

Kacey Wong (F.3S)

Charmayne Kam (F.4P)

Jessica Lai (F.3A)

Daphne Li (F.4P)

Introduction to CyberSecurity

Certificate of Excellence

Certificate of Merit

Dorothy Chan (F.3S)

Jamie Ng (F.3S)

Annie Qin (F.3S)

Kacey Wong (F.3S)

Charlotte Lau (F.4P)

Daphne Li (F.4P)

Charmayne Kam (F.4P)

Kassie Kuek (F.6L)

Kelsey Lam (F.5L)

Congratulations to the winners!



Link of the news:
香港文匯報 - 蔡若蓮:學普通話利港生融入國家發展

Inter-School Athletics Competition 2021-2022 (Division One)

The Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Secondary Schools Inter-School Athletics Competition, organized by the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation, was held at Wan Chai Sports Ground on 7 and 10 June 2022. Our School’s Athletics Team has taken home the 7th in Girls Grade A Overall, 6th in Girls Grade B and C Overall, and 7th in the Girls Overall.

In Grade A, Gladys Cheung (F.6P), Emily Ng (F.5S) and Kaly Ching (F.5U) have won the 3rd Runner-up in the Shot Put, Long Jump and High Jump events respectively.

In Grade B, Nicole Yau (F.3T) was 1st Runner-up in the 200m event, while Beverly Lin (F.3T) was the Champion in the Discus event.

In Grade C, Charlotte Cheung (F.2P) was 3rd Runner-up in the Discus event.

Congratulations to all winners!


本校學生參加了由民政事務總署贊助,全港青年學藝比賽大會主辦的 2021-2022全港青年對聯比賽。全港青年學藝比賽大會每年均會舉辦各項文藝比賽予本港青年參加,項目包括寫作、書法、對聯、詩詞朗誦等。透過競賽,能加深青少年對中國語文、文化及藝術的興趣和認知。



Rotary Golden Oldies Singing Contest 2022

Cherry Choi (F.3S) won the Second place in the Rotary Golden Oldies Singing Contest 2022 in the Secondary Section, Cantonese Opera Category, which was organized by Rotary Club of Abacus Hong Kong. The prize presentation ceremony took place on 6th June 2022 at Hong Kong City Hall. Congratulations to Cherry!

French Concours Oratoire Prize Giving

On Thursday, June 2nd, the Concours Oratoire Prize Giving, jointly organized by the French Consulate in Hong Kong, the Alliance Francaise and AFLE (the organization of French language teachers in Hong Kong and Macau) was held at the Consulate of France. This competition was arranged to celebrate the era of the Grande Siecle (the French Golden Age – a time when literature and the arts were flourishing) and in particular the playwright Moliere. This year marks the 400th anniversary of Moliere’s birth and winners of the French Speech Competition, which was held last December, were invited to perform a monologue from one of Moliere’s most famous plays, “L’Avare” (“The Miser”).

One student from SPCS, Manjori Sarkar of F.5P, was awarded a special prize because of her outstanding performance and her dramatic rendition of the monologue which really brought the language of Moliere to life.

Congratulations Manjori!

The 34th Peace Poster Contest (HK & Macau District) – Exhibition of Winning Entries cum Prize Presentation Ceremony

The 34th Peace Poster Contest (HK & Macau District) – Exhibition of Winning Entries cum Prize Presentation Ceremony organized by Lions Club International District 303, Hong Kong & Macao, China and co-organized by Community Youth Club and the Education Bureau was successfully held on 28th May 2022. The contest aims to give participants the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity. The theme of this year was “We are All Connected”. We are delighted to announce that Renee Cheng of F.2S, Hazen Cheung of F.2U, Nessa Leung of F.1T and Bernice Choi of F.1P obtained Merit Awards. Congratulations to the winners!

MI Young Writers Award 2022

We are pleased to announce that six of our students have received awards from the MI Young Writers Award 2022.

Sophia Law of F.1P has won the 2nd runner-up in the Junior Category, with Rin Kimura of F.5T winning the 3rd runner-up in the Senior Category.

Tianna Liu of F.2S has also won the Top 10 Outstanding Entry in the Junior Category.

Our Form 1 Paulinians, Katie Mok and Jasmine Wong of F.1S and Keyne Tam of F.1L have also received the Top 50 Award in the Junior Category.

Congratulations to the winners!

The Harvard Book Prize

The Harvard Book Prize, organized by the Harvard Club of Hong Kong Education Fund, announced its results on 24th May 2022. The prize is awarded to outstanding Hong Kong secondary students who have exhibited outstanding personal traits, achieved academic excellence, and have made significant contributions to their school and community. We are proud to announce that Horae Ngan (F.5S), Audrey Kiang (F.5T), and Angie Chu (F.5U) were recipients of this prestigious award. Congratulations!

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad Preliminary Round 2022 (Hong Kong Region)

Jasmine Wong (F.4P) participated in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad Preliminary Round 2022 (Hong Kong Region) and the Main Round competitions, she won the First Class award and Second Prize award respectively. Congratulations







二德 周思睿


二德 張玥盈、三雅 萬蕊嘉


二德 周思睿


二德 周思睿


二德 周思睿、二德 張玥盈、三雅 萬蕊嘉


HKICPA Accounting and Business Management Case Competition 2021-22

Two F.4 teams joined the Accounting and Business Management Case Competition 2021-22 organized by Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA). According to the competition specification, the participating teams have to draft a comprehensive report based on the annual reports and financial statements of Bonjour Holdings Limited.

The competition is very keen as 588 teams with 2,070 F.4-6 students from 120 schools have joined the contest. Upon submitting the reports, our teams were selected as two of the six finalist teams.

On 21 May 2022, they presented the financial and operational analysis of Bonjour Holdings Limited and proposed innovative ideas for plans of improvement. In addition, they attended the Q&A sessions and responded to the critical questions raised by the Adjudicators who came from the industry and the academia. As a result, the team of Cheri Cheng (F.4S, leader), Ariel Chan (F.4S), Jasmine Ho (F.4S), and Natalie Chan (F.4U) got the 2nd Runner-up. Another team from F.4L including Sofia Chu (leader), Audrey Lam and Natalie Wong got the Outstanding Performance Award.

Special thanks to Professor Godwin Wong, Mr. T. K. Yam and Ms. Carmen Fung and Ms. Tammy Law who gave valuable advice and training throughout the competition.

Congratulations to the winners.

SPCS STARTUP Project Competition

As the school’s major concern this year is to strengthen the implementation of the school theme SMART CITIES, students were invited to participate in the STARTUP Project Competition. With the guidance of House Moderators and Mentor Teachers, students formed teams, conducted researches and drafted the business proposals. On 21 May 2022, 9 teams presented their proposals and attended the Q&A sessions.

The goal of this activity is to foster an entrepreneurial spirit among Paulinians by providing them with a meaningful authentic business experience at SPCS. For this, the School formed a strong panel of Adjudicators who include Mr Lau Fu Keung Edward, Chief Financial Officer of New World Development Co. Ltd., Professor Ling Ho Wan Howard, Chief Consultant of Social Enterprise Business Centre & Professor in Baptist University, Professor Godwin Wong, Professor in Residence in Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Mrs Zoie Chow, PTA Chairman and Dr Joanne Chow Owyeung, PTA ExCo Member.

As scheduled, the presentations and Q&A session took place at G6 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. The Adjudicators were impressed by the high-quality students’ work such as detailed researches, innovative business plans, fluent presentations and remarkable responses to questions. As part of the learning process, we are glad that the Adjudicators delivered valuable comments and guidance to students.

As planned, the competition result will be released on St Paul’s Day. Apart from other prizes, the winning team will be awarded the right to operate the two vending machines for the academic year 2022-2023. We hope this project can help foster creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in SPCS.

Tranquil Photography Contest

Tranquil Photography Contest was organized by the Superior Culture. The contest aimed to encourage people to appreciate a moment of calm and quiet. The results were released on 15 May 2022. We are pleased to announce that Sibyl Cheung (F.5L) won the Bronze Award. Congratulations to Sibyl!

Global Children and Youth Drawing Competition

Joyce Li of F.4L participated in a Global Children and Youth Drawing Competition organised by the Global Arts, Sports and Culture Association recently and have won the Champion in the Age Group of 16-18. The theme of this competition is ‘Love and Peace’ and the title of Joyce's artwork is ‘Colours of peace’. Her work has been commented by the judges as being outstanding and the message delivered very strong: Unity and peace cannot be measured by race.

As announced by the Association, all the registration fees collected in this specific competition will be donated wholly to the UNICEF emergency fund for Ukraine with the intention of assisting more Ukraine families and children on emergent humanitarian grounds. It is indeed a very meaningful initiative. Congratulations to Joyce.

24th Hong Kong Youth Science & Technology Innovation Competition

Our students have won multiple awards in the “24th Hong Kong Youth Science & Technology Innovation Competition (HKYSTIC)” organized by the Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association (HKNGCA). Our school has also been selected as one of the Outstanding Organizations. The prize presentation ceremony will be held on a later date. The awardees are:

Scientific Fiction Drawing (Junior Section) 
First Prize— 
Aimey Leung (1T) 
Winning Project: Mushroom-shaped Aliens 

Third Prize— 
Vinky Won (1P) 
Winning Project: The Wonderful Future 

Third Prize— 
Gabby Tong (1T) 
Winning Project: Space and Our Future 

Merit Award— 
Cecilia Tsang (1P) 
Winning Project: Flying Cars (The solution to traffic congestion)


Scientific Fiction (Senior Section) 
First Prize— 
Rachel Lam (5P) 
Winning Project:《伊》 


Research and Invention 
Chemistry and Materials (Senior Section) 
Merit Award— 
Jasmine Lam (5P), Karis Ng (5A) and Natalie Sze (5A) 
Winning Project: Production of Biodegradable Masks from Food Waste 

Merit Award— 
Charlotte Lau (4P), Jasmine Wong (4P) and Angela Tam (4P) 
Winning Project: 「任你變」餐具 

Merit Award— 
Ariel Chan (4S), Natalie Chan (4U) and Cheri Cheng (4S) 
Winning Project: Creamarkable 

Biology and Health (Junior Section) 
First Prize— 
Kayley Kwok (2P), Sharon Tong (2P) and Katie Tsui (2P) 
Winning Project: Elder Care 

Merit Award— 
Bertha Sheung (3S), Noelle Sien (3S) and Fiona Chan (3U) 
Winning Project: Benofi 2.0 

Merit Award— 
Dorothy Chan (3S), Jamie Ng (3S) and Mandy Fung (3S) 
Winning Project: TECAS 

Biology and Health (Senior Section) 
Second Prize— 
Iyana Lau (5S), Keira Lam (5T) and Celina Liu (5T) 
Winning Project:“Pro”gress to Natural Treatment for Diabetes Mellitus 

Computer and Information Technology (Junior Section) 
First Prize— 
Valerie Fung (2S) 
Winning Project: AI校園抗疫糾察 

Computer and Information Technology (Senior Section) 
Merit Award— 
Kassie Kuek (6L) 
Winning Project: AI Door Lock for the Elderly 


Outstanding Organization 
St. Paul’s Convent School 

Congratulations to all the winners!


Second COVID-19 Writing Competition

The Awards Ceremony for the Second COVID-19 Writing Competition, organized by the City University of Hong Kong was held in May 2022.

We are pleased to announce that Agatha Tsang of F.5T and Diana Gamboa of F.5T have won the First Prize in Senior Creative Writing (Open Category) and Senior Personal Reflection (Open Category) respectively. Callie Kwok of F.2P has also been awarded the First Prize in Junior Personal Reflection (DSE Category).

It is also encouraging that Horae Ngan from F.5S has been awarded the Outstanding Writing Award.

Congratulations to the winners!

Old Newsstand • New Image Colouring and Design Competition

In the blooming era of the newspaper industry, newsstands were everywhere in the streets and alleys, reflecting the close relationship between printed newspapers and people’s everyday life. With the intention of letting the public learn about the development of the local newspaper industry, Hong Kong News-Expo has held the Old Newsstand New Image Colouring and Design Competition. The competition aims to encourage students to breathe new life into old newsstands with their creativity and artistic talent, as well as to highlight the importance of objective and comprehensive professional journalism to the general public. Above all, it hopes to promote media literacy education. The results of the competition were announced on 10 May 2022. We are pleased to announce that Bernice Choi of F.1P won the Merit Award in the secondary grade section. Congratulations to Bernice!

The 2022 World Mathematics Invitational (WMI)

Cheri Cheng of F.4S has joined the Hong Kong Team to represent Hong Kong in The 2022 World Mathematics Invitational (WMI), organized by World Mathematics Invitational Organizing Committee. Congratulations to Cheri!

Young Investors Society Hong Kong Stock Pitch Competition

Young Investors Society (YIS) provides quality financial literacy education and programs in a fun and exciting way for students from all backgrounds and socio-economic levels. They aim to teach finance and investing skills that will benefit students for a lifetime and empower them to take control of their own finance in the future.

The Hong Kong Stock Pitch Competition, organized by the YIS, is the culmination of the investment skills students gained during the year. It provides them with hands-on mentoring in financial analysis. Contestants need to create a “best stock idea” and analyze a publicly traded company. They are requested to prepare a written report on their chosen company with recommendations, and present it to a panel of university professors and industry professionals.

The competition results were released online on 19 April 2022. We are pleased to announce that Keira Lam and Celina Liu of F.5T won the 1st Place in the Hong Kong Stock Pitch Competition. They will be representing Hong Kong to take part in the Regional Stock Pitch Competition on 30 April 2022.

Congratulations to the winners and good luck to Keira and Celina for their next competition!

The Hong Kong Junior Arts Open 2021 Competition

The Hong Kong Junior Arts Open 2021 Competition was hosted by the Hong Kong Child Culture and Art Association. The Contest aims to provide students a platform for them to showcase their creative talents.

We are pleased to announce that Cheri Cheng from 4S received the First Runner Up (Youth Division Category). She was awarded with a trophy and a certificate. The prize presentation was held on 28 April 2022 at the Maxgrand Plaza, San Po Kong.




2021 Solve for Tomorrow competition
Samsung gathers the creativity and enthusiasm for new technologies of young people around the world through the Solve for Tomorrow competition in its corporate citizenship program to solve local social problems.

The 2021 Solve for Tomorrow competition has "Innovate for a Better World" as the theme. Participants are encouraged to apply their knowledge in various STREAM fields and combine their observations and ideas to develop solutions for "Green Tomorrow", "Education Tomorrow", "Age-friendly Tomorrow" and "Healthy Tomorrow".

The award presentation ceremony was held online on 14 April 2022. We are pleased to announce that Janice Lee of F.4S, Charlotte Lau of F.4P and Sophia Li of F.4L received the Merit Award. They were awarded certificates and $5,000 worth of Samsung products.

Congratulations to the winners!

Purple Comet! Math Meet 2022

Charlotte Datwani and Natalie Choy of F.5S formed a team and participated in Purple Comet! Math Meet 2022 – High School. There were over 3998 teams from 62 countries and cities joining the contest. Our team won the Second Place in Hong Kong and was awarded the certificate of merit. Congratulations to the winners!

Hong Kong School Drama Festival

The Hong Kong School Drama Festival aims at cultivating students' interest in drama and providing a platform to showcase their talents. In March 2022, the English Drama Club managed to break through the limitations and boundaries of Zoom live performances, and successfully captured 11 awards in recognition of our creativity, hard work and dedication with our original dystopian play Fade to Grey amongst 449 school teams.

Award for Outstanding Script (Lauren Cooke of F.5T, Charlotte Wong of F.5U, Aleena Kiani of F.4A, Kanako Booku of F.3P, Elma Or of F.2T, Anna Chow of F.2U and Helen Au Yeung of F.1U)

Award for Outstanding Director (Kanako Booku of F.3P, Elma Or of F.2T and Anna Chow of F.2U)

6 awards for Outstanding Performer (Manjori Sarkar of F.5P, Charlotte Wong of F.5U, Ashley Sia of F.3A, Karen Chan of F.3U, Chloe Szeto of F.2A, and Jane Wong of F.1U)

Award for Outstanding Audio-visual effects

Award for Outstanding Cooperation

On top of all, we received the Adjudicators' Award, and therefore are invited to stage a public performance with other winning teams. Congratulations!

Roar Out Your Talent - Year of the Tiger Lunar New Year Design Competition

The purpose of the 'Roar Out Your Talent' - Year of the Tiger Lunar New Year Design Competition, organized by Maritime Silk Road Society and Silk Road Economic Development Research Center, and co-hosted by Educational Bureau, aims to gather like-minded people from all around the globe to gain deeper appreciation of the Chinese culture, including Chinese traditional festivals, national customs and traditional virtues and values such as "Seeking harmony in diversity", "Co-existence and co-prosperity" through participation in the design competition. Also, the design competition hopes to promote the friendly-neighbor and cultural exchanges advocated in the Belt and Road Initiative. The competition was successfully held and the results were announced online on 8 April 2022.
Jodis Tang of F.2T won the First Place in the Red Pocket Design section in the Child Group category and she will receive the prize of an Apple Gift Card for USD 1000. Congratulations to Jodis!

Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes 2021/22

Sharon Lai of F.6T and Azura Kan of F.6A received the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prizes as well as HK$1000 each for their outstanding academic achievements, leadership, active participation in extra-curricular activities and devotion to community service. Congratulations!

2021 Wan Chai Outstanding Youth Award

Horae Ngan of F.5S and Janice Lee of F.4S were selected by the Wan Chai District Youth Programme Committee as the winners of the 2021 Wan Chai Outstanding Youth Award (Secondary School Section). They were judged on their special talents, strong leadership and outstanding academic performance. Congratulations!

The Wharf Hong Kong Secondary School Art Competition

Joyce Li of F.4L has obtained Merit award with her artwork “Home, space?” for “The Wharf Hong Kong Secondary School Art Competition”, which aims to boost young people's creativity and foster their interests in arts and culture, with the goal of promoting art development in Hong Kong. Her artwork talked about the living condition of those living in subdivided flats in HK. She wants to use her painting to raise people's awareness on the serious housing problem in HK by asking people to reflect whether the small space and the cage-like environment they are living in can be considered as a home or just a place of accommodation. Her artwork will be exhibited in Times Square, Harbour City and Plaza Hollywood. Congratulations!

2022 Hong Kong Mathematics Kangaroo Contest (HKMKC)

Jennis Hu (F.2T) participated in the 2022 Hong Kong Mathematics Kangaroo Contest (HKMKC) organized by Magic Square Association. The competition was held on 20th March 2022. Jennis won the 3rd Prize and Distinction Award. Congratulations!

48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva

The 48th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva, under the patronage of The Swiss Federal Government and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), is the world's most prestigious innovation exhibition. It showcased innovations and inventions from around the globe in virtual format from 16th to 20th March 2022. With 1000 new inventions and products from 42 countries and regions, the International Jury made up of 82 specialists judged each invention and selected a number of them that displayed the qualities required by the International Jury for prizes and awards.

The results were released on 28th March 2022. We are pleased to announce that Elinor Cheung (F.4P) and Kaitlyn Chow (F.4A) won the ‘Silver Medal with Special Effort’ with their project ‘Laughter Catcher’.

Congratulations to the winners!

Link of the news:
中評社香港 - 港生科研成果於日內瓦國際發明展再獲殊榮
星島網 - 日內瓦發明展 港生研「快樂鳥」App獲獎

Hong Kong Fostering ICT Award Scheme ABCD Competition

Hong Kong Fostering ICT Award Scheme ABCD Competition was organized by HKNETEA and steered by OGCIO. The competition aimed to enhance students’ creativity and innovation in AI, Block-chain, Cloud Computing and Big Data. Students were required to submit a 3-minute innovative video on one of the topics above by 28 February 2022.

The award presentation ceremony was held online on 27 March 2022. We are pleased to announce that Jasmine Chan from F.1L, Kylie Kun from F.1U and Lorraine Chu from F.1U have won Special Mentioned Awards and our school has won The Best Participating School Award.

Congratulations to the winners!











中六保吳思瑩 、中六璐潘思澄






中三施宋曉彤、 中二德周思睿、中二保徐子家





Spring Festival Photography Contest

The Spring Festival Photography Contest was organized by Superior Culture. The competition aimed to encourage people to appreciate the characteristics of different festivals. The result was announced online on 15th March 2022. Sibyl Cheung of F.5L won the Silver Award. Congratulations to Sibyl!


由職業安全健康局舉辦的「職安健GIF動畫設計比賽2021」,鼓勵學生利用電子媒體,發揮創意,傳遞護眼的職安健訊息。參賽者須提交一條為時4秒的GIF動畫,宣傳 護眼的重要性。 比賽結果已於2022年3月7日公佈,以下是中學組得獎名單:













The「畫出愛心!旗紙設計大賽」, organized by Sai Kung District Community Centre, was successfully held on 23rd February 2022. Bernice Choi of F.1P won the 2nd Runner-up prize in the secondary school category. Congratulations to Bernice!



Financial Management and Anti-Deception Short Video Contest

The contest aims to nurture the youth with a sense of financial management and raise their anti-deception awareness through video production to unleash their creativity. Themes of the contest are Personal Prudent Financial Management or Prevention of Online Deception.

Paulinians won these awards:

Best Cinematography

Clare Zhang (F.2T)

Judging Panel's Best Choice

Katie Tsui (F.2P), Kayley Kwok (F.2P), Bernice Tam (F.2P)

and 91 counts of outstanding award. 


Entry No.


English Name

English Name

English Name





Secondary Section/ Individual

ZHANG Yue-ying

Best Cinematography Award




Secondary Section/ Team

TSUI Tsz-ka

KWOK Sum-yan, Kayley

TAM Bernice Yeung Gi

Judging Panel's Best Choice Award




Secondary Section/ Team

CHAN Hei-tung       

NGAN Hoi-tung

HEUNG Tsz-yu

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

CHAN Pak-ki

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

CHEUNG Man-hei

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

FU Cin-yung

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

GILL Simrit-kaur

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

HO Man-sheung       

CHONG Hui-ting

CHAN Cheuk-kwan

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

RAI Ayanna

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

TAI Cheuk-wing, Evia

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

TAM Wan-ting

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

TSANG Eunice

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

WONG Hei-ching

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

YEUNG Hau-ying

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

YIP Cheuk-ning

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

CHAN Ka-kiu        

TO Lok-yee

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

CHEUK Yui-ching, Isabella

CHOW Sze-man

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

CHING Hoi-yip       

CHOI Yan-wing

KWAN Wan-hei

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

FUNG Long-hey        

KO Yi-lok

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

LAW Lok-sum, Sophia

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

LEE Pui-ki, Jinny      

NG Wing-kiu, Janelle

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

LEUNG Wai-huen     

LAW Cheuk-ni

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

LI Ya-yan            

CHU Ying-chi

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

NG Wing-sum

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

PUN Sha-ron

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

SIN Wai-yan         

LUM Sze-nga

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

TSANG Hoi-nam, Cecilia 

CHAN Hei-ching, Elizabeth

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

WAN Amber          

CHEUNG Ring-tung

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

CHEUNG On-yu      

CHENG Wan-kei

CHANG Tsz-lok

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

CHO Yik-chi         

CHAN Yuet-on, Flora

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

CHU Zing-zi, Madeleine

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

HO Ya-yee           

HO Yuet-yiu, Haley


Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

IP Tin-yung           

LI Yuk-ting

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

KIE Yuen-ching, Jacqueline 

CHAN Yin-yu

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

LAM Wing-yan

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

LEUNG Hoi-ting      

LEE Chin-wing

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

LO Pui-tsz, Zaida

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

NG Sara             

MOK Chi-ching

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

PANG Cheuk-laam     

KEUNG Yat-kiu

LAI Kei-to

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

TSE Charlene         

NG Wing-sze

WONG Hiu-ching

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

YU Cheuk-yan        

CHOW Yi-whua, Eva

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

CHAN Siu-yu         

CHOU Hoi-laam


Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

SUM Yui-ching        

TAM Hun-ying


Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

AU Hiu-lam          

NG Bo-ying

YIU Sin-wah

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

FONG Tsz-yan        

YUEN Yu-yan

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

HADIWIDJAJA Fransiska Irina


Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

HO Winnie           

CHOW Tsz-tung

REN Wing-kiu

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

KWONG Tsz-tung, Edna 

AU Sin-yau

LAI Cheuk-yin

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

LAM Kei-yi          

PAN Bertha

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

LEE Ming-wai        

LEE Hong-ching

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

SZETO Cheuk-yan     

SIN Hiu-yu

SO Wing-yee

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

TANG Elizabeth       

CHIU Chole

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

CHEUNG Sze-kiu, Irina 

KONG Sze-wing, Maisie

WOO Hoi-yan

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

HO Ka-yuet          

LAU Chin-wai

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

LAU Yin-tung         

TUNG Sze-mang

NG Ka-hei

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

SIU Man-hei          

TAM Wai-sum

LAM Cheuk-wing

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

TSANG Yuen-ching    

TIN Tsz-lam

WONG Ang-kor

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

CHAN Cheuk-lam     

CHONG Long-yung

TONG Tin-wai

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

CHENG Hiu-ying      

NG Sum-yi

WONG Hoi-tung

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

HO Yee-ching         

LEI Yuet-yuen

CHIU Season

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

KWAN Helena        

LAU Jena

KUNG Charlotte

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

KWOK Callie         

NG Ruby

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

LAM Angel           

SIU Dorothy

LAU Megan

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

LEE Tsz-ching        

YEUNG Chin-ying

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

LUK Therese         

CHUNG Audrey

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

TSE Tak-yin          

TO Wing-tong

SO Wai-yan

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

CHOI Hai-tung, Hazel  

FUNG Wan-hei, Scarlet

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

CHOI Hiu-tung

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

CHUNG Ka-shui, Renee 

CHU Ka-wai, Katie

CHOW Chi-ching, Stephanie

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

FUNG Hiu-tung, Valerie 

LEUNG Tsz-yeuk

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

HO Hei-ying

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

LAU Fook-wing       

AU Yan-yuet

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

LEE Hei-lam

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

LI Tik-lam            

LIANG Sze-yui

SHEK Wai-yuet, Bibiana

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

MOK Hei-tong, Hayley 

LIU Yan-kiu, Tianna

WONG Cheuk-ying, Nicole

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

PO Ka-yan           

TSOI On-yau

NG Wing-tsz

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

SHUM Harmony      

WONG Louise

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

CHAN Hin-kwan      

CHEUNG Sze-lam

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

CHAN Sum-kiu       


Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

HO Pui-yu            

CHAN Yin-chi

LEE Ching-yee

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

HU Chen-qi          

CHONG Wing-tung

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

LEUNG Hoi-tung      

LAI Ah-in

WU Joanna

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

LI Ying-yi            

KWAN Natalie

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

LIM Wen-hsiu         

CHENG Tin-yan


Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

LING Cho-kiu        

NG Yan-tou, Cheryl

LIN Wing-kei

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

OR Cheuk-lam

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

SHI Chi-yiu          

TAM Nga-man

FUNG Sum-yiu

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

YU Wing-hei         

YEUNG Wing-ching

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

ZHOU Si-rui

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

ZHU Rui-Fu

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

CHAN Nga-yi        

CHAU Man-tung

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Team

IP Sze-wing           

YEUNG Tsz-tsin

Merit Award




Secondary Section/ Individual

TSE On-kiu

Merit Award


Congratulations to the winners!

73rd Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival

In the face of the still-evolving Covid-19 outbreak, the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival adopted the video submission mode again instead of running face-to-face competitions with live audiences. This year, we are pleased to announce that Paulinians have won a total of 33 Champion placings, 24 First Runners-up, and 19 Second Runners-up in both the English and Chinese sections. Here are the winners of this year. Congratulations to the winners!





Dramatic Duologue 


Cheng Wing Sum


Kwong Sum Yee


Dramatic Duologue 


Li Tammy


Liu Tsz Kei Keira


Solo Verse Speaking Non Open 


Wong Hoi Luen Jasmine


Solo Verse Speaking Non Open 


Vijayakumar Yashica


Solo Verse Speaking Non Open 


Chan Wing Yan Dorothy


Solo Verse Speaking Non Open 


Ng Sum Yu


Solo Verse Speaking Non Open 


Leung Tsz Yan Natalie


Solo Verse Speaking Non Open 


Ng Lok Yiu Natalie


Solo Verse Speaking Non Open 


Tam Bernice Yeung Gi


Solo Verse Speaking Non Open 


Chan Siu Yu


Solo Prose Reading - Non Open


Kung Yin Ching


Solo Verse Speaking Non Open 


Kung Yin Ching


Solo Verse Speaking Non Open 


Wat Tze Yue


Solo Verse Speaking Non Open 


Wong Choi


Public Speaking Solo


Luk Wing Nam


Solo Prose Reading - Non Open


Wong Jane Sum


Solo Verse Speaking Non Open 


Kwok Wing Huen




Public Speaking Solo


Lam Nga Ching


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Fung Ching Man


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Chu Shun Yan


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Kwok Yan Wing Hannah


Solo Prose Reading - Non Open


Chung Yan Chi


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Chung Yan Chi


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Kwan Nga Yiu Natalie


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Szeto Cheuk Yan


Dramatic Duologue 


Ng Wing Sze Janiece


Yu Claire Katherine Cheuk Yan


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Yu Claire Katherine Cheuk Yan


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Tin Muk Yan Amabel


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Chwu Elizabeth Ming Xin


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Ko Yi Lok Hazel


News Feature Presentation


Lee Pui Ki Jinny


Shakespeare Monologue - Non Open


Luk Wing Nam


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Chan Hei Tung Cheryl


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Rai Ayanna


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Yuen Charlotte Hui Ching


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Fung Ho Ting Jamie




Public Speaking Solo


Kaur Puneet


Public Speaking Solo


Chan Wing Yan Dorothy


Public Speaking Solo


Kwok Yan Wing Hannah


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Cheung Nga Ching


Dramatic Duologue 


Liu Yan Kiu Tianna


Mok Hei Tong Hayley


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Shek Wai Yuet


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Fung Yuet Ching


Solo Prose Reading - Non Open


Lee Leah


Solo Verse Speaking - Non Open


Luk Wing Nam























































































































































Outstanding Performance in French in the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education)

Manjori Sarkar of 5P sat for the June series of the CIE IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) last year (20-21) when she was in Form 4 and obtained 99% in the overall marks of her French paper. She got the highest mark in French in the whole of Hong Kong. There are four papers for the French language, namely Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing. Manjori had a lot of practice and worked very hard to achieve such excellent results. Congratulations, Manjori! Well done!

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad, Big Bay Bei 2022 (Great Bay Area Region)

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad, Big Bay Bei 2022 (Greater Bay Area Region), organized by Olympiad Champion Education Centre, was successfully held online on 23rd January 2022. Winnie Ho of F.2T won the 3rd Prize. Congratulations to Winnie!

Immerse Education Essay Competition 2022

Immerse Education was founded in 2012 with the aim of providing students with unparalleled educational experiences. This competition provides an opportunity for students aged 13-18 to submit essay responses to a pre-set question relating to their chosen subject. Two students were awarded partial scholarships for their essays: Dorothy Chan (F.3S) for a Law programme and Bernice Kwan (F.5T) for a Medicine programme. Both students have been recognized as some of the highest calibers of entries this year. Congratulations Dorothy and Bernice!

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad, Big Bay Bei 2022 (Great Bay Area Region)

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad, Big Bay Bei 2022 (Greater Bay Area Region), organized by Olympiad Champion Education Centre, was successfully held online on 23rd January 2022. Winnie Ho of F.2T won the 3rd Prize. Congratulations to Winnie!

Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award 2021-2022

The Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award 2021-2022 organized by the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education was held on 15 January 2022. Some of our F.6 students attained good results in this competition. Ophelia Cheung (F.6A) has obtained First Class Honours, while Myra Tse (F.6P) and Sammi Ma (F.6A) have received Second Class Honours and Third Class Honours respectively. All awardees were presented with certificates. Congratulations!

The Brilliant Christmas Photography Contest

The Brilliant Christmas Photography Contest was organized by Superior Culture. The contest aims to encourage people to discover the happiness of Christmas and winter. The results were released on 15 January 2022. We are pleased to announce that Sibyl Cheung (F.5L) won the Silver Award. Congratulations to the winner!

ICT Learn-a-thon 2021

ICT Learn-a-thon 2021 was organized by the CISCO Networking Academy and AiTLE and took place from 8 August 2021 to 7 November 2021. The program aims to enable students to receive quality IT learning and teaching materials during the suspension of face-to-face classes. The results were announced on 11 January 2022. Charlotte Lau (F.4P) and Jasmine Wong (F.4P) both won the Certificate of Excellence in Programming Essentials in Python. Congratulations to the winners!

2021 Qianhai Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao-Taiwan Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Secondary School Section)

Two F.6 teams, led by Ms C. Fung, Ms T. Law and T. K. Yam, participated in the 2021 Qianhai Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao-Taiwan Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (Secondary School Section) and were awarded with grand prizes. Competition was keen as there were a high number of participating schools and participants were of high calibre. In the early stage of submitting their business plans to the judges, our two SPCS teams were selected as finalists.

On 30 December 2021, the teams presented their work and attended informative Q&A sessions. With their creative ideas, smooth presentation skills and outstanding responses to questions posed by the judge panel, our two teams were presented with outstanding awards.

Our Team A - Lydia Lam (F.6A), Cherry Lam (F.6U), Heidi Chan (F.6U) and Cherris Yeung (F.6U) won the Gold Award. Their business plan entailed the development and promotion of environmental friendly and cost-effective algae utensils to be marketed and sold in the Greater Bay Area.

Our Team B - Florence Poon (F.6L), Coco Shum (F.6L) and Kassie Kuek (F.6L) won the Bronze Award. Their business plan focused on developing AI x Online Legal Services targeted for small & medium enterprises in the Greater Bay Area.

Special thanks to Professor Godwin Wong, our Professor in Residence in Innovation and Entrepreneurship, for advising throughout the process of formulating and drafting of the business plans. We also express our gratitude to Dr Albert Cheung, our Scientist in Residence, for guiding students in product research and development.

Congratulations to all winners!



Let science fly with wings of art - 2022 CCAE Arts, Calligraphy & Photography Works Exhibition

The results of China National Children's Arts, Calligraphy & Photography Album Contest of 'CCAE' National Children's Arts, Calligraphy & Photography Works were announced on 14 December 2021.

Joyce Ho of F.2S won the Grand Prize in the drawing competition and her artwork was included in the 'Let science fly with wings of art - 2022 CCAE Arts, Calligraphy & Photography Works Exhibition' album and 'China Children' Arts, Calligraphy and Photography Album (volume 24)'. Congratulations to Joyce!

The Inter-School Badminton Competition 2021-2022 Division One (Hong Kong)

The Inter-School Badminton Competition 2021-2022 Division One (Hong Kong), organized by the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation, was held at Siu Sai Wan Sports Centre on 23rd December 2021.

Our school’s badminton team was the Champion in the Senior Grade category. The team members were Camille Wong of F.6S, Elizabeth Ng of F.6A, Natalie Choy of F.5S, Virginia Choi of F.5T, Karina Tsang of F.5P, Sonia Lai of F.5U, and Andressa Mak and Denise Wong of F.4A.

Congratulations to the winners!

Inter-Secondary School AR/VR Competition

To increase students’ exposure to digitalization trends, WTIA organized the “Inter-Secondary School AR/VR Competition”. The final round was held on 18 December 2021.

Participating teams were required to use their creativity and problem-solving skills to develop AR or VR games in order to promote the themes of “Smart City”, “Innovative Recycling” or “Fighting Virus” with immersive experiences.

Our F.3 Paulinians who joined the competition achieved encouraging results:

Vaccine Shooter (VR Project): Gold Award (VR Category)
Agnes Au (F.3S), Michelle Sung (F.3S), Nicole Wong (F.3T), Catherine Fan (F.3T)

Vaccine Day 1 (AR Project): Bronze Award (AR Category)
Annie Qin (F.3S), Dorothy Chan (F.3S)

Fight Vir-us! (VR Project): Merit Award (VR Category)
Mandy Fung (F.3S), Kailey Chan (F.3A)

Congratulations to all winners!

Applied Learning Scholarship 2020/21

Emily Chiu of F6P was nominated by the Medical Laboratory Science Programme (HKUSPACE) for the Applied Learning (ApL) Scholarship 2020/21. Co-organised by the Law's Charitable Foundation and the Education Bureau, the Applied Learning Scholarship aims to commend students with a positive learning attitude and excellent performance in the Applied Learning programme (ApL). Emily was awarded a cash scholarship of $1000 and a certificate of appreciation. Congratulations!

The HKAGE Outstanding Student Awards Ceremony 2021

The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE) Outstanding Student Awards Ceremony 2021 was held on 17 December. Jenny Jiang of F.6S and Cattleya Lai of F.4U were awarded the Gifted Star Awards for representing Hong Kong to win Third Place in the International Physics Tournament and the Honourable Mention in the World Health Organisation (WHO) International Hong Kong Model United Nations Conference 2021 respectively. Congratulations!

Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition (HKSSDC) Term 1 Finals

On December 16th and 17th 2021, the Junior and Senior Debate teams held their HKSSDC Term 1 Finals competition against Diocesan Girls’ School and PLK Centenary Li Shiu Chung Memorial College respectively and were awarded as winners. The senior team members through all three rounds include Diana Gamboa of F.5T, Audrey Kiang of F.5T, Cheryl Chan of F.4T, Valerie Chan of F.4T, and Yashica Vijaykumar of F.4A. The junior team members through all three rounds include Tianna Lim of F.2T, Stella Wong of F.3A, Evana Or of F.3U, and Nafha Sabeer of F.3P. Their excellent results will carry on over to the Term 2 debates where they will compete in the HKSSDC Grand Finals in July 2022. Congratulations to both English Debating Teams!

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad, Big Bay Bei 2022 (Hong Kong Region)

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Mathematical Olympiad, Big Bay Bei 2022 (Hong Kong Region), organized by Olympiad Champion Education Centre, was successfully held online on 12th December 2021. Winnie Ho of F.2T won the 2nd Prize. Congratulations to Winnie!

Inter-School A.I. Formula Edge Competition 2021
Inter-School A.I. Formula Edge Competition was held from the 10 to 12 December 2021. The event was organized by Smart City Consortium (SCC) and operated by STEM PLUS. There were over 50 teams that participated in the competition and every team was required to develop their own Artificial Intelligence model to complete the race. The teams with the least lap time won the race and they are:

JetRacer Stream:
Champion Award, Best Design Award and Best Logo Design Award:
Agnes Au (F.3S), Valarie Fung (F.2S) and Tianna Liu (F.2S)

Jetbot Stream:
Best Team Name Award:
Mandy Fung (F.3S), Dorothy Chan (F.3S) and Kristy Chan (F.3P)
Best Design Award:
Rachel Hung (F.4S), Megan Lam (F.4S), Zoe Lui (F.4P) and Joby Ling (F.3A)

Our school also achieved Merit Award for active participation.
Congratulations to all winners!

2021 Hang Lung Mathematics Award

Jenny Jiang, Valerie Lui and Erica Keung of F.6S formed a team and participated in 2021 Hang Lung Mathematics Award. Their project entitled “Moving Sofa Problem” was submitted and entered the final competing against 14 other top teams in Hong Kong. After completing the Oral Defense on 14 December 2021, our team won the Certificate of Participation, a dinner banquet and book coupons. Congratulations to the winners!

11th French Speech Competition 2021-2022

In November 2021, several SPCS students took part in the annual French Speech Competition and obtained excellent results.

In the Prose Reading Section for Form 5, Manjori Sarkar of F.5P was the champion.

In the Prose Reading Section for Form 4, Puneet Kaur of F.4P was the winner, with Siya Kalpeshkumar Patel of F.4A second and Yashica Vijayakumar of F.4A third.

In the Form 4 Solo Poetry Speaking Competition, Puneet Kaur of F.4P came third, while in the Form 5 Section, Manjori Sarkar of F.5P was the winner.

In the Form 3 Solo Poetry Speaking Competition, Ashley Sia of. F.3A was second, with Sabina Braehler of F.3A third.

In the Solo Poetry Speaking Competition for Form 1, Tanisha Vijayakumar of F.1A came first and Audrie Lok of F.1A was third.

In recognition of their outstanding results, both Puneet Kaur and Manjori Sarkar have been invited to take part in another competition – the Concours Oratoire – in which they will have to perform a monologue by one of France’s greatest playwrights, Moliere.

Congratulations to all the winners and good luck to Puneet and Manjori for the next competition!

International Biology Olympiad – Hong Kong Contest 2021

International Biology Olympiad – Hong Kong Contest 2021, organized by The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education, was held on 17 October 2021. Sharon Au Yeung (6T) and Sammi Ng (6P) won the Bronze Award, while Nicole Cheung (6T) won the Honourable Mention Award. Our school also obtained ‘Honourable Mention for Schools’. The prize presentation ceremony was held on 13 December and all awardees were presented with certificates. Congratulations to all winners!

Creative Achievement Award
In order to promote digital creative design, GrandTech HK collaborated with Adobe to organize the first “Creative Achievement Award" programme to expose the academic community to the latest technology and creative tools and introduce the new skills to schools. Some F.5 and F.2 Paulinians have taken part in this program and achieved encouraging success: F.5L Kelsey Lam won the Merit award in the individual animation section. Two groups of F.2 students won the merit award in the group video competition. They are F.2S Stephanie Chow, Hayley Mok, Natalie Wong, Charlotte Lee, Rachel Ho, Charlene Kwan, Renee Chung and Katie Chu. F.2S Rachel Ho, Charlene Kwan, Renee Chung and Katie Chu are also the winners of the Most Popular Award. Students were awarded Adobe subscriptions for one year, trophies, certificates, and cash prizes. Congratulations!

The Mid-Autumn Festival Photography Contest

The Mid-Autumn Festival Photography Contest was organized by Superior Culture. The contest aims to encourage people to appreciate the characteristics of different festivals of Hong Kong. The results were released on 30 November 2021. We are pleased to announce that Sibyl Cheung (F.5L) won the Silver Award. Congratulations to the winner!

HSBC Smart Community Hackathon 2021

HSBC Smart Community Hackathon is a STEM competition for all talented secondary students in Hong Kong organized by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS). This year, the key themes are "Future Skills" and "Health."

The results were announced on 30 November 2021. Janice Lee (F.4S), Charlotte Lau (F.4P) and Sophia Li (F.4L) won the Certificate of Distinction; Catherine Chan (F.5P), Kelsey Lam (F.5L) and Clarissa Lam (F.5L) won the Certificate of Merit.

Congratulations to the winners!

The Hong Kong ICT Award 2021
The Hong Kong ICT Award was established in 2006 with the collaborative efforts of the industry, the academia and the Government. It aims at recognizing and promoting outstanding information and communications technology (ICT) inventions and applications, thereby encouraging innovation and excellence among Hong Kong’s ICT talent and enterprises in their constant pursuit of creative and better solutions to meet business and social needs.

The Student Innovation Award category aims to encourage ICT innovation by students, with a view to promoting students’ interest and creativity in ICT innovation. The Secondary School Stream aims specially to encourage students to imaginatively and creatively use technologies to build a better world for the next generation.

The award presentation ceremony was held on 29 November 2021. We are pleased to announce that Elinor Cheung (F.4P) and Kaitlyn Chow (F.4A) won the Bronze Award; Janice Lee (F.4S) and Sophia Li (F.4L) won the Merit Award; our school won the Best Participation School Award. Congratulations to the winners!

Community Junior Tennis Competition (Competition 4)

The Community Junior Tennis Competition (Competition 4) Finals, organized by Hong Kong Tennis Association, was held at Aberdeen Tennis and Squash Centre on 28 November 2021. Jasmine Yeung (F.1S) was the Champion of the U12 Girls’ Singles event. Congratulations to the winner!

2021 Hong Kong Island Outstanding Students Award
Jasmine Wan of F.6S and Dorothy Chan of F.3S were among the ten Hong Kong Island Outstanding Students 2021 in the Senior Section and the Junior Section respectively. After a selection from over a hundred candidates by the Hong Kong Island School Heads Association and two rounds of interviews, they won based on their academic performance, leadership, special talents and involvement in community service. The prize presentation ceremony took place on 27 November 2021 and both winners were awarded a trophy, certificate and book coupon. Congratulations!

2022 World Mathematics Invitational (WMI)

The 2022 World Mathematics Invitational (WMI), organized by World Mathematics Invitational Organizing Committee, was successfully held on 27th November 2021 at Ko Shan Theatre. Cheri Cheng of F.4S won the Silver Award. Congratulations to Cheri!


總決賽暨頒獎典禮於二零二一年十一月二十六日舉行。本校中一安 白欣巧、陳匡婷、許悅、靳喬蒑同學獲得亞軍;另外兩支隊伍分別為,中一安梁璟桐、譚家音、湯綽寧、彭琬程及中一璐張予嫣、 何家昕、余藹霖、陳亭嘉同學則獲得優異獎。本校亦喜獲最積極參與學校獎。


The HKILF Wish Poetry Contest

The HKILF Wish Poetry Contest, organized by the Hong Kong International Literary Festival in conjunction with the Department of Literature and Cultural Studies EdUHK, released the results on 14th November. The competition required students to explore the evergreen literary theme of “wish”. We are proud to announce that Siena Ho (F.5A) was awarded the Second Place Prize. Congratulations!

The Hong Kong Junior Age Group Championships 2021

The Hong Kong Junior Age Group Championships 2021, organized by Hong Kong Association of Athletics Affiliates, were held on 13-14 November 2021 and 27-28 November 2021 at Tseung Kwan O Sports Ground. Nicole Yau of F.3T was 1st Runner-up in the U16 category 200m event. Congratulations to Nicole!

The Rule of Law Essay Competition 2021

Since 2012, the Rule of Law Education project (ROLE) at the Hong Kong University has promoted a better understanding of the rule of law in Hong Kong, including among secondary school students. One of the initiatives is the ROLE essay competition, which released its results for 2021 on 12th November. We are proud to announce that Mia Poon (F.6L) was awarded the Merit Runner-Up. Congratulations!

Wan Chai District Age Group Tennis Competition 2021

The Wan Chai District Age Group Tennis Competition 2021 Finals organized by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, was held at the Victoria Park Tennis Court on 14 November 2021. Jasmine Yeung (F.1S) was the Champion of the Age 12 or below Girls’ Singles event. Congratulations to the winner!

VTC STEM Challenge Cup 2021

VTC STEM Challenge Cup was organized by the STEM Education Centre of Vocational Training Council. The competition aims to inspire students’ creativity and innovation through the integration and application of STEM knowledge and skills, and the creation of innovative solutions. The theme this year is Navigating the New Normal.

The award presentation ceremony was held on 11 November 2021. We are pleased to announce that Elinor Cheung (F.4P) and Kaitlyn Chow (F.4A) have won the Merit Award in the Secondary Students category.

Congratulations to the winners!

The 1st “VideoChem” Competition (2021)
The 1st “VideoChem” Competition (2021), organized by the Department of Chemistry of City University of Hong Kong, aimed to develop public interest in chemistry. Participants were required to create short and innovative videos to explain or demonstrate a concept, theory or principle in chemistry that would otherwise require many words to communicate. The competition received more than 100 entries. Danielle Hau (F.5S), Iyana Lau (F.5S), Isabel Chan (F.5T), Nicole Ng (F.5T) and Crispina Chan (F.5A) obtained Silver Award with their video named “The chemistry concepts in bread-making”. Dr. Lam Yun Wah, Associate Professor of Department of Chemistry of CityU, came to our school on 11 November 2021 to have a short discussion with the winning team and presented certificates and trophy to them. Congratulations to all students in the winning team!

The video could be viewed from the following website:

International Chemistry Quiz 2021

Some of our F.5 and F.6 students attained very good results in the International Chemistry Quiz 2021 organized by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education. The result was released on 2 November 2021. Jenny Jiang (F.6S), Kate Liu (F.6S), Yumi Tsang (F.6S), Charmaine Liu (F.6P), Emily Cheung (F.6U) and Savina Hui (F.5T) obtained full marks in the quiz. They received the high distinction excellence awards. 32 students also received High distinction awards, 32 students received Distinction awards and 31 others received Credit awards. Congratulations!

Southern District Age Group Tennis Competition 2021

The Southern District Age Group Tennis Competition 2021 Finals, organized by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, was held at the Aberdeen Tennis and Squash Centre on 23 October 2021. Jasmine Yeung (F.1S) was the Champion of the Age 18 or Below Girls’ Doubles event. Congratulations to the winner!

2021 S.T. Yau High School Science Award (Asia) - Mathematics

Valerie Lui and Erica Keung of F.6S formed a team and participated in 2021 S.T. Yau High School Science Award (Asia) – Mathematics. Their project entitled “Using Mathematical Modelling to Create the Optimum Disease Group Testing Scheme” was submitted and entered the Final. The team completed the Oral Defense on 31 October 2021 and won the Honorable Mention prize and the certificate. Congratulations to the winners!

International Science and Invention Fair (ISIF) 2021

International Science and Invention Fair (ISIF) 2021, organised by Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA), Indonesia International Institute for Life Sciences (i3L) and the ISIF Organizing Committee, was successfully held online from 25 October to 1 November, 2021. The fair brought together more than 400 team projects from 36 countries. Nicole Chan (F.6P), Isabella Chan (F.6P), Jenny Chen (F.6U), Emily Cheung (F.6U) and Sally Wong (F.6U) obtained Gold Award in the category of Environmental Science and IYSA Special Award with their project “The Effectiveness of Adsorption of Metal Ions and Oil by Agricultural Wastes”. They were presented certificates. Congratulations!

Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition 2020

Vanessa Chan (F.3U) and Joyce Li (F.3L) participated in the Hong Kong Specimen Drawing Competition 2020, organized by Royal Society of Biology (Hong Kong Branch), and received the Outstanding Award in the junior secondary category. Congratulations!

The 10th English Writing Competition 2020-21

The 10th English Writing Competition 2020-21, organized by The Standard, aims to increase students’ confidence in learning and improving English writing skills. We are pleased to announce that Sophie Tam Yiu Sum of F.3L has attained Champion (Junior Group) in this competition. The prize presentation ceremony was held on 16th October 2021. Sophie was awarded a certificate and trophy. Congratulations!

STEM-Up HK Innovation and Technology Competition

STEM-Up HK Innovation and Technology Competition, organised by the Junior Police Call, aimed to provide a platform for students to put the concept of “Smart City” into practice by proposing innovative and feasible solutions on topics including mobility, living, environment and economy.

The Award Presentation Ceremony cum Exhibition was held on 16 October, 2021 in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. We were pleased to announce that our school has obtained the Most Active School Participation Award in both the junior and senior secondary school categories.

Our students and teachers also received outstanding results and the awardees are as follows:

Junior Secondary School Category

Best Coaching Teacher Award

Mrs. Claudia Wong, Ms. Natalie Wong and Mrs. Ida Wong

1st Runner-up and Best Presentation Award

Andressa Mak (F.3A)
Gabi Luk (F.3A)
Nicole Yip (F.3A)
Winning Project: Sustainable Lactase Straw

2nd Runner-up and Judging Panel Award

Elinor Cheung (F.3P)
Winning Project: Laughter Catcher

Best Creativity and Innovation Award

Janice Lee (F.3P)
Winning Project: Gondola

Best Production Award

Kaitlyn Chow (F.3A)
Winning Project: RAINstation

Senior Secondary School Category

Best Design Award

Janice Chan (F.5S)      
Winning Project: ADHDreamer

Commendation Awards

(Senior Secondary School Category)


Jojo Lai (F.6S)
Jenny Lee (F.6S)

Natalie Fung (F.6T)
Anson To (F.6T)

Kate Liu (F.5S)
Karina Chung (F.5T)

Erica Keung (F.5S)
Kumar Tvesha Sanjay (F.5L)

Andrea Chan (F.5S)

Sunnie Chan (F.5T)

Emily Chiu (F.5P)
Louisa Law (F.5U)

Hillary Yue (F.4S)
Evonne Lo (F.4S)
Andria Sze (F.4T)

Geneva Chan (F.4P)
Catherine Chan (F.4U)

Justina Yip (F.4A)

Kylie Ting (F.4A)

Bernice Chan (F.4A)

Trini Yau (F.4A)

Naomi Yeung (F.4A)

Kelsey Lam (F.4U)
Clarissa Lam (F.4L)

Diana Gamboa (F.4L)

Karina Guan (F.4L)

Valerie Chen (F.4L)

Jessie Kwong (F.4L)

Nicole Lim (F.4L)

Commendation Award

(Junior Secondary School Category)

Charlotte Lau (F.3P)
Sophia Li (F.3L)


Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2021-2022

The Thailand International Mathematical Olympiad 2021-2022, organized by the Thailand Mathematics Society, was successfully held online on 10th October 2021. Winnie Ho of F.2T won the Silver Award. Congratulations to Winnie!

The 7th Territory-wide Inter-school Basic Law Competition (Final)

Our school was invited to enter the final round of the 7th Territory-wide Inter-school Basic Law, organized by the Education Bureau as one of the top five schools with the highest average scores. School representatives, i.e., Dorothy Chan and Annie Qin of F.3S, Jasmine Ma of F.3T, Janice Lee of F.4S and Lucy Jiang of F.4L demonstrated their in-depth understanding of the Constitution, Basic Law and national security throughout the keen competition. Our school won “The Most Active Participation Award” and “The Merit Award”, and received trophies and $3800 book coupons. Congratulations to all winners!

Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition 2021

The Queen's Commonwealth Essay Competition, organized by the Royal Commonwealth Society, is the world's oldest international writing competition for schools, established in 1883. With thousands of young people taking part each year, it aims to recognise achievement, elevate youth voices and develop key skills through creative writing. We are pleased to announce that Angela Tam of F.4P and Dorothy Chan of F.3S have won a Bronze award for the Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition in the Senior category. Also, Ankie Leung of F.3A has won a Bronze award. Congratulations to the winners!

由香港中華文化促進中心舉辦的「2020-2021中國中學生作文大賽」,頒獎典禮於10 月2 日(星期六)假香港中央圖書館演講廳舉行。本校中二德班陳凱琳同學榮獲 (香港賽區) 初中組銅獎。恭喜!

Watsons Annual Challenge 2021
The WAC Annual Challenge 2021, organized by Watsons Athletic Club, was held from 1st to 3rd October, 2021 at Wan Chai Sports Ground.
In U20 category, Melody Fung (F.6U) was the 2nd Runner-up in the shot put event.
In U18 category, Gladys Cheung (F.6P) was the Champion in the shot put event while Emily Ng (F.5S) was the 2nd Runner-up in the long jump event.
In U16 category, Nicole Yau (F.3T) was the 2nd Runner-up in the 200m event. Congratulations to all winners!

World Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) 2021
World Invention Competition and Exhibition (WICE) 2021, organised by the Indonesian Young Scientist Association (IYSA) and SEGi College Subang Jaya (SEGi University and Colleges Malaysia) was successfully held online from 28-30 September 2021. The fair brought together 369 science team projects from 29 countries. Nicole Chan (F.6P), Isabella Chan (F.6P), Jenny Chen (F.6U), Emily Cheung (F.6U) and Sally Wong (F.6U) obtained Gold Award in the category of Environmental Sciences with their project “The Effectiveness of Adsorption of Metal Ions and Oil by Agricultural Wastes”. They were presented certificates. Congratulations!

‘Be Smart Online, Stay Away from Pitfalls’ GIF Graphic Design Contest
"Be Smart Online, Stay Away from Pitfalls' GIF Graphic Design Contest was jointly organised by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, Hong Kong Police Force, and the Hong Kong Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Centre. The contest aims to arouse public awareness on information security, internet safety and etiquette. Participants designed a set of 4 pieces of GIF graphics in an innovative and creative way to convey the message of internet safety and etiquette in this contest.

The Award Ceremony was held on 24th September and our school has won the Champion award for the Most Supportive School Award. Besides, Katie Tsui of F.2P won the Merit Prize as well as the 2nd Runner-up of the Most Favourite Online Award for her excellent work. Congratulations!

The Hong Kong Junior Arts Award 2021

The Hong Kong Junior Arts Award 2021 was organised by the Hong Kong Child Culture and Arts Association which aims to provide a platform for children to showcase their artistic talent and experience the fun of art in the procession of creation.

The prize presentation ceremony was held on 27 September 2021. Cheri Cheng of F.4S won the Champion in the Youth Division under the theme animal. She was awarded a certificate and trophy. The school was also awarded the Quality Art Education Award - Active Participation Award and was awarded a certificate in recognition. Congratulations!

The Asia Pacific Conference of Young Scientists 2021

The Asia Pacific Conference of Young Scientists 2021 is an international science project competition hosted by the National Network of Scientific and Technological Activities for Youth and the University of Sonora. 86 teams from all parts of the world joined this year conference and explained their projects online. Jasmine Tang (F.6S) and Zita Zhang (F.6P) presented their project “Synthesis of Nanoparticles by Chemical Method for Antibacterial Bioplastic” on 25 September 2021 and obtained the Gold Award in the category of "Life Sciences". They were awarded with digital medals and certificates. Congratulations!

The 1st Hong Kong Secondary School Cosmetic Formulation Competition
The 1st Hong Kong Secondary School Cosmetic Formulation Competition Final-Round cum Award Ceremony organized by City University of Hong Kong (Department of Chemistry) and Hong Kong Society of Cosmetic Chemists (HKSCC) was held on 11 September, 2021. Ariel Chan (F.4S), Cheri Cheng (F.4S) and Natalie Chan (F.4U) won the 2nd Runner Up with their “Impeccable 3” package of a lipstick, a face cleanser and a face cream. They were awarded with a trophy and a certificate. Congratulations!

Nissin Cup Noodles Hong Kong Junior Tennis Series 2021 (Competition 4)

The Nissin Cup Noodles Hong Kong Junior Tennis Series 2021 (Competition 4) Finals, organized by Hong Kong Tennis Association, was held at the Hong Kong Tennis Centre on 5 September 2021. Jasmine Yeung (F.1S) was the Champion of the U12 Girls’ Doubles event. Congratulations to the winner!

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