

St. Anne’s College Admissions Talk 2024
On July 20, 2024, we were honoured to welcome the Principal, the Senior Tutor and Tutor for Admissions and a panel of tutors from St. Anne’s College of the University of Oxford for an open-day style event on ‘WhyOxford? - Meet the Tutors’. This event was open to everyone across Hong Kong, attracting over 150 secondary school students and parents.

After an interactive presentation comparing different universities and its education system, esteemed professors shared their top tips in demonstrating critical, analytical and logical thinking with simulated interview questions. Participants had an engaging exchange in the breakout sessions on their respective fields of interests across 11 disciplines, ranging from Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Classics and Philosophy, Politics, Law, to Biochemistry, Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Earth Sciences and Geology, Materials Science and Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. They all gained invaluable insights towards the nature and mode of teaching at the prestigious institution.

By the end of the workshop, all attendees including Paulinians had a rewarding experience and were equipped with the essential information to pursue tertiary education and beyond.

HKUST Campus Visit 2024
The school Careers & Further Studies Team organized a visit to the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) campus on 11 July for 153 students from Form 4 and Form 3. The purpose of the visit was to help the students learn more about the academic programs and campus life at HKUST.

During the visit, the students got to explore the five major fields of study offered at HKUST, including science, engineering, business and management, humanities and social sciences, and interdisciplinary studies. Through interesting presentations, informative talks, and interactive activities, the students gained a better understanding of the different programs available in each field.

Apart from learning about the academic side, the students also had the chance to experience the lively campus environment and student life. They had the opportunity to interact with current HKUST students, have discussions with professors, and take guided tours of the campus facilities. These activities allowed the students to see firsthand what it would be like to be part of the HKUST community.

The HKUST campus visit was a valuable and enriching experience for the students. It broadened their perspectives, encouraged them to consider pursuing higher education, and inspired them to explore areas of study that matched their interests and goals.

Overall, the students greatly benefited from the HKUST campus visit and gained a deeper understanding of the university and its academic offerings.

Life-planning activities for Form 1 and Form 2 students 2023-2024
On 8 July, the school Careers Teams and the Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong (L.I.F.E. planning) service group collaborated to organize two different life planning activities for Form 1 and Form 2 students.

For Form 1 students, over 10 adventure trainers from the Chinese YMCA led various group activities for around 200 students. These activities were designed to improve their teamwork skills and social skills based on empathy. The students had a wonderful time participating in these exciting adventure games.

For Form 2 students, each class engaged in a board game similar to "Monopoly" that involved facing challenges and earning rewards. Through this game, the students learned about the importance of understanding themselves, setting goals, and identifying their own core values. All students actively participated in the game and had meaningful discussions with their classmates and counsellors from Chinese YMCA.

Overall, these life planning activities provided valuable opportunities for students to develop important life skills and gain a better understanding of themselves. The students thoroughly enjoyed these engaging activities and benefited greatly from the valuable lessons they learned.

Instrumental Prize Winners’ Concert – 2024
Instrumental Prize Winners’ Concert was held on 3rd July 2024 to celebrate the huge success of our instrumentalists in 2023-24.

The flute ensembles and string ensembles performed 6 winning pieces in the Music Festival and Joint School Music Association competitions in the first half of the concert, followed by the winning pieces from our school’s string orchestra and symphony orchestra.

The concert received positive comments from the audience. Special thanks to Ms. Harty Tam and Mr. Michael Au for their dedication and continuous support to the orchestra.

2023-24 F4 Careers Workshop
The Careers Workshop for F.4 was held on 27 June this year. Through various activities and presentations, students were able to reflect on their personalities, strengths, and interests, allowing them to discover the career that best suits their needs and desires. Moreover, one of the most crucial components of the event was the interactive activity that required students to make life choices. All of the above activities have surely enabled students to learn more about themselves and explore careers that provide them with the chance to fully unleash their potential.

For the Human Library session, alumni of various professions, ranging from clinician-scientist-in-training, educational psychologists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, vets, general managers, to traders at international banks, have all shared their valuable insights and experiences of their respective occupations, while also providing precious advice on academic options. Students were all engaged and treasured the opportunity to gain more knowledge about both university and work life.

Towards the end of the workshop, all students were equipped with the essential information to plan ahead for their future, allowing them to make better career path decisions in the near future.

Talk on "Understanding One Country, Two Systems, the Basic Law, and National Security Law"
On 21 June 2024, a briefing session took place in Room G6 for the "Embrace the World, Embark on a Journey" Germany "One Belt, One Road" Technology and Culture Exchange Tour (「環球行看世界」德國「一帶一路」科技文化交流之旅) scheduled from June 30 to July 9, 2024. This tour, organized jointly by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Youth Exchange Promotional Association, aims to ignite students' curiosity about German language and culture while offering insight into Germany's unique education.

During the briefing session, Mr. Chan Yung, BBS, JP, delivered a talk on the topic of "Understanding One Country, Two Systems, the Basic Law, and National Security Law" (認識一國兩制、 基本法及國安法) to students, teachers and parents. His insights added valuable knowledge and context to the tour program.

SPORTS CHAT! School Workshop 2024
On 19 and 20 June 2024, our school collaborated with the InspiringHK Sports Foundation Limited to organize an exciting SPORTS CHAT! School Workshop for 118 F.4 students. This workshop aimed to provide an enriching sports program that not only improved their physical fitness but also nurtured essential life skills.

During the workshop, students actively participated in two captivating sports activities. The first activity involved a spirited game of Touch Rugby, where they developed teamwork, agility, and strategic thinking. Following a refreshing break, they immersed themselves in the calming practice of Yoga, enhancing their flexibility, focus, and overall well-being.

These engaging sessions not only enhanced the students' physical fitness but also developed crucial life skills such as resilience, communication, and cooperation. This aligns with the guidance provided by the Education Bureau on the Promotion of a Sports Ambience and MVPA60 in Schools, emphasizing the importance of effectively supporting students in their overall development and promoting a habit of active participation in physical activities.

HASSE Space School Program Talk 2024
On 29 May 2024, the Houston Association for Space and Science Education (HASSE) HK hosted a talk for our F.3-F.5 participants as part of the SPCS HASSE Space School Program.

We were honoured to have Professor Quentin A. Parker, Director of the Laboratory for Space Research at the University of Hong Kong, as our speaker. Professor Parker delivered a captivating presentation on the James Webb Space Telescope and the Chinese Space Program, providing our students with valuable insights and inspiration.

During the talk, Professor Parker delved into the cutting-edge advancements in space exploration, highlighting the capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope and sharing updates on China's ongoing developments in space. Our students actively participated, asking thought-provoking questions, especially relating to telescopic technology.

By gaining knowledge about the latest achievements and future plans in space exploration through this talk, our students are now better equipped to further their understanding and engage in the upcoming tour. We believe this experience will foster a greater interest and passion for the field of space exploration among our students.

由進念.二十四面體主辦,戲曲金庸之笑傲江湖,於5月24日在尖沙咀文化中心隆重舉行。這場活動融合了光影聲景Z Dome x 劇場嶄新藝術科技,精彩呈現了戲曲的「唱、唸、做、打」基本功。


Pastel Naomi Art Workshops
The Pastel Naomi Art Workshops were attended by a total of 44 students from Form 1 to Form 5 on the 20th and 22nd of May 2024. The workshops aimed to provide students with a unique and calming experience through various painting techniques during lunchtime. They offered a space for self-expression and relaxation, encouraging students to free their minds, reduce stress, and explore the serenity that art can bring.


Kick-off Ceremony of Privacy Awareness Week 2024
The kick-off ceremony of Privacy Awareness Week 2024, organized by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, was held in our school on 14 May 2024. Ms. Ada Chung Lai Ling, the Privacy Commissioner, delivered an enlightening opening speech emphasizing the importance of safeguarding personal data privacy in our digital world. The event featured the "Privacy Protection Truck," an exhibition truck in our school playground, where students engaged in educational activities, played digital games, and watched informative videos on personal data privacy. Following the ceremony, the “Privacy Protection Truck” will tour various locations in the city from 14 to 26 May 2024, promoting privacy awareness and responsible data practices. Let's prioritize privacy protection and create a safer digital environment together!

Using Board Games - < $mart Money Management 321 > to Enhance Financial Education
On 10 May 2024, 24 students from Forms 1 and 2 participated in the board game workshop, organized by the Young Entrepreneur Club. The students formed groups of four. The board game 'Smart Money Management 321' was developed by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), and we are pleased that Mr. Patrick Li, the Senior Manager of the Corporate Services Department, and Ms. Vivian Lau, the Manager of the Corporate Services Department, have kindly come to share their insights on the game's design and how it can enhance financial education for the students.

CMC & PTA Community Service Programme 2024
The annual elderly home visits co-organized by Parent-Teacher Association and Catholic Movement Committee were held on 27 April this year. Students from different religious clubs, along with members of the Chinese Opera and Chinese Orchestra, participated in this meaningful service. Volunteers were divided into two groups for visits in St. Joseph’s Home for the Aged in Sheung Shui and St. Mary’s Home for the Aged in Wong Chuk Hang separately. They prepared various games and music performances and brought much happiness and love to the elderly. The residents were thrilled to meet and share their stories with the volunteers. The programme was a heartwarming success, exemplifying the true meaning of charity and the importance of reaching out to our neighbours in need.

Matteo Ricci The Musical
On 21 April 2024, 16 students and four teachers had the opportunity to watch Matteo Ricci The Musical performed in the Grand Theatre of the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. The musical, named after the renowned 16th-century Jesuit missionary, detailed his extraordinary journey to bridge the gap between East and West. Through the powerful storytelling and enchanting music, the students gained a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by Matteo Ricci when he first arrived in Ming Dynasty China. As the final notes of the musical echoed through the theatre, students were left with a newfound appreciation for Ricci's unwavering faith in Jesus and the importance of cultural exchange and mutual respect among diverse religious communities.

Smart Hong Kong Pavilion - InnoEX 香港國際創科展 2024 - Booth Exhibition
Four groups of students have been invited to the Smart Hong Kong Pavilion - InnoEX 香港國際創科展 2024 - Booth Exhibition on 13-14 April. This event, organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), brings together influential tech experts, entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and investors from the region to discuss collaborations, share upcoming trends, and exchange insights into future opportunities.

The students were tasked with integrating open data into their innovative business solutions. Over the course of two days, they presented their ideas and solutions in the "E-Tourism" category, with the objective of promoting the Hong Kong economy. In addition, they showcased their dedication to giving back to the community through social innovation.

Overall, the experience has been fruitful for our Paulinians, allowing them to stay updated with cutting-edge technologies and disruptive innovations.

50th Anniversary of the Consumer Council: Consumer Rights Seminar for Secondary Schools - Fair and Responsible AI for Consumers
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Consumer Council, a group of F.4 students and their economics teacher, Mr. Adrian Chen, were invited to the Consumer Rights Seminar for Secondary Schools - Fair and Responsible AI for Consumers on March 12, 2024 at Innocentre. The seminar aimed to educate secondary school students on the latest developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in the consumer market. The students, Ashley Chan, Scarlet Fung, Jennis Hu, Leanne Lau and Bernice Tam from F.4T, shared their design concepts, while Mr. Adrian Chen shared insights on how AI applications could be implemented as an entrepreneurship element in the secondary school context.

Sand Painting & Sharing Workshops
The Sand Painting & Sharing workshops were attended by a total of 41 students from Form 1 to Form 5 on the 8th and 15th of March 2024. Our students found the experience to be relaxing, comforting, and engaging. They were captivated by Ms. Snow Chung's storytelling and skillful sand painting techniques. The combination of music, visuals, and narratives created an immersive and memorable experience for everyone involved. With this success, we look forward to organizing similar events in the future so as to benefit even more students.

New Energy Vehicle Week 2024
On 7-8 March 2024, the "New Energy Vehicle Week" event, organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE) Engineering Discipline, was held at St. Paul's Convent School. IVE showcased their solar car, SOPHIE 6s, which had successfully completed a 3,000 km journey across the desert and wilderness of Australia. The event provided our students with the opportunity to explore green technology, aiming to raise awareness and interest in this crucial field. Through a series of activities focused on technology, learning, innovation, and engineering, our students were encouraged to delve into the effective utilization of new energy sources. This platform allowed students to apply their knowledge, engage in innovative engineering, and foster an interest in scientific research.

Zentangle Workshops
A series of Zentangle workshops were held on 26th February, 4th March, 11th March, and 18th March 2024 during Lunch. Under the guidance of Ms. Carrie Yue, our students were able to explore and express their feelings through the captivating art of Zentangle. Participants were most appreciative of the additional satisfaction in decorating notebooks, pencil cases, and wooden plaques with Zentangle designs. The workshops not only provided an artistic outlet but also promoted relaxation and inner peace. We were delighted to witness students' enjoyment and personal growth throughout these workshops, and we hope to continue nurturing their creative spirit in the future.



F.6 Zentangle Workshop
On 20th February 2024, a Zentangle workshop was conducted during the Form 6 Ethics Lesson. The workshop provided participants with a creative outlet to express themselves and explore the art of pattern-making. By helping them focus, cultivate self-management skills and reduce stress, the workshop aimed at improving the psychological health of F6 students before their upcoming public exams. Students enjoyed a relaxing afternoon while engaging in Zentangle.

天馬音樂藝術團( 為非牟利慈善團體,成立旨在推廣中國傳統藝術及促進藝術交流。本年度得到香港賽馬會資助,在西九文化區戲曲中心大劇院演出兩場原創神話粵劇《獅子山下紅梅艷》以弘揚戲曲藝術及推動本地戲曲發展。夜場為公眾人士場,日場為學生專場,本校獲邀前往觀賞。


Christmas Carolling 2023
Christmas is always a special time for our school's choir performances. Just like in previous years, our Catholic Choir had the honor of being invited to sing Christmas carols at the Regal Hongkong Hotel on the evening of 24 December and the morning of 25 December 2023. Their captivating performance of 17 songs in the hotel lobby received resounding applause, leaving the audience deeply moved by their heartfelt delivery.

In addition, our Junior Choir also had the opportunity to make their debut performance at the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong on Christmas Night, 25 December 2023. With a unique repertoire of hymns, their enchanting performance created a profound connection with the audience, bringing the story to life and emphasizing the significance of their efforts.

It was a truly magical occasion. The power of music resonated profoundly, creating an unforgettable atmosphere for all who were present. This shared experience immersed the audience in the richness and beauty of the holiday spirit.

After the performances, all the singers returned home with a great sense of satisfaction, knowing they had shared the love of Jesus Christ through the wonderful medium of music. This exceptional and wonderful experience will forever be cherished by our Paulinians!

CMC Christmas Service 2023
To spread the love and joy of Christmas in our community, the committee members of the seven religious clubs engaged in two separate services in December 2023. On 16th December, 26 students participated in "Light of Heart", an annual tradition organised by St. Margaret's Church. Our students, together with two teachers, joined other parishioners to visit different wards and sing Christmas Carols in St. Paul's Hospital. Everyone, including patients, families and staff, welcomed our visit with great happiness.

On 21st December, nine other committee members visited St. Mary's Home for the Aged. Our students played games with the elderly and presented gifts to them. Invited by Sr. Pun from Little Sisters of the Poor, the students also assisted the elderly to dress into different roles in the Nativity scene. The elderly were thrilled to meet our students and participate in the activities. It was indeed a meaningful time to bring Jesus’ love, peace and joy to our neighbor during this special time of the year.



Drama Appreciation: Live Production of Romeo and Juliet
On 19th November 2023, 20 English Literature students watched a live performance of Romeo and Juliet in the Rita Tong Liu Drama Theatre at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Directed by Alex Spencer-Jones and produced by the ABA Productions, the new rendition adopted a variety of modern elements into the otherwise classical work. The performance transformed what students learned on paper into a sensational experience in real life.

The 20 students, ranging from Form 3 to Form 5, were well-versed in Romeo and Juliet, not only because the story is often considered the best-known romantic tragedy of all time, but also how the play has always been part of the standard literature curriculum. Through appreciating the live production, they would be able to visualise what William Shakespeare intended the play to be more than four centuries ago. For many of them, this was also a precious moment to witness a Shakespearean play on stage for the first time.

On 11 November 2023, our Paulinians achieved a remarkable accomplishment by actively participating in the Dance Event during the carnival organized by the International Lions Club District 303 – Hong Kong & Macao, China. Their enthusiastic involvement contributed to the breaking of a world record. To commemorate our school's exceptional support for this event, we were graciously presented with an exquisite certificate. We take great pride in our students' dedication and applaud their contribution to this momentous achievement. Congratulations!

Hong Kong Legal Week 2023
On November 10th, 2023, 36 F.1 to F.5 students of the Mock Trial DIP visited Legal Week 2023, a five-day event held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre organised by the Department of Justice.

Our students were given the opportunity to learn from various distinguished speakers in the legal field. Through the two programs of the day — the “Youth Empowerment through Rule of Law Education” talkshow and “National Security Chatroom: You ask, I answer” Q&A session featuring the Secretary for Justice, our students have gained valuable insight on the importance of the rule of law and the intricacies of national security.

Overall, the visit broadened their perspectives on the significance of education and legislation to the sustainable development of Hong Kong’s ever-evolving society.

Greater Bay Area Forum 2023

The "Greater Bay Area Forum 2023", organized by the Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Community Foundation and co-organized by the Hong Kong ET Holdings and the Greater Bay Area Homeland Development Fund, was themed "Diversity and Inclusion to Create a Tomorrow". Distinguished guest speakers focused on three major youth issues: "Entrepreneurship across fields", "Innovation and technology across generations" and "Cross-border culture and sports".

The Forum was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 2 November 2023 from 2:30–5:30 p.m. Mr D. Chow and Mr T. K. Yam led 17 students to attend the Forum. As participants, we were impressed by the message that young people with different interests and ambitions are equipped with different development paths and understood our role was well positioned in the Greater Bay Area. All in all, Paulinians found the event meaningful and fruitful.

Life Education Talk by Ms Mandy Harvey
A sharing on life education from Ms Mandy Harvey, a global recognized talented musician who had reached the finals in “America’s Got Talent” and was the Simon Cowell’s Golden Buzzer Winner, has been organized for Form 2 students on 31st October. We have reflected on ourselves many times after her inspirational sharing of personal experience and her music journey. Her story of resilience, determination, and unwavering passion touched not only our hearts, but also everyone’s in attendance. Her talk also highlighted the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. She shared her moments of frustration and doubt while learning to sing again, but she never gave up, leaving a lasting impression on us.

Mandy's journey as a singer and songwriter is very inspirational. Losing her residual hearing at the age of 18 and learning to sing again are the challenges in her life. What truly moved us was her unwavering belief in herself and her ability to find new ways to connect with music. Her story serves as a powerful reminder that we all have the ability to overcome any obstacle if we have faith and trust in ourselves and follow our dreams.

Mission Sunday
On 22nd October, organised by the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, Mission Sunday was successfully held at SPCS, where dozens of parishes, religious groups and schools were invited to perform on stage and set up booth games. The theme of the celebrations this year was “Come and Follow Me, Go and Give Witness.” On that day, we welcomed more than 8,000 participants, including Catholics and non-believers, to know our faith and feel the love of Christ.

Our students also participated in the event through designing and supporting the SPCS booth. While guiding the visitors, especially young children, through different sets of interactive games, they were able to share with others not only the fundamentals of our faith but also the joy of spreading the Good News of our Lord. By developing a sense of companionship, they were able to reflect and respond to their own mission – follow Christ and become witnesses in their lives.

InnoGala 2023
The "InnoGala" carnival, organized by the Hong Kong Direct Subsidy Schools Council, took place at SPCS on October 13 and 14, 2023. Over 40 primary and secondary schools participated in this highly anticipated event, where students showcased their outstanding achievements in STEM at their booths. Additionally, numerous technology vendors joined the event, introducing their latest products to the public.

At the SPCS booth, a total of 7 remarkable STEM projects were displayed during the fair. Students were filled with excitement as they engaged with visitors, enthusiastically sharing their innovative creations. This valuable experience not only allowed them to stay updated on the latest technological trends but also fostered the exchange of ideas with students from other schools. As a tribute to our students' exemplary presentations, our school was awarded the esteemed Gold Prize.

The fair also featured stimulating talks tailored for students, teachers, and parents. On October 13, some of our F.2 students attended a STEAM lecture titled "Future Opportunities in STEM." On the following day, all of our teachers participated in thematic talks focusing on "Applications of Generative AI Systems in Learning" and "Innovative Technology and Development in the Greater Bay Area of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau."

These invigorating sessions left both students and staff enlightened, further igniting their passion for STEM and expanding their knowledge of cutting-edge technologies and regional developments.

Wan Chai Waterfront Carnival – Symphony Orchestra Performance
The school symphony orchestra received a prestigious invitation to perform at the Waterfront Carnival Opening Ceremony in Wan Chai during the Mid Autumn Festival on 29 September 2023. It was a precious opportunity for the orchestra to contribute to the revitalization of Hong Kong's night economy. Fifty-one orchestra members dedicated themselves to performing professionally in front of the audience.

The sight of 800 drones flying up in the magnificent sky, combined with our stirring musical performance, created a truly enchanting atmosphere. The orchestra performed not only renowned Hong Kong music, including "The Moon Represents My Heart," "The Pearl of the East," "Hong Kong Hong Kong," and "Below the Lion Rock," but also classical music pieces such as the "Hungarian Dance" and the "Radetzky March."

The orchestra members want to express their heartfelt gratitude to Reverend Sister Margaret for providing them with this unforgettable experience. They also extend their thanks to their conductor, Ms. Harty Tam, for leading them through this journey and guiding them to deliver a remarkable performance. Furthermore, they want to express their appreciation to all the supportive teachers, the Prefects Board, and the Shooting Crew who helped out during the event and witnessed their outstanding musical abilities.

Overall, the Wan Chai Waterfront Carnival Symphony Orchestra Performance was a memorable and significant achievement for the orchestra, showcasing their talent and dedication to music.

Leadership Training Camp 2023
The 2022-2023 Leadership Training Camp was conducted on 28-29 August 2023. The newly elected school prefects enjoyed the diverse and intensive leadership training activities under the guidance of 4 teachers and current Prefects’ Board members. Through thrilling team-building games like rafting, the prefects understood the essence of cooperation and commitment. Most importantly, the programme enhanced their confidence and determination in serving the school in the coming academic year.

Jockey Club Augmented Reality in Arts Education Project
Fifteen F3 art students participated in the Jockey Club Augmented Reality in Arts Education Project organized by the Osage Art Foundation over a six-month period. This program, supported by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Fund, aims to provide students with an immersive art education experience.

For the first time, the Department of Architecture at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), the Academy of Visual Arts (AVA) at the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), the School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts (TEA) at Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), and the Department of Digital Media at Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) collaborated to offer a unique interdisciplinary education experience for secondary school students. This collaboration allowed students to explore various specializations seamlessly, including architecture, urban landscape, scenography, theatre production, visual and media arts, and technology.

On July 29 and August 6, the students attended the opening ceremony and presented their work at a public sharing talk. They also led three docent tours, one of which was specifically arranged for Sr. Margaret, accompanied by other Sisters and teachers. Interacting with the AR scenes created by the students brought them joy during this experience. Overall, the students found the project highly educational and enjoyable, expressing gratitude for the opportunity and describing it as fulfilling and rewarding.

Art Programme - Seeing the Unseen Through Highlights of the M+ Collections
On June 28th, 2023, 60 F1-2 students joined the school programme of Seeing the Unseen Through Highlights of the M+ Collections at the M+ Museum. Students were divided into 3 groups and each group had a tour at the M+ Sigg Collection: From Revolution to Globalisation guided by a museum educator.

After a debriefing discussing the major concepts of some of the works in the Sigg Galleries, students went back to the Learning Hub and engaged in a workshop where they had to create an installation with the synthetic flowers and the daily objects provided. They were taught to neglect the ‘prettiness’ of the outcome and to focus on the meaning of the work to themselves. Students enjoyed the process of creating an installation. The experience was totally new to them.

2022-23 F4 Careers Workshop
The Careers Workshop for F.4 was held on 29 June this year. Through various activities and discussions, students were able to reflect on their personalities, strengths and interests, so they could explore different career options based on them. A survey on personality traits was conducted before the session for students to identify their Holland/RIASEC codes. In addition, there were an important lesson on work values and an interactive activity about making life choices. All the above allowed students to learn more about themselves and match their potentials with suitable career fields. Moreover, they were provided with information and search tools about local and overseas university pathways, including JUPAS and Non-JUPAS.

For the Human Library session, alumni of different professions, including clinician-scientist-in-training, ophthalmologist, Google ads account manager, vet-in-training, recruitment consultant/ head hunter, optometrist, media & professional presenter/founder of NGO and barrister, all shared their insights and experiences of their respective occupations. They also gave valuable advice regarding academic and career options. Students were all engaged and enjoyed the opportunity to gain more knowledge on university and work life.

By the end of the workshop, they were equipped with necessary information and tools to plan for their future, so that they could make better decisions regarding their career paths.

The Art of CUHK 2023
On June 16th, 2023, 8 F4-5 Art and Design students joined the docent tour of The Art of CUHK 2023 (Graduation Exhibition of BA Fine Arts) at the Art Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong organised by the Wharf Art. Graduates shared their inspirations and discussed their ideas and concepts that drove their artistic creation with our students. Students had the opportunity to learn the thought process that informed the graduates’ works. They also asked about the career opportunities of studying Fine Arts in Hong Kong. Our students were much inspired by the tour and the sharing session.

Art Programme - Design Objects and Daily Life at M+ Museum
On June 2nd, 2023, 12 F4-5 Art and Design students joined the school programme of Design Objects and Daily Life at the M+ Museum. The museum educator firstly gave an introduction on some of the collections of M+ Design Objects. They were taught how to see a design object and what could be learnt about the life of people after studying an object designed at a certain period of time. This was followed by a guided tour at the Things, Spaces, Interactions exhibition in the east galleries which showcased more than five hundred examples of furniture, architecture, graphic arts, and other design objects that have had a profound influence in Asia and across the globe over the last seventy years.

Students then engaged in a design workshop designed by Ms J Fok (former SPCS teacher) where they had to work in groups to redesign a daily object following the task assigned to the group. They enjoyed the process of using readymade to produce a design object.

They had to show their finished works and present their ideas at the end of the workshop. One group designed a set of space-saving table and chairs; the other two designed accessories using everyday objects like Q-tips, paper bowl, and bamboo steaming net. It was a fun and valuable experience for them.

Artist Sharing
On 25 May, Neon Artist Karen Chan, an alumnae of SPCS, was invited to do a sharing session with our students as an extension of the project ‘Understanding the Culture of Hong Kong through appreciating works of Neon Signs’. An interactive sharing session was conducted to introduce how the iconic neon signs are becoming a sustainable artform. She talked about her journey of firstly taking up the skills from old masters in Hong Kong before going to other countries to learn the technique of blowing and bending glass tubes from different places. Additionally, Karen showcased some of her works, including the first interactive neon installation at Tai Kwun ‘Light as Air’ and answered questions raised by our students. Their curiosity piqued upon discovering the relationship between chemistry and neon lights during the production process. They expressed interest in delving deeper into how different types of noble gases impact the colouration of neon lights. We look forward to collaborating with Karen in future Art projects!

Catholic School Teachers’ Day 2023

On 25 May, our teaching staff participated in the Catholic School Teachers’ Day 2023 at AsiaWorld-Expo. The theme this year was “Consecrate us in the truth. Your Word is truth.” (John 17:17)

Welcoming speeches were given by Mr. Paul Chan Mo-po, the Financial Secretary of Hong Kong, and Reverend Stephen Chow Sau-yan, the Bishop of Hong Kong. The highlight of the day was the musical The Mission of Good Shepherd, which was co-produced by teachers and students from various schools. The performance shed light on the challenges and difficulties as teachers in different levels of education.

Through the Catholic School Teachers’ Day, our teachers reflected upon their role and responsibility as shepherds and faithful stewards of God. They were reminded of Jesus’ love for children, along with the vision, mission and core values of Catholic education.

Zentangle Workshops
On the 8th to 24th of May, our Form 3 students participated in 5 Zentangle workshops. The workshops were held in G6 during Lunch. We invited Ms. Carrie Yue, a Zentangle artist to provide lessons on Zentangle Drawing. Students had the opportunity to explore and express their feelings in an artistic and creative way. Our students found the workshops relaxing and engaging. They were able to meditate under such a calming condition. All in all, they enjoyed the workshops.

Sand Painting & Sharing Workshops
On the 8th and 15th of May, 40 students from F.1-F.5 participated in the Sand Painting & Sharing Workshops. We invited Ms. Snow Chung, a sand artist to provide lessons on sand painting. Ms.Chung adopted an innovative and down-to-earth approach, fusing original music and creative image to tell touching and inspiring stories. This promoted the importance of self-care and boosted our students’ awareness of their well-being. Our students found the workshops relaxing, comforting and engaging. We are delighted to see Paulinians enjoy themselves in this meaningful event.

Visit to M+ Museum
On April 4th, 2023, 24 F3-5 Art and Design students visited the Yayoi Kusama: 1945 to NowExhibition at the M+ Museum. The Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama is famous for her use of polka dots on all her works, both 2D and 3D. Her creation, however, is not limited to applying dots on the canvases and her sculptures. Besides immersing themselves in the mirrored space of “Dots Obsession - Aspiring to Heaven’s Love” (2022), students could explore the stories behind each of her collections with the audio guide provided by the M+ Museum. Many of them stayed at the museum even after the scheduled time to pay visit to other galleries in the museum. Students enjoyed a relaxing afternoon while engaging in art.

Visit to Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Headquarters
On March 31st, 2023, eleven F.3 to F.5 students of the Young Engineers DIP visited the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) headquarters. The EMSD is responsible for inspecting and ensuring the safe operation of electricity or gas systems, transportation, lifts, and construction equipment across Hong Kong.

Our students were given the opportunity to explore innovative green technologies such as solar panels, photovoltaic trees, and displacement ventilation. They also engaged themselves with informative interactive exhibitions highlighting EMSD's mission in the EMSD Gallery.

The tour raised our students' awareness of sustainable building methods and introduced them to the important work of EMSD in enabling Hong Kong's progress in an eco-friendly manner. It broadened their perspectives on engineering, sustainability, and the key role EMSD plays in relation to their daily lives.

Visit to Art Basel 2023

On March 24th, 2023, 21 F3 IGCSE and BTEC Art and Design students visited the Art Basel at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Art Basel is the largest global art fair which is held in Basel, Miami Beach and Hong Kong annually. Students had the opportunity to see the latest trend of the global artistic perspectives through Modern and contemporary works from galleries from all over the world. Visitors to the event didn't only include the public. Gallery owners, private collectors as well as individual artists were among them. Not only could our students gather primary research for their own coursework, it was a good chance for them to learn how the career of artists is nurtured by the work between collectors, galleries, and artists. This visit has been an eye-opening experience for our students.

Women in Digital Time 2023
On 10th March 2023, the Hong Kong Federation of Women held a conference under the theme of “Women in Digital Time” at HKFW T.S. Kwok Service Centre, Wan Chai. It was a parallel event organised by the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women 67 (UNCSW67). Clarissa Lam of F.5L and Annie Qin of F.4S were invited to give a sharing on “STEM in SPCS” during the session dedicated to sharing by students. They talked about SPCS’s achievements and the STEM projects that fit the Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations. This was a memorable evening for our Paulinians.

BTEC Art and Design HKDI Gallery Exhibition Visit 2023
On March 3rd, 2023, F3 and F4 BTEC Art and Design students took a private guided tour at the HKDI Gallery Exhibition.

The HKDI Gallery displayed collection of designs featuring the prominent topics of today, from digital art to sustainability and circular economy.

Attending the exhibition “Hylozoism: An Arts & Technology”, Students were able to examine the co-existence of art and technology through media art.

The exhibition also turned our focus to understand how we as designers can keep our earth sustainable. Students learned how design can shape a future in which humans and nature co-exist through works exhibited in the exhibition “Waste Age”. This experience allowed students to take a deep dive into the theme of sustainability by understanding how design can transform our waste into valuable resources and promote new ways of living with the Earth. Students were also able to learn new design approaches that are redefining fashion, construction, food, electronics, and packaging. This exhibition not only stimulated our imagination but allowed us to investigate on alternative futures to be part of the solution as designers.

A Fulfilling Day Helping at Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School Sports Day 2023
On 22 February 2023, nineteen Paulinian volunteers assisted the teachers at Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School to run their Sports Day programme at Wan Chai Sports Ground. Before the event, on 20 February 2023, our Paulinian volunteers attended a briefing session by Mr. Lam, PE teacher of Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School. They were then divided into groups and assigned various duties.

The teachers of Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School were grateful for our students’ assistance which facilitated the smooth running of their Sports Day programme. Our students demonstrated the Paulinian 7C’s through their generous contribution to this meaningful event. They enjoyed themselves very much and learnt a lot.

Our team of student helpers included Feronia Cheung of F.5P, Yannie Chan, Charmaine Chan, Beata Lai, Tiffany Lau, Annabel Leung, Natalie Leung, Yohan Leung and Daphne Li of F.4L, Fidelia Lam of F.3T, Eugenia Peng, Effie Yu and Vanessa Yuen of F.3P, Rita Luk, Benedicte Wong of F.3A, Emmy Chow, Kylie Ho and Kiko Mok of F.3U, and Karin Yeung of F.3L.

Well done, Paulinian volunteers!

The visit to Hong Kong Palace Museum
The visit to Hong Kong Palace Museum was jointly organized by the Chinese History Society, History Society and Citizenship & Social Development Society. A total of 150 students from F.1 – F. 6 with 14 supporting teachers participated in the visit on 20th January 2023. The visit was a golden opportunity for the students to have more understanding of Chinese culture and history. This activity was fully sponsored by the school and free of charge for all the students that participated.

Students were able to visit a total of 8 exhibition galleries within the Hong Kong Palace Museum. There were 7 permanent exhibitions with the major focus on Chinese culture, architecture, arts and crafts during the Ming and Qing dynasties. There was also a special exhibition on western culture displaying the collections of the Princes of Liechtenstein that were found over the last four centuries.

The visit increased our students’ knowledge of the culture and art work of China as well as the western world. Moreover, it further enhanced their sense of national identity and pride of being a Chinese citizen. There is a great deal of positive feedback from the students and many of them have expressed an interest for future visits to the Hong Kong Palace Museum.

Flag Hoisting Training Course
During the Lunar New Year holiday, 18 students participated in the Flag Hoisting Training Course organised by the Junior Police Call. The on-site training course ran for 2 days, from 2 February 2023 to 3 February 2023. Through the intensive course, students learnt and practised Chinese marching and flag hoisting. We were blessed with good weather and students garnered more knowledge and experience through hands-on training. Participating Paulinians displayed great enthusiasm and inquisitiveness in learning, showing immense improvement in both flag-hoisting skills and discipline.

The training course kicked off with a briefing about the flag-hoisting ceremony, students were introduced to the importance and basics of Chinese flag-hoisting. The instructors then taught students how to complete a Chinese flag-hoisting ceremony step-by-step. Paulinians showed their eagerness to learn and strive for perfection. The meaningful 2-day course ended with participants thanking the instructors and teachers for this rewarding experience!



Christmas Carolling 2022
After 2 years of suspension caused by the pandemic, our Catholic Choir finally resumed our carolling performances at Regal Hongkong Hotel on 24th and 25th December.

Our choir began preparation in October, practising a wide selection of songs from England, United States, France and Mexico for a programme lasting one hour.

On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, more than 60 members performed on the grand staircase, looking smiley, smart and festive in our summer uniform and Santa Claus hats.

At both performances, the lobby was packed with proud parents, admiring hotel guests and passers-by watching or singing along with our Catholic Choir. Festive atmosphere filled the air as the angelic voices moved the audience and earned many rounds of applause, successfully spreading the good news of the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Visit to the InnoTech Expo 2022
A 380-strong group of our F.1 and F.2 students and 48 teachers visited the InnoTech Expo at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 16 December 2022.

The Expo, organized by Our Hong Kong Foundation, showcased exhibits which demonstrated the Country’s technological innovation achievements during the 13th Five-Year Plan, covering the five major fields of aerospace, land and deep sea exploration, smart technologies and biotechnology. The expo also highlighted the SAR's scientific development by featuring 25 selected local scientific researches.

Students attended talks and watched videos related to scientific topics in the Expo. A number of students were also engaged in various VR/AR activities to experience life as an astronaut in the space station, and walked on the surface of the Moon or Mars. Some F.5 students from the Prefects' Board served as helpers in the Expo. They stationed at different booths and introduced the exhibits to the visitors, including our teachers and students.

Everyone enjoyed a fruitful afternoon in the Expo and left with a deeper understanding of our national scientific development.

A Science Master Talk on 16 December 2022
A Science Master Talk, supported by the Hong Kong STEM Education Alliance, was held in SPCS School Hall on 16 December 2022. The talk was delivered by Professor Zhang Minjie, who is an Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a Founding Member of The Hong Kong Academy of Science.

More than 400 F.3 to F.5 students attended the talk. Prof. Zhang elaborated on the topic ‘Uncharted Brain’, for example, how different human skin pigmentation was determined by the change in just one amino acid, and the relationship between diseases and brain development.

There was a Q&A session after the talk and students got a chance to interact with Prof. Zhang. All our students were engaged in the talk and have developed a better understanding of the characteristics and functions of the human brain.


Greater Bay Area Youth Development Forum

On 24 October 2022, 4 teachers and 23 Paulinians participated in the Greater Bay Area Youth Development Forum organized by Greater Bay Area Homeland Youth Community Foundation. The main theme is “Gathering Talents and Striving Innovation”.

After the welcome speech by the Organizer, the Honourable Guest, Mr Erick Tsang, the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, delivered a speech which was about government strategies for youth development in the GBA.

The three concerns of the forum were New Technological & Innovative Area, New Fintech Era as well as New Cultural & Sport Perspective. Each issue was addressed with a speech by an industry leader, a discussion forum and a Q&A session. Through the three-hour activity, participants were inspired by the grand visions and ample opportunities available to the youth in the GBA.

After the event, our students expressed that the event was interesting and meaningful. As a follow-up learning activity, Mrs C. Cheng and Mr T. K. Yam will lead a team to research into a socio-economic issue in the GBA, which will participate in the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Project Study Competition" organized by the HK Federation of Youth Groups.

香港自十七世紀開埠以來,新聞媒體一直為社會大眾扮演著時事報導及訊息傳播的重要角色。是次由聖保祿學校國史學會、世史學會及公民與社會發展學會聯會舉辦的「香港新聞博覽館參觀」活動,於二零二二年十月十六日順利舉行。17位參加同學,連同4位帶隊老師,透過參觀當年的報章報道及實物圖片,不僅能了解舊時代報社蓬勃的發展,也能明白到香港報業在不同年代下如何應對 ; 再者,更能從中體會從事新聞行業的傳媒人背後的艱辛。據參與同學所言,此行可謂獲益匪淺。

FutureGen Girls Leadership Summit 2022
On 8 October 2022, Paulinians participated in the FutureGen Girls Leadership Summit 2022 organised by the Jennifer Yu Cheng Girls Impact Foundation. There were two parallel sessions of the event, with five teachers and 42 students joining the morning session. The afternoon session was attended by four teachers and 24 students. The main theme of the event was to nurture leadership for secondary school girls and the slogan of the event was “Seeing is Believing”.

In the Main Panel Forum, Paulinians were inspired by the distinguished speakers’ experiences, and how they overcame challenges to become leaders in their respective fields and professions. Besides, Paulinians also had a chance to participate in different workshops with hands-on activities on coding, AI and ESG Finance and Technology as well as panel talks conducted by industry leaders and university professors to discuss the applications of the latest technologies. During the session breaks, Paulinians were engaged in visiting the technology booths at the event venue. They were particularly interested in meeting Sophia, the famous AI humanoid robot.

All in all, the Summit was meaningful and promising. Both students and teachers found the programmes engaging, eye-opening and empowering.



RTHK Radio Common Room programme

On 20th September, four students, including Hazel Choi of F.3U, Hayley Mok of F.3U, Natalie Kwan of F.3L and Tianna Liu of F.3L did a recording session with RTHK Radio Common Room programme. The programme is a platform for teens to share their views on any topic that they find interesting. In their segment, the students talked about being productive and motivated. The programme will be broadcast on 11 October, RTHK Radio 3 from 5pm to 6pm. So stay tuned!

“Pass It On @ Secondary” Programme
Thirty-three F.1 to F.3 students participated in the "Pass It On @ Secondary" Course of Jockey Club ICH + Innovative Heritage Education Programme co-organised by the Lingnan University and the HKAC Art School and obtained very good results. Students learnt the importance of preserving, promoting, redefining and revitalizing the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of Hong Kong through lectures and the technique of making a galvanised iron letter box and a pencil stand from traditional artisans and contemporary art practitioners. Selected works were exhibited at the Annual Showcase at Hong Kong Arts Centre from 6 July to 28 August 2022.

Ethel Chung of F.3U, Nicole Hou of F.3U, Belle Lai of F.2P, Nicole Wong of F.2A, Yanna Wong of F.1T and Jamie Fung of F.1L completed the course with distinction awards.

Tosca Cheung of F.3U, Alnitak Tsoi of F.2S, Sisley Cheung of F.2T, Athena Au of F.2A, Hazen Cheung of F.2U, Sarina Ng of F.1P, Sherman Chan of F.1A, Alicia Lau of F.1A and Chloe Ling of F.1A completed the course with merit awards.

Jamie and Sherman attended the Certificate Presentation Ceremony at the Hong Kong Arts Centre on 11 August 2022.




天使桃園樂藝會主席唐小燕女士,為當日的主講嘉賓。唐老師是香港著名的師娘,是以唱南音為業的失明人士。唐老師和她的團隊,通過有趣的方式讓同認識和學習「地水南音」,包括:南音知識分享、南音唱腔示範、有獎問答遊戲和現場教唱南音等等環節,好讓同學有效地領悟 「地水南音」的精髓,傳承「地水南音」的文化。

Talk on Servant-Leadership
On 8 August 2022, the School invited Dr. Robin Cheung, the Professional Consultant of CUHK to share on the theme ‘Servant-Leadership’ with F2 to F4 Paulinians as one of the post-exam activities. In addition to sharing on the qualities of leaders, Dr. Cheug also stressed the importance of generosity and humility. Servant-leaders are not only ready to sacrifice their time to serve those in need, but are ready to step out of their comfort zones to take the lead in making a difference to themselves and the lives of those around them.

After covering some of the concepts of servant-leadership, Dr. Cheung shared his own experiences as a school principal. Although his job was challenging, he found it meaningful and was gradually able to lead his school with pride and satisfaction. We can also learn from the lives of Jesus and St. Teresa of Calcutta the true meaning of servant-leadership and how we can have a positive impact on the lives of others through our deeds and our words.

The sharing came to an end with Paulinians being inspired by the message of Dr. Cheung. There may be times in our lives when we are faced with doubts and uncertainties, but we should let our faith and belief that what we are doing is for the welfare of others drive us forward for the betterment of our community.

Yan Oi Tong Positive Psychology Workshops at SPCS

This year SPCS participated in Positive Psychology workshops offered by Yan Oi Tong YES Training Institute. Trainers came to the school to provide workshops on PERMA, the 24 Character Strengths and how a Growth Mindset helps them develop resilience in times of adversity. Paulinians who attended the workshop were grateful for the opportunity to learn about their character strengths through games and team work. Through videos, discussions and reflection, they learnt more about setting goals for their future and finding solutions to problems that they encounter. Paulinians were invited to share their experience and insight at the certificate presentation conference held on 30 July 2022.

RTHK Radio Common Room Programme

On 8th March, four students, including Cheryl Chan of F.4T, Valerie Chan of F.4T, Dorothy Chan of F.3S and Audrey Seng of F.3S did a recording session with RTHK Radio Common Room programme. The programme is a platform for teens to talk about their views on any topic that they find interesting. In their segment, the students talked about beauty standards and their opinions on it. The programme will be broadcast on 29th March, RTHK Radio 3 from 9pm to 10pm. So stay tuned!

“Meet and Greet with Vivian Kong”
Our BTEC Sport girls took part in the “Meet and Greet with Vivian Kong” sharing event on 21st Dec 2021.

Speaking to nearly 250 students in Southorn Stadium, the former world number one in women epee fencing and one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons in 2021 is an excellent role-model for children, showing them how athletes face failure and frustration with a positive mindset.

During the event, our girls were thrilled to learn some basic fencing techniques from the two-time Olympian. Everyone had great fun and we wish Vivian every success in the coming overseas competitions.



Exhibition Booth at Learning and Teaching Expo 2021
The annual Learning & Teaching Expo was held from 8 to 10 December 2021. Under the guidance and supervision of Mr. Roy Li, Ms Jenny Fok, Ms Jennifer Au and Mr. Kell Ho, several teams of Paulinians showcased their projects at an exhibition booth organized by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), to the admiration and praise of numerous visitors.

Our projects:

TECAS: Jamie Ng (F.3S), Dorothy Chan (F.3S) and Mandy Fung (F.3S)

Energy Bird: Kristy Chan (F.3P), Dorothy Chan (F.3S) and Mandy Fung (F.3S)

The LandSMS: Michelle Sung (F.3S) and Jamie Ng (F.3S)

Recycling Station (VR Project): Jasmine Tang (F.3S), Alice Lai (F.3S), Karina Cheong (F.3P) and Natasha Ip (F.3P)

Fight Vir-us (VR Project): Kristy Chan (F.3P) and Mandy Fung (F.3S)


Visit to Charity Exhibition "Changing Lives with Love"
On 29 Nov, 35 F3-5 Art Students visited the Charity Exhibition "Changing Lives with Love" organised by Chi Hang Foundation at Hong Kong Regal Hotel. They were given a talk on the Foundation's charity work and how their art counselling programme raised funds to help the underprivileged children, especially the AIDS impacted ones in China. Through participating in this event, students learn more about how they can use their creativity to help change the life of the underprivileged ones. Students were also given souvenirs as rewards for participating in the question-and-answer session. It is a meaningful event, and we hope that we can collaborate in some charity projects in the future.



“Moving Wellness”: Wellness Time for Students
To promote the importance of self-care and boost our students’ awareness towards their well-being, we invited The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups’ mobile wellness center “Moving Wellness” to visit the school on 3 and 5 November 2021. Sharing sessions were conducted on board and activity booths were set up for the Paulinian family in the playground.

We were blessed with fine weather and Paulinians got to participate in a variety of inspiring activities that featured different aspects of wellness. On “Moving Wellness” , they were introduced to how different cultures cope with challenges and encouraged to face the ups and downs in life with a positive attitude. At the activity booths, they had the opportunity to express and explore their feelings, share with one another creative de-stressing methods and play minigames to win delicious treats.

We were delighted to see Paulinians enjoy themselves and we could not be more grateful to the “Moving Wellness” team for this delightful and meaningful event.




Talk on Integration of Western and Chinese Medicine: the Feasibility in Clinical Practice by Dr Lee Hung Fai, David
A seminar related to the application of Chinese Medicine, named “Talk on Integration of Western and Chinese Medicine: the Feasibility in Clinical Practice” was hosted by our school on 15 April 2021. The seminar was delivered by Dr Lee Hung Fai, David, a registered family doctor who graduated from the Hong Kong Chinese University. Dr Lee is also a registered Chinese Medicine doctor. He talked about some foundation knowledge of Chinese Medicine and how Western and Chinese Medicine can be incorporated into clinical practices for different types of diseases including influenza, Covid-19, etc. Participants learnt more about the fundamentals of Chinese Medicine and its application after the seminar.

Apart from the students and teachers in SPCS, about 150 teachers and parents who had registered on our school website and teacher’s training calendar attended the seminars at the same time. According to their feedback on the evaluation form, most audiences found the talk very informative and they had a deeper understanding of traditional Chinese medicine and its applications.

Connecting Students with Nature through STEAM Programme at Ocean Park Hong Kong
193 of our F.2 students and 199 of our F.1 students together with 20 teachers participated in the ‘Connecting Students with Nature through STEAM’ programme that was organized by Ocean Park Hong Kong on 2 July and 3 July 2020. Students first participated in an interactive STEAM Careers and Animal Care Talk and then had free exploration inside the park.

During the talk, staff from Ocean Park explained to our students how STEAM is infused into their daily work. Through their sharing and the interactive games, our students have a better understanding on how STEAM can be applied in animal care. All of our students enjoyed very much during the free exploration as they discovered and experienced some of the STEAM elements in the park while having fun with their friends. This was a remarkable active learning opportunity and all participants enjoyed the day.

Christmas Carolling
On 24 and 25 December, our school’s Catholic Choir was once again invited to perform Christmas carols in Four Seasons Hotel and Regal Hongkong Hotel, where they sang a myriad of all-time favourites in the hotel lobbies and restaurants. Under the baton of Ms Nancy Wu and several senior members, the choir put on an incredible performance, spreading the joy and love of Christmas to all.

Mushroom STEAM Innovation Taster Workshop
Around 140 upcoming F.1 students attended the Mushroom STEAM Innovation Taster Workshop on 24 and 25 July 2019. The workshop began with an introduction to mushroom science and applications by the representatives from Mushroom-X Limited. Then students had hands-on activity to create their own spore print and to make digital spore print collage art. Students also got the opportunity to observe fungi structures and spores under the microscopes. Besides, the showcase of mushrooms (e.g. Lingzhi) and their applications (e.g. biomaterial) were set up in the Biology laboratory so students could take a closer look at the mushrooms. Finally students were guided to think about how mushrooms can be used to solve world problems and to achieve the UN sustainable development goals. All in all, the workshop was truly successful in arousing students’ interest in mushroom science and promoting STEM education in SPCS.

Summer Research Module 2019 – Amazing Microbes
From 2nd July 2019 to 12th July 2019, 25 students from both Forms 4 and 5 participated in a 2-week research workshop organized by Professor Frederick Leung under the theme of “Amazing Microbes”.

In the first week of the course, students learnt some basic laboratory techniques, which included the use of micropipettes and to carry out microbial plating. Students were asked to make their own spreaders so that they could spread their samples on the agar plates and most of the students were able to visualize the microbes! Professor Leung discussed the observation with each group and answered their questions detailly. Moreover, students created their own agar art by drawing patterns on their agar plates. At the end of the week, all groups presented their assigned scientific article to the class.

In the second week of the course, students firstly tried to isolate a single bacterial colony on their agar plates, and then carry out DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction and gel electrophoresis to identify the microbes present in their samples. Furthermore, Professor Leung showed the students a few TED talks which were related to the microbial community and enzymes. On the last day, all groups presented the second assigned scientific article to the class with confidence. They were able to demonstrate in-depth understanding of the article after this intensive two-week workshop.

Throughout the whole workshop, students reflected on their learning progresses daily and they received constructive feedbacks from Professor Leung. Students had learnt more about microbiology and hence could view microbes in a more comprehensive manner. This programme had been an immensely rewarding experience for all students.

F.4 Careers Workshop 2019
On 26th June 2019, the Careers Team successfully organised a one-day Careers Workshop for all Form 4 students.

After a brief introduction of the Team, students participated in a variety of fun and interactive activities designed with reference to the “Careers Mapping” booklet, which enabled them to polish useful skills such as setting individual priorities, exploring their work values and constructing specific, attainable short-term and long-term goals for achieving one’s aspirations.

Then, through a simple self-assessment test called the Holland Code, students were able to establish a clearer understanding of their personalities, interests and abilities, which serves as a useful guide for students to plan for their future while overcoming their weaknesses and unlocking their potentials.

Moreover, through interactive activities, such as poster designing and a decoding game, students gained insights into how their strengths and talents can be applied to work.

The workshop concluded with a presentation on university application procedures and admission requirements for various local and overseas universities, so that students could make wiser, more informed decisions regarding their further studies.

All in all, the workshop was truly successful in promoting self-understanding and prompting discussion on future careers prospects.

English Debating Society x LS Society x Ted-Ed Club Discussion Forum
On 9th May, 2019, the English Debating Society, LS Society and TED-Ed Club jointly organized a discussion forum which took place at the Smart Oasis during the lunch period. The forum served as a platform through which students could voice their opinions on and raise their awareness of recent socio-political issues in a casual and relaxing ambience, in the meantime engaging a wider group of audience. The topic addressed was the influence of internet globalization on traditional culture. The speakers were Victoria Ip from F.5A, Letitia Chan and Katie Luk from F.5U, and Sonia Dhillon from F.5L. It was our pleasure to have had Ms. K. Lau, Mrs. C. Cheng, Ms. S. Inayat and Ms. Sh. Chan as the facilitators of the discussion.

Students and teachers had a tremendously fruitful sharing of their opinions on primarily the positive and negative influence of internet globalization in relation to traditional culture presented in various forms, how traditional culture can be preserved in spite of the changing climate of interaction patterns between human beings, and what the future might hold for our generations should the internet become increasingly globalized. The audience indubitably reaped from the discussion and the questions they raised in the question-and-answer session were thought-provoking, bringing the discussion to another level. The event on the whole was an immense success, thanks to all club members, moderators and participants. In particular, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to our IT technicians, Ms. Nicole Pang and Mr. Sherman Mak, for their kind assistance.

UNICEF Joint School Day Camp
On 28 April 2019, 9 Paulinians participated in a joint school day-camp held by the Hong Kong UNICEF Young Envoys Programme. Participants from St. Paul’s College, Shau Kei Wan Government School, St. Mary’s Canossian College and our school learnt about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child through interactive games. Moreover, in debriefing sessions and team-oriented activities, students were also able to communicate with students from other schools and share their views on how to protect underprivileged children around the world.

Service at Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School Sports Day
On 26th March, 2019, 19 Paulinians assisted teachers at Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School to run their Sports Day programme at Wan Chai Sports Ground. The student helpers first attended a briefing session on 14th March, 2019. They were then divided into groups and assigned different duties. Teachers of Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School were very pleased to have Paulinians to assist them in the smooth running of their Sports Day programame. Our students found the event very meaningful and it allowed them to demonstrate the Paulinian 7 C’s. They enjoyed themselves very much and learnt a lot.

第七屆和平大使文化慶典 (7th Peacemaker’s Cultural Celebration)
由香港聯合國教科文組織協會主辦的第七屆和平大使文化慶典 (7th Peacemaker’s Cultural Celebration) 已於2019年2月23至24日在大埔香港科學園 (Hong Kong Science Park) 順利舉行。我校為參與機構,設有工作坊,並參與表演,為「世界和平」和「保護地球」出一分力。

National Society of High Scholars (NSHSS) Information Session
On 19th and 21st February 2019, the Committee members of National Society of High Scholars (NSHSS) held an information session at school. This will be the first year of establishment of NSHSS in SPCS. We hope that students take this opportunity of lifetime access to a variety of experiences and resources. We look forward to working with these high achieving students in making an impact on our school and the community.

Visit to SCAD Hong Kong
On 16th February 2019, a group of teachers and students went for a joint-club visit (organized by Art & Craft Club, Visual Art Renaissance Club, Photography & Video Society, and Campus TV) to The Savannah College of Art and Design in HK. At the beginning of the visit, they were given a welcome presentation which introduced courses SCAD offers and respective career prospects, followed by a tour of the classrooms and school facilities in the campus. Then, the students were divided into 3 groups according to their interests to attend 3 different workshops that were conducted by professionals. These interest groups included Fashion, Animation and Advertising. Students enjoyed the events and were inspired through participating in the workshops. They were also able to explore their interests and enhance their understanding towards Creative Design. This was truly a wonderful experience for all the participants.

由聯合國教科文組織主辦的《藝薈茂蘿──承先啟後迎新春》暨和平書畫藝術展,以及《藝薈茂蘿──承先啟後迎新春》X G.O. MARKET已分別於2019年1月12日至13日及2019年1月19日至20日順利舉行。我校為支持機構,由中文學社組織是次活動,得到各單位師生的參與及支持。四天活動包羅萬有,包括各式攤位、工作坊、表演及展覽,場面相當熱鬧,與眾一同迎接一個綠色的新年。

Recording session at Commercial Radio - The Way We Are
On 13 January 2019, two Form 5 students, Ko Hau Huen Jessie (F.5L) and Leung Sum Yi Valerie (F5A), went to Commercial Radio for a recording session for the programme, The Way We Are. Together with the representatives of Jockey Club UNESCO HK Association Global Citizenship Education Project and Oxfam HK, the students had an enlightening discussion with the host about global citizenship. They also discussed the work of UNESCO HK, the initiation of the whole idea of bringing the drama script into the GCE project, the experience of the competition and much more. The program was aired on 13 January 2019 on Commercial Radio FM 881 from 11am to 12 noon and can be accessed via the Commercial Radio website.

Christmas Carolling
Our Catholic Choir was again honoured to be invited to perform Christmas carolling at Regal Hotel and the Four Seasons Hotel again this year on 24th and 25th December. The choir had performances in the lobby and the restaurants of both hotels. There were also moments when small groups performed acapella in various restaurants. With their angelic voices proudly announcing the good news of the birth of Christ, they spread the joy and love of Christmas to the hearts of all those who were listening.

RTHK Teen Time Radio Programme
On 10th December 2018, four Form 4 students, Natalie Fung (F.4S), Rachel Tan (F.4P), Casey Leung (F.4P) and Chloe Sit (F.4U), went to RTHK for a recording session for the RTHK Teen Time Radio Programme. The programme serves to provide a platform for teenagers to communicate and express their ideas and views on topics they are passionate about. The students had an enlightening chat with the host about feminism, and they discussed the progression of feminism through different generations, the various ways gender inequality manifests itself in society nowadays, why everyone should fight for feminism and things that everyone can, and should do to help promote feminism. The program will be aired on 24th January, 2019 on RTHK Radio 3 from 9 to 10 pm, so remember to tune in to hear their program that day!

Connecting Students with Nature through STEAM Programme at Hong Kong Ocean Park
213 of our F.2 students together with 17 teachers participated in the ‘Connecting Students with Nature through STEAM’ programme that was organized by Hong Kong Ocean Park on 23 November 2018. Students first participated in a STEAM Careers Talk and then had free exploration inside the park.

During the talk, staff from Ocean Park explained to our students how STEAM is infused into their daily work as well as the importance of using creativity in solving problems. Our students enjoyed themselves very much during the free exploration as they discovered and experienced some of the STEAM elements in the park. This was a remarkable active learning opportunity and all participants enjoyed the day.

Guest Lectures for English Literature Students
On 15th and 29th November, 2018 Professor Julian Lamb from the English Department of CUHK came to St. Paul’s Convent School to deliver two engaging talks on Shakespeare’s plays. One talk was for the Form 6 HKDSE Literature in English students on Shakespeare’s comedy “The Taming of the Shrew”. The other was for the GCE IAL students on the tragedy “Hamlet”. Both talks were highly engaging and enriched the students’ understanding of the plays and of some of the critical theory written about them.

Visit to InnoTech Carnival 2018
Our F.2 EITP and F.1 Young Scientist students visited the InnoTech Carnival 2018 held at the Hong Kong Science Park on 7 November 2018. Underscoring the theme “Innovate for a SmartFuture”, InnoCarnival 2018 features various types of activities, including exhibitions, workshops, seminars, guided tours and interactive games for the participants to gain hands-on and fun-filled experience of the fun and convenience brought by innovation and technology to their daily life. Our students enjoyed themselves very much by experiencing the technology achievement and cutting-edge innovations in the Carnival.

Bank of America Girls4tech Coding Workshop
On 12 October 2018, seven F3 EITP students attended the Girls4tech Coding Workshop organized by Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Python coding workshop and game engine hands-on practice were offered to our students. In the Python workshop, we started with a rudimentary game and learnt how to modify the Python code to enhance it with more features and graphics. We also learnt about the community value in the development of easily accessible and interactive apps which promote positive values, i.e. food and health in our case, in a fun and amicable way.

Between technical sessions, we had the privilege that some banking experts shared with us how technology is employed in the banking industry, especially in commercial and investment banking, which is a topic not very familiar to secondary students. We were also introduced the importance of cybersecurity and the corresponding threats and defenses that corporate banks deal with.

The students immensely enjoyed the visit - the office was magnificent and spacious with free-flowing snack and drinks; friendly helpers were there to provide all the necessary logistical support and technical advice. All students had a great experience and we look forward to future learning opportunities like this one.

InnoTech Expo 2018
The InnoTech Expo 2018 organized by Our Hong Kong Foundation was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 23 September to 2 October 2018 with over 150, 000 visitors. More than 60 of our prefects volunteered to be tour guides and booth helpers, who showed eagerness in learning about the exhibits and explaining each exhibit to the visitors with flair and confidence. Our Paulinians offered guided tours to honorable guests and visitors. Also, they stationed at different exhibits such as “Space agriculture”, “Bio-security defense system and infectious diseases prevention and control equipment” and “Chinese medicine”, which they were proud to promote these technological innovations related to medical, industrial and agricultural fields in both ancient and modern days of China.

Moreover, F.3S and F.3T visited the expo to enjoy interactive exhibits and games and learned how STEM was applied in different fields in society. All students gained hands-on and fun-filled experience of the convenience brought by innovative and advanced technology to their daily life.

Lastly, our school was awarded one of the three gigantic Space Pumpkins, which was the most noteworthy exhibit at the InnoTech Expo, for our contribution and dedication. We look forward to more exposure to technology and innovation in the near future.

DSS STEM Fair 2018
After the success of last year’s STEM Fair, our school, once again, on behalf of the DSS Schools Council, hosted the STEM Fair on 22-24 September, 2018. This year, 37 schools participated in staging booths with a variety of projects from both secondary and primary schools. Our school’s highlight is on lego models making with EV3 on the co-location arrangement building that coincides with its official opening by the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, at the West Kowloon Station on 23 September, 2018. Over two thousand students participated in the keynote speeches and different talks, seminars and workshops to gain new knowledge on STEM development in the coming era. The Fair attracted over 11,000 visitors over the three days. The survey filled in by the public, including both students and teachers all considered the STEM Fair a tremendous success and promised that they will continue to support this event if held again in 2019. Bravo!

Thanks to Mrs P. Liu and Mr R. Li who served as the overall coordinators for this event. Thanks must also be given to the Secretary for Education, Mr. Kevin Yeung, who officiated the Opening Ceremony, in spite of his heavy schedule. Heartfelt thanks are also extended to Quality Education Fund, Net Dragon Websoft Holdings Limited, Edexcel from Pearson and Lapcom Limited for their sponsorship for the event and to Professor Rudolf Wu from The Education University, Professor Lam Hon-Ming from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Mr Wai Chi-sing from Urban Renewal Authority for their time in delivering keynote speeches in the three-day event.

Summer Research Module 2018 – Amazing Microbes
The STEM course was a 2 week long course held from 2nd July, 2018 to the 12th July, 2018 by Professor Frederick Leung. It included 25 students from both Forms 4 and 5. The theme of this year’s course was “Amazing Microbes”.

During the first week, students learnt how to use the pipette and do microbial plating. Students got to make their own spreaders and streakers that they put to use on our plates. After lots of trial and error, most students got to see beautiful results! Professor Leung discussed separately with each individual about their results and answered any queries they had. Also, Professor Leung showed the students a few TED talks which were related to the microbial community. Furthermore, students got to watch their microbes under the light microscope which was extremely fascinating. At the end of the week, all 5 groups presented their scientific journal that they had read during the week. Some articles were tough but all students managed to learn a lot from them in the end.

By the second week, students had managed to isolate a single colony of bacteria. They then performed DNA extraction and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to get the bases of their bacteria’s DNA, and also found out which type of bacteria they had isolated on the last day. The groups presented their second scientific journal reading with excellence.

Both weeks had proven to be an extremely fruitful experience for our students as they got to learn beyond the school curriculum. They also reflected on their learning each week and the feedback they received was also very helpful too.

F.4 Careers Workshop 2018
On the 26th June 2018, a careers workshop for all Form 4 students was organized by the Careers and Further Studies Team. In continuation of the junior careers booklet, the careers teachers used a new “Career Mapping” book to conduct the workshop. With the aid of this book and through various interactive activities, students were guided in recognizing their personal strengths, qualities and work values which were then linked to further study and career choices.

Using interesting and enjoyable interactive games and activities, students were also steered towards the importance of goal setting and achievement. These activities included poster designing, tower building using newspapers, a game requiring “purchase” of life goals using tokens, etc. In addition, students completed the Holland Code assessment. This was a test to measure the student’s interest level in six occupational areas, helping them to understand which jobs would suit their interests, talents, and aptitude. Through analysing one’s strengths, weaknesses and talents, this test provided a useful guide for students to plan their future career.

The workshop concluded with a comprehensive presentation on the university application process and procedures, with emphasis on the differences between Hong Kong and overseas universities’ admission requirements.

The careers workshop was indeed a very useful one, with the F4 students having a better understanding of the importance of career and life planning. They also gained insight into the path they should pursue for their future studies and career.

Visit to MTR Siu Ho Wan Depot
As the winner of the MTR STEM Challenge, our teams won the chance to visit the MTR Siu Ho Wan Depot on 23rd June, 2018. Our teachers and students explored behind-the-scene works by MTR including train exterior cleaning, first line and second line train maintenance to provide reliable and comfortable journeys for passengers along with a wide range of environmental practices and initiatives to sustain a high quality railway service for passengers.

Visit to DSP and Speech Technology Laboratory in the Department of Electronic Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Our F4 EITP students visited the DSP and Speech Technology Laboratory in the Department of Electronic Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong on 22nd June, 2018. The participants explored the recent research projects of the department on speech and audio processing as well as language and neuroscience. This is a pre-trip for the future collaboration between SPCS and CUHK on the “Collection of a Cantonese Corpus via a Game-based Interface” project.

Screendance Programme
The Screendance talk and workshop organized by the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority took place on 2nd May and 3rd July respectively.

Screendance is a cross disciplinary art form which allows Creative Media, Dance and Art students to learn together. They learnt basic concepts in movements and filming, and collaborated to produce a final work at the end of the course.

During the talk, students were introduced to this new form of art through film appreciation and life demonstration. Nandini Dulani (3A) was invited to demonstrate some dance moves while creative media students had a chance to film the movement from different angles and distance to create various moods and impacts.

In the workshop, students were guided by professional screendance artist to use body language to communicate their ideas with one another. This also helped art students expand their creative process.

Creative media students were taught to collaborate with the choreographer and the dancers. They also understand the relationship between human body and space, which is an important aspect in video art.

Dance students were exposed to a new form of dance. With a portable video camera, dances can take place anywhere. They learnt how a dance can be site-specific.

Students then spent hours filming and editing their works. The workshop ended with a mini screening of each group’s final work. It was a long but experiential day for all of them.

Photo credit: West Kowloon Cultural District Authority

Forum on the development of technology and innovation in China and Hong Kong by Professor Wan Gang
On 23rd May, 2018, Sister Margaret, two teachers and two students from SPCS had the honor of being invited to attend a forum on the technology and innovation of China, and on cross-border collaboration between the Mainland and Hong Kong (加強香港與內地合作 攜手共建世界科技強國). It was delivered by the Vice-Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and President of the China Association for Science and Technology, Professor Wan Gang (萬鋼教授). The talk was organized by the ‘Our Hong Kong Foundation’ as part of the China Master Series.

Professor Wan was highly informative. First he gave a summary of recent developments and achievements in China with regard to technology and innovation. He took pains to carefully illustrate each of his points with examples drawn from daily life so that everyone could relate to how each piece of new technology stood to benefit everyone. Professor Wan then demonstrated how Hong Kong is supporting the Mainland by providing a pool of talent, by conducting innovative research and by working together with Mainland institutions at a steadily increasing rate. He concluded by pointing out that there was still ample opportunity for further collaboration. The forum ended with the professor exhorting the teenagers of Hong Kong to follow their dreams and to not be afraid to face any difficulties.

The event concluded with a tour of the exhibition about the transformation of China during the 40 years of Reform and Opening Up. Overall, after experiencing this inspiring presentation, everyone had a deeper understanding of the roles and future prospects of Hong Kong in the fields of innovation and technology, and had a sense that much was to be gained by fostering even closer ties with the Motherland.

Visit to Radica Systems Limited by EITP students
On 2 May 2018, F3 students of the Enriched IT Programme (EITP) visited Radica Systems Limited in the Science Park. The group visited the Robotics Garage which provides a co-working space with 3D printers, laser cutters and robotics arms installed for people who turn their ideas into real products. After playing some VR games in the Immersive CAVE, the group then visited the Big Data Studio held by Radica, a new data-driven innovation center that is established to encourage the development of solutions to generate economic and social value from open data and big data. A talk by the staff of Radica was delivered to introduce some of the projects, such as Farmbot recently carried out by Radica. The students enjoyed the visit and they gained more understanding on the use of Big Data in our society.

U.S. Consulate 2017-2018 Speaker Programme
On March 20th, 2018, SPCS was pleased to be able to host a speaker from the U.S. Consulate Speaker program, Ms Amy Parker. Ms Parker, whose husband is a diplomat with the U.S. Department of State, has worked in the fundraising profession for 15 years, has a passion for travel and has only recently moved to Hong Kong. As part of the programme, the Form Five and Six students were given the comedy-drama film “Fried Green Tomatoes” (1991) to watch and discuss in class.

Ms Amy Parker gave an interesting lecture on the movie “Fried Green Tomatoes” to Forms 5P, 5U, and 6S students on its cultural, historical and social significance. She then fielded questions on the movie as a literary text and engaged everyone with her analysis and humour. Meanwhile students who asked questions were presented with souvenir calendars- much to their surprise!

The event was a great success and engaged the students to think more critically about cinema as a medium of social discourse. We look forward to more insightful lectures through this programme in the future.

Student Helpers for Sir Ellis Kadoories (S) Primary School’s Sports Day
On 20th March, 2018, twenty Paulinians assisted teachers at Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School to run their Sports Day programme at Wan Chai Sports Ground. These students attended a briefing session on 13th March, 2018. They were then divided into groups and assigned various duties.

Teachers of Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School were very pleased to have our students assist them in the smooth running of their Sports Day programame. Our students found the event very meaningful and one, which truly allowed them to demonstrate the Paulinian 7 C’s. They enjoyed themselves very much and learnt a lot.

The 2018 Peacemaker’s Cultural Celebration
On 10th of February, twelve Form 4 and 5 students participated in the 2018 Peacemakers’ Cultural Celebration at the Science Park, Sha Tin. They set up a booth with the theme of “Gender Equality in Turkey”, gave out some Turkish Delight that they had prepared earlier, and organized some activities to interest the visitors. One of their activities that was most popular was the traditional Turkish art of ‘marbling’, and everyone had great fun creating their own special works of art. At one point in the day, the girls had a chance to interview some visitors who were actually from Turkey, and overall a great learning experience was had by all. At the Award Ceremony, and on behalf of the school, the student representatives then received The Most Creative Award (Grade 3) for the 2017 Celebration of UN International Day of Peace Photo Competition.

‘Distinguished Master, Accomplished Students’ Mentorship Programme
The ‘Distinguished Master, Accomplished Students’ Mentorship Programme had its Kick-Off Ceremony at the City University of Hong Kong on 28 January, 2018, with its guest of honour, Mrs Carrie Lam, Chief Executive, HKSAR. The programme has been organized by the Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong, alongside other distinguished organisations, and will involve 33 successful scientists and engineers in Hong Kong acting as mentors for two years for some 128 specially selected senior secondary students.

Rachel Lam, F5P, has been lucky enough to have been selected to participate in the programme. She will be the mentee of Professor Tsui Lap-Chee, GBM, OC, O.Ont, JP, a past President of the University of Hong Kong, and the renowned geneticist whose team discovered the defective gene responsible for Cystic Fibrosis. With his good offices she will learn how science and technology integrates into society and what sort of lives professional scientists lead. She will also learn about what factors are necessary for success in science, to what degree different disciplines need to be covered, how to pursue studies in specific technological fields and what opportunities, help and assistance is available for interested and motivated young scientists.


Christmas Caroling
Our Catholic Choir was invited to perform some all-time favourite Christmas songs and carols at the Regal and the Four Seasons hotels on the 24th and 25th of December. With their angelic voices proudly announcing the good news of the birth of Christ they spread the joy of Christmas to the hearts of all those listening.

TEDxYouth Conference at Cyberport

On 25th November 2017, Clarissa Yung of F. 5S and Jenna Wong of F. 5A delivered a talk to speak at the TEDxYouth Conference@HongKong 2017, organised by the Junior Achievement Asia Pacific and e-learning Consortium. Mr. R. Li, Ms. C. Lee and Ms. C. Shapiro, together with some members of the TED-Ed Club attended the event to support Clarissa and Jenna, who were the youngest presenters at the event. The theme of this year’s event was ‘Bravo!’. Our Paulinians gave a Ted talk on their award-winning STEM project ‘Artificial Skin’ and conducted a live demonstration. Besides, various speakers from different walks of life presented their own Bravo stories and shared their unique life experiences. The presentations encouraged the audience to think out of the box and pursue their dreams, and attendees left the venue feeling inspired and motivated.

You may now watch the Ted Talk here:

“The Chinese Chess Challenge - 1K vs AI”

On 27 October students from F.2 and F.3 EITP classes attended “The Chinese Chess Challenge - 1K vs AI” event organised by OGCIO and the Hong Kong Chinese Chess Association at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium. They had to complete a series of increasingly difficult challenges in order to defeat the AI. These stages not only tested their knowledge of Chinese chess, but also their ability to defeat an opponent who had been programmed with superior chess moves. The AI system can deduce its own tactics with higher odds of winning in response to opponents' moves. Witnessed by the World Record Association, the primary and secondary students at the event together set a world record for "The Most People Battling Against the Artificial Intelligence Chinese Chess System on the Spot Simultaneously". The students enjoyed the opportunity to participate in the large scale event, and gained a much better understanding of how artificial intelligence functions.

“Scientists, Science Road” Thematic Talks on Science and Technology Work and Life Experiences
On 25 October 2017, a group of Form 2 and Form 3 students visited the Hong Kong Science Park and attended the “Scientists, Science Road” Thematic Talks on Science and Technology Work and Life Experiences organized by the Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong. The Director of Hong Kong Observatory, Mr. Chi Ming Shun, shared his experience in becoming an outstanding meteorologist as well as his valuable advice on how to make choices throughout our lives. His speech not only aroused the students’ enthusiasm on meteorology, but also encouraged students to make their own career choices according to their interests. The students were deeply inspired and knew more about the career options of studying science.

Visit to the InnoTech Carnival 2017
Our EITP, BTEC IT and IAL IT students visited the InnoTech Carnival 2017 held at the Hong Kong Science Park on 25 October 2017. Through enjoying the access to a range of booths and stores with interactive exhibits and games, the students learned how STEM is applied in different fields in the society. Besides, all students gained hands-on and fun-filled experience of the convenience and fun brought by innovation and advanced technology to their daily life.

我校素來注重學生的全人發展,承傳中國文化,本學年,我們再為學生們安排刺繡藝術課程。從二零一七年九月二十七日開始,課時安排二十二節,主要內容是中國刺繡藝術的歷史文化,刺繡工具、用料和技巧的了解等。我們有幸邀請到資 深刺繡導師李翠燕和梁少娟二位老師自順德遠道而來,親臨我校指導,並為我們準備了刺繡材料和工具。同學們踴躍報讀,共有六十多位同學和校友參加。她們都很珍惜這次的學習機會,虛心接受導師的專業指導,認真學習刺繡傳統藝術。





On 24-25 September, 2017, SPCS hosted the prestigious STEM Fair for local Direct Subsidy Schools (DSS). STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and is the umbrella term for the modern integrated approach to the science curriculum that the Hong Kong Education Bureau is currently encouraging all schools to take.

On Sunday 24th, Mr Kevin Yeung Yun-hung, JP, Secretary for Education, gave a short address to open the fair, and souvenirs were presented to the sponsors of the event. Guests were then free to wander the school campus and engage in the scientific presentations of over 24 different schools, colleges, academies and businesses. Presentations included an Augmented Reality Chinese medicine herb garden, an artificial skin display, a ‘smart home’ exhibit and a 3D-printed robot. There were mini-laboratories to watch, nuclear disaster extrication machines to operate, robotic football to play, 3-D printing machines to control , Virtual Reality adventure programs to experience, and Scratch learning programs to try. Every display stand was both informative and interactive, and there was no shortage of keen volunteers to explain and demonstrate the projects to the visitors. Many of the booths proudly displayed the prizes and awards that their work had already won in recent competitions.

Over the two days there were also many informative speeches, lectures and workshops about STEM projects. The keynote speakers were Professor RSS Wu, who spoke on ‘Global Scientific Trends’ and Mr Wan, a member of the China Academy of Science, who spoke on ‘Secrets of the Molecular World’. These lectures were followed by several other equally interesting seminars on ‘Teaching using STEM’ , ‘the Usefulness of Coding’, ‘the International Challenge of Problem solving’, and the ‘Application of Virtual Reality’. This all matched well with a sister event, the 2017 Innotech Expo (September 24- October 2) at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. In order to capitalize on their STEM enthusiasm, students were therefore encouraged to visit the Expo after the Fair in order to take their interest in these scientific activities even further.

Overall the STEM Fair was a great success. It was suitable for students of all ages, and that includes their parents, and it was a wonderful testament to the positive impact that STEM is having in schools across Hong Kong.

University of Cambridge Admissions Talk at SPCS

On 15th September, 2017, Dr. Andrew Murray, Admissions Tutor of Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, and Miss Yanyan Yip, CEO of the WYNG Foundation came to visit SPCS. Dr. Murray shared with Paulinians and their parents information about the student life, finance and the admission requirements at this world-class institute, and he encouraged the Paulinians to apply for the university. Everyone found the talk very informative and gained more insight into the application process and the campus life at the University of Cambridge.

"Artificial Intelligence Enlightenment Tour"
On 9 September 2017, our EITP students were invited to an "Artificial Intelligence Enlightenment Tour". We visited facilities in Cyberport, Microsoft and WeChat lab in HKUST. We saw the infrastructure Cyberport provides to support startup businesses. In Microsoft we had a workshop creating our own AI chatbots and saw the mixed reality Hololens in action. In HKUST we learnt about the future in STEM careers. There were two professors telling us the implications in adding emotion to AI systems; and the latest research trends in robotics and AI.

RTHK Teen Time Programme

On 4th September, four students including Joanna Keung (4L), Jacqueline Lo (4L), Ada Cheung (4T), and Othilia Chan (4T), went to the RTHK for the recording of the Teen Time Programme. The programme serves as a platform for adolescents to share their views on any topic they are interested in. The students talked to the host about pop culture. Aspects pertaining to pop culture such as how it could be defined, its impact and most youngsters' fanaticism towards bands and Korean music were explored. The students also gave advice on how to avoid being overtly hooked to pop culture so then there could be a good balance in life. The programme will be on air on RTHK Radio 3 on 19th September at 9:15pm, so stay tuned!

EITP/STEM Education: Further Pitching Opportunities

Following the success of the Technovation Hong Kong Challenge, Cindy Yeung (3S) and Madeline Leung (3P) of Team SPCS were invited to pitch their mobile app, ASAPHEALTH, at several events. Tivona Yeung (3S) was on the Stanford study tour during this time.

On Wednesday 12th July 2017, we met media guru Gary Vaynerchuk (CEO, VaynerMedia) at Metta, a collaborative space for innovators and entrepreneurs. Gary had an assertive but honest way of encouraging us to realise (and monetise) our passion and dreams while holding onto two important life values: humbleness and gratefulness. We are thankful for Nicolette Tan and NextGen Women Network for inviting us to attend this inspiring talk! We stayed on at this same location for the Pitch Like A Girl event where 10 female-founded businesses pitch their start-ups in front of 4 judges for a prize pool totaling USD 60000. During the judge's deliberation, Team SPCS and Team T-Time (from Good Hope School) were given the opportunity to present their Technovation Challenge pitches to an encouraging and very boisterous crowd!

On Thursday 13th July 2017, Team SPCS pitched on the Breakthrough Stage at RISE Conference in the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre. We are grateful to be invited by Young Founders School to participate at the world's largest startup conference! At RISE, the girls were interviewed by Andrew Work (Head Content Strategist APAC, NexChange), and also by Chinese and Korean media! They also had the opportunity to listen to Allan Zeman (Chairman, Lan Kwai Fong Group) and Janice Lee (Managing Director, PCCW Media Group) as well as meet Ray Chan (CEO and Co-Founder, 9GAG).

On Wednesday 19th July 2017, we were invited by Technovation and Metta Women In Tech to pitch and also to encourage other potential female-led startups at this "Educate and Collaborate" event held at the LinkedIn office. They had the opportunity to listen to some female leaders in the technology field. We would like to show great appreciation to Stephanie Lau (Women In Tech Co-Lead, Metta) for the invitation and Cherrie Leung (Sales Development Representative, LinkedIn) for hosting and giving us the tour of the LinkedIn offices!

While this journey began with a goal to finish an app and business plan, we have been very fortunate to meet key leaders in the technology industry which have been instrumental in giving use a glimpse of life beyond academic studies. Thank you to everyone who has supported us thus far! To read more about our journey and the people we have met, please visit our mentor Mr S Leong’s website at

EITP Visit to Google Hong Kong

On 11th July, members of the Enriched IT Programme from Forms 2 and 3 visited the offices of Google Hong Kong. The fascinating talks from Google staff covered topics such as the history of Google, "What makes a Googley person?", typical Google interview questions, Google's product portfolio, an introduction to artificial intelligence and machine learning, how the internet of things is changing our lives and Google's community outreach programmes. Our students learned about the benefits of studying Computer Science and related fields, and there was a focus on how to increase the uptake of STEM and CS subjects among women and girls in Hong Kong. We are very grateful to Google Hong Kong for an fascinating, interactive and inspiring afternoon of learning, debate and discussion.

EITP Outing: Commonwealth Bank of Australia's Innovation Lab Visit

On 11th July, 2017, as part of the Enriched I.T. Programme, our Form 2 students visited the Commonwealth Bank of Australia’s Innovation Lab located in One Exchange Square, Central. Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) is one of the Big Four banks in Australia and their Innovation Lab in Hong Kong focuses on design, innovation and development of the latest technology connecting the bank to its customers.

Craig Murray (Innovation Manager, CBA, Hong Kong) gave us an inspiring introduction as well as insight into Design and Innovation, two key elements necessary for us to be prepared for future technology. We had a mini Design Thinking Workshop involving building the tallest free-standing tower that would hold a marshmallow using spaghetti, tape and string. The winning team had a secret weapon: a student who was a member of Rangers! The winning and runner-up teams had the privilege to try some VR games while the rest of the group were introduced to a “data wall” consisting of 6 large flat-screen TVs which projected real-time data from transactions happening to, from, and within Australia. A large part of innovation involved making sense, organising, and making use of “big data”.

We would like to show our appreciation to Craig for taking the time to offer us valuable insight and advice in the world of design, innovation and technology. We are grateful also to Liam Gilligan (Head of Innovation Lab, CBA, Hong Kong) who facilitated our visit last year and in his absence, liaised and organised this visit with Craig this year.

STEM Robotics Competition 2017

The STEM Robotics Competition 2017 co-organised by Smart Kiddo and our school was successfully held on 8 July 2017. There were Primary and Secondary Sections. Their mission was to complete a series of robotics missions through computation thinking and coding. We hope the competition would nurture students interest in robotics, computer science and information technology, hone their problem-solving and logical thinking skills and strengthen their ability to communicate and cooperate effectively. Natalie Fung (2P) got second while Cindy Yeung (3S) got fourth in the Secondary Section. Both of them were awarded a Trophy and a certificate while Natalie had also got a Parrot Mambo drone. Click here for more information.







Inno Expo 2017 at Victoria Park

The Inno Expo 2017 organized by the Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association was held successfully at Victoria Park from 28 June to 2 July, 2017. Being one of the participating schools, our student presenters showcased their scientific investigation projects and outstanding STEM projects to the general public. The weather was fine and our booth attracted a multitude of people. All the audiences were greatly impressed by our students’ great enthusiasm when they introduced their winning projects and demonstrated the Virtual Reality live streaming, mobile apps and robot performance!

Leadership Training Programme 2017
On the 28th June 2017, the Prefects’ Board organised a Leadership Training Programme for all Form 4 students in the School Hall. The aim was to prepare the students for taking up leadership roles in school in the coming year.

The F.4 students were divided into 16 groups and the Prefects’ Board organized a range of games to help them recognise their leadership qualities and potential. The participants learnt the importance of working collaboratively, communicating with clarity and precision, and solving problems with creativity.

The participants then started to explore the relationship between the 16 Habits of Mind and Leadership. It is believed that the Habits of Mind enable young leaders to develop their leadership potential as well as their capacity for managing their learning. They were asked to reflect upon the characteristics of good leaders and then they had to apply the 16 Habits of Mind in a group game. The winning team was able to lift a can of Coke using a roll of nylon string without ever coming within 2 meters of the can. Quite an achievement!

The workshop drew to a close with a sharing session. Different units of the Prefects’ Board, the head prefects and the moderators with responsibilities for leadership gave some short addresses about the suitable attitudes of young school leaders. The students then cast their votes for the election of school prefects 2017-2018. A total of 74 school prefects were elected.

F.4 Career Workshop

On the 27th June 2017, the Careers and Further Studies Team organised a half-day Career Workshop for all Form 4 students in the School Hall using the Career Mapping booklet as a guide to help students to explore and choose careers that best suit their personality, abilities and passion.

A variety of interactive activities ranging from an auction game, poster design activity to team tower building tasks, as well as self-reflective exercises were organised to help students to recognise the significance of their personal development, goal setting and to identify the most effective ways to achieve them. Students learnt more about their personality and interests from the Holland Code assessment, a useful tool in identifying one's strongest traits and corresponding them to suitable careers. The assessment results aided the students in knowing themselves better and in making more informed choices in future.

The workshop drew to a close with an informative talk regarding the process of university admissions, as well as what local and overseas universities will be looking for in a potential applicant. At the end of the workshop, students have gained a better understanding of how to plan their senior secondary years and how to make suitable career choices and planning for their further studies.

QEF British Council Event - Tech with Teens: English Language Classroom Ideas for Junior Secondary Schools
On Saturday 24th June the following teachers: Mrs. S. Ho, Ms. M. Da Luz, Mrs. V. Au Yeung and Ms. J. Au led by Mr. Nelson Wong participated in the Tech with Teens event held at True Light Middle School. The purpose of this event was provide a chance for the participating schools to summarize and share their accumulated knowledge and experience. It was also to provide an opportunity to support school teachers and students interested in using learning technologies for English language learning at Junior Secondary level. Our teachers along with presenters and participants from 1A, 1P, 2A and 2P showcased various uses of ipads in lessons such as using Telligami in a speaking lesson, the use of Google Suite in a reading and writing lesson and the use of Kahoot in the teaching of grammar. The event was highly-successful and our students improved their presentation and communication skills.

EITP/STEM Education: Amazed Hackathon

On Saturday 3rd June 2017, Cindy Yeung (3S), Tivona Yeung (3S), and Madeline Leung (3P) participated in a Hackathon organised by amazed. What made our girls stand out was that the other participants were university students and graduates! After the 4-hour accelerated programme, they emerged as joint Runner-Up, and awarded with prizes from Microsoft and Reuters.

In the Hackathon, the three F.3 EITP girls further developed the business plan of their ASAPhealth app. Joining their team is an MBA graduate who gave valuable insight and improved the business model. The team was offered sound advice from mentors during the event.

We would like to thank Mr Daniel Shen (CEO of amazed) who personally gave our girls the invitation to attend and participate in this event. Mr Shen previously gave useful and practical tips on pitching a business idea when the girls prepared for their Technovation pitch event!

For more information about the event, please visit the amazed blog page:

EITP/STEM Education: Technovation Hong Kong Pitch Finals

On Sunday 7th May 2017, Team SPCS became the Champions of the Senior Team Division of Technovation Hong Kong. They will represent Hong Kong at the Global Pitch Summit in San Francisco in August 2017, sponsored by Alibaba Entrepreneur Fund!

Team SPCS, consisting of Madeline Leung (3P), Cindy Yeung (3S), and Tivona Yeung (3S), collaborated with mentors and industry leaders to build an app and business model called ASAPhealth. Out of over 80 teams, they were among the top 20 to showcase their work at Cyberport to members of the public and pitch their ideas to the judging panel comprising Cindy Chow (Executive Director of Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund), Maria Lam (Chief Corporate Development Officer of Cyberport), and Pedro Eloy (Chairman of Young Entrepreneurs Taskforce and Founder & Head of of BusinessLAB, HKU MBA).

Here’s a summary and some photos which capture their journey over the past 2 months!

On Monday 20th March 2017, Tivona and Cindy were given the opportunity to present an overview of their idea and met Tara Chklovski (Founder of Iridescent, the parent company of Technovation) at the Commonwealth Bank of Australia Innovation Lab.

On Thursday 23rd March 2017, Madeline joined the other teams to develop their apps at Google HQ Hong Kong in Times Square. The apps are programmed on MIT’s AppInventor platform.

On Friday 31st March 2017, Team SPCS were invited to give a practice run of their Business Pitch at WeWork Tower 535 organised by SkaleUp Ventures Inc. They were given valuable feedback from leaders, angel investors and venture capitalists including David Chung (Undersecretary, The Innovation and Technology Bureau), Carman Chan (Founder and Managing Partner of Click Ventures), Joseph Jeong (Investor/Educator, Entrepreneur/Mentor, Chinaccelerator, Tsinghua University, HKPU), Donny Siu (Associate Director of the Entrepreneurship Center HKUST), and Anna Champion (Founder/CEO, The Talent Lighthouse)

On Sunday 2nd Team SPCS further developed their marketing and pitching skills at INFINITI LAB with industry professionals including Sky Siu (KELY Support Group), Arnold Chan (Teach4HK), Guillermo Ginesta (INFINITI LAB), Fion Leung and Suetyi Wong (Time Auction Hong Kong).

On Sunday 9th April 2017, Team SPCS were back at WeWork Tower 535 for another round of collaboration with experts.

On Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd April 2017, Team SPCS attended the BootCamp at The University of Hong Kong to finalise their app and pitch.

After submitting their documents and application files by Wednesday 26th April, Team SPCS were one of 20 teams selected to present at the Hong Kong Pitch Finals on Sunday 7th May 2017. They had the opportunity to meet with industry professionals including Maaike Steinebach (CEO, Commonwealth Bank of Australia Hong Kong) and Leonie Valentine (Managing Director, Sales & Operations, Google Hong Kong). They finally emerged as Champions!

We would like to thank Sister Margaret Wong, the mentors (Mr Daryl Chan and Mrs Stephanie Leong), and SPCS teachers (Miss Jennifer Au, Dr Peter Blythe, Mr Sam Leong and Mrs Patricia Liu) for their support and we continue to wish the girls every success for the Global Pitch Summit!

中國首位「太空教師」- 王亞平女士分享會

Provision of Students-Helpers for Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School Sports’ Day
On 23th March, 2017, 20 Paulinians assisted teachers at Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School to run their Sports Day programme at Wan Chai Sports Ground. These students attended a briefing session by Mr. Ho, PE Panel of Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School, on 20th March, 2017. They were then divided into groups and assigned various duties. Teachers of Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School were very pleased to have our students assist them in the smooth running of their Sports Day programame. Our students found the event very meaningful, and it really allowed them to demonstrate the Paulinian 7C’s. They enjoyed themselves very much and learnt a lot.

EITP Outing: Madhead HQ Visit
On Tuesday, 7th March 2017, students from this year’s Form 2 cohort of the Enriched I.T. Programme visited the headquarters of Madhead located in Science Park. Madhead is a leading games developer and has produced a number of mobile apps, with Tower of Saviors (神魔之塔) being the highest grossing one to date.

After a quick tour through the various departments, we were seated in the cosy MadCafe where Tim Chu (Assistant Producer of Tower of Saviors) gave valuable and interesting insights on game design, development and production. He also explained how building a community around the game using a combination of social media, forums and large-scale collaborative events was key to Tower of Saviors’ success.

Terry Tsang (Founder and CEO) shared about his personal experience from his school life through to establishing Madhead. He challenged our students into thinking outside the box when it came to education; there’s more to Mathematics than simply learning concepts where one would need to develop logical skills that would prove helpful in life beyond school.

We are very appreciative of Tim and Terry for taking time out of their busy schedules to share their work and personal lives to inspire our EITP students. We would like to thank Cherry Chan (Executive Assistant) and Toby Cheung (Secretary) for organising and hosting this visit, especially with a very tight schedule. We wish Madhead a smooth renovation in the weeks to come and every success in future developments.

“Girls on the Move” Workshop

On the 1st March, students from F.2 and F.3 attended the “Girls on the Move” workshop delivered by the Thales Group. Organized to celebrate and raise awareness of the upcoming International Women’s Day, engineers from Thales explained their roles at the company, and introduced the exciting projects they are involved in. These ranged from helping clients keep their customers safe by designing and implementing various encryption systems, to programming autonomous train controls so that the trains can safely deliver passengers to their destinations without the need for a driver. Students thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to interact with engineers and look at live demonstrations of their work. We would like to thank Ms. Doreen Lee, Ms. Ida Lee, Mr. Baston Cheng, Ms. Carrie Zhang, Ms. Queenie Chen and Ms. Abir Jmiel for sharing their experiences and helping inspire the students to work in the STEM field in the future.

On 18th February, 2017, a group of teachers and students (members of BTEC Art & Design, BTEC Media, Art & Craft club, Multimedia Club or Photography & Video Society) visited SCAD HK. They were first given a talk about SCAD, including its admission procedures and career prospects. Then, students were divided into 4 groups to attend four different workshops, namely Digital Photography conducted by Prof. Adam Kuehl, Animation conducted by Prof. Kinson Cheung, Graphic Design conducted by Prof. Fathi Bakkoush, and Fashion Design conducted by the Prof. Cristina Kounyiou. Both the talk and workshops were enlightening and useful to the students. Students learned about the career of Creative Design at the Art University and had a wonderful experience that was inspirational to all those who participated.

EITP VR/AR Workshop

The Enriched Information Technology Programme (EITP) had successfully organized a Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality workshop on 21st January 2017 from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Around 40 students and 10 teachers from our school, St. Paul’s Secondary School and St. Paul School (Lam Tin) joined the workshop. The contents of the workshop include: What VR and AR are, hands-on applications of AR/VR in learning, tools for creating VR/AR experience, practical application of the tools. The feedback of the workshop was very positive and we are looking forward to the EITP workshops in the future. Click here for more information.

Music Touch Lunchtime Concert

On the afternoon of the 10th of January 2017, the Music Society successfully held its Music Touch Lunchtime Concert. It was a memorable occasion, with the SPCS Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of Ms Harty Tam, and the Hong Kong Police Band with their Director of Music, Mr. James Leung performing a variety of pieces. We were very honored to have had Ms Edwina Lau, the Assistant Commissioner of the HK Police Force, began the proceedings, and as the ESR team from the EDB had just started their inspection of our school, it was a great opportunity for the Music Department to show off its strengths not just to SPCS students and teachers but to all the other visiting dignitaries too.

The school orchestra began the event with an extract from Beethoven's Symphony No. 4, and this was followed by the Police Band playing a spectacular Star Wars medley. The Bach Concerto for Violins, played by our String Ensemble, stood in elegant contrast to the inter-galactic brass and stellar drums, and the whole concert reached a climax when Scottish Pipers combined with all the assembled musicians to play the rousing piece 'The Highland Cathedral'. The concert thus finished on a high note and with a large cheer from the delighted audience.

BKOO Inspiration Lecture Dinner

Sr. Margaret Wong, 2 teachers and 8 past SPCS aeroplane building team members attended the “Inspiration Lecture Dinner” at the Regal Airport Hotel on 13 December 2016. Mr. Hank Cheng, the pilot of the Hong Kong home-built aircraft “Inspiration”, gave a lecture in the dinner. He shared the joy of his 78-days round-the-world journey. After that, Sr. Margaret delivered her speech in which she thanked Hank for his efforts in training our students on air-craft building skills as well as inspiring them on chasing their dreams. Lois Choy and Katherine Ho, past students of the SPCS aerospace society, shared with the audience their once-in-a-life-time experience of being a member of the “Inspiration” project. It was a joyful and fruitful gathering.


本校師生共六人獲中聯辦邀請, 於十一月六日前往珠海, 參觀第十一屆中國國際航空航天博覽會。博覽會既有攤位展示國內外最新的航天技術, 亦有動感十足的飛行表現, 實在讓師生們眼界大開。

Blood Donation Day

The annual Blood Donation Day, organized by the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Centre, was successfully held on 28th October, 2016. This year, a hundred Paulinians and teachers participated in this meaningful event. Donating students who were born in the year of the Dragon were given a special pin, together with a commemorative certificate, and became “Millennium Cool Blood Donors”. The donation process started with a haemoglobin test and this was followed by a consultation with a nurse. When all necessary checks were done, then the actual blood donation took place. Afterwards, donors were given some refreshments and a little time to rest. The event, which ended at 5:30p.m., showed our Paulinians’ altruistic hearts and great concern for the needy. We hope that they will continue to participate in this socially valuable activity in the future.





EITP Activity: Design Thinking Workshops by SMS Management & Technology

63 students from the Enriched I.T. Programme attended a series of Design Thinking workshops facilitated by consultants from SMS Management & Technology as part of the Digital Creativity module.

SMS Management & Technology is a global leader in advisory, solutions, managed services and recruitment. On the 9th, 14th and 15th September 2016, they delivered engaging activity-based workshops on Problem Solving, Creative Thinking, Iterative Design and Optimisation.

Our students found the workshops to be inspirational, interactive and innovative. The major activity involved understanding a client’s changing requirements and using limited resources in the form of stationery to design a prototype solution.

We would like to thank all consultants involved in implementing the workshops: Serena Lim, Stephanie Tong, Mridul Shekhawat, Vagisha Chitransha, Billy Cheung, David Lee, and Leon Lau. We appreciate their generous donation of time and effort in planning behind the scenes as well as facilitating the workshops.

The Leadership Training Camp, 2016-2017.

The leadership training camp of 2016-2017 took place on 17th-18th August, 2016 in the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp. 11 teachers, including 7 new teachers and the current Prefects’ Board members, joined the newly elected school prefects for the leadership training activities. There were exciting team-building detective games and even a late-night campfire. Through these activities, the newly elected prefects learnt more about each other, and how they might work together as a team in the coming academic year. Their confidence and determination to serve the school were also enhanced by this training programme.

Talk on Healthy Diet

On 6th July, we are honored to have Ms. Kelly Ho, from Hong Kong Eating Disorder Association Limited, delivered a talk to our F.1 to F.3 students on “Healthy Diet”. Ms. Ho introduced us about eating disorders, how slimming culture impacts on one’s self-mage, unhealthy dieting behavior and the importance of balanced diet. We hoped that through the talk, students would be able to think critically about the slimming culture and to establish a more positive self-image.

HKUST Engineering Design Experience Workshop: Airship

From 4th-7th July 2016, twenty students from S3, S4 and S5 took part in the ‘Engineering Design Experience Workshop: Airship’ which was organized by the School of Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Not only did this 4-day programme at HKUST enhance our students’ understanding of Engineering, but it also emphasized the importance of innovation and problem solving for the betterment of human life.

During the workshop, our students teamed up with twenty boys from Queen’s College. They were then divided into eight groups, and each group had to build its own ‘Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)’. Lectures introducing theories in Physics, Android Programming and Electronics for Airships were delivered by professors, followed by practical training in propeller installation, Bluetooth connection and soldering. Students had to write commands on their mobile phones or tablets in order to control the movement of the airships. In addition to making the hardware, all the groups had to design their own airships with the materials they were given. Then, after designing the structure of the airship and making the hardware, they had to test and fine-tune the product. Finally, they had to evaluate their performance.

This programme was an extremely exciting opportunity for our students to innovate. Each step in the learning process was significant, and through lectures and demonstrations, they learned the importance of STEM education in their daily lives. They also learnt that innovation in engineering requires profound knowledge of theories in various science disciplines including Physics, Mechanics, Mathematics, Computer Programming, Electronics, Chemistry and Economics. Last but not least, they learnt that interdisciplinary exchange and integration, open-mindedness, creativity, teamwork and commitment are crucial in achieving a shared goal.

In addition to the practical training, there were guided tours to laboratories in several departments including Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, Computer Science and Engineering, and the Coastal Marine Laboratory. These tours were extremely helpful in giving our students a valuable insight into what the engineering program and university life at HKUST are like. They had a better understanding of what HKUST faculty members and students do on a regular basis. Overall, our students found the 4-day workshop extremely fulfilling and stimulating.

Talk on Etiquette

On 4th July, we are honored to have Ms. Pamela Lee, an etiquette coach and a member of SPCS alumni, to come and deliver a talk to our F.1 to F.5 students on “Ettitique”. Ms. Lee introduced our students proper etiquette and how to communicate with friends, family members, teachers, instructors, coaches and interviewers. Students enjoyed the talk and found value in learning the etiquette, life skills and communication skills necessary for them to graduate to adulthood and live successful lives.

F.4 Career Workshop
On 28th June, 2016, all Form 4 students attended a workshop organized by the school’s Careers Team. The workshop was designed according to “Career Mapping”, a booklet given to the students as a career development tool. Through talks and discussions, students were able to identify careers of their choice as well as their work values. They also learnt how to set short term and long term goals and ways to implement their action plans. Furthermore, the workshop enabled the students to discover and explore their Holland Codes, which not only gave them a better understanding of their strengths but also enabled them to match their personalities with their career choices. In addition, they were updated on their opportunities for further studies and the entry requirements of different universities. Overall, this informative and self-reflective workshop was successful in equipping the students with the information that they would need to plan their future studies.

EITP F.1 Recruitment Day

The EITP F.1 Recruitment Day was held successfully on 18th May 2016. The programme began with the sharing of teachers and students of the EITP. Then, it was the showcase of Scratch programs, Mobile Apps, Digital games, Web design, Robotics, Augmented Reality and Nao the robot. All F.1 was looking forward to joining the EITP next year while the F.2 members enjoyed themselves as helpers and tutors.

EITP visits in May

On 11th May some EITP students visited Madhead Studio as part of the game design learning module. Madhead is a local startup business famous for its mobile game “Tower of Saviors”. In the visit, we learnt of the various roles in game development process. The CEO, Mr. Terry Tsang, shared with us his experience in innovation and his vision in technology. At the end of the event, each of us got a souvenir to bring home.

On 13th May some EITP students and IT prefects went to a one-day-trip to Shenzhen, China. We visited museums exhibiting the economic and technological achievements of the city in recent decades. We also visited BGI, China’s greatest genomics company. Research staff introduced to us the contribution of genetic engineering towards food production and health care in both hereditary and contagious diseases. We learnt a great deal on applications of technology in life science and medicine.

Poverty Simulation Workshop
On 26th April 2016, 180 of our Form 3 students participated in a Poverty Simulation Workshop organized by Junior Chamber International HK (JCI HK) and Hong Kong United Foundation Ltd. Fifty of our prefects served as helpers to facilitate the smooth running of the workshop and ran more than 10 booths together with JCI members. The workshop enabled our students to experience poverty via a simulation game. They were divided into small groups that resembled poor families in Hong Kong and they had to visit various booths to perform different tasks in a simulation of the lives that many of the poorest people in Hong Kong have to follow. The hardship and difficulties encountered reminded our students to treasure what they have in their lives and the need to be empathetic to the disadvantaged groups in Hong Kong. The Chief Executive of the HKSAR, Mr C Y Leung and Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Cheung Kin-chung joined the second part of the game and hosted a sharing and Q&A session to prompt our students to reflect on poverty in Hong Kong and to explain various government poverty alleviation measures. The event ended successfully with Paulinains being committed to pay more concern to the needy while aiming to actively bring about constructive changes in the society in the future.

UNESCO Peacemakers’ Cultural Celebration at Science Park

18 Student Peace Ambassadors from our school participated in the Peacemakers’ Cultural Celebration on 9th April 2016 at Science Park. The event was organized by UNESCO Hong Kong to promote peace and cultural diversity. At the country booth exhibition and games area, our students chose to present the theme of ‘The Wonders and Characteristics of Popular Chinese Cultural Art: Paper Folding and Juggling (Rolling Plates, Chinese Yoyo and Twisting Balloon)’. They worked in teams to prepare the exhibits, decorate the booths, teach the audience paper art and demonstrate the skills necessary to play the games. The games proved to be very popular with the audience, both adults and children. As messengers of ‘Peace and Sustainability’, our students also presented each VIP at the event with a handmade card as a token of their gratitude for the support they had received. Indeed, it was a fantastic and fun-filled day for all.

EITP Outing: Innovation through Banking Technology

On Wednesday 16th March 2016, a group of students from the Enriched Information Technology Programme were invited to visit the Commonwealth Bank of Australia’s Innovation Lab in One Exchange Square, Central. Innovation Managers Will and Liam explained to us that customer experience is the core focus of their projects. The premises include a “split testing room” for technological experts to monitor how customers use their online applications as well as a wall showing live data analytics of customer spending habits all around Australia. Highlights for the students included 3-D virtual reality (VR) glasses, a mini-segway, as well as a “Game of Life” simulator which predicted whether our wellbeing and life goals would be ideal in 5 years time based on the choices we make now. Our appreciation goes to the Innovation Managers Will and Liam for their technical expertise and to Business Consultant Stephanie for organising the tour.

Developing English Language Skills Through Integration of Tablets At Junior Secondary Level – A British Council Project

On Saturday January 30th a group of teachers, parents and students from St. Paul’s Convent School attended the launch event of this innovative project. The aims of the project are:
• to motivate students with learning English
• to develop ideas of best practice with using tablets to support language learning
• to develop teacher collaboration within and between schools
Mr. Nelson Wong will lead the project with the support of Mr. Maxwell, Mrs. S. Ho, Ms. M. Da Luz, Mrs. V. Au Yeung and Miss. J. Au. The launch was successful and several Form One and Form Two Paulinians got to try some hands-on learning activities and collaborate with students from other schools.

SPCS teachers, parents and students
The students from the 3 schools involved in the project
The teachers from the various schools involved in the project

F.5 & 6 Ethics Talk on China Diplomacy

Ms Cui Ying崔瑩女士, Director of Department of International Organizations and Conferences 國際組織部主任 accompanied the speaker, Mr. Fang Qiang 方強先生 , the Second Secretary of Department of Media and Public Relations 新聞及公共關係部二秘 from the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署, who delivered two talks to Form 5 and 6 students on 14-15 January 2016.
The talks, focused on the China- UK and China- US relationship and its benefits to Hong Kong, enabled our students to understand these issues better. At the end of his speech, students raised questions on the qualifications needed to pursue a career in foreign affairs, the desirable qualities of a diplomat etc. Overall, students were pleased to have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of their motherland.

Ms. Cui and Sister Margaret Wong
Mr. Fang, the speaker
Mr. Fang addressing a student’s question

Microsoft YouthSpark Day Camp

On 9th January 2016, 29 students involved in the Enriched IT Programme, visited the offices of Microsoft in Cyberport to participate in the Microsoft YouthSpark Day Camp. They had the rare opportunity to take a tour of Microsoft's newly renovated high-tech office and meet some of the company’s employees, who briefed them on Microsoft’s latest innovations, such as the Skype Translator and Microsoft HoloLens. Our students also participated in the Minecraft Hour of Code, when they were able to utilise block coding to complete various puzzles. In addition, they joined the GirlSpark Camp sharing session and heard industry leaders talk about “Social Media and Enterprise Digital Transformation”. Our students were extremely inspired by the speakers’ creative use of social media and mobile applications to achieve various commercial goals. They left the Microsoft office with a new perspective on the potential of mobile applications and a greater awareness of the future of IT development.

EITP Visit to City University of Hong Kong

On Thursday 17 December students involved in the Enriched IT Programme, joined by Form 5 Art students, visited City University of Hong Kong to learn more about digital creativity. The students were treated to a tour of cutting-edge research and applications of new technologies across several areas. In the university’s Apps Lab, students learned more about creating mobile apps to solve problems in their daily lives, while in the Innovation Commons students met current and former City University students building new enterprises around technology. In the Creative Media Center students were treated to an impressive 360-degree immersive 3D recreation of the Magao Caves of Dunhuang, in China’s Gansu province, seeing how technology is helping not only to preserve historical sites but to bring them to life for new audiences. The students also saw entertaining films and 3D animations made by Creative Media undergraduates. One of the highlights was a live demonstration of an interactive 3D system for helping people with severe learning difficulties develop life skills, showing how technology can be used for the benefit of all. Our students left with a new sense of the possibilities of digital creativity and greater awareness of potential study and career paths in this area, for which we would like to thank City University.

School Talk by Professor Deborah Chung – My Life with Science

On 20th November, 2015, we were very honoured to have Professor Deborah Chung from State University of New York at Buffalo give an invigorating talk to some of our F5 and F6 students about “My Life with Science”. Professor Chung is an esteemed scientist, researcher and author with a B.S. degree in Engineering and Applied Science and an M.S. degree in Engineering Science from California Institute of Technology (Caltech) as well as a Ph.D. degree in Materials Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Moreover, she is the inventor of 15 patents and has given over 200 invited lectures.
Her talk was not only centred on her renowned scientific invention of ‘Smart Concrete’, but also on her mother’s involvement in World War II as a wartime nurse and her grandmother being the first female doctors of Western medicine in China. In particular, she emphasized the intricate relationship between faith in God and research, serving as a great inspiration for our students.
After the talk, a Q&A session was held and our students eagerly raised questions about the talk and other aspects of scientific research. Professor Chung answered their questions at great length and our students became more enlightened about working as a scientific researcher and to strive for their goals with passion. We would like to express our gratitude towards Professor Chung for her motivating talk and for sharing her insights with our students.

RV8 B-Koo “Inspiration” Inaugural Flight

We are very happy to announce that the first homebuilt aircraft in Hong Kong, “Inspiration” B-KOO, successfully completed its inaugural flight on 15 November 2015 at the Hong Kong International Airport. We must congratulate Hank and all the Paulinians who have supported and contributed to the project throughout the years! We would like to take this opportunity to thank the school, especially Sr. Margaret, for giving us this invaluable chance to learn by doing. Thanks should also be given to our moderators, Mr. Lo, Mrs. Liu and Mr. Wu for their kind guidance throughout the years. After passing some further safety tests, the plane will be flown around the world to raise money for charity. We wish “Inspiration” and Hank all the best in the future.

URA Mobile Exhibition Van

On 12th November, an interactive mobile van from the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) visited our school. Students had the opportunity to learn about the process of urban renewal via a series of interactive displays, educational games and quizzes. These displays highlighted in particular the role of the Urban Renewal Authority in redeveloping older districts, conservation of historic places and the promotion of art and cultural integration in our society.

Enriched IT Programme Launch Ceremony

The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer launched the Enriched Information Technology Programme (EITP) in 8 secondary schools in Hong Kong to cultivate young IT talents to meet the development needs of a digital society. The launch ceremony took place on 7th November 2015 with Financial Secretary, Mr. John Tsang, as the officiating guest. Over 300 secondary school students attended the ceremony, pledging their full commitment to enhance their knowledge and skills in IT through project-based learning and competitions.

Workshop by Professor Gary Antonick from Stanford University

On 5th and 6th November 2015, Professor Gary Antonick from Stanford University hosted a workshop on Creativity and Innovation at our school. This 2-day workshop introduced an innovative tool called Design Thinking, which was popularised by Stanford Design School, and emphasized an understanding of customer needs and rapid product development, with arts-and crafts type of materials. The expertise of Professor Antonick, our active and engaged students, as well as our supportive staff members made the workshop a huge success!

2015 Oxbridge Interview Workshop

On 30th October, 2015, representatives from ARCH Education came to our school to share with our current and prospective Oxbridge applicants on ways to prepare for Oxbridge interviews. Ms. Emma Humphries first outlined the collegiate system and differences between the courses provided by Oxford and Cambridge. Students were then split into groups with several discipline specific tutors from ARCH according to their chosen subjects. The tutors simulated Oxbridge style interviews and shared with students how to answer questions skillfully to better demonstrate their knowledge and enthusiasm towards the subject. Students found the workshop inspiring and helpful towards their applications to these top universities.

Blood Donation Day

The annual Blood Donation Day, organized by the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Centre, was successfully held on 30th October 2015. This year, 72 Paulinians and teachers participated in this meaningful event. The donation process started with a haemoglobin test, followed by a consultation with the nurse and finally, the actual blood donation. Afterwards, donors were given some refreshments and time to rest. The event, which ended at 5:00 p.m, showed our Paulinains’ altruistic hearts and concern for the needy. We hope that they will continue to participate in this worthwhile activity in the future.

Cleft Lip Mission

On 25th October 2015, five students (Vanessa Sze 6P, Tiffany Chu 6A, Kelly Au-Yeung 6S, Christy Chan 6S and Tina Ip 5P) accompanied by Ms. S. Keung and Ms. M. Leung joined Dr. Abbie Li and Dr. Candy Chan in attending the Huiyang District Medical Association and Medical Mission For Children (MMFC) Forum on Cleft Lip and Palate in Huiyang, China. The MMFC team comprising of volunteer ENT surgeons, anesthetist, dentists and nurses from the US and HK collaborated with doctors from Huiyang People’s Hospital to provide free consultation, surgical and post-operative treatment to underprivileged children, including orphans, from various regions in China suffering from cleft lip and cleft palate.

Junior Chamber International Hong Kong

Every year, the National Convention is one of the most important events of the Junior Chamber International Hong Kong (JCI Hong Kong). This year, the theme of the National Convention was "Uniting Everyone-A Home for All" (共融). The opening ceremony of the event took place on Friday, 11th September, at Sun Beam Theatre, in the evening. Our Cantonese Opera team was invited to be one of the guest performers at the opening ceremony. Chow Cheuk Ying Michelle of F.6S and Ng Ka Yi Joey of F.6L performed “An Interrupted Dream in the Peony Pavilion” on behalf of St. Paul’s Convent School.

The Leadership Training Camp (2015-2016)

The leadership training camp of 2015-2016 took place on 18th and 19th August, 2015 in the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp. 6 teachers and current Prefects’ Board members joined the newly elected school prefects for the leadership training activity. School prefects participated in exciting team building games such as bamboo raft construction and they also had a campfire at night. Through these activities, the prefects learnt the importance of cooperation and commitment. Their confidence and determination to serve the school were also enhanced after the training.

Aeroplane Naming Ceremony

A 3-day event, which was attended by nearly 100 people including guests, staff members, students and alumni, was held at Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited (HAECO) in Chek Lap Kok, from 25th – 27th May 2015, to mark the naming of our RV-8 aeroplane.
The event began on 25th May, when our honoured guests, Professor Tony Chan, President of the Council of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Professor Wei Shyy, Chair Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Mr. John Chai, Executive Director of the Airport Authority, visited the aeroplane at the site. After a briefing on the aeroplane-building procedure by Cathay Pacific pilot, Mr. Hank Cheng, there was a photo-taking session in the cockpit of the plane!
On 26th May, a group of Sisters of St. Paul De Chartres as well as PTA representatives visited HAECO. They too enjoyed a photo-taking session in the cockpit.
The ceremony to name the aeroplane was held on 27th May. We were honoured to have Mr. Eddie Ng Hak-kim, SBS, JP, Secretary of Education for Hong Kong, Mr. Norman Lo Shun Man, JP, Director-General Civil Aviation, Civil Aviation Department, Mr. Hank Cheng, Cathay Pacific pilot and our Principal, Rev. Sr. Margaret Wong, officiate at the ceremony and unveil the name of the aircraft, 'Inspiration'. After the naming ceremony, Mr Norman Lo showed us the civil aviation and air traffic control facilities. We learnt more about the flying mechanism of aeroplanes and air traffic control and also had the opportunity to experience the thrill of being in a simulator. The visit was truly enjoyable!

PDS Student Forum

The PDS joint school student forum was held on 29th April from 2:15 p.m.-4:00 p.m. at our school. A total of 40 students from our schools and 3 partner schools including Queen’s College, HKSYCIA Wong Tai Shan Memorial College and St. Joseph College joined the forum. The title of the forum was ‘The Policy Address and Financial Budget of the HKSAR Government 2015’. There were 14 teachers and staff assisted in making it a success. The schedule of the program was packed but was commended by all as a well-organized programme. Students’ response was favorable as they treasured the opportunity to interact with students from other schools. They were also well prepared beforehand and therefore were able to participate actively in discussion. Both teachers and students considered the student forum as a valuable tool for learning.

UNESCO: Fostering Global Citizenship Youth Program

In order to educate and support our students to become global citizens, our school joined the Fostering Citizenship Youth Program 2014-2015 organized by UNESCO Hong Kong. On 21st September 2014, our school joined the Opening ceremony of the UN International Day of Peace.

The first part of the school-based program known as ‘Peace Week’ was embarked in school on 22-26 September 2014. Peace Ambassadors started promoting the message of peace to all students during the morning assembly, so that an atmosphere of inner peace with genuine wish for world peace were created in the school environment.

In November 2014, students participated in a photo competition ‘Moments of Peace’ held by UNESCO on promotion the notion of peace. On 24th March 2015, Mr. Sagi Karn, the Consulate General of Israel was invited to give a speech on ‘Israel: From the Land of Milk and Honey to Start Up Nation’ to our Secondary 5 students who gained much insight and understanding of the importance of peace on a country’s development.

Finally, the Peacemakers’ Cultural Celebration was held on 18th April 2015 at the Hong Kong Science Park. 14 students served as Peace Ambassadors engaging in setting up a booth with exhibits and games for the audience. This year the country that we were representing was Switzerland. Through this program, our students learned about peace, global citizenship, respect for diversity of cultures and cooperation.

Provision of Students-Helpers for Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School Sports’ Day

On 26th March, 2015, 20 Paulinians assisted teachers at Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School to run their Sports Day programme at Wan Chai Sports Ground. These students attended a briefing session by Mr. Loi, PE Panel of Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School, on 23th March, 2015. They were then divided into groups and assigned various duties. Teachers of Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School were very pleased to have our students assist them in the smooth running of their Sports Day programame. Our students found the event very meaningful, and it really allowed them to demonstrate the Paulinian 7 C’s. They enjoyed themselves very much and learnt a lot.

Peace Project Learning Support Activity

As part of the programmes to foster global citizenship and education for peace promoted by the UNESCO, our school had the honor of inviting Mr. Sagi Karn, the Consulate General of Israel to deliver a talk, entitled ‘Israel: From the Land of Milk and Honey to Start Up Nation’ to our Secondary 5 students on 24th March 2015 at 9:00 a.m. – 10:20 a.m. Mr. Karn gave an enlightening speech on the struggle and effort of the nation in history and his speech had helped our students to gain a better understanding of the value of peace in both economic and cultural development that affect all aspects of life.

Performance in FireAsia Gala Dinner 2015

On 6th February, 2015, our Chinese Orchestra, Cantonese Opera and Chinese Dance Team were invited to perform for FireAsia Gala Dinner 2015 in HK Convention and Exhibition Center. The students performed a famous opera 《大唐笙歌》 and a beautiful Chaoxian Dance 《吉祥的鼓兒敲起來》which won the applause of all the audiences. It was a memorable event.

The 4th Hong Kong Tri-Nation Netball Tournament

The 4th Hong Kong Tri-Nation Netball Tournament was held at Kowloon Park Sports Centre from 29th January to 1st February, 2015. The netball teams from Chinese Taipei, Thailand and Hong Kong participated in this spectacular annual event. The Opening Ceremony was held on 30th January, 2015. 11 Paulinians took part in the dragon dance performance during the ceremony and they enjoyed themselves immensely.

The Wan Chai Youth Festival 2014

The Wan Chai Youth Festival 2014 Closing Ceremony cum Talent Extravaganza, jointly organized by the Home Affairs Department (Wan Chai District), Wan Chai District Youth Programme Committee and St. James' Settlement, was held successfully at Queen Elizabeth Stadium on 17th January 2015. Our school’s cheerleading team was invited to perform at this mega event. All cheerleaders showed immense enthusiasm and performed energetically. The 20 Paulinians who participated in this splendid event enjoyed themselves enormously.

The Dragon & Lion Dance Extravaganza 2015

The Dragon & Lion Dance Extravaganza 2015, organized by the Hong Kong Dragon and Lion Festival Preparatory Committee, was held in Tsim Sha Tsui on 1st January, 2015. Local and foreign visitors enjoyed this colourful and thrilling festival tremendously, particularly the splendid Chinese Dragon and Lion Dance, Kung Fu performances. The 10 Paulinians who participated in this mega event, which began with an opening speech by Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, Chief Secretary for Administration of the HKSAR, JP, enjoyed themselves immensely.

Hong Kong Award for Environmental Excellence

As the Bronze Award winner of 2013 Hong Kong Award for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE), our school was invited to host the Green School Visit for the 13th Hong Kong Green School Award on 28th November, 2014. Around 80 guests, which included representatives from the Hong Kong Education Bureau, Macau Environmental Protection Department, Environmental Campaign Committee, together with teachers from Macau and Hong Kong primary and secondary schools, came for the visit. The program started with an introduction of the 13th Hong Kong Green School Award. The representative from the EDB then gave a briefing on education for sustainable development through a green school, followed by a presentation by our Paulinians to share some strategies and practices implemented by SPCS in promoting environmental education at school. In the school tour, all guests were very impressed by the large variety of green infrastructure found in SPCS. The afternoon ended with tea refreshments in the Chinese Culture Room. It was a memorable afternoon for everyone.

World Heart Day 14-15

On 16th November, 2014, nine of our students from the Health Club were invited by the St. Paul’s Hospital to take part in the World Heart Day 2014 organized by the Hong Kong College of Cardiology with the theme “Healthy Heart, Start from You”. Our Paulinians actively took part in running a game booth in the Happy Valley Racecourse in order to address the importance of a life-course approach to the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases. It was an enriching experience for them.

Oxbridge Sharing Session

On the 7th November, 2014, admissions tutors from Cambridge, as well as representatives from ARCH Education came to our school to share with our current and prospective Oxbridge applicants on how to perform better in Oxbridge interviews. Ms. Emma Humphries from ARCH first introduced the features and differences between Oxford and Cambridge, as well as what students should expect from these universities. Then, she gave a brief introduction of the four Cambridge admissions tutors and ARCH instructor, who have rich experiences in teaching and admissions in Oxbridge. The students were divided into discipline specific groups according to their subjects of interest, and matching tutors were assigned to each group to share interview skills with students. The tutors simulated interviews which encouraged students to think more about the academically related questions and answer questions skillfully to demonstrate their knowledge. Students found the workshop inspiring and helpful towards their applications to these top universities.

5 November 2014 SPCS Outing: Appreciating the “I” in DIP!

November 2014 was Innotech Month and Hong Kong Science Park hosted Innocarnival, an exhibition that showcased the latest technology in our daily lives. It focused on “Intelligent Living, Quality Living and Green Living.” SPCS students from the AppJamming, CSL and Robotics DIP – Diversified Interest Programme – had the opportunity to extend their interests through exploration, engagement and experience. Feedback from the students were positive: the excursion was interesting, meaningful and fun.

Blood Donation Day

The annual blood donation day was successfully organized by the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Centre on 31st October 2014. The donation procedure started with a haemoglobin test. This was followed by a chat with the nurse and then the actual blood donation. Afterwards, donors were given some refreshments and time to rest. The event ended successfully at 5:00pm. This year, 80 Paulinians (and teachers) participated in this meaningful event, showing their altruistic hearts and concern for the needy.

Gifted Sharing Workshop at Queen’s College
On 25th October, students from our school were invited to participate in the “Gifted Sharing Workshop” organized by Queen’s College. During the workshop, representatives from the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups introduced the two competitions, Odyssey of the Mind and the World GreenMech Contest, to us. Later on, students from Queen’s College shared their prize-winning designs with us. We were impressed by the way they had made use of 18g of Balsa wood, which is a type of light yet strong wood, to create a structure that was capable of withstanding a weight of 800 pounds! They had also made good use of Gigo blocks to build an impressive model that involved scientific ideas. We were greatly inspired by their creativity, persistence and hard work. We even had a chance to make our own structure and building models during the hands-on session. It was a meaningful workshop that allowed students from different schools to exchange ideas and learn from one another.

Science and Technology Seedlings 100 Plan

On 4th October, 2014, Eunice Yiu (5P), Jaime Tsang (5U), Carmen Leung (4S) and Jamie Chan (4P) attended the Graduation Ceremony for the 2nd Batch and Opening Ceremony for the 3rd Batch of Seedlings 100 Plan organized by the Hong Kong Association for the Advancement of Science and Technology. The ceremony commenced with a series of inspiring speeches by the Guests of Honour, who emphasized the significance of science and technology in the modern world and introduced the crux of the programme, which was to ignite a passion for science in students and broaden their horizon. The speeches were followed by the presentation of certificates, a sharing session by the 2nd batch of seedlings and a kick-off ceremony to mark the beginning of a new round of the programme. As the 2nd batch of seedlings, Eunice Yiu and Jaime Tsang were awarded certificates of appreciation for their active participation during the year. They will serve as student mentors in the coming year, offering guidance and support to the new batch of seedlings, which include Carmen Leung and Jamie Chan.

Medical Outreach Programme

On 14th September 2014, a group of 16 Form 5 students volunteered in the “Health Check for Healthy Life”, which was held in HKTA The Yuen Yuen Institute No.3 Secondary School, Tseung Kwan O. It was a charity event organized by Hong Kong Credible Care Volunteers Association and supported by St. Paul’s Hospital and Home Affairs Department. In this event, registered minorities were given basic health assessment free-of-charge and our girls were capable of running the blood pressure stations on their own. In the last school year (during the DIP sessions), our girls had acquired basic medical knowledge from Dr. Chan, our honorary alumni and a practicing physician. The Medical Outreach Program will continue this year and there will be more opportunities for students to put theory into practice as well as serve the community.

Club Moderators' and Officers' Training

On 6th September 2014, a training workshop was organised in the school hall for all teachers, club moderators and officer bearers of all clubs. The workshop began with Mrs. J. Wong briefing everyone on the programmes that would be held to celebrate our 160th Anniversary this year. She then explained the roles and duties of moderators and the major committees. This was followed by a demonstration of our school's webpage and the school intranet system. Then, Miss J Fok and Mrs. M Arriaga gave students instructions on how to prepare their clubs’ bulletin boards and financial statements respectively while Mrs. D. Tam instructed students on the school magazine requirements. Finally, our school social worker, Ms. Shirley Man highlighted different voluntary service movements and encouraged our students to join them. It was a fruitful morning.

Leadership Training Camp

The leadership training camp of 2014-2015 took place on the 23rd to 24th of August, 2014 in the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp. 6 teachers and current Prefects’ Board members joined the newly-elected school prefects for leadership training. School prefects participated in exciting team building games such as dodge ball and bamboo raft construction. Through these activities, the prefects learnt the importance of cooperation in overcoming obstacles. Their confidence and determination to serve the school were also enhanced after the training.

16 Habits of Mind Workshop

On 9th July 2014, our F.4 students participated in a leadership training programme in our school hall. They explored the characteristics of good leaders and learned how to apply the 16 Habits of Mind in their role as young school leaders as well as in their learning.

Report on Student Forum on HKSAR Government 2014 Policy Address and Financial Budget

The PDS Student forum on the 'HKSAR government 2014 Policy Address and Financial Budget' was held on Wednesday, 30th April 2014 from 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. at St. Paul's Convent School. This student forum was the first of its kind in PDS activities in Hong Kong. 42 students, from different schools in Hong Kong, took part in this inter-school event. In addition, 12 other participants, including 3 teachers from Ching Chung Hau Po Woon Secondary School, 2 teachers from HKFYG Lee Shau Kee College, 1 teacher from St. Stephen's Girls College, 4 teachers from St. Paul's Convent School and 2 EDB members, assisted in the activity. Students, who were well prepared for the activity, participated eagerly in the group discussions and were keen to express their views on the various areas of concern. Teachers stated that the student forum was a powerful tool, enabling students to integrate and apply Liberal Studies concepts to the real world. There will be post-event assignments for students at individual schools and teachers will plan joint PDS activities at the student level in the future.

Peacemakers’ Celebration

The Peacemakers' Celebration, organized by the UNESCO Hong Kong, was successfully held on 12 April 2014. This event served not only as the highlight of the ‘Peace for All’ Youth Programme but also offered a valuable inter-cultural platform for different nations and ethnic groups to nurture their sense of global harmony. The opening ceremony kicked off at 11.00 am at the Hong Kong Science Park in Tai Po, with welcoming speeches delivered by our Guests of Honour, followed by each consul from participating countries symbolically placing a figurine on the model of a globe (which was emblematic of humanity’s hopes and efforts to infuse peace all over our global village), as well as a lively band performance. Visitors had a lot of fun visiting the booths, enjoying the peace arts carnival, and attending exhibitions and workshops to learn more about peace from such vital perspectives as the political, cultural, social, individual and ecological perspectives. This year, our student Peace Ambassadors helped to promote global harmony by showcasing the peace-loving culture in Switzerland. Early in the morning, all of them, including our exchange student and a Swiss student, Eleanora and Sophie, arrived at the venue to set up the booth. Guests praised our colourful banners and loved our tasty Swiss chocolates and biscuits. Our Peace Ambassadors were thrilled to introduce Switzerland to our visitors through our self-published e-book. The 'Shooting an Apple' game (inspired by the legend of William Tell) attracted adults and children alike, not to mention the very interesting general knowledge quizzes that enriched their awareness of Swiss culture. Thanks to this event, we realize that peace and harmony is all about respect without borders and barriers. Above all, with borderless love and understanding, a peaceful, safe and fruitful life can become a reachable goal for each and every person on earth.

Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School Sports Day

On 27th March, 2014, twenty Paulinians assisted teachers at Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School to run their Sports Day programme at Wan Chai Sports Ground. These students attended a briefing session by Mr. Loi, PE teacher of Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School, on 19th March, 2014. They were then divided into groups and assigned various duties. Teachers of Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School were very pleased to have our students assist them in the smooth running of their Sports Day programame. Our students found the event very meaningful and one, which truly allowed them to demonstrate the Paulinian 7 C’s. They enjoyed themselves very much and learnt a lot.

Video Conferencing with Bentley Wood High School

On 19 March 2104, we were excited to have a video conferencing session with the Principal, the ICT co-ordinator and the whole team of Digital Leaders of the Bentley Wood High School. We presented, through the Skype, two of our science projects and two student-made ibooks to our audiences. In return, the Digital Leader Team shared with us their works on ibook development and their Concept of “Genius Bar”. We all had a wonderful and fruitful afternoon.

Attending a forum on Constitutional Reform in Hong Kong

On 7th March 2014, 20 Form 5 students and 3 Liberal Studies teachers attended a forum on Constitutional Reform organized by the Hong Kong Federation of Women. The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mrs. Carrie Lam (GBS, JP), addressed the forum, highlighting the principles and importance of constitutional development in Hong Kong. The Chairperson of the Federation, Prof. Peggy Lam (GBS, OBE, JP), and other members and participants actively offered their views on relevant issues. Our students raised thoughtful questions, which helped to enhance their understanding of the reform.

Elderly Service by Chinese Opera Singer

On 24th February, 2014, twelve of our Paulinians, who are Chinese opera singers, visited the residents of the elderly home at Chi Sing Kok (The Immaculate Heart of Mary’s Elderly Home) and performed popular pieces including《香夭》、《幽媾》、《歡樂年年》、《祝福你》for them. The elderly sang along with our Paulinians with great enthusiasm, enjoying themselves immensely. After they had had tea and played games with the elderly, our Paulinians came away with happy hearts.

Hong Kong Tri-Nations Netball Tournament 2014

The Hong Kong Tri-Nations Netball Tournament 2014 was held in Kowloon Park Sports Centre from 20th - 23rd February 2014. The participating teams were from Malaysia, Sri Lanka as well as Hong Kong. The Opening Ceremony was held on 21st February and our school’s Dragon Dance team was invited to perform on this spectacular occasion. The 12 Paulinians who participated in this event enjoyed themselves immensely.

Visit to Joides Resolution Scientific Drillship

On 27th January 2014, 15 Form Five science students were invited to visit the Joides Resolution Scientific Drillship organised by HKUST. Students were given a 40-minute guided tour on board. Various facilities and scientific technology, ranging from mass spectrometry to chromatography, used for analyzing sediment and rock samples, were explained. Special technology such as the dynamical positioning system for stabilizing the vessel while drilling the seabed, was also introduced to our students. The next expedition of the Drillship is to obtain sediments and rock core samples from the seabed of the South China Sea, in order to analyse the tectonic evolution of the South China Sea. Our visit to the ship was indeed an extraordinary learning experience, and we are honoured to be given this valuable opportunity.

Visit to Haeco

On 18th January, 2014, 19 students from the Aerospace Society visited the Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited (HAECO). They were firstly introduced to the day-to-day operation of HAECO and had a deeper understanding about the aircraft engineering and maintenance services. Our students were also given an opportunity to visit the cabin and cockpit of an airbus, and the Van’s aircraft, RV-8. It was an enriching experience and they all had a wonderful time.

The Dragon & Lion Dance Extravaganza 2014

The Dragon & Lion Dance Extravaganza 2014 was held in Tsim Sha Tsui on 1stJanuary, 2014. It was a very colorful, thrilling and joyful event, with hundreds of lively dragons, lions and happy Buddhas parading through the streets of Hong Kong to welcome the new year. Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, Chief Secretary for Administration of the HKSAR, JP, started this mega event with her opening speech. This was followed by the parade, which started on Canton Road and proceeded to the Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Avenue of Stars, ending at the Urban Council Centenary Garden in Tsim Sha Tsui. The 12 Paulinians who participated in this delightful event enjoyed themselves immensely.

The Friends of Jesus’ Passover

“The Friends of Jesus’ Passover” (FOJP) is a group of Chinese Catholic youths who come from Chinese communities all over the world and gather together once a year to spread the message of God to overseas Chinese. To commemorate the 15th anniversary, the FOJP held a grand evangelization concert at Queen Elizabeth Stadium on 30th December 2013. 101 students participated in the rehearsal. Fr. Yan addressed our students, emphasizing the fact that evangelization is our Christian duty. We are all called upon to be missionaries and embrace every opportunity to love, serve and sacrifice for the Holy Father. About two thousand people, some of whom were non-Catholics, participated in the concert, which included singing, drama and the sharing of experiences by those of the Catholic faith. Our students enjoyed leading the songs with movement and actions. Most participants were moved by the sharing and some expressed an interest in exploring the faith further.

Christmas Caroling

The annual Christmas Caroling service is the highlight of the school choir’s calendar. As in previous years, on the invitation of the Regal HK hotel, 65 students, accompanied by three teachers, performed at the hotel on 24th and 25th December. They also performed at the Four Seasons HK hotel on 25th December. Their beautiful singing attracted crowds of people who were delighted with their performance. They all enjoyed the free buffet provided by the hotels afterwards.

Space museum visit

On the 19th December, 2013, 20 students accompanied by 2 teachers visited the Hong Kong Space Museum. The activity was jointly organized by the Aerospace society and the Astronomy Society. During the visit, participants had watched a 3D Dome Show "Wildest Weather in the Solar System". Throughout the movie which lasted for 25 minutes, we had had a vivid experience of the inclement weather of the celestial bodies in the Solar system. After watching the movie, we visited the two halls. There we had learnt more about the history and development of space science and discoveries in astronomy. All of us had had a fabulous experience and also gained much knowledge about astronomy.

Student Conference 2013

On 23 November 2013, 16 Paulinians were invited to join the Student Conference 2013 organized by Hong Kong Academy of Gifted Education to share their study projects with the participants. Eight study projects were selected for the Conference from our school as shown in the table below and our students presented their papers either in concurrent sessions or in a poster exhibition. In the conference, they met new friends and learned a lot from the one another. They had a meaningful day interacting with their peers.

Field of study project Project/Paper title
Creativity in Science and Technology (1) The Joy in Taking Flight
(2) Improvement of Air Quality in Classrooms
(3) Organic Mosquito Repellents
Mathematics in Daily Life Playing a Weighted and Modified Rock-Paper-Scissors Game with Game Theory
Innovations in Information Technology Developing iBooks for Better Learning
Literature Studies and Creative Writing (1) “ME GENERATION” EXPRESSED THROUGH Reverse Poems
(2) Exploring 'Romeo and Juliet' with Kar2ouche - a Fun and Modern Approach
Creative Social Service Projects Entrepreneurship for the Hearing Impaired - Dessert for All

Talk on ‘The Concept of Poverty and the Significance of Social Responsibility in Reducing the Poverty Gap in Hong Kong’

On Wednesday, 20th November 2013, a talk on ‘The Concept of Poverty and the Significance of Social Responsibility in Reducing the Poverty Gap in Hong Kong’ was delivered by renowned speaker, Miss Alvina Chan, who is passionate about helping poor people in Hong Kong. Her motto is ‘Think Cook Save’ and she hopes to deliver the message of love through cooking. Her mission is to serve the community by showing how the food waste from wet markets and corporations can be used to serve the needy. Her innovative ideas certainly made a deep impression on our students! Two teachers from the partner school and two representatives from the Education Bureau also attended the talk.

Visit to SCAD HK

On 8th November 2013, 16 F.4 and F.5 students visited SCAD HK - The University of Creative Careers. During the visit, students were able to meet the Director of Admission, Ms. Virginia Adair Mathis, who showed them around the campus and told them about student life at SCAD. The day ended with a photography workshop, making the visit a very fruitful one.

A2 HKU Business trip

On Monday 28th October, four A-level Business Studies students attended the prestigious 'Edward K Y Chen distinguished lecture series' annual lecture at HKU. This year's lecture was given by Clara Shih, author of 'The Facebook Era' and currently sitting on the board of Starbucks. The theme was 'business transformation in the Facebook era', explaining how customer services, marketing and recruitment have all had to embrace social media and follow the shift in power from the business to the consumer. The lecture, panel discussion, Q&A and hospitality were truly excellent and we hope that even more SPCS students will attend the lecture next year!!

Medical Outreach Programme

Time for medical outreach team to action again! On 27th October 2013, the “Health – Fountain of Happiness” health assessment day was held in the Mong Kok Kai Fong Association Ltd. Chan Hing Social Service Centre, Mong Kok. It was co-organized by the Rotary Club of Kowloon Golden Mile and St. Paul’s Hospital. Our Form 5 girls were capable of running the blood pressure (BP) and bone mass density (BMD) stations on their own with the assistance of nurses from St. Paul’s Hospital. Moreover, our girls enjoyed very much talking to the elderly in need. The Medical Outreach Programme will continue to make more opportunities for our girls to serve the community.

China Cleft Lip Trip

On 27th October 2013, Dr. Candy Chan, Ms C. Fung together with six students participated in the “Forum between Huiyang People’s Hospital and Medical Missions for Children on cleft lip and palate” in Huiyang, mainland China. In this mission, a volunteer surgical team from Medical Missions for Children provided free surgical treatment to under-privileged children with cleft lip and cleft palate. During this trip, our students helped communicate with the patients’ parents and gave them a brief introduction on cleft lip and cleft palate. Besides, the students had the opportunity to observe the diagnostic procedures carried out by doctors and attend the medical forum, which they acquired an understanding of being a doctor in the mission. From this activity, students had an insight about the application of medicine and learnt the essential qualities of being a doctor - Empathy, Passion and Enthusiasm. By the end of the trip, the students agreed that they are blessed with good health and will continue carrying out voluntary work to help other people who are in need.



Donate a Pencil Campaign

The “Because I am a Girl (BIAAG) – Donate a Pencil Campaign” organised by Plan International Hong Kong, was held from 22nd to 31st October. Our school supported this campaign by placing a pencil donation box on the campus and encouraging Paulinians to donate pencils to underprivileged girls around the globe. More than 2700 pencils were donated! We hope this campaign will make all Paulinians aware of the unequal treatment of girls around the world and encourage them to continue to do charity to help the underprivileged in the best way they can.

Talk on “Respecting for Self“ by Generation Life

On 10th October 2013, a young missionary group from Generation Life of USA visited our school and delivered a talk to our F.3 students on the topic of “Respecting for Self and Chastity”. The team traveled the world, encouraging a lifestyle of respect for self and the dignity of others. They explained how to conquer temptations against chastity with which young men and women typically struggle and brought out a biblical reflection on sex and the true meaningful of love. It was a meaningful afternoon.

World Heart Day

On 29th September, 2013, eight of our Form 5 students from the Health Club were invited by the St. Paul’s Hospital to take part in the World Heart Day 2013 organized by the Hong Kong College of Cardiology with the theme “Take the road to a healthy heart”. Our Paulinians actively took part in running a game booth in the Happy Valley Racecourse in order to address the importance of a life-course approach to the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases. It was an enriching experience for them.

Switch on 60 Dreams(「啪著60個夢想」)

The “Switch on 60 Dreams” Campaign, organized by Shun Hing Group, intends to call on students to unleash their creativity and foster the spirit of philanthropy by submitting project plans that promote social integration of the young, the elderly and the disabled. From over one hundred entries, all three proposals submitted by our students were selected. They are Those Days – a Throwback to Their Dreams (「那些年的夢想」), Grooming Cooking Talents with the Hearing Impaired Peers (「甜品夢工場」), and Medical Outreach Support for the Elderly (「支援長者康健人生」). Project leaders, Aeri Lam (6P), Clarissa Lam (6A), Beatrice Mak (6A), Janice Yeung (6U), Noelle Chiong (5S), Jessie Ng (5S), and Alexandra Bacala (5T) attended the award presentation ceremony on Saturday, 28 September, 2013 and received an implementation grant. Congratulations!

Medical Outreach Programme

On 8th September 2013, a group of 12 Form 5 students volunteered in the “Health Check Day 2013”, which was held in Lee On Community Hall, Ma On Shan. It was a charity event organized and sponsored by St. Paul’s Hospital, Shatin Women’s Association and Rotary Club of Shatin. In this event, registered citizens were given basic health assessment free-of-charge and our girls were able to practice how to measure blood pressure (BP) and bone mass density (BMD) using equipment provided by St. Paul’s Hospital. In the last school year (during the DIP sessions), our girls had acquired basic medical knowledge from Dr. Chan, our honorary alumni and a practising physician. The Medical Outreach Programme will continue this year and there will be more opportunities for students to put theory into practice as well as serve the community.

HKIA competition

Eight of our Paulinians won a competition -參觀機場 分享見聞 比賽2012-2013, organized by the HKIA. They were invited to visit Hong Kong International Airport on 28th August, 2013. Setting foot in the control centre of the airport for the first time, they were awed by the numerous rows of large screens on the walls, with all the latest information. What an incredible sight! Then, they visited the area where all the luggage conveyor belts are concentrated. They were also able to have a very close look at the gigantic passenger airplanes. Visiting these areas of the airport was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime experience for these students!

Leadership Training Camp

On 21st -22nd August, 2013, the newly-elected school prefects in 2013-2014 together with 9 teachers and current Prefects’ Board members went to the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp for leadership training. During the camp, the students engaged in various exciting activities such as bamboo raft construction, orienteering and detective game. At the end of the camp, 20 students were elected by school prefects as Prefects’ Board members in the coming year. Prefects’ confidence and determination in serving the school was greatly enhanced after the leadership training.

National Young Astronaut Training Camp 2013 (少年太空人體驗營2013)

Joyce Chan (3S) was among the thirty students selected to represent Hong Kong as young astronauts of the Young Astronaut Training Camp 2013(少年太空人體驗營2013), out of 231 secondary school students. From 26th July to 2nd August 2013, these young astronauts visited Beijing Aerospace Town, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and the National Astronomical Observatories. During the trip, they learnt about China's most up-to-date aerospace technology development. They met the three astronauts of the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft, Jing Haipeng, Liu Wang and Liu Yang, and had a chance to experience the training undertaken by real astronauts, for example wearing the intravehicular spacesuit and tasting space food. They also visited the China spaceport in Jiuquan and the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang. Each young astronaut was presented with an Honor certificate at the end of the trip.

Hong Kong International Airport Educational Visit

On 12th July 2013, the Aerospace Society was glad to participate in the Hong Kong International Airport Educational visit that committed to broadening the horizons of younger generations. The visits consist of a presentation on HKIA, a look at the exhibition about the airport's current and future development, and a tour of airport facilities. We treasure the chance as extensions to the classroom learning.

Careers Talk on Further Studies

On Saturday, 6th July, around 60 Form 4 and 5 students came back to attend an inspirational talk by Ms Elaine Ng, an alumni of our school, about her journey towards studying Law at Cambridge University. Ms Ng shared how she began a ‘secret mission’ since Form 1 to pursue her dream to study in Cambridge and all the steps she took throughout secondary school to turn her dream into a reality. Ms. Ng illustrated university life as a process of individual and proactive learning - ‘It is all about stretching your limits and stepping out of your comfort zone’. She then shared how she overcame obstacles, hardship and uncertainties when she started studying in Cambridge. Through the sharing, Paulinians understood that pursuing dreams, no matter big or small, inevitably requires persistence and perseverance. Her valuable experiences and genuine testimony were truly an inspiration to us all.

Visit by St Paul’s Nursery and St. Paul’s Kindergarten

On the 20th and 21st June 2013, our little sisters from St Paul’s Nursery and St. Paul’s Kindergarten came to visit our Aeroplane Building Room. The moderators explained to them how the aeroplane was built and the big sisters showed them around the room and introduced various parts of the plane to them. They all love the visit telling by the big smiles from their faces.

CUHK Campus Visit

On 19th June, 2013, 215 Form 4 students from our school attended the consultation programme organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Talks and sharing sessions by professors and student ambassadors allowed both JUPAS and non-JUPAS students to have a better understanding of university admission requirements and life at CUHK. After a tour around the campus, students, who had been divided into groups, went to different faculties based on their interest. One group of students visited the Medicine and Science faculties, where they engaged in activities such as a visit to the dissection laboratory and innovative group discussions, while another group of students visited a simulated law court, which heightened their interest in the Law Faculty. On the other hand, some students were introduced to the Faculty of Arts and the diverse subjects it offered, such as Translation and Literature. Others attended motivating lectures by professors from the Engineering and Architecture faculties. The group of students who visited the BBA Faculty were inspired by the professors and CUHK student ambassadors they met there, who shared their valuable experiences of internships and exchange trips with our students. They also learned about the world of finance by visiting the Finance Trading Laboratory. Throughout the brief visit, not only were SPCS students impressed by the welcoming attitude of CUHK professors, staff members and students but they were also able to explore ways in which to exploit their potential when choosing their future careers.

Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School Sports Day

n 18th April, 2013, twenty Paulinians assisted teachers at Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School to run their Sports Day programme at Wan Chai Sports Ground. Teachers of Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School were very pleased to have our students assisted them in the smooth running of their Sports Day programame. Our Paulinians enjoyed themselves very much and learnt a lot. They found the event very meaningful event and one which truly helped them to demonstrate Paulinian 7C’s.

Piano Master Classes and Recital

On 23 March 2013, we were glad that Prof. Lee Kum Sing, Head of the Piano Department at Vancouver Academy of Music and Professor of Piano at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, came to our school with his student, Miss Zhou Tian Yu to give our students Piano Master Classes and to present a piano recital. This momentous event was co-organized with the St. Margaret’s Church and was joined by students of HKBU Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary and Primary School (Secondary Section). The programme began with a welcoming speech from our Principal, Rev. Sr. Margaret Wong which was followed by 12 sessions of Master Classes. Prof. Lee taught our students patiently and the highlights of the day was the piano recital performed by Miss Zhou. Everyone had a fruitful and memorable day.

Peacemakers’ Celebration

The 24th of February 2013 was a day of exceptional peace and love. It was the Peacemakers’ Celebration! The whole event started off with the grand opening ceremony. Our students sang ‘Ode to Joy’ enthusiastically to warmly welcome the guests, including Consulate Generals of different countries and prominent figures, such as Rita Fan, who gave a speech to support the event in which she suggested ways to achieve peace. Click here to view the full article.

Visit to the Immaculate Heart of Mary’s Elderly Home

On 22nd February, 2013, eleven Paulinian Chinese Opera Singers visited the elderly home at Chi Sing Kok (The Immaculate Heart of Mary’s Elderly Home) and performed for the residents there. They sang popular pieces including《拾釵》、《折梅巧遇》、《游龍戲鳳》 to which the elderly sang along enthusiastically. They also had tea and played games together. It was a fun, meaningful and unforgettable afternoon.

Video Conference with Russian students

On 29 January 2013, four of our students participated in a video conference with the student representatives from Municipal Autonomous Establishment of General Education School No. 3 of Russian Federation in Russia. The aim was to learn more about the environmental policies of both schools and local communities. Ms Tamara Savelyeva, our interpreter, helped to translate our discussion from Russian to English, and vice versa. Through the conference, we learnt that Russian students often take trips to nearby national parks and reserves since their country is spacious. They take good care of their environment and enjoy nature. During the sharing session, our students explained the green policy of our school, such as the solar panels on the roof, Classroom of the Future and the chlorella project. All in all, the video conference was very fruitful and successful.

2013 Dragon and Lion Dance Extravaganza

2013 Dragon and Lion Dance Extravaganza was held in January 2013. The participants, including our school Dragon Dance Team members, had created the New Guinness World Record for the Largest Chinese Unicorn Dance.The participants from our school Dragon Dance Team were:

Annisa Wong 2L Natasha Shiu 2LFerra Leung 3TMichelle Cheung 3T
Jessie Ng 4PCherry Lum 4PLily Chiu 4PRachel Kan 4A
Kristie Lo 4USamantha Lau 5SKiran Ho 5A

Peacemakers’ Day

The Peacemakers’ Day, organized by UNESCO Hong Kong Association, was held successfully at The Hong Kong Institute of Education on 10 December, 2012. Participants included students from primary, secondary and international schools. Fourteen Form 4 students from our school took part in this meaningful activity. After the inspiring talk by Ms Cheung Chi Yung, a veteran journalist who frequently travels to zones of emergency. our students gave a presentation on our peace project. They introduced different activities held during the Peace Week at SPCS, such as Dance for Peace and Write for Peace. From this it is evident how peace can be promoted in our daily lives easily through different forms of activities. The Peacemakers’ Day Kick Off Ceremony was held in the afternoon session. After the ceremony with our partner school we had a peace project discussion with Victoria Shanghai Academy. We have chosen to represent Russia and will showcase our findings about Russia at the Science Park on 24thFeburary, 2013 as part of t he Peacemakers’ Celebration. Before the end of the programme, we presented our tentative ideas about our booth on stage. The event has certainly enriched our knowledge about peace and harmony.

World Heart Day

On 7th October, 2012, eleven of our Form 5 students from the Health Club were invited by the St. Paul’s Hospital to take part in the World Heart Day 2012 organized by the Hong Kong College of Cardiology with the theme “One World, One Home, One Heart”. Our paulinians set up a game booth at the Happy Valley Hong Kong Jockey Club to encourage a smart and healthy choice of snacks. They enjoyed this meaningful event while learning the importance on choosing the right snacks which can affect our heart and health.

Habits of Mind in Leadership Training

In the leadership training session held in 21st to 22nd August 2011, our F.5 students together with the new teachers, learned how to apply the 16 Habits of Mind in their learning and teaching.

Helicopter Ride at the Hong Kong Aviation Club

On 15th August 2012, 13 Aircraft Building Team members together with 2 teachers went to the Hong Kong Aviation Club for a helicopter ride. Mr. John Li, the President of the Hong Kong Aviation Club, introduced the aviation theories of helicopters to us and had helicopter rides with us around Hong Kong. We were amazed by the beautiful scenery of the Victoria Harbour and our interests in aviation were reinforced. It was an enjoyable and memorable experience.

eBook development using iBooks Author

During the post examination period, all the F4 students, except those joining the STEM World International Summer Camp School in Imperial College of UK, were engaged in an emerging technology development project using iPad as the mobile learning device. They were guided by teachers to develop their own interactive ebooks, using iBooks Author as the authoring tool, on various topics in Integrated Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Religious Studies, Chinese History, Chinese Language and English Language. They were fully engaged in the development of their own ebooks and found the project creative and inspiring with a lot of fun.

Dance Workshop

On 6 July 2012, we had invited the HK Dance Company to run a Chinese Dance demonstration in the school hall. Through this demonstration, our F. 3-5 students were exposed to different dance techniques and learned to appreciate the beauty of this performing art.

Dragon Dance Performance in the Youth Sports Carnival of Southern District

On 1st May, 2012, our Dragon Dance Team performed in the Youth Sports Carnival of Southern District at Aberdeen Sports Ground. The event was sponsored by the Association of Industries and Commerce of Hong Kong Southern District Limited. The opening ceremony was officiated by Mr. LIU Hon Fai, Chairman of the Association of Industries and Commerce of Hong Kong Southern District Limited, Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR, Hon Jasper Mr. TSANG Yok-sing, JP, President of the Legislative Council of HKSAR, Mr. LAI Tung-kwok, Under Secretary for Security of Security Bureau, Ms. Christine WAI, JP, District Officer (Southern) of Southern District Office, Mr. CHU Ching-hong, JP, Chairman of Southern District Council, Mr. WONG, Chief Inspector of Police, Police Community Relation Officer of Western District Headquarters & Western Police Station, Mr. Sunny WONG Man-kit, MH, Chairman of Southern District Recreation and Sports Association Limited as well as Ms. FUNG Pik Yee (Headmistress), Chairlady of Southern District Joint School Conference. Our Paulinian performers found the experience very memorable and rewarding.

Form Four Students participated in the St. Paul's Hospital Outreach Programme

On the 22nd of April, our school’s St. Paul’s hospital outreach team volunteered in the Heath- Fountain of Happiness organised by Mong Kok Kai Fong Association Ltd. Chan Hing Socal Service centre, Rotary Club of Kowloon Golden Mile and St. Paul’s Hospital. It was a free medical check-up event provided for the elderly living in Mong Kok district. Stations including tests of body fat percentage, blood pressure, bone density, urine and cholesterol, ultrasound examination of abdomen and thyroid gland, as well as eye examination were set up on the day with several students helping out at each station. This offered the students an opportunity to apply the medical knowledge they have learnt during DIP session while serving the community.

Services in Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School Sports Day programme
On 29th March,twelve Paulinians assisted teachers at Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School to run their Sports Day programme at Wan Chai Sports Ground. These students attended a briefing session conducted by Mr. Loi, PE teacher of Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School, on 22nd March. Students were divided into groups and assigned various duties.
Teachers of Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School were very pleased to have our students assisted them in the smooth running of their Sports Day programame. Our Paulinians enjoyed themselves very much and learnt a lot. They found the event very meaningful event and one which truly helped them to demonstrate Paulinian 7C’s. The student helpers were: Kelly Lam, Melissa Lo, Phoebe Chan and Aster Sat of 5T, Isa Hung and Lorraine Fung of 5P, Victoria Chow and Sharon Ng of 5U, Coco Ng and Bernice Lee of 5L, Tiffany Tang of 4U and Claudia Cheung of 4L .
Our Paulinians were ready to assume their duties after receiving the Sports Day programme. There was a mini-relay race for kindergarten students. Competitors took photos with principal and parents after the competition. Our students received certificates of appreciation from Mrs. Lam Chan Yim-chuk, Principal of Sir Ellis Kadoorie (S) Primary School.

3rd Video Conference with St. John's Catholic Comprehensive School

On 21st March, our school hosted the 3rd video conference with St. John’s Catholic Comprehensive School. We were very pleased to have Ms. Giulietta Aquino, Dean of Undergraduate Admission of Mills College to join our video conference on this day. To start with, some elite athletics introduced themselves to our partner school. Then, the gymnastics team coach as well as the dance teacher of our partner school, Ms. Laura Weller and Ms. Rebecca Wallace, led their students to perform a splendid show of gymnastics and creative dancing to us. Our students also made good use of this opportunity to share with them some unforgettable moments of the Inter-Class Dance Competition which was successfully held on 16th March. We showed them a Modern Dance, a Chinese Dance as well as an Oriental Dance performed by F.5T, F3U and F.5S students respectively. We both treasured the happy and memorable moment at the conference and we are all looking forward to the coming video conference in mid April.

Modern Dance - Mist of F.5T Chinese Dance - 白雪楊春 of F.3U Oriental Dance - Jhoom ke Dance (India) of F.5S
Students were attentive when listening to the presentation by our partner school. MC: Karen Chung of 5T and Shelomith Leung of 4T. Ms. Giulietta Aquino, Dean of Undergraduate Admission of Mills College joined our video conference.

2nd Video Conference with St. John's Catholic Comprehensive School

On 7th March, our school hosted the 2nd video conference with St. John’s Catholic Comprehensive School. 12 members of the Professional Development School (PDS) attended this conference to share the use of cross-border activities to enhance the learning and teaching in school. To start with, the music teacher of our partner school, Ms. Amy Nitschke, led her school choir to perform the singing of the ‘Olympic Dream’ and they also introduced their hometown (Kent) to us. Our students made use of this opportunity to share the memorable moment on Sports Day with them. We both found that the conference was held successfully and we are all looking forward to the coming video conference in late March.

Students were attentive when listening to the presentation by our partner school. Members of Professional Development School joined our video conference. MC: Karen Chung of 5T
and Lois Choy of 4T

Performance in FireAsia Gala Dinner 2012

On 10th February, 2012, our Chinese Orchestra, Cantonese Opera and Chinese Dance Team were invited to perform for FireAsia Gala Dinner 2012 in HK Convention and Exhibition Center. The students performed a famous opera called The Romance of the Phoenix Chamber (鳳閣恩仇未了情) and a beautiful Korean Dance which won the applause of all the audiences. It was a memorable event.

Video Conference with St. John's Catholic Comprehensive School

On 8th February, our school hosted a video conference with our partner school, St. John's Catholic Comprehensive School, as part of the London 2012 International Education Programme. To commemorate the London 2012 Olympic Games, we wrote a song called 'Olympic Dream' and the programme started with our singing and performance to our partner school, in front of another 24 delegates from United Kingdom. Another team of our Paulinians performed Tai Chi Fan and Tai Chi Chuan leaded by our teachers. We both found that the programme enjoyable and we are all looking forward to the coming video conference in early March.

MC: Aleena Wong of 5A
and Cheryl Chong of 5P

Students enjoyed the singing of the
'Olympic Dream'.

Mrs. Dutta and Mrs. Diskin joined
our students to perform Tai Chi.

Adult Cardio-Pulmonary Course (ACPR) and Automated External Defibrillation Provider Course (AED)

HK St. John Ambulance has conducted the "ACPR & AED Certificate Course" in our school on 2 February 2012. The course was very practical and has equipped students with formal First-Aid knowledge so that they can apply it in their daily life, community service or school activities when necessary. On completion of the course, students had attended an examination and received the First-Aid certificate. Below are some snapshots.

Dragon Dance Performance in Inaugural 2012 Lion Dance Competition (2012少年英雄獅王爭霸戰)
The Inaugural 2012 Lion Dance Competition for children and adolescence held at Citywalk, Tsuen Wan, on 15th January, 2012. Our school dragon dance team gave a performance in this spectacular event.

Performance in the Immaculate Heart of Mary's Elderly Home
On 10th January 2012, seven Form 1 and 2 Paulinian Chinese Opera singers were invited by the Helena May to perform for the old ladies at the Immaculate Heart of Mary’s Elderly Home for the Chinese New year. Our students gave a wonderful Chinese Opera show and played games with the elderly. Both the old ladies and our students had a lot of fun. Students found this activity very meaningful and all of us enjoyed it very much.

2012 Hong Kong Dragon and Lion Dance Extravaganza (2012香港龍獅節)
On 1st January, 2012, our dragon dance team participated in the 2012 Hong Kong Dragon and Lion Dance Extravaganza. There was a new Guinness World Record for 88 Dragons Display. The performance was successful and our members had a lot of fun in this meaningful event.

Christmas Caroling
On 23rd, 24th and 25th December 2011, our Catholic Choir was glad to be invited by the Regal Hotel and Four Seasons Hotel for Christmas Caroling. The caroling was very successful and our choir members had a lot of fun in this meaningful event.

The Hong Kong Girl Guides 95th Anniversary Grand Parade
On 20 November 2011, our Dragon Dance Team performed for The Hong Kong Girl Guides 95th Anniversary Grand Parade in Hong Kong Stadium . The opening ceremony was officiated by Chief Executive Mr. Donald Tsang which was followed by a series of performances. Our Paulinians found the experience very memorable and entertaining.

Canadian Education Fair
We were delighted to host the Canadian Education Fair on 5 and 6 November, 2011. Along with the Canadian Consulate, representatives of 25 leading institutions provided parents and students with detailed information regarding the education system in Canada. Our student volunteers offered their help at the booths as well as seminar room (G7) on both days. Everyone was impressed.
Through the event, visitors were able to learn more about further studies in Canada, including the application process to Canadian high schools and universities, the international opportunities offered there and how to write good personal statements.
Undoubtedly, the Canadian Education Fair gave students new insights into taking diversified pathways to pursue their goals in the future.

Visitors from Singapore
On 1 November 2011, 36 dance team members and 4 teachers from Woodgrove School of Singapore visited our school. Our hospitality team greeted them with a school introduction which was followed by the performance of our Chinese Dance and Modern Dance team in the school hall. The Singaporean students also demonstrated their Modern Dance to our students. After taking the group photos, dancers of both schools had tea and snacks together in the garden to exchange their dance and school life experience. It was a memorable day.

Growing Together
‘Growing Together’ is a project organised by British Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by HSBC. SPCS has been selected as one of the 20 schools to pilot the program. ‘Growing Together’ brings greenness to schools in Hong Kong; but more importantly, it encourages cooperation and interflow of knowledge between schools, promoting cultural exchange and mutual understanding. On October 6th, representatives from our school participated in the project’s launching ceremony held at South Island School. In the near future, we will pair with an ESF school to share ideas and experience of running the microgardens.

On 23rd September, 2011, our Junior Choir, Chinese Dance Team, dancers of F.2P and F.2T were invited to perform for HK Chinese Orchestra in《天籟傳情》音樂會 and《中國民族民間文化廊》in HK Cultural Center. The event aimed at promoting the culture of China's ethnic minority groups. Our school has introduced Qiang zu (羌族) through display boards, dance and music. It was a rewarding experience.

ECA Club Moderators' and Officers' Training
On 3rd September, 2011, a training workshop was run in the school hall for all house moderators, club moderators and clubs’ officer bearers. The workshop began by Mrs. J. Wong who explained the roles and duties of different committee members and reminded them the important issues to run a club successfully. Miss G. Ng and Mrs. W Cheung then taught students how to prepare their clubs’ bulletin board and homepage respectively. Mr. A. Lai presented the new and existing features of the SPCSSTARS system in our school intranet so that students can keep their learning profile up-to-date. Ms. P. Kwan explained how to prepare the financial statements and Mrs. D. Tam explained how to submit relevant information for the school magazine. Our school social worker, Ms. Yvonne Lau, also introduced students to the volunteer movements of the SWD and encouraged them to participate actively in these activities.

Oxford Physics Enhancement Programme
From 4-11 July 2011, we were glad to have The Senate House Education Center and Dr. Wing Lau, Head of Physics Mechanical Group, Oxford University, to deliver a Physics Enhancement Programme to our students. During the course, Dr. Lau gave lectures on physics topics like nuclear energy, renewable energy as well as The Big Bang Theory. Students were taught as university students and have learnt a lot of things which were out of the frame. At the end of the course, they completed a project on 'Innovation for Conservation'. A Project Presentation session was conducted on 8 July. The judges for the Project Presentation included Professor Chi-Ming Chan (Chair Professor of the Department of Chemical & Bio-molecular Engineering, HKUST), Dr. Ng Cho-Nam (Associate Professor of Geology, HKU) and Dr. Stephen Tommis (Executor Director of the HK Academy for Gifted Education). The presentation was very successful. The judges were delighted to have a school tour to the Classroom of the Future and Aeroplane Building Room after the presentation. On 11 July 2011, Dr. Lau further coached our students a debate on “Nuclear Power”. It is truly a very valuable learning experience for all of us.

Train-the-trainer Workshops on Smart Internet Use
To promote positive attitudes and values of using the Internet, more than seventy F.6 and F.4 students were recruited to join the Train-the-trainer Workshops on Smart Internet Use. These student leaders have attended a 2-days training session on 22 & 23 July 2011, conducted by social workers from HK Federation of Youth Growth. They were trained how to use the WISE-NET Activity Kit to teach Junior Form students (F.1-3) the proper use of Internet including aspects of proper attitudes of Internet Use, Internet addiction, time management, Internet Crime and copyright issue, cyber bullying and improper content.
The student leaders were divided into 18 groups and assigned to different classes of F.1-3. They prepared interactive lessons with presentations, role plays, debates and games for their schoolmates on 4 -7 July 2011. Student leaders found the learning process very interesting, meaningful and useful to their personal growth.

Talks on Smart Internet Use
A series of talks were arranged in the hall for our students during the post-examination period to foster their proper attitudes and values of Internet use and to equip them with knowledge of internet crimes and copyright issues. They found them very useful.
1. Talk on "Personal data privacy & you - 認識個人資料私隱的保障" by Ms. Vicky LAU, Acting Corporate Communications Officer (Education), Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data on 4th July 2011
2. Talk on "Internet Crime" by Ms. Anita Cheuk Pui Kwan, Woman Sergeant, Technology Crime Prevention Unit Technology of the Hong Kong Police Force on 5th July 2011
3. Talk on "Talk on Inappropriate Content on the Internet" by Mr. Philip Shiu, Project Officer of Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority on 6th July 2011

Introduction to First-Aid & CPR Certificate Course
HK St. John Ambulance has conducted an “Introduction to First-Aid & CPR Certificate Course” in our school on 4 July and 5 July 2011. The course was very practical and has equipped students with standard First-Aid knowledge so that they can apply it in their daily life, community service or school activities when necessary. On completion of the course, students have attended an examination and a qualified First-Aid certificate will be granted after they passed the examination. Below are some snapshots.

Habits of Mind in Leadership Training
On 23rd June, 2011, our F.4 students gathered together in the Leighton Hill Community Hall for the leadership training programme. They learned how to apply the 16 Habits of Mind in their role as the young leaders since some of them will be elected as the school prefects in the new school year.

Linking Hearts, Linking Community
In March 2011, a devastating 9-magnitude earthquake has struck Japan. Aiming to lend a helping hand to the victims in Japan, our school, together with SPCS primary school section, SPCS kindergarten and SPCS Nursery, launched a fund-raising campaign on 1st April -“Linking Hearts, Linking Community”. To support the campaign, students collected used paper such as advertising flyers and magazines to fold as many hearts as they could. For each heart folded, sponsors donated $2 or more. We spread the action throughout the community including parents and other family members so that everyone had an opportunity to lend a helping hand to Japan. It also helped connect our community, and at the same time, increased our environmental awareness by recycling used paper. Finally, a total amount of $591,651 was raised and was donated to Caritas so that they will send to Japan. Before the program ended, representative from World Wide Fund for Nature delivered a talk about "Low Carbon Living" to remind us how to protect our environment. It was a fruitful day.

A talk on 'Communication Skills' (溝通令你的人生更精彩)
A talk on 'Communication Skills' (溝通令你的人生更精彩) was held in our school hall on 13th April, 2011. We are much honored to have Dr. Ho Wai Chi Vichy, from the University of HK, to come and share with our students his interesting life experience when interacting with different people. He also emphasized the importance of expressing oneself with honesty and metaphor. The talk was enlightening, interesting and very useful to our students.

Seminar on “Grantham Scholars of the Year” Award 2010-11
The seminar on “Grantham Scholars of the Year” Award 2010-11 was held in our school on 4th April, 2011. More than 60 students who had been shortlisted for the final interview of the captioned Award attended the seminar, with Claudia Cheung and Loretta Fan of F.6P serving as MCs. The guest of honour, the Honorable Leung Chun-ying, GBS, JP, conducted a comprehensive talk on ‘Hong Kong Youths in The New World’. There was also a general introduction on the Grantham Scholarships Fund and the Grantham Scholars of the Year Award. Guests and participants interacted actively during the refreshment session held after the seminar, which brought the event to an enjoyable and fruitful close.
The Guest Speaker, Mr. Leung Chun-ying was delivering his inspiring speech ‘Hong Kong Youths in The New World’ to the audience
Presentation of souvenir to the Guest Speaker, the Honorable Leung Chun-ying, GBS, JP, by Mr Wong Kwan-yu, MH, Member of the Grantham Scholarships Fund
Group photo of guests and participants from schools on HK Island

A talk on China's Twelfth Five Year Plan by Mrs. Rita Fan
On 1st April, we are honoured to have Mrs. Rita Fan Hsu Lai-tai GBM GBS CBE JP, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, visited our school and delivered a talk to our students on China's Twelfth Five Year Plan. She introduced the main ideas of the Plan and explained how it is related to the development of Hong Kong. Mrs. Fan also dialogued with our Paulinians during the Q&A session. Students benefied a lot from the sharing and discussion especially on how to equip themselves for the better future of Hong Kong and China.

Harvest Day
To promote the concept of Sustainable Development, the Conservancy Club jointly organized the “Harvest Day” with the Prefects’ Board and SPCS Parent-Teacher Association on 19th March 2011. It was a joyous occasion for the participating families to celebrate their harvest from the previously held “Plant a plant @ home” project. All participants had a fantastic time in the workshops on herbs cooking and dry flower decorations making. The highlight of the day was the tour around the school on its green facilities after a talk on home-planting and sharing on Green Education and activities in SPCS. It was a great celebration filled with food and love.

The Hong Kong Dragon and Lion Dance Festival 2011
The Hong Kong Dragon and Lion Dance Extravaganza organized by the Hong Kong Dragon and Lion Festival Preparatory Committee was held on 1st January, 2011 in Tsim Sha Tsui. 1,111 dragons and lions performed in this mega event and broke the previous Guinness World Record for the Largest Lion Dance Display in Hong Kong. The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr. Tang Ying-yen, GBM, GBS, JP delivered the opening speech and marked the start of the 1st Hong Kong Dragon and Lion Dance Festival 2011. The parade started from Canton Road to Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Avenue of Stars, and ended at Urban Council Centenary Garden in Tsim Sha Tsui. Eleven paulinians participated in this fascinating event. They all enjoyed it very much.

During the Christmas holidays, the School Choir was honored to be invited by the Regal Hotel, Four Seasons Hotel and Ocean Park to go for caroling on the 24th,25th and 28th of December. The caroling was very successful. Our choir members had learned a lot and had fun in the experience.

On 12th November, 2010, a group of teachers and students (who are studying Visual Art or ICT and members of Multimedia Club or Photography & Video Society) visited SCAD HK. They were first given a talk about SCAD including its admission procedures and careers prospects. Then, students were divided into 2 groups to attend two different workshops namely Digital Photography, conducted by Prof. Steven Aishman, and Digital Animation, conducted by Prof. Connie Seed. Both the talk and workshops were enlightening and useful to the students. They learned more about the career of Creative Design and this new university. The visit was ended by a school tour. It was a wonderful experience to all of us.

Eco Expo Asia 2010

On 6th November, 2010, 25 of our students, members of the Parent-Teacher Association and 3 teachers visited the Eco Expo Asia 2010, an International Trade Fair on Environmental Protection at the Asia-World Expo. Students and parents were introduced to different categories of worldwide environmental conversation exhibits including air quality, energy efficiency & energy, waste management & recycling and eco-friendly products. They had also experienced a 5-minute test ride of electric vehicles. It was a valuable experience for all.

The Red Cross Blood Donation

The Red Cross Blood Donation was successfully held on 15th October, 2010 (Friday). On that day, 86 students, teachers and staff donated their blood for this worthy cause- look at the joyful faces of our Paulinians while giving blood!

A workshop on Photography Appreciation by SCAD HK

On 13th October, 2010, we were very glad to have Prof. Steven Aishman, SCAD HK, and his students to come to our school to deliver a workshop on Photography Appreciation. The workshop was conducted in the Classroom of the Future. It was began by Ms. Jesse Bowley Schlabach, the Associate Director of Recruitment, who explained to our students different study programmes in SCAD (The University of Creative Careers) and the career prospect. Then our students were engaged in an inspirational learning journey of creative photography prepared by Prof. Aishman and his students. After the talk, our principal, Rev. Sr. Margaret toured our guests around our school and had a cup of tea in the Synergy Corner together. It was a memorable and enjoyable afternoon.

"The Scent of Herbs" & "Physics in Motion" at Ocean Park

On 6th October, 2010, our Organic Farming students and F. 5 Physics students went to Ocean Park for the interactive education programmes "The Scent of Herbs" and "Physics in Motion" respectively. The Physics students got on different mechanical rides including The Dragon, Mine Train, The Abyss, Crazy Galleon, Cable car and Ocean Park Tower to do experiments on the Theory of Motions. The Organic Farming students had attended talks and planted herbs. It was a memorable experience for all. Below are some snapshots of the activity.

World Heart Day 2010 - Eat Smart @ Work

On 3rd October, 2010, six of our Form 5 and 6 students from the Health Club were invited by the St. Paul’s Hospital to take part in the World Heart Day 2010 org